1 DISTRICT CONTROL ROOM COLLECTORATE, ANANTHAPURAMU Email: [email protected], Land: 08554-220009, Mobile: 8500292992 Media Bulletin No. 19 Date: 14/04/2020 (04.00 PM) A) Highlights: Hon’ble Chief Ministers Message : ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe, Respect Lockdown’ As of now two new cases have been identified from yesterday 06.00 PM to today 09.00 AM. Cumulative Positive case details as mentioned below. Patient District Town Age(Y) Gender Travel / Contact Details Date of No. Reporting Close Contact of Mecca 1 Anantapur Lepakshi 9 M 29.03.2020 Returnee in Karnataka 2 Anantapur Hindupur 36 F Mecca Returnee 29.03.2020 Primary contact of Mecca Returnee (Died on 3 Anantapur Hindupur 60 M 04.04.2020 04.04.2020 at GGH, Ananthapuram) Hindupur, Housing Primary Contact of No.3 4 Anantapur 29 M 05.04.2020 Board Colony Patient(SON) Hindupur, Housing Primary Contact of No.3 5 Anantapur 85 F 05.04.2020 Board Colony Patient(Mother) Hindupur, Driver of Ambulance of No.3 6 Anantapur 32 M 05.04.2020 Mukkidipeta Patient Anantapur, Senior Resident Doctor who 7 Anantapur Ramnagar ,2nd 30 M 08.04.2020 treated No.3 Patient cross Anantapur Anantapur, Jesus House Surgeon who treated 8 24 M 08.04.2020 Nagar No.3 Patient Anantapur, 80 Ft Staff Nurse who has given 9 Anantapur 33 F 08.04.2020 Road,Sri Nagar nursing care to No.3 Patient Anantapur Anantapur, Sai Staff Nurse who has given 10 31 F 08.04.2020 Nagar nursing care to No.3 Patient Anantapur Hindupur, Close Physical Contact with 11 39 M 08.04.2020 Mukkidipeta confirmed case Anantapur Hindupur, Close Physical Contact with 12 36 M 08.04.2020 Mukkidipeta confirmed case Anantapur Kalyanadurgam, 13 70 M Patient Died on 07.04.2020 08.04.2020 Manirevu(v) 14 Anantapur Kothacheruvu 58 M Others 09.04.2020 Anantapur Lakshminarasayy 15 a colony, 24 F Staff Nurse in GGH 09.04.2020 Anantapuramu Anantapur Pulakunta(Panch 16 ayat), 48 F Local Contact 13.04.2020 Hindupur(m) Anantapur 7 Hills 17 Colony,Naik 32 F She treated Patient no.13 13.04.2020 Nagar, Anantapur Anantapur Mukkidipeta, 18 36 M Delhi Returnee 14.04.2020 Hindupur Anantapur Dr.No.3-1-6, Primary Contact of Patient 19 21 F 14.04.2020 Hindupur no.6 Anantapur RTC Colony, Primary Contact of Patient 14.04.2020 20 49 M Hindupur no.16 Anantapur 3rd Road, 14.04.2020 21 35 F Doctor in Microbiology Lab Ananthapuramu 2 DETAILS OF THE POSITIVE CASES AS ON 14.04.2020 Positive Cases District Name Death Positive Alive Total Cases Ananthapuramu 19 2 21 Containment Zones Details No. of No. of Name of No. of HH in Sl.N Containmen No. of Date of Mandal/ULB Check Containment Containment o. t Zones (Red clusters Enforcement Posts Zones Zone Zone) Tippu khan 2 Street & 31.03.2020 643 Periphery HB Colony & 2 04.04.2020 1194 Periphery Hasnabad & 1 Hindupur ULB 1 5 2 04.04.2020 896 Periphery 2 Mukkidipeta 05.04.2020 878 2 MF Road 11.04.2020 976 RTC II colony, Hindupur 2 1 1 2 Pulakunta 13.04.2020 164 Rural Panchayath Lepakshi 3 Lepakshi 1 1 2 29.03.2020 2538 Village 2 Ram Nagar 08.04.2020 355 2 Sai Nagar 08.04.2020 398 2 Maruthi Nagar 08.04.2020 280 Ananthapura Lakshmi 190 4 6 6 mu ULB 2 Narasaiah 09.04.2020 (Rural-45 colony Urban-145) 7 Hills Colony, Naik 2 Nagar(ward no. 13.04.2020 380 45, 46, 48 & 49) 2 3rd Road, 14.04.2020 Manireuv(V), Kalyanadurga 5 1 1 2 Kalyanadurgam 08.04.2020 340 m (M) 6 Kothacheruvu 1 1 2 Kothacheruvu 09.04.2020 3621 TOTAL 11 15 30 12,853 3 1. Sample collection centers Details (By DM & HO) at 8.30 pm on 14.04.2020 Up to Samples Total No. of Name of the Collection No. of Result Sl. No. Previous collected Samples negati center Positives awaiting day today Cumulative ves GGH 1 748 52 800 9 603 188 Ananathapur(VRDL) District Hospital 2 480 11 491 12 249 230 Hindupur RDT Hospital Bathalapalli 3 237 67 304 0 277 27 (18 Mobile Van Collections) TOTAL 1465 130 1595 21 1129 445 2. Hospital Admission details (CoViD Suspects) No of No of Sl. Total No. of No. of Name of the Hospital Admissions up Admissions Net No. admissions discharges to previous day today 1 GGH Ananathapur 264 3 267 250 17 District Hospital 2 35 2 37 33 4 Hindupur Saveera Hospital, 3 10 4 14 0 14 Ananthapuramu TOTAL 309 9 318 283 35 3. Foreign/Delhi Returnees Details FOREIGN RETURNEES DELHI RETURNEES Description Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total. No. of 465 424 860 42 221 263 Returnees No of Returnees 436 424 860 8 40 48 under Home isolation No of Returnees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hospitalized No.of Returnees in 0 0 0 1 5 6 Quarantine Centers A)Home Quarantine duration FRs within < 14 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 FRs within 15 – 28 69 77 146 9 45 54 days FRs who have 355 359 714 0 0 0 completed 28 days B)Returnee Contacts No. of Returnee 0 0 0 33 176 209 Contacts identified No. of Returnee Contacts under 0 0 0 33 176 209 Home isolation No. of Returnee Contacts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hospitalized 4 C)Returnees Contacts Home Quarantine duration Population within < 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 days Population within 15 – 0 0 0 33 176 209 28 days 28 days completed 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.Stock position Surgical Delivery S.No LOCATION PPE N95 Masks Gloves Kit HIV Kit D - 107000 1 CDS 3426 7244 98524 2844 60 L - 56500 2 DM&HO 672 92 10230 7897 193 25 3 DH Hindupur 15 61 115 7500 0 0 4 GGH 169 2247 5914 15700 10 0 5 KIMS SAVEERA 580 261 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 4847 9905 1,14,783 1,94,597 3047 85 5. Persons admitted in Quarantine centers: Total No. of Quarantine centers : 32 No. of Rooms : 2005 Bed Capacity : 7,315 No. of Beds available at present : 3746 No. of Quarantined People rooms with Sl. Total bed Name & Address of center common Tod No. capacity Cumulative toilets ay available CRIT College of Engg., Rachanapalli, 1 108 324 13 73 Ananthapuramu Mandal PVKK Engg College, Alumur Road 2 90 816 6 6 Ananthapuramu Balayogi Gurukula Girls Residential School, 3 40 150 0 17 Renimakulapalli Road, Uravakonda. Railway institute, Near Railway station 4 3 40 0 5 Guntakal 5 CVRT Engg College, ATP road, Tadipatri 50 200 0 3 Govt., Polytechnic College,(New & Old 6 Building) Guttakindapalli, Dharmavaram 30 200 0 4 Town 7 BITS Engg College, Hindupur 25 250 0 26 8 Sapthagiri College Hostel Hindupur town, 48 250 0 40 Satya Sai Degree College, Behind M.P.D.O 9 23 200 0 14 office, Penukonda AP Model School Hostel Building 10 23 200 0 19 Kambadur Road ,Kalyandurg 11 SC Boys Hostel, Near Saidapuram, Kadiri 30 200 0 11 12 TTDC, Near Eenadu office 5 100 0 42 13 RH Building, SS Hospital, Puttaparthy 0 40 1 22 TOTAL 475 2970 20 282 5 6. Details of Isolation wards Non Available No.of Isolation ICU Total S.No Institution ICU Ventilator wards/rooms Beds Beds Beds Beds s GGH, 1 25 14 175 214 30 Ananthapuramu 1 ward Super Speciality 2 Hospital, 20 16 30 66 16 Ananthapuramu 22 rooms District Hospitals, 3 10 0 0 10 2 Hindupur 1 ward Total 2 wards / 55 30 205 290 48 22 rooms 7. CoViD-19 District Hospitals Preparedness MEDICAL Non ICU ICU Isoltion Slno Hospital Line Ventilators OXYGEN Beds Beds Beds CYLINDERS Indicative List of Hospitals 1 KIMS Saveera 1st Line 90 32 0 12 93 2 RDT Hospital, BTP 2nd Line 306 10 6 5 40 3 GGH Anantapuramu 3rd Line 125 14 25 25 6 4 District Hospital 4th Line 92 0 8 4 46 5 Dr. YSR Hospital 5th Line 50 8 0 2 5 6 Chandra Hosptial 6th Line 60 6 0 2 10 Sub Total 723 70 39 50 200 Other Private Hospitals Notified 7 Care & Cure Hospital 38 10 0 2 2 8 Divya Sree Hospital 50 11 0 2 8 9 Sri Pragna Hospital 38 8 0 2 3 10 Sri Amaravathi Hospital 41 6 0 2 10 Sub Total 167 35 0 8 23 Grand Total 890 105 39 58 223 Saveera Institute of Medical Scienes Pvt. Ltd., Srinagar S.No District Ananthapuramu Colony Extension, Anantapuramu Patients Daily Status 1 Total number of patients admitted as on morning 11 2 Number admitted today 2 3 Number of patients who are stable 13 4 Number of patients in ICU 0 5 Numberof patients discharged today 0 6 Number of deaths (if any) 0 7 Total number admitted by evening (1+2-5-6) 13 8. District Control Room. Phone: 08554-277434, 08554-220009, 8500292992 Incoming Calls Outgoing Sl.No. Date Total Medical Non- Medical Calls Related Calls Calls 1 03.03.2020 1 0 1 2 2 04.03.2020 6 0 4 10 3 05.03.2020 4 0 2 6 4 06.03.2020 5 0 4 9 5 07.03.2020 3 0 2 5 6 6 08.03.2020 3 0 2 5 7 09.03.2020 4 0 3 7 8 10.03.2020 4 0 3 7 9 11.03.2020 4 0 3 7 10 12.03.2020 5 0 4 9 11 13.03.2020 5 0 4 9 12 14.03.2020 6 0 5 11 13 15.03.2020 12 0 10 22 14 16.03.2020 2 0 1 3 15 17.03.2020 3 0 2 5 16 18.03.2020 12 0 9 21 17 19.03.2020 28 0 25 53 18 20-03-2020 25 0 22 47 1 21.03.2020 34 0 30 64 2 22.03.2020 38 3 35 76 3 23.03.2020 44 1 40 85 4 24.03.2020 88 5 85 178 5 25.03.2020 92 1 86 179 6 26.03.2020 90 11 95 196 7 27.03.2020 61 1 55 117 8 28.03.2020 65 3 63 131 9 29.03.2020 4 5 7 16 10 30.03.2020 60 19 75 154 11 31.03.2020 62 8 64 134 12 01.04.2020 57 7 59 123 13 02.04.2020 43 7 47 97 14 03.04.2020 49 13 56 118 15 04.04.2020 39 5 39 83 16 05.04.2020 27 9 34 70 17 06.04.2020 27 7 31 65 18 07.04.2020 27 8 30 65 19 08.04.2020 35 9 41 85 20 09.04.2020 33 1 30 64 21 10.04.2020 47 6 5 58 22 11.04.2020 19 8 0 11 23 12.04.2020 25 3 0 28 24 13.04.2020 45 5 0 50 25 14.04.2020 30 6 4 40 Total 1273 151 1117 2525 CoViD-19 DASHBOARD(STATE CONTROL ROOM) PETITIONS AS ON 14.04.2020 AT 4.00 PM Action taken by concerned Total Received Total Pending officer 1334 1175 159 1)Control Room Started on 03.03.2020 at DM & HO office.
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