L/' T!--c Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report 42-70 - May and Jurle 1982 N.A. Rentetti 1 Editor August 15, 1982 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California lnstltute of Technology Pasadena, California The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report 42-70 May and June 1982 N.A. Renzetti Editor August 15. 1982 Naticnal Aeronautics and Space 4dminisrratior t Jet Propuhsion Laboratow Californlc7, ;rwrtu?eof Technology Pas.I&- ri C.,i I if o r n I a The research described in this pubkation was carried aut by the Jet Propulsion Laboraaory. WiiaInstiMe of Technology. under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This publication provides reports ca ddopments m Earth-bad radio wdogy witb appiicatians to mral programs. la space conm~unicationsit reports an activities of tbe Deep Spa= Network. in gmiymmm- it repwts an the application odladio interferometry at microwave frequencies for spodynamic meesuremeats. In tbe field of astrophysics the Deep Space Stations iadividUany and m pairs as an mtmferomter Ium been applied to direct obseivation of cdestial radio 80ums. Ea& sumding issue of this report will present material in some, but not ncaxsaray all, of the following categories: Radio Astronomy Radio Interferometry at Mimwave Frequencies Goedetic Techniques Wopinent Spaceaaft Navigation OrMtiug Very bm Basehe interferometry Deep Space Network Description Programplanning Advanced Systems Network and Facility Engineering and Implementation Operations Spacecraft Radio Science Planetary Radar In each issue. there will be a report on the current confGuration of one of the km DSN oystems (Tracking, Telemetry, Command. Monitor and Control. Test Support, hdio Science, and Very Long Baseline Interferometry). The work described in this report series is either performed or managed by the Tele- cornmimications and Data Acquisition organization of JPL Ill yodbrwdcoAbol~kwth.yv9~v.ry~ aamenlm~st8uM............................................ 1 RW.!WflUl NAsAcodeB82-4o-2Qoo THEDEEPSPACENETWORK -0FTHEDSN omcOlh~~yrrLN65.......................................... 8 H. C. Thormen NAsacode3603-8142 th.os~v~~~syat!mnwhrlt~~ai........................................... 16 W. 0.cheney NASAcode3e03-sl-81 PLANETARvAND~ARY~suepoRT -FligMpIojads Dwp~pryk.d~vh~~tmrportrckn~................ 21 A. 0.Bermen. W. E. mandJ.C.McKinney NASA code 31 1 -03-24-oO ADvANGEDsYslEm Tracking and GroUnd-Based Navigation ASWUCtlWRNlCIhFThHUWIlWMlAWk8UO=tO F~strbmtyEWnaUon............................................. 37 C. A. 0- NASA-310-10-62-10 Communications ~~kw~o.codlngfarth.~sprce~......... 47 0. -. A. M. w.iard~.H. YWI NASA code 310-20-67-55 APrrlklVLSl&hhCtW.tot~~F€bfolAfbbVLrngthUSbtB F.m#tNwnkrlmsJi#mr ............................................... 60 T K Tnr0np.I S.Reed.C.S.Yeh.andH.M.Sh80 NASA code 310-2047-57 Th.VLSlOmignota~~lJdng~r~ uultfp(ir- ................................................... 72 T K T-. L. J m.I. S Red. I -S Hsu. K WW.and C -S. Yeh NASA code 410-20-70-15 P~w~Com#ntngol-L.wn:AFkvkw ........................... 87 J Kat2 NASA cods 310-2087-59 PRECEDING PAGE BLANX MOT FILMED V 25~iv---~nogua:-iurdm EapdnmwRe8uRa .................................................... 95 J. Katz NASA code 310-20-67-59 A~onD.rp~~~lhk~.................... 105 S. J. -and J. H. YW NASA-310-20-6: 56 I -Arolyrbolkdmr8.darp-mi- ................................................ 110 --D. schanfeid end F. L. Lcnsmg NASA code 310-2066-04 Network Data PIocessng and PIoductivity IbammCedcnOptid~~CldnpRrbSdornon ~~~~a~optkdpp~.ndWS~~hn~~l. .. .117 D Di~~8bandF.Naderi NASA code 31O-40-73-10 NETWORK AND FACILITY ENGINEERING AND IMPLEMENTATION Network DSNortlSy~temssoRnrsra~........._... ....................... 132 CKHung NASA code 31 1-03-53-29 A~lnto~~~~fOrth.~~~. ... .. 4 E Dobrm NASA code 3 1 1-03-41- 15 coNscAN~tor~cOntrolAI#nbtr........................ 153 J E OhbOnendK PAbrhandaN NASA code 3124B-53-29 GCFMwkIV- ............_.......................... ....._..161 LOMOrtensBn NASA Code 3 12W32-20 OPERATtONs Network operations ENERGY R8tosolSdltAnginhwTwo-AxbConantnton . ,200 C S YungenQF L Lansnrg NASA Code 31 1-03-4448 vi .. .. .. 31- 35 . 882' 32530 Monitor and Control Equipment for the MV-3 Mobile Very Long Baseline Interferometry Station R. W. Sniffin Telecommuntcatioos Systems Section A monitor and control system for the MY-3 mobile vety long baseline interferometry station has been designed mund a commercially avaihble process controller. nesigni- ficant features of the hardware design and the method by which this equipment will be operated b-v the M"3 centrcrl computer are discussed. 1. Introduction data for malfunction lsolation. The first function was dele- gated to ' digital tone extractor of the Phase Calibration One of the goals of the MV-3 project (also known as the th Subsystem. The remaining three were delegated to the Moni- ORION project) was to utilize existing technology to the tor and Control Subsystem to be accomplished either within greatest extent possible and thereby reduce the amount of the subsystem or through orchestration of other subsystems engneering required at JPL. An area in which it seemed connected ta the MV-3 cectral computer. probable that this god could be achieved was that of monitor and control where recwt advances in the field of industrial proces; control had pronded an aburidance of equipmenr and Much of the equipment selected for use in the MV-3 systerc; from :vhich to make a selection. By pursuing this station had the capability for automatic control and moni- approa:h. JPL engin~:z:in~ ra5 liniited tc performing the toring via an RS-232C serial interface. This included the high-lelrel system design, selecting the process control equip- ,.tenna servo equipment, the water vapor radiometer, the men!. designing the interface to other subsystems and writing Maik I11 Data System and the hydrogen maser The remain- the software to operate the process control equipment from ing equipment was either of new design or was not available the MV-3 central computer. with built-in monitor and control capability. II. MV-3 Monitor and Control System Design The original concept was to provide each mdjor item of equipment in this second category with a small data acqui- There are four principal monitor and control functior. sition system to perform the monitor and control functions. at the MV-3 system level. These are execution of an end- These would provide a standard interface to the MV-3 centrai to-end performance test. automation of frequently recurring computer ~~ a Hewlett Packard 1000 System, Model 40, which actinties. detection of failures which are not immediately is supplied wit! the Mark 111 Data System. The disadvantage observed by the end-to-end rest and analysis of monitor of this approach was that a considerable amount of redundant 1 engineering would have been needed to design suitable mech- isolation assembly. This assembly permits connectian to anical, electrical and environmental provisions in each subsys- circuits operating at 90 to 140 Vac and 10 to 60 Vdc. Selec- tem for the data acquisiiron equipment. The concept was tion of Channel characteristics is made by choosing !iom therefore rejected in favor of a single microprocessor-based among four module types for installation on the optical process controller on each transporter. Figure 1 illustrates the isolation assembly and by throwing a switch on the appro- MV-3 monitor and control system, as implemented, showing priate signal conditioning card. the monitor and control interfaces as well as the end-toend self test siplal flow. Ihe firmware supplied with the malog monitor and cmmtrol assemblies provides the capability to interrogate or address the input and output channels either one at a time or in groups of 111. Selecting the Process Control Equipment from 2 to 16. This is done by issuing a brief command tRst includcs the action to be takcn and the identity uid character- Selection of the process controllers began with a vendor istics of the channel or channels. The assembly also ha5 the survey to determine what capabilities were available in com- capability to perform simple mathemetid operadons and 60 mercial equipment. The results were used to create a list of store an array of parameters and command or oj~ratiam capabilities ranked by the number of vendors who could sequences for later execution by kseinp the sequence number. supply them. Discussions were then conducted with subsystem engineers to determine the minimum subset of capabilities which could fulfill all MV-3 monitor and control requirements. w. Subsystem lnterfsoss This subset, listed in Table 1. was incorporated into a spedfi- Miion for an “Analog Monitor and Contrd Assembly” and submitted for competitive procurement. IV. Analog Monitor end Control Assembties The selected analog monitor anti control assemblies at.? manufactured b) Analog kviccs of Norwood, MA. ur.der the trade name of MACSYM 20. One of their mtended ieieeli is to serve as the interface hetweeri a host computer ;rid tip to assortcd analog or digital monitor or iuntri.1 pttifiv. 756 Wthin each svr!-,jstem, nt ;nitc; p~ii:?~.sere srleLtsd to In the MV-3 application. appronmately 50-peizent ol 131s r)(?’fli;t ri,ljfucct;.xI bohtion tq r$acealIe, ;~>assemblicu. capacity is used. 1.9 gee;:rd tt.2 we; nccc-~p!i-.hed by wawemwt cf s~t- wmMy ot.t?ut< - eitner &cc*Iy !.vk;e die r,ui;ut wa; As shown in the block diagrm, (Fig. 3). !he aAog muti, 1 w!tzrlt) 0;‘ II<P~i~.
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