Diamonds Siid Precious Slones, 0

Diamonds Siid Precious Slones, 0

r .s !E^I3^a-ZrTC3-, V o l. I I . :n <>. IS . 131: H r T H U J iS I.) A . i > i-X '. 1 r), 1 8 9 r2 , -----: E-3-: Berlin !S]po<3ie tl iSS^lo 2 TO .fVt: \ ( '\\ .-..ij;!- •. i t'VisI , I 1 he n;g:ilar 1 iuirs I.i;, f , . .1 f--. ! lii- ‘.n- .Myers left ia-re week f >r Fins ili Id Mi'S Pliis Gsiis^ailh km% W I 1. .-nv : 1 I iie M rt;io,iisr .i wi'' i., ..t.-l a: t:;e ; ' ' iisonv lie. <'■-nn., \ tie-e h" exp-cted to 1^' 1 l u h .v_ :...x.s i> drost. 1 la iiise 1.1 t.iia ri'-s W i.iiulll- . ■ , • ■ tiif new i.;i i,;r being erecte.,! ,\n I j vvitii liiMV, Warranted F:si Osiors, S:z£ frGi^ 33 to SB Brssst rnsasiirs. 1 li-- .'lethod i-'’ • , 1.. inrct in.; t 1.:,.. : ■ '- ' v'-''-- .\iiw .'.ii 'T'- \ • ! evenn.',^ w i a irs. W i . I . .1:.., , . -A Mildrun. ,...d C. 1 .. inidley, have ; fiut 'n ,' 1- m ; il- bv ' ir:.;' ii- r :.o e . ;;ji tiien i..j;.scs wi'h \'..iter i : O S T O N ^ M l M \ \ n : \ 1 ):t ir 11\ ell-- ' h \ I'.ci: t. c . ,' ' ri’i ike, j the ::s(* ,,t rs. Pen:.-nt .;i s., ( < i.O t in N<- * >•_________ • \iid all tiu-';- ii)';- u:i- j Mti'.-n-h two . ,e !• -1 i.- 1 : e ! • i■ -i *• : i; rt-porle.l that il-'iir> .M. I )owii j i:i: i-r '.>ors w-- t.-- s . :■ i ■ 1 ■ 1 ; • p. ■ > I ;>i .-I ..'e.l thv t'.nm 1 ' .lidng to tli'- e l.;te W I. : i mi: ;i:. -:;tr.illi ■. , ^-3 i! • ■■■: : lite I Pen;,el.:. .11..1 th..t .M"s. \:i.l i: : i-■ . I t!.n- '■lOe.l in : ir-ir o'v,-. •_ ' i ; ' .'..I'l iier Ivlwin, will move W I ;, ', w \ il i' I i-' i-i'-, i t!i:-t t .• ,i :tho: C. 1 ,. i 'li ilev's hotisc the mill, .\iui cviT I'l r.(_ 1 1 y. l:ir.» ,l-.' ;,.rSiT,,, s. ■■ c'. -- t'. B.'M H . w g o d ; 1 tin- " ii-h t-tin . ;i 1 ;.;e.;:: \ ” S' 1 . --..i;'- . j ! .11- ii.itii.iwav j' is b;',;inning t..' lo'.V i .’lb'.lit •k " c ol !,iti-. ■ ';xi ,1 !:ttli-\ ill i;e. with its twent'- r.:-,.; h • Mti’i 's' V. t i i t i liM/'lu-;- \\ c ii tvr ------- ' •■■‘• 'V “ • - { 1 h.' ns:::il 1 1: i.f ( . , : 1 : .- . 1 . .0 •' tenements, ow nc! b\ the i.eih'. i.iiiif gi iii'; lMr:.,,:;is in tiu- st,i';i' : ni-i-' 1 » . .r.' s wi 1, til- o l 1 ^ i : - t '•I' . Inig t'o. i'lu \ ;ire oc. iipicd ;ts las'. ;,.iti.-:i li l i'-ir.-l: ■ •■Mji;.-'.'.!. \\ e a:e ple.isi-d t.) n.i'.ice tii.i: ;hii 'k s 1,1 .si-;s. H.-i-; ill ^t<K-K ;i \c ! v L;ii'l;<‘ iii«-ti) <>i I-I or::.? Nc v /c 1 ,i::d ''II-; 1 .y ■ ^.'n ^■:r, '.',i\ ni -nin;;. 1 't 1 nibri 1 •; ,., * ■ e o, tl.e ten in:- .1 clc.ini-^g ti|) .111,1 ini i;iti-i i-'t - i :i:.- in \ 1 1 1 ■ ' ■ , , . t ' c V tiif :tppe:i’','.•1(1. ot tlie'r jilaces. \ !!.i- s’li, ! >irkriis, j \ (i|s;. .'out • . 1 .;: 1.' .i!s ;. n t:,'> . a ; -. W- ' . >;■ ■' .> !<. ]'. I t ! '.f. n:i ■: in:i;'. :e I 'il. .r,i! s. I. ii-ty w!:o are n hearsing t VI- i:. b „..,s ■1 t' *\ s ■ I ; !’l * , 1 :■■■;; .I'M 'siilliv:i:i s oji'-i 1 ■'.'siir. erer." have i’l'rsi'nlt’.s 'ACi’ks ,i.r \(.T\' i !'. .1:.-if.; I i'. -■■ilie c ■! l:is I.i 'p m .'.r .1 " I ; .0 their oi;;ani ,i;i..n :mi or iiestra coin- : ic !i iiii il' i - S '11. 'l;is yi-ir. i’i.oiiis i;i oil slxii-s ■d s wil: ; S--I .1 1: e 1 . ' ■-■ ■ ,\; ! , ' ■ ■ d ho:;.I- , . w hii h proves to b ’ : ' ' .1 tl.l [' 'id's. r ;ir(- [i; y - Diamonds siid Precious Slones, (i.iHi- ill ti,<- -;ci, k i;,; .i ;.iiii III N- ■. \ ,,ik, . ■ .:■'<• ■ I ;nl lilio:;. The j.iO.l ,■ n,;i\- 1' ;> . ■ ti;js . l|,,pi \ .i; -M ii-itil ' 'i 1..;. i. rali. ' thru mi .s|. .n. j ' ' . I'. I- I ;r.- pl.MMirc ol he:iring this ].retl\ ; g; cat rtttt in tin- r,i, ii h n k I '1 n in.-. M orx ri:i) i.\ \ A inoi's s 'i ^ l k s o f . 1 ,,f i.i;ic ..M'S K j« i:ii(l si( iv l.ts! \\<».K are I'!..; -A 01111.; I'.-..;, .-'s i ! .p- r I •,]r la st o t J inil,'>!y. 1 *' Ml ’ I ;i 11 11 > See (I : ;s ; ,ti t ;i! )lc ivb.i ,. lil III' l:feii).i'l Ui i'.-iOMiv, uiiii !U) ne»v m e n '," <■ ill be in 1 ... ::;/i I,, . \.- I i'- V i 1 V ! ;.;i, lai.i in a larg'- s'..m,\ >■'111 v; 'itir s:iiri-, 1 )nc tlioasaiui rasi-s 1.1 K I. in;: o! Dr.embri J-. 'l-i.,-, ■ snitabif : .r hohd.iv j):-sents. • aiK.iaid iii>\(d.s Im;- i^'c, cai ii, 'ddimuI .11 d n.; ' |)!ograni, di'i lils nl ,\';i.'ii \< ,1' t.' see th rin . iMCp in ni’.iid the .S", i.ii a\‘ . .siijipei by lix' '!! ('iiiiii, 'g.Mii! iinc (ii .|0(,'. aiiil be give n l,iter. Cold and Sliver Jewelry i’. I . i,. I'l !rly, li;ni e.i-iii 1^ at 1 : I ':i: tstiiKi' cra-!ii.iti -n of tiie .Metiiodist iM,d<s. the l i'.apc:. j. i'. Reynold' ha- rt.- ; all t’'c ti'o; ;; ' ,' i.>o, , t I...e p!ai e ,s.i;iird,iv e ca- loiin ii. Kis'i.-\' i;as bi'iii iira\.ii as a iuror iri\- t.ik rii lio m his iioii^i-; a , k, w .i.i i, j tl i-2)tli, whin t;,,-y will pio.lnee tlie III 1Ih‘ Designs. e.scrptioii oi tile n.oney an.: i!','?’ \'. a'.^ li. I 1 Children’s Booics io! the 1 nili u .MateH i*)ni t, j! .w in Sesr^ion v:n,; • s.cru-, wi.icli is describe.1 ir- ' :u' •it 1 laninul. ariicles v.ere iondd in .a ii::nd:,- on tl " . .jm. » ■ r,.;,; s ( iinp.mion. in coinie.-rion with ' >.itstrip f.inner )i'.irs in \-iiiety ,an 1 in ;\r- ol W est .Main and \'. asniii;;ton stitets, t'uT.- wiil be int.-resting exi 'ci-.s b\- t'ne lolin .\1. Str.veii v h.LS si vere.i his d.oiriei-- tist^ t.isle. \ ’ew Hruain t'.>'o d.i\sa!lcr n.i; rob::o; v. Kvervtliiii'4’ \ \ .‘iri'aiitt'tl. (xo(»(l> cluM'i'liilly >li<>\\ ii. ( all aii<l ti'in will) M. I'!, ia ’ol/s as luokeepei', and '■onn,; [)!■..pi--. Tne ex.ict natura of wiiicii c.xpe» ts to li.catc :n I’.'jston. '.ve ,in- iu.;i!ile to ^ivo at piescnt. Hooks For Bovs s(‘<* llh' Hi^iutifii! I iia\(' to '^!i<>w you. W . .s. 1 .:Mi'(ici.;eC ispultili;.; i:i a h. p. .\t the semi-annii;il niei tin'.; of the P. c \\ cil.s bdi IT ill 1',’s now stoam launch >■ ' ■ I' ., the follo'.vinj.; oilicers :i! d coni- .Vre very ,1 ti'aetive this vcar. .\ ncvv b.iok ■'W hite .'sta:." at I:rid:;cp,irt. B e r l i n ’s in'te. s .eere cli'ctcd ; Prcsi.K-iit, ,\1 is-, i'imin i by lleiily, “ In ( ireek W,iters.” < ooke ; V'. e-Pree.sident, Miss Clara Tiie tint yIII ir.r.y notice on the p;i;H'r of 'dildruni ; ^'i-. ret.iry and Tre.asurer, Mis^, S . z z . o o i d , ’.histxipyof 1 ill is .simply tl-.e re- 0 1 cH‘st Indijstr)'. ' ,-tellrt \\ illi.anis ; l.ookout Committee, ;lectIon of <il.; i'l,:shes, ' ii.i. e johnsini, l-'ied W'oodrulT, Morence JeTxreler a,rxd. 0 ^ticla,i:L. 'i'he clnldi.n i 1 l!'.e Congregational M’.ndav -------— > ----- i’:iddock ; S..cial ( 'onniittee, .A. .V. Xorth, Sciuiol will 1'e ente: 1.lined at li'.e c.iuirc'i ■'usie I'enlield, liattie .\. .Mildrum, .Marv \luiiday eveniii;.;, Heceniber -joth. K l-l^d I >> r I'liK .Ni-e, , 1.. '■.>'\ li.r; .'suial.ay School ( V)mniittee, C. .A. ,!7'> S ! . .yni' Conn. 1 rc(i<.rii;k J. .'-iiiei.s. supei inti-ndent tor M . write an a iicic dtsci'io'^e "1 I’eck 00.1 vhrd, .Mrs lolin.ft. Per-y, j-llla .Mc- ' 'mi.i1 ; i'lMver .Meeting Committee. l-'lo:'ence Jai.jii!- ha:< <■• .lU'liided his sea» ‘n’s \vi>:k \ • Stow \\ iico.t ing es­ In 3*lush aiul LcaUier.

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