Holioay DEEP INTO THE WOODS. No luxuries here, as "Herb" Welch — f amous Maine Guide—makes noon camp. Hearty outdoor appetites welcome the sense of diges­ tive well-being that smok­ ing Camels encourages. As "Herb" says: "I've lived on dried meat and I've dined on the best—but no matter what I'm eating, it always tastes better and digests bet­ ter when I smoke Camels." WHEREVER... WHATEVER... WHENEVER YOU EAT- Smoking Camels encourages a proper flow of digestive fluids ... increases alkalinity... brings a sense of well-being OU eat over a thousand meals creases. You enjoy your food— Ya year! Food is varied. Place and have a feeling of ease and and time often differ. Yet, thanks contentment after eating. Meal­ to Camels, you can help digestion time or anytime—make it Camels meet these changing conditions —for digestion's sake, for Camel's easily. Smoking Camels speeds invigorating "lift," for mildness up the flow of digestive fluids. and fine flavor. Camels do not Tension eases. Alkalinity in­ get on your nerves. Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS ...Turkish and Domestic... ROUTES 100 TRAINS A DAY. GLIDER CHAMPION. Mrs. D. than any other popular brand. H. M. Wright, train director, Holderman says: "A few Camels, says: "I smoke Camels and I and I eat with relish and feel can count on good digestion." cheery and at ease afterward.' Copyright, 193H, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company THE M. I. T. VOO DOO I VOO DOO Holiday Number, 1936 INDEX PAGE VooDooings : 7 The Pilgrims Try It Again 9 Battle of Music 10 Pulp Section 11 Recordings ... _ 23 Phosphor Essences 25 Following the Flicks .. 27 o o o o THE M. I. T. COMIC MONTHLY Published by the Woop Garoo Society for the Students of Entered-as second-class matter at the the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Office: 303-304 Walker Memorial Post Office at Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Published monthly from September to June Vol. XIX Subscription $2.00 per year HOLIDAY NUMBER. 1936 No. 7 Office hours: I to 5:30 P.M., Monday to Friday Member A. C. C. E. Copyright, 1936, by the Woop Garoo Society PHILIP H. PETERS, '37 SPECIAL SECTION General Manager Endeavoring to combine light humor with R. VINCENT KRON, '37 serious satire, Phos presents herewith a section Business Manager intended to bring to the public notice the RICHARD M. WESTFALL, '37 Managing Editor evils of the pulp magazines. Millions of words Francis S. Stein, '38 are read by America in publications of this Editor type which make even less sense than the pur- Joseph H. Klaber, '38 rings of VooDoo's wise black cat. Literary Editor William G. Gibson, '38 Assistant to the Managing Editor Frank A. Knight, '38 Assistant Literary Editor REFERENDUM Arthur W. Vogeley, '39 Make up Editor By continuing his policy of omitting ex­ George A. Heinemann, '38 change jokes, so often clipped in eleventh-hour Exchange Editor emergencies to fill empty spaces, Phos makes Harry B. Hollander, '38 production of the magazine harder for him­ Advertising Manager self, but he hopes more worthwhile for his G. Edwin Hadley, '38 readers. If they, in turn, disagree with his Treasurer policy, he wishes they would let him know. John H. Craig, '38 Associate Treasurer His round black ears are always in tune for Harrison Phinizy, '38 messages of criticism or approval and VooDoo Art Editor can not fail to profit by the receipt of expres­ Martin R. Cines, '38 sions of campus opinion. Equally welcome Personnel Manager would be contributions by authors and artists David E. Irving, '38 Publicity Manager who are not on the board, but feel an urge to express themselves. Frederic W. Reuter, Jr., '38 Circulation Manager Literary Associates R. Youngquist Charles Friedman R. Casselman J. V. Kitenplon Frederick Erdos Millard Hodgson HOLIDAY GREETINGS Art Associates With holidays so close, Phos wishes you all Ichiro Takahashi Florence Lytell a pleasant time and a thorough relaxation. To Stuart V. Arnold Robert Flanagan paraphrase an old quotation: "All work and no play makes Tech a dull school." Business Associates Gus Griffin Leo N. Kabacinski William F, Pulver Jack Krey Abraham Patashinsky And He Learned about FRESHNESS from Her! OPEY'S delicious Delilah dished out fetching freshness D with saucy sureness. Always start them off with Double- Mellow Old Golds. They will catch on so much quicker. The two jackets of Cellophane is the first tip-off, and then with the first delightful puff of that mellow, sun-ripened, prize crop tobacco, the light of true freshness will dawn and ZIPS OPEN DOUBLE-QUICK! he'll catch the spirit of things, Christmas included. Outer Cellophane Jacket opens from the Bottom. Yes indeedy, and you'll get a bigger kick out of that Inner Cellophane Jacket opens from the Top. Kriss Kringle Kiss ... it will be factory-fresh. Copr., 1036, by P. Loriilard Co., Inc. PRIZE CROP TORACCOS MAKE THEM DOUBLE-MELLOW 2 JACKETS OF "CELLOPHANE KEEP THEM FACTORY-FRESH THE M. I. T. VOO DOO Copyright, 1939, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company P. A. IS MIGHTY FRIENDLY SMOKIN'v MEN! Yes, sir, Prince Albert is a real bite the tongue! You're in good delight to steady pipe smokers. company when you smoke Prince Being "crimp cut," you can count Albert. It's the largest-selling on P. A. to pack easily, burn cool smoking tobacco in the world. and sweet, and cake up nicely. And it's swell "makin's" too. Try And thanks to our special "no-bite" a handy pocket-size tin of Prince process, Prince Albert does not Albert—the "national joy smoke." PRINCE ALBERT MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Smoke 20 fragrant pipefuls of Prince Albert. If you don't find it the mellowest, tastiest pipe tobacco you ever smoked, return the pocket tin with the rest of the tobacco in it to us at any time with­ in a month from this date, and we will refund full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. THE NATIONAL Fringe Albert JOY SMOKE pipeful* of fragrant tobacco in every 2-oz. tin of Prince Albert THE M. I. T. VOO DOO 5 111 1 • •— 6 THE M. I. T. VOO DOO Helen Gleason Co-starred with Dennis King in "FREDERIKA" the new Franz Lehar operetta opening at the Shubert Xmas night VOODOOINCS Old Eli fall apart meanwhile. The per­ Fiendish formance finished, the class con­ We heard this from a friend of a tinued the discussion of rent when The other day we garnered an friend of ours. It seems that a suddenly, fifteen minutes before interesting bit of information from prominent Yale alumnus is very the end of the period, the door a drug store clerk. We were apply­ thoroughly loyal, and one of his opened and in walked the rest of ing a soothing lotion to our pharynx most prized possessions is a very the class, and took his seat. One when a man of some seventy sum­ typically Yale bulldog, all dressed of the original listeners remarked mers strode briskly into the store in a blue jacket and looking like that he certainly should know about and asked for a Bromo. True, there the cover of the "Record." When rent by the time the professor is nothing wrong in that,—but the all the guests were assembled for showed the block system again, and drug clerk whispered that the foam dinner one evening, the alumnus sure enough, for a third time the he was sipping was the tenth of his posed the dog in the center of the little red bits of wood contributed daily twenty. He averred in solemn room, and asked him, "What would to the sum of human knowledge. tones that the lad was a Bromo you r ather do than go to Harvard?" fiend. Seems that there are lots Whereupon, the canine, well of 'em. Silly—but we dream with versed in Yale tradition, rolled over starry eyes of the glorious bender and played dead. that may have been his inspiration. I 2 Mortification Repetition The tall, black individual that Prof. Ingraham has an ingenious takes care of towels, wet bathing and complicated contraption of suits and what-have-you in the wooden blocks to demonstrate that locker room of a club we frequent economic stomach-ache called the during the blissful summer months marginal theory of rent. He dem­ has always intrigued us in some onstrated this, with all of its rami­ inexplicable way. Until the very fications, before a class of four in last day of this year's season we his office one day, or rather before had never been able to find a logical 50% of the class, since two of the reason for this strange fascination, members were absent. Shortly after but, suddenly, as a bolt from the the demonstration was completed, blue, our hazy captivation ripened a third member of the class walked into a deep and warm respect. Our in, and somewhat petulantly the towel-clrying acquaintance who an­ professor ran through his routine swered only to the name of "Whit­ a gain, the class somewhat on tenter­ /?/7 /mpresa/on of a ney", apparently possessing no hooks for fear the gadget might coed entering /0-260. (Continued on Page 27) I THE M. I. T. VOO DOO ©fye JHlgrtma ®rg It Again 1r$ e, ye Ptlgrtmmes, intcrcste to saib passengers, •jlle of ye bate 8c bib exclame toith much bib becibe to leabe toife of onne of ye younger mem- noises anb jumpings that tt bias pnglanbe becans beres of ye pilgrimmes — ye cog­ nigh onl° 8e ^eto peer 8c bie ye P;«tge bib be- nomen is kept in silence for ye must make our resolutions.
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