; iU.A.^. 9', ' t 2>i\ A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE R T H P T E R A. BY W. R KIRBY. VOL. I. ORTHOPTERA EUPLEXOPTERA, CURSORIA, ET GRESSORIA. (FORFICULIDiE, HEMIMERID^, BLATTIDi^, MANTID.^, PHASMID^.) LONDON: PllINTEl) BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. SOLD BY E.G. LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, ; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY; DULAU & CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. KEGAN PAUL & Co., 43 GERRARD STREET, W.; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W, ] 1)04. .1// r'mlits rcservrd. ALERE '^ FLAMMAM, PRINTED BY TAYLOE AND FEANCIS, EED LION COURT, FLEET SFREET. P E E F A C E. During the last few years the Orthoptera of the British Museum have been reaiTanged throughout by Mr. W. F. Kirby, and now fill 38 cabinets, exclusive of the British collection. In order to carry out this work, Mr. Kirby found it necessary to prepare a complete Catalogue of the Order, which the Trustees have decided to publish in its entirety, believing that it will be found extremely useful to students of Entomology, especiallv as no recent or complete catalogues of most of the families exist. In 1892 the number of described species of Orthoptera was estimated at 8000, but this number has since been largely increased ; and Mr. Kirby has himself described numerous new species, chiefly in the ' Annals and Magazine of Natural ' History ' and in the Transactions ' of the Zoological and Entomological Societies, during the progress of his work. The tvpes of these species are all in the British Museum, with the exception of a few (chiefly African) in the collection of Mr. W. L. Distant. The most important special collections of Orthoptera in the British Museum are those formed for the preparation of the ' Biologia Ceutrali-Americana,' of which the families Forjiculidce, Blattidce, Mantidce, Gri/Uidce, and Fhastjonuridce have already been received ; the De Bormans collection of Iv P n E F A C E. ForficuJulce ; and the collt'ctions forniod by the collectors attached to scientific expeditions to Christmas Island, the Hawaiian Islands, Socotra, and tin; West Indies (especially St. Vincent and Grenada), and described in the Reports published relative to those expeditions. The present volume includes five families of Orthoptera, and it is expected that the remaining three will be completed in one (or at most two) more volumes. The pattern adopted for this Catalogue has been that of Mr. Kirby^s unofficial ' Catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata,' published in 1890. Special thanks are due to Prof. E. B. Poulton for allowing the types of Blattidw described by Walker from the collection of the late W. W. Saunders, and now in the Hope Museum at Oxford, to be compared with the British Museum Collection, which has made it possible to determine at least the generic position of nearly the whole of "Walker's Blattida). Mr. Kirby also wishes to thank Messrs. Bolivar, Bruner, Burr, Caudell, and Rehn for early copies of their papers, some of which might otherwise not have reached him in time to be quoted in this volume. E. BAY LAKKESTER, Director. British Museum (Natukai, History), London, S.W. Novoiiiber Ttli, 1904. — INTEODUCTION. In submitting the first volume of a general Catalogue of Ortlioj)tera to the Entomological public, it appears desiraljle to make some remarks on the most important recent works on the families included in it, and on the general arrangement of the Collection. Eight principal families of Ortlioptera are recognized in the present work, of which the first five Fovfindida-, IlemhneriJw, J3lattidce, Mantida', and Phasmidce (or Earwigs, Cockroaches, Praying Insects or Soothsavers, and Stick Insects or J^pectre Insects, including the so-called AValking Leaves) —are catalogued in this volume. Of these the Foi'pcididcc, Ulattidcc, and Mantidw of Mexico and Central America have been monographed by De Bormans, De Saussure, and Zehntner in the ' Biologia Centrali-Americana.' The whole of the Ortlioptera in the British Museum were arranoed, in the first instance, bv Adam White. The Forjicididce were subsequently rearranged by J. 0. AVest- wood, who, however, juiblished little of importance on the family. They are frequently regarded as a distinct order, to which the names Derma[itera and Euplexoptera have l)een applied. The former name, however, has sometimes been used for the Ortlioptera in general. Till recently the Forfjcididcchnw been somewhat neglected by Entomologists ; but in IIKK) a monograph on the Forj!cidid(C and lldidmerUhc. liy H. de Bormans and II, Krau.-s, was puljlished as a volume of the series of vi T N T H () I) U (!T I ON. publications edited by F. E. Scliuize, under the oeiu'ral title of ' Das Tierreich.' A revised system of classiiication, by K. W. A^erLoetf, was partly sketched out in 1902, in ])apers in the ' Zoologisclie Anzeiger/ vol. xxv., and in the ' Sitzungs- berichte der Gesellschaf't naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin^; but it has been too incompletely developed to be taken into consideration in the present work. The C^ollemljola and Thysanura have Iteen included by some authors with the Orthoptera, but are now usually regarded either..as small independent orders, or as aberrant families of Neuroptera. 1 have therefore excluded them from the present Catalogue, with the exception of the genus lapyx (or Japtjx), belonging to the Thysanura, the species of which are all so deceptively similar to Forjiculidce that I considered it almost necessary to add them as an Appendix to that family. The snrall West-African genus Hendmerus was originally described by Walker as belonging to the Gri/Uklce (Achetidce), but is now considered to form a distinct family allied to the I'^orpcidida:. The Blattidce form a distinct section of the Orthoptera, some- times called Cursoria ; but are not usually regarded as entitled to the rank of a distinct order. Previous to the publication of the ' Biologia Centrali- Americana,' De Saussure issued a series of iniportant works on the Orthoi)tera of Central America, especially ' Orthoptcres (le l'Ameri(|ne Moyenne : Blattides ' (18G4) ; 'Synopsis des ' Mantides Americaines ' (1871); and Eecherches Zoologiques pour servir a I'histoire de la Faune do I'Amerique C^entrale ot du Mexique,' O'"*^ partic (1870-1879). The latter work includes Blattida\ Mantidce, Pliasmidce, and Gryllidce. He has also published a valuable series of synopses and descriptive ])apers on various families of Orthoptera, especially on the four families already mentioned, in various periodicals ; but chiefly under the title of " Melanges Orthopterologiques," in the ' Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve,' vol. xviii. (1863-4), and in subsequent volumos. I N T li () I) IT r T T N. Yu In 1865 Bvunner von AVattonwyl publisbcMl his ' Nonvean Systeme des Blattaires,' antl in 18G8 F. Walker, having rearrano-ed the British Museum Coilection, published his ' Catalogne of the Specimens of Blattavi;x! in the British Museum ' (18G8), Supplements to which appeared at intervals from 1869 to 1871. Unfortunately, he was unable to consult Brunner's work while preparino- his own. The Mantida: and Pluismhhn are sometinies treated as a separate section of Orthoptera, called Gressoria. The Mantldce were rearranged by H. W. Bates, and a, series of plates were prepared to illustrate them ; but these were not published till 1889, when they were issued accompanied by a complete Catalogue of the Family, and descriptions of new species, by J. 0. Westwood, under the title of ' Revisio Insectorum Famili?B Mantidarum.' Westwood had previously rearranged the PhasmhJcc in the British Museum ; and in 1859 the Trustees published a monograph on the family, by Westwood, under the title of ' Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum : Pnrt I. Phasmida?.' In 1893 Brunner von Wattenwyl published a " Revision des Systeme des Orthopteres " in the ' Annali del Museo Civico di Stoi-ia Naturale di Genova,' ser. 2, vol. xiii. The ForficuVuliV and Ilemimeridoi were omitted ; but otherwise the work is the most comprehensive yet published on the Orthoptera as a whole, and includes synopses of the families and genera of the greater ) part of the order, with the exception of the (Tvt/Uida' and some families of the PJiasgonurida\ which had already been mono- o-raphed by Brunner, De Saussure, and others. The remaining portion of the present Catalogue will be devoted to the Orthoptera Saltatoria, comprising the families Acliet'nhi' (or Gryllidai), Pliasgoaurida\ und Lociigtidir, or Crickets, (J rass- hoppers, and Locusts. These have been previously catalogued by F. Walker in his viii INTRODUCTION. 'Cutalof^uo of the Specimens of Derm:ii)tera Saltatoria [and Supplement to the Blattarife] in the Collection of the British Museum' (5 parts, 1869-1871). At the conclnsion of the work it is pro])ose(l to add a Supple- ment including new genera and species published too late for insertion in their proper places in the Catalogue. W. F. KIBBY Natural History Miisei'm, South Kensington. November, 1904. ]Sr.r5._Species marked with an asterisk in the Catalogue are represented specimens, and tho.^e of ill the Natural History Museum by one or more double asterisk as usual, which the Museum possesses the types with a ; |1, denotes a preoccupied name. 11 A N T T I) JV:. 207 FAM. IV. M A N T I D ^, SU B F AM. I. AWIORPHOSCELIN/E. Genus 1. Paraoxypilus. (Tt/pe no. 3.) Sauss. Mitth. Scliweiz. Ent. Ges. iii. p. 227 (1870) ; M^m. Soc. Geneve, xxi. p. 153 (1871). Fhthersu/ena, Stal, (Efv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. xxviii. p. 400 (1871). ( Tf^pe no. 5.) *1. P. Kraussii, Sauss. {Baania K.) Mem. I Australia. Soc. (Geneve, xxiii. p. pi. 9. f. 26 75, \ ' (1872) : Wood-Mason, Mant.
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