National Weather Digest respective velocities computed. This innovative research is Book Review indeed helpful in determining the wind velocities at the fringes of the funnel cloud. These data are crucial in the investigation of these terrible manifestations. Cycloidal ground tracks and Title: The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs tornado paths are analyzed with accompanying excellent Second Edition; Revised and Enlarged photographs. Edited by Edwin Kessler Chapter Four (DeCoursey, Chameides, McQuigg, Frere, Copyright: 1983 and Nicks) examines the concepts offorest management and ISBN 0-8061-2152-X agriculture conservation. Although not as dramatic as the QC968.T48 1983 Vol. I. 363.3/492s 83-47836 previous unit on tornadoes, this unique discipline neverthe­ University of Oklahoma Press less is crucial tothe agriculture industry and lumbering oper­ Publishing Division of the University ations in the United States. After all, nearly everyone requires 200 pp., 100 photographs, 49 maps. food and shelter! Such important parameters as crop mois­ ture replacement or replenishment, irrigation water supplies, 83 charts, graphs, drawings and tables. and nitrogen fixation are carefully considered. During this References, Index; Paperback; Price: $16.95 . time of apparent increasing probabilities of drought, this The title of this book certainly reflects the current increased chapter becomes significantly important in terms of the prin­ concern of the public for such atmospheric phenomena as ciples of forest and agriculture conservation and manage­ thunderstorms and their associated characteristics of light­ ment. The final section surveys the negative impacts of thun­ ning, hail, torrential rain, turbulence, and of course, the tor­ derstorms including hail damage, field-soil erosion, leaching nado. Each classification of these phenomena is analyzed by of soil nutrients, surface water pollution (particularly from an expert researcher knowledgeable in each particular realm. fertilizer), stream flooding , and last but not least, the peren­ Moreover, this well written book consistently stresses the nial problems of lighting and resultant forest fires. Therefore impact of these storms upon mankind and his developments this chapter indeed has much to offer when one considers such as homes, buildings, airports, other transportation facil­ the recent climatological disasters during 1988 . ities, and the like. Wind stresses upon buildings of various types are exam­ In Chapter One (Kessler and White) sociological aspects ined in Chapter Five (Minor). Numerous diagrams and draw­ of thunderstorms are introduced; benefits, costs or liabilities, ings illustrate how certain wind flows impact upon specific and various choices available to man are reviewed. This unit designs of buildings and the amount of damage which may also discusses concepts of risk assessment along with pro­ be expected; such structures include homes, churches, and posed damage control procedures and social responses. office buildings. Photographs depict resultant damage to these Chapter Two (Hoxit, Lieb, Chappell, and Mogi!) explores edifices, even ones which are constructed with concrete blocks the impacts of certain devastating floods that have occurred or bricks! The latter section of chapter suggests methods by during recent years; such floods were the Black Hills, South which reinforcement designs may be incorporated into the Dakota Deluge in 1972 and Hurricane Agnes disaster in the structure which will minimize or even eliminate damage. In same year. One particular flood event examined in minute conclusion, the author presents two appendices which con­ detail is the Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado debacle which tain engineering equations to aid in the wind engineering occurred in July 1976. Many analyses are presented; these safety concerning buildings. Some readers may find these include mesoscale maps, radar charts, diagrams, soundings data helpful. Chapter Six (Krider) is exclusively dedicated to and photographs. For example, the photographs depict the the well known and feared phenomenon of lightning, an severe damage and aftermath of this terrible event. The social occurrence in every thunderstorm. Cloud to ground lighting impacts of this flood were incredible when one considers the is the type of lightning with which everyone is concerned. victimized people. Many of these people decided to ignore Excellent photographs of several strikes depict unique char­ the warnings when they were issued; still others heeded the acteristics of this lightning; the step process of these strokes same and thus saved their own lives. One highlight which is is well documented. Effects of these strikes upon man-made stressed is the methodology by which the warnings were objects and buildings is portrayed. Moreover, lighting some­ disseminated to the public; individuals ignored warnings which times strikes ordinary flat ground or terrain. In conclusion, were broadcasted by way of television and radio, but then this chapter explores several methods by which lightning heeded them when police and firemen cruised through the protection may be achieved. neighborhoods announcing the impending danger using bull­ A viation is yet another activity of man which is often horns and sirens. Apparently person to person contact was adversely affected by thunderstorms. Chapter Seven (Lee substantially more effective than the mass media. and Beckwith) deals with the impact of these storms upon Tornadoes and their immense damage potential are dis­ aircraft, particularly while in the air, as well as on the ground cussed in Chapter Three (Abbey and Fujita). The prime or in take-off status. Tables present data concerning acci­ example reviewed is the major outbreak of tornadoes during dents which result in fatalities and damages. Besides this, the 3rd and 4th of April 1974. A substantial number of charts the phenomenon of turbulence is introduced. Aloft, the two and tables enumerate the fatalities and injuries sustained classifications of turbulence are storm induced and clear air during this meteorological disaster. Charts also summarize turbulence. Both often inflict hardships upon airborne craft. various magnitudes of damage which resulted from this event Additional tables describe the various degrees or severity of in midwestern United States. Besides this, synoptic and radar turbulence with eventual results. Another and rather recently summaries and charts are included along with photographs investigated phenomenon of thunderstorms is the dangerous of several infamous tornadoes during this outbreak which outflow, micro-burst, or squall wind which occurs in close were particularly destructive. One very intriguing feature of proximity of a storm. This down-burst, as it is also called, is this study was the presentation of a set of photographs of a major surface event which is becoming more significant in tornadoes upon which bits of debris were tracked and their terms of the taking off or landing of aircraft. Extreme vigi- 4 Volume 13 Number 4 lance is required at or near airports when a thunderstorm is to attain is to convince the public that something is going to nearby or approaching. Recent aircraft accidents may be happen, and permit no room for doubt! blamed upon this down-burst action of thunderstorms. The final unit, Chapter Nine (Lavoie) lists various organi­ Increased research is needed to further explore this hazard. zations in the United States which are currently involved in Other characteristics which are dangerous to aircraft oper­ active research of thunderstorms. With the armed services ations are heavy to excessive rain, low or ragged ceilings, included, there are fourteen groups engaged in this very poor visibilities, and rapid pressure changes. The last item is important work. The challenge which faces our society is particularly crucial in altimeter settings oflow-flying aircraft. that further expansion and outreach is required to better The concluding section addresses the problem of how these protect the people and property. Moreover, the transporta­ menaces may be either avoided or minimized. Such tools as tion industry will benefit as well from the research. airborne and ground-based radar, satellite photography, gust­ This book is a very well written as is the illustrated docu­ front detector systems, electrical discharge sensors (aboard mentation of the subject under consideration. The reviewer aircraft), Doppler (NEXRAD) radar, better forecasting and is fully convinced that this publication is one of the best, if communications, all may be employed to increase the safety not the best, on the current market treating the subject of the of the flying public. thunderstorm's impact upon society. Since this is the first Disaster preparedness and severe thunderstorm prediction volume ofa three volume series, it is hoped that the remaining are introduced in chapter Seven (Pearson). This writer stresses two will soon be available. All three treatises will be valuable that the prediction of severe weather requires as a basic assets to the library of a university, foundation, meteorolo­ prerequisite, an excellent surface observation support sys­ gist, sociologist, or any interested person. The series will tem or network. Forecast preparation and dissemination are depict very well , the impact of thunderstorms upon mankind; equally crucial when one considers the situation described if all volumes are as well written and constructed as the first in Chapter Two concerning people who willfully
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