Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Catalogues Colby College Archives 1864 Colby College Catalogue 1864 - 1865 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby College Catalogue 1864 - 1865" (1864). Colby Catalogues. 202. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. �! i I I I I I I ' I � l '.jI , I I i i I I CATALOGUE l ' I I I OF i I I WATERVILLE COLLEGE. I j , ; 1864-5. '1 i I I I 1· I ·I i ... II 1 · I I I ; I� �I CATALOGUE F THE OF WATERVILLE- COLLEGE,· MAINE, • 1864:-5. WATERVILLE: PRINTED FOR THE cotLEGB. 18 64. BOSTON: · Jahf!- M. Hewes, Printer, 65 Cornhlll. 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. /a'Ev. JA ME S T. CHAMPL IN, D. �.,President. )IoN. ABNER COBURN, VicePresident. J,·, J ELDRIDGE L. GETCHELL, EsQ., Treasurer. v REv. GEORGE D. B. PE PPER, Secretary. ..(. � ( Rev. Adam Wilson, D. D. Hon. Mark H. Dunnell, ,/ Rev. Arthur Drinkwater, :; Henry B. Hart, Esq. Samuel Garnsey, Esq. 1" Hon. Dennis L. Milliken, Rev. Joseph Ricker, Hon. Thomas S. Pullen, Rev. Abraham H. Granger,"""· Rev. Albion K. P. Small, Moses Giddings, Esq. William Wilson, Esq. Rev. David N. Sheldon, D. D. Hon. Henry A. Kennedy, Rev. William H. Shai}er, 'b.D. Joseph W. Merrill, Esq. 1 Hon. Noah Smith, Jr. "' Hon. Lot M. Morrill, '• -f <oO Nathaniel R. Boutelle, M. D. James H. Hanson, A. M. Rev. Nathaniel Butler, Rev. Nathaniel M. Wood, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin: �L. b. Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, Rev. Henry V. Dexter, · Rev. George Knox; Rev. Franklin Mer:riam. ) 5 ,• FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. -REv. JA MES T. CHAMP LIN , D. D. , ' P R E S I D E N T 1 �roCe••or oC Intellectual and Moral Plallo•ophy. SAMUEL K. SMITH , A. M., Prot"e••or oC :Rhetoric and Librarian, CHARLES E. HAMLEN, A. M,, ProCe••or oC Claeml•tr:y and Natural Hbtor:y. MOSES LYFORD, A. M., ·. ProCe-r oC Matlaematle• a11d Nat11.ral Phllo•oplay. ProCe•••r oC tlae Greek. and Latia Lansaaaee a11tl Literature. 7 STUDENTS. --+- Names. Residence. Rooms. w ILLIA.M THOMAS CHASE, North Berwfrk, 6 s. c. South Boston, Jlfs. 7 S. c. GRENVILLE MELLEN DONHAM, Turne1·, . ·25 s. c . How:ARD HASKELL GROVER, New Gloucester, 12 s. c. CHARLES VERANUS HANSON, Portland, 7 S. c . WrLLB.M HENRY LAMBERT, .Auburn, 9 S. c. AUGUSTUS DENNET SMALL, Waterville, Rev. Mr. Small's. AsA HUTCHINS SNow, Nobleboro', 2M. H. 8 �. � ' '1 �unior Qttu.6. )��� , . • Re idcnce . Rooms. 1VCHARLES HENRY ANDREWS, Buxton Centre, 9 N. c. FRANK WALES BAKEMAN, Portland, 22 N. c. THOMAS M'ELYI� BUTLER, Hancock, 11 M. H. JtTHEODORE CLARKE, Newcastle, 26 N. c. CUSHMAN EBEN HARDEN, Maria�1ille, 3M. H. HAZEN PINGREE McKus1cK, Denmark, 11 N. c. ' . DURA PRATT MORGAN, . New London, N.H 11 M. H. WILLIAM HENRY RUSSELL, No_bleboro', 1 l\I. H. FRANK w .ARREN TOLMAN, Harr?°son, 30 s. c. : - AusTI� THOMAS, Waterville, Mr. Thomas's. - IN S1i:..As TucK, Cornville, 22 N. c. -. ' - " 9 J.011ltiliaor.t �ln$$. I - �7 -Names. Residence. Rooms. DUDLEY PERKINS BAILEY, JYionson, 13 s. c. r IM EDWARD PAYSON BARTLETT, Oxford, 8 s. c. LEMUEL HowARD Co1rn, Portland, 15 s. c. C HARLES .RANSOM CoFI<'IN, Auburn, 16 s. c. CORNELIUS ALBERT GowER, 24 c. I/( . Winslow, N. HENRY w ARE HALE, ·Ellsworth, 11 N . C. SANFORD HANSCqM, .Albion, 11 s. c. HENRY MALCOM HOPKINSON, J!ort Fair.field, 4 M. H. CARROLL ¥ JOHN IRISH, Buck.field, · 16 N. C. N CrrARLES GREEN Krncl\lAM, New Gloucester, 16 s. c. 1-'i I� ELEAZER BURBANK LORING, Atkinson, � M. H. 1('A MOS BARTON LUNT, Benton, 16 S. c. JOSHUA HOWARD MILLETT, Hebron, 8 s. c. i#WILLIAM KING MooDY, �filton Plantation, 12 S. c. JORN FRANK 1\fooDY, Miltori Plantation, 12. s. C . I� GEORGE LAURENS STARBIRD, Paris, 27 N. c. CLEMENT ELLIOT STA PLES, Cape Elizabeth, 15 :rf. c. 2 . I ....'.. 10 . Names. Residence. Rooms. SANFORD ADLAM BAKER, 4V Hallowell, 15 N. C. FRANCIS MARION BENNETT, I)"\ Freedom, N. H. 9 N. C. WILLIAM BRYANT BENNETT, .Dover, N. H. 14 s. c . CHARLES BEMIS BENSON, • North Pa_ris, 12 s. c. LEONARD DWIGHT CARVER, Legrange, 13 s. c. GEORGE LANGDON CHANDLER, Waterville, 6 s. c. WILLIAM HEMAN CLARK, C North Hancock, 27 N. • CHARLES LEONIDAS CLAY, C • .Andover, N. H. 27 N. • JOHN BLAKE CLOUGH, C .Danbury, N. H. 27 N. •. GEORGE WESTON DAVIS, .Alfred, 8 N. C. REUBEN WESLEY DUNN, Waterville, Mr. Dunn's. JOHN w ESLEY FREESE,, Legrange, 9 s. c. CHARLES HENRY GODDARD FRYE, I Vassalboro', 14 s. c. FRED RuFUS MEANS GILPATRICK, 'YI Bluehill, 25 N. C. CHARLES HOLT KIMBALL, Pembroke, N. H. 1 M. H. 11 Na.mes. Residence. Rooms. EDMUND FRANKLIN MERRIAM, EastJajfrey, N.H. 32 S. C. DAVID PALMER, Grafton, Vt. 7 s. c. J osEPH PoLLARD,l')N EastJajfrey,N.H 32 S. b. DANIEL CLARK ROBBINS,� Winthrop, 9 s. c. J osEPH GAaE RouNDs, Buxton Centre, 7 N. c. ELMER SMALL, ryv Vassalboro', 8 N. C. EDWIN SuMNER SMALL, Waterville, Rev. Mr. Small s. JULIAN DANIEL TAYLOR, Wi"nslow, 25 S. c. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS WALDRON, Buckfield, 7 N. c. CHARLES SULLIVAN WESTON,� Boothbay, 25 N. c. JARVIS URIAH WooDs,� Augusta, 9 N. C. SUMMARY. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • . • . • • • SENIORS, • . • . 8 JU • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • ·· • • · • • • · · · • 11 NIORS, . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 SOPHOMORES, H ••• I' F RES MEN ,· ••••••••••••••••••••. •••.• .• •••••• 26 pARTIAL COU RSE , . •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• 62 ABB R EVIAT IONS. N. C. · · · · ·· · · . · · · ·· · · · . ·Nort.h College. S. C. · ·• · · · ·· · · ·• · · · ······· South College. M. H.· ·• · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · •M • ansion House. 12 TERMS OF ADMISSION. -+-- Trrn requisites for admi ion to the Fre bman Class are to timo­ nial of a good moral character, a thorough acquaintance with Engli h, Latin ancl Greek rammar, four Books of Cresar's Com­ mentarie , the Catiline of Sal!u�t, the .lEneid of Virgil, six Ora­ tions of Cicero, Latin Pro ody, the making of Latiu, Jacob ,ll' Greek Reader, Qr its equivalent, Ancient and Modern Geography, Vulgar and Decimal Fraction , l'l'Oporti�ns, the Doctrine of Roots and Powers, and Algebra to Equations of the Second Degree in Davies's Bourdon. It i recommended to stuuents in prepa­ ration, to read attentively ome convenient manual of Greek and Roman History. Kiibncr's Elementary Greek and Latin Grammars, including the Exercises, or Champlin's Greek Gram­ mar and the Latin Grammar of Andrews and Stnddard, are re­ quired. Candidates for advanced standing are examined in the prepar­ atory studies, and in the various studies to which the Class they propose to enter have attended. Those who are admitted from other Colleges must present certificates of regular dismission. In all cases testimonials of good moral character are required. The stated times for examinations are Tuesday before Com­ mencem�nt, and the first day of the term. SELECT CounsE.-lndividuals of suitable age and acquisitions, wishing to fit themselves for mercantile, agricultural, or any of the other active pursuits of life, will be allowed to pursue a Partial Course, for any length of time not less than one year, selecting such studies as they may desire. They will be required to recite with the regular College Classes at least twice a day, and to continue through the term . any study commenced. They Will have free access to the Libraries and Lectures, q,nd on leaving the Institution will be entitled to a regular certificate of their respectiye attainments in the studies on which they have passed an examination. 13 C 0 U R S E 0 �, S T U D Y . FIRST TERM. Geometry, (first five books), Davies' Legenrlre. J... ati n,. Livy. Latin Grammar , Klihner. Exercises in writing Latin. Greek, Xenophon's Anaba is. Greek Grammar, Champlin. Exerci�es in Elocution, Day. SECOND TERM. Geometry (completed), Davies's Legendre. Algebra, Davies's Bourdon. Latin, Cicero's Brutus. Latin-Grammar, Kuhner. Exercises in writing Latin. Greek, Clio of.Herodotus. Greek Grammar, Champlin. Exercises in Elocution, Day. THIRD TERM. Algebra (completed), Davies"s Bourdon-. ·Latin, Odes of Horace. Latin Grammar, Kuhner. 14 Greek, Homer. Greek Grammar, Champlin. Exercises in writing Greek, Boise. ___. _ FIRST TERJ(. Trigonometry, Davies. Latin, Satires and �pistles of Horace. Rhetoric, Whately and Lectures. SECOND TEDI. Analytical Geometry, Davies. Greek, Popular Orations of Demosthenes. Rhetoric, Whately. French, Fasquelle's Grammar. THIRD TERK. Differential and Integral Calculus, Smyth. Latin, Germania and Agricola of Tacitus. French, Dumas' Life of Napoleon. Surveying and Navigation, Davies. 15 FIRST TERM. Mechanics of Solids, Bartlett. Chemistry, Johnston. JJogic, . Whately. Political Economy, Wayland. SECOND TERK. Mechanics of Fluids, · Bartlett. • I' Greek, Tragedy. Physiology, . Loomis. Principles of Zoology, Agassiz and Gould. Optics, Jackson. THIRD TERK. Latin, History of Tacitus. Geology, Loomis. Rhetoric, . Whately. Constitution of the United States, Sheppard. --·-- FIRST TERI[. Ethics, Champlin. Astronomy, Norton. Greek, Demosthenes on the Crown. 16 SECOND TERltt. Intellectual Philosophy, Champlin. German, Adler's Grammar and Reader. F.vidence of Religion, Butler's Analogy. THIRD TERM. Hi. tory, May's Con titutional Hi tory of England. German, Undine. Natural Theology, Lecture�. It i 1;cquired that the aboYe tudie be pur ued, and regular • _ examination u tained in them, by each Student, previouJy to his receiving the degree of Baclielor of Arts. --·- LECTURES. In connection with t.he regular recitations, J_,ectures are deliv­ ered to the several classes, on the following subjects :- Chemistry, Geology, Zoology, The various branches of Natural Philo opby, Intellectual and .Moral Philosophy, Greek History and Literature, Roman History and Literature, Greek and Roman .Mythology, Rhetoric, Verbal Criticism and History of the English Language.
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