Duel - Qualifying Duel # 1 - D01 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE 1 Tom Dropik Rascal 5.9 Mixed 0.217 5.716 Taylor Bottom Grayson 5.8 Weimaraner 0.613 7.713 2 Dan Brinkman Torque 5.8 Mixed 0.622 6.782 Emaree Nester Cash 4.3 Mixed 0.467 8.764 3 Janet Whipker Jazzy 4.1 Mixed 0.155 8.241 Sue Ethier Truce 6.4 Mixed FS 4 Wendi Daczewitz Pryme 3.4 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.239 6.039 Melanie Lake Nala 8.5 Mixed 0.453 7.867 5 Nicole Besterman Rogue 6.6 Border Collie 0.379 7.379 Kirsten Bayne Story 8.0 Golden Retriever 0.453 10.023 6 Mindy Len Cody 13.9 Mixed 0.407 10.413 Jeremy Hanchar KERPLUNK! 5.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.309 6.941 7 Kerstin Horvath Sketch 8.9 Border Collie FS Sydney Mackey Spitfire 8.9 Whippet XO 8 Kathy Phelan Kiara 4.9 Labrador Retriever Black 0.531 7.843 Katie Priebe Tucker 6.1 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.513 6.126 9 Rex Johnson Air Budd 5.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Ronald Sporyz Memphis Belle 5.3 Labrador Retriever Black NS Charleigh 10 Matthew Bohn Kratos 6.7 Belgian Malinois FS John Colorado 4.3 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Colorado 11 Carrie Vosburg Dax 4.8 Belgian Malinois FS Rachael Brinkman LoJack 6.7 Whippet 0.397 4.837 BY = Bye, DQ = Disqualification, FS = False Start, NS = No Score, TO = Timeout, XO = Crossover, WO = Walkover Duel - Qualifying Duel # 1 - D01 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE 12 Amy Vencl Taai 2.7 Belgian Malinois 0.594 7.977 Justin Daniel Scout 6.2 Belgian Malinois 0.723 7.260 13 Tom Dropik Rambo 2.5 Mixed 0.059 5.985 Linda Anderson Journey 8.6 Whippet NS 14 Cody King Baylor 4.5 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 0.040 6.411 Terry Haugen Gus 3.9 Labrador Retriever Black 0.619 21.710 15 Sophia Johnson Magicman 4.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.381 8.324 Dan Brinkman Vortex 3.5 Whippet 0.675 6.128 16 Katie Priebe Dually 4.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Lianne Shinton Flirt 5.8 Belgian Malinois 0.245 6.710 17 Kristin Kay Nola 3.6 Mixed 0.440 8.446 Kathy Phelan Erin 2.1 Labrador Retriever Black 0.746 8.362 18 Wendi Daczewitz josie 2.9 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.222 7.231 Olivia Jutte Fabulous Finn 4.3 Labrador Retriever Black 0.460 6.270 19 Cassie Hancock Klepto 4.5 Belgian Malinois 0.404 10.635 Bret Geller Kegger 6.5 Whippet 0.741 5.100 20 Rachael Brinkman Slingshot 6.7 Whippet 0.036 6.244 Jeanne Sengstock Oh So Savvy 5.3 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.383 14.945 Labrador Retriever Belgian Malinois 21 Jamie Naetzker Rylee 9.5 Chocolate 0.512 8.009 Carrie Vosburg Colt 3.4 0.397 6.339 22 Justin Daniel Pitch 6.4 Mixed FS Cassie Hancock Kander 5.8 Labrador Retriever Black 0.153 6.502 23 Rex Johnson Goku 3.3 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.315 6.971 Cassie Swift Maui 11.7 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 0.568 18.309 BY = Bye, DQ = Disqualification, FS = False Start, NS = No Score, TO = Timeout, XO = Crossover, WO = Walkover Duel - Qualifying Duel # 1 - D01 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE 24 Rachael Brinkman Stoic 3.0 Mixed 0.066 8.782 Lillian Hollars Colt 3.2 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.233 7.193 25 Lindey Olson Shaylee 12.4 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.593 9.880 CINDY GREENSLADE Boom 7.7 Mixed 0.549 6.000 26 Andriel King Baylor 4.5 Chesapeake Bay Retriever FS Katie Priebe Kimber 3.0 Labrador Retriever Black FS 27 Brianna Baughman Ace 4.8 Labrador Retriever Black 0.194 6.082 Wendi Daczewitz Zeus 5.6 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.170 6.562 Labrador Retriever Labrador Retriever Yellow 28 Kate Johnson Magicman 4.5 0.615 8.196 Bryan Landers Thunder 8.4 Chocolate 0.827 9.017 29 Timothy Lake Earnhardt 2.5 Mixed 0.224 6.787 Sarah Maleski Fletcher 4.5 Australian Shepherd Dog NS 30 Kirsten Bayne Indiana 13.4 Golden Retriever 0.166 13.738 Olivia Jutte Super Sonic 2.3 Whippet 0.429 6.569 31 Susan Barnes TREXX 5.6 Mixed 0.156 6.033 Steven Allen Annie Oakley 8.9 Golden Doodle 0.439 9.156 32 Jamie Uhles Bella 3.8 Labrador Retriever Black 0.338 7.218 Momi Ford Norbert 6.9 Mixed 0.216 8.580 33 Samuel Jones Jackal 7.2 Belgian Malinois 0.546 6.961 Jerry Jutte Action jackson 7.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.775 6.468 34 Robert Hurley Buddy Love 8.5 Labrador Retriever Black 0.520 6.619 Alice Wrenn Maggie 6.4 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.773 6.521 35 Amanda Morrissey Vamp 5.8 Belgian Malinois 0.247 5.053 Jewel Schroetter Zorra Rojo 4.2 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.504 7.493 BY = Bye, DQ = Disqualification, FS = False Start, NS = No Score, TO = Timeout, XO = Crossover, WO = Walkover Duel - Qualifying Duel # 1 - D01 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE 36 Katie Weihbrecht Juice 4.9 Mixed 0.271 5.576 Jane Fox Scarlet 3.4 Labrador Retriever Black 0.505 7.173 37 Linda Torson Ziva 9.3 Belgian Malinois FS Ken Burlingame Sugar 9.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.104 6.408 Labrador Retriever Australian Shepherd Dog 38 Kirsten Holt Wycked 10.1 0.253 7.337 Brianna Samuelson Mocha 6.2 Chocolate 0.349 6.103 39 Bryan Landers BERK BERK 2.8 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.529 7.650 Carol Preston Bishop 8.1 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.657 8.894 40 bruce moser Rambo 3.6 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.671 7.716 Cassie Swift Kai 3.5 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 0.136 7.014 Labrador Retriever Labrador Retriever Black 41 Kevin Johnson Kander 5.8 0.171 6.695 Lisa Colorado Scout Colorado 7.4 Chocolate 0.803 8.790 44 BBI Janet Whipker Jazzy 4.1 Mixed 0.635 8.855 BBI Sue Ethier Truce 6.4 Mixed 0.366 7.635 45 BBI Kerstin Horvath Sketch 8.9 Border Collie 0.407 8.988 BBI Rex Johnson Air Budd 5.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.354 5.576 46 BBI Ronald Sporyz Memphis Belle 5.3 Labrador Retriever Black 0.608 11.741 BBI Matthew Bohn Kratos 6.7 Belgian Malinois 0.533 5.877 47 BBI Carrie Vosburg Dax 4.8 Belgian Malinois 0.152 7.375 BBI Katie Priebe Dually 4.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.412 6.148 48 BBI Lianne Shinton Flirt 5.8 Belgian Malinois 0.037 5.953 BBI Kristin Kay Nola 3.6 Mixed 0.404 7.338 49 BBI Kathy Phelan Erin 2.1 Labrador Retriever Black 0.242 6.390 BBI Cassie Hancock Klepto 4.5 Belgian Malinois 0.257 7.086 BY = Bye, DQ = Disqualification, FS = False Start, NS = No Score, TO = Timeout, XO = Crossover, WO = Walkover Duel - Qualifying Duel # 1 - D01 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE 50 BBI Justin Daniel Pitch 6.4 Mixed 0.171 4.983 BBI Timothy Lake Earnhardt 2.5 Mixed 0.455 6.355 51 BBI Jamie Uhles Bella 3.8 Labrador Retriever Black 0.517 7.234 BBI Alice Wrenn Maggie 6.4 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.703 6.673 52 BBI Amanda Morrissey Vamp 5.8 Belgian Malinois FS BBI Linda Torson Ziva 9.3 Belgian Malinois 0.023 6.938 53 BBI Ken Burlingame Sugar 9.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.435 6.572 BBI Ronald Sporyz Memphis Belle 5.3 Labrador Retriever Black 0.522 13.315 54 BBI Cassie Hancock Klepto 4.5 Belgian Malinois 0.022 6.848 BBI Timothy Lake Earnhardt 2.5 Mixed FS 55 BBI Ronald Sporyz Memphis Belle 5.3 Labrador Retriever Black 0.450 26.949 BYE Timothy Lake Earnhardt 2.5 Mixed 0.375 6.488 BY = Bye, DQ = Disqualification, FS = False Start, NS = No Score, TO = Timeout, XO = Crossover, WO = Walkover Duel - Qualifying Duel # 2 - D02 I verify that the results on this page are an accurate record of this Dueling Dogs Event: 21-001 competition: Judge: 2021 Dueling Dogs World Championships Admin: LANE 1 LANE 2 Duel BBI BBI Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time Handler Name Dog Name Age Breed Reaction Time # BYE BYE Labrador Retriever Mixed 1 Bryan Landers Thunder 8.4 Chocolate 0.126 8.621 Melanie Lake Nala 8.5 0.357 7.821 2 Rachael Brinkman LoJack 6.7 Whippet 0.058 5.259 CINDY GREENSLADE Boom 7.7 Mixed 0.459 6.980 3 Sarah Maleski Fletcher 4.5 Australian Shepherd Dog 0.389 13.159 Lindey Olson Shaylee 12.4 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.696 10.132 4 Rex Johnson Goku 3.3 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Kevin Johnson Kander 5.8 Labrador Retriever Black 0.000 6.574 5 Linda Anderson Journey 8.6 Whippet 0.577 6.052 Dan Brinkman Torque 5.8 Mixed 0.450 6.415 6 Kristin Kay Nola 3.6 Mixed FS Carrie Vosburg Colt 3.4 Belgian Malinois FS 7 Kirsten Holt Wycked 10.1 Australian Shepherd Dog 0.250 8.733 Jerry Jutte Action jackson 7.5 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.814 6.971 Charleigh 8 John Colorado 4.3 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Mindy Len Cody 13.9 Mixed 0.287 9.466 Colorado 9 Olivia Jutte Fabulous Finn 4.3 Labrador Retriever Black 0.526 7.079 bruce moser Rambo 3.6 Labrador Retriever Yellow 0.544 7.075 10 Wendi Daczewitz josie 2.9 Labrador Retriever Yellow FS Andriel King Baylor 4.5 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 0.585 7.469 11 Rex Johnson Air Budd
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