University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 7-22-1992 Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 67, July 22, 1992 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 67, July 22, 1992" (1992). Central Florida Future. 1143. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1143 • NEWSp.3 OPINIONp.S FEATURES p. 8 · UCF parking problems Malcolm X gear is not Summer movies that put on front bumer for the uninformed deserve failing grades entra uture Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Vol. 24, No. 67 WEDNESDAY July 22, 1992 _ . 8 Pages Student Senate appoints senator, justice • Jennifer M. Burgess as justice to the Judicial Council. "fd like to find something for suggestion box in the Business has experienre making decisions. Massmini is a member of the my last year of college to dedi- Administration Building. She said her friends usually ask STAFF REPORTER • Student Accounting. =i catemyselfto,"hesaid. Pho said that she has always for her opinion when dealing with Student Government ap- Society, the U.S. Coast ,I .~1 . _! 1 ; Massmini said he wanted to become active in SG problems and she is able to give pointed a new senator andjusice GuardReservesandthe !·;p-- ~ @·. ~ : has noticed that many and feels that becoming a justire unbiased decisions. 1 during its meeting Sunday. Acacia Fraternity. ~· (d!f' , ~ studentsintheCollegeof will be an opportunity to do that. She also said that she would • MichaelMassmini,an account­ He is a senior and , ..... "--. ~..,.. Business are not aware She is a sophomore, a member of like the opportunity for advanre­ ing and finanre major, was ap­ saidthatheisnotwork- \S_tudent what is going on in their Alpha Omega, VASA and the ment within the judicial council. Government .d pointed as a senatortothe College mg for the first tune department. He sai he Honors Program. "I would like to go as far as I of Business, and Yvon Pho, an since he started college and has would like to see more communi­ Pho said that although she has can get," Pho said. Pho will economics major, was appointed a lot of time to dedicate to SG. cation within his college and a no prior judicial experience, she serve a two year term as justice. Ex-Tiger joins Knight staff by Jenny Duncanson STAFF REPORTER Basketball season is still months away but already the roster is changing. Two UCF assistant coaches have re­ signed to take positions elsewhere, and one of the vacancies has already been filled. TimThomasandBretCampbellcameto UCF with Head Coach Joe Dean three years ago. Earlier this month, both re­ signed for jobs at other colleges. Campbell, who coached with Dean at Binningham­ Southem College beforecomingto Orlando, was recruitingcoordinatorin addition to his coaching du­ t i e s . Campbell has accepted a similar posi­ tion at the Austin Peay State Uni­ versity in· Clarksville, Tenn. Tho- mas will move to DWIGHT EVANS Texas to become an assist.ant coach at the University of Texas-Pan American. To replace Thomas, Dean is bringing in a player from his days at Birming­ ham-Southern. Dwight Evans, a native ofQueens, N.Y., Eight candidates down, two more to go played his senior year under Dean during the 1983-84 season. The Panthers went Pesidential race heats up as Bush and Clinton battle for Perot supporters 23--8 that season, playing the NAIA na­ by em Cushing Perot said that, since he felt he could not movement by the actions ofits upper level tional toumamentandEvansreceivedhon­ win the office outright, he would not be a people. Once those spots began emptying, it orable mention All-American honors. E ITOR IN CHIEF candidate for 1992. Many of the 10 million was easy to see that Perot was in trouble. "It's agreatopportunityforme," Evans Brown, Buchanan, Bush, Clinton, Perotsupportersfeltbetrayedanddeserted. Handberg also pointed out that, once the said. "Anytime you get a chance to work Harkin, Kerry, Perot, Tsongas, Wilder. And ZacharyTayloris a senior at UCFmajor­ negative press on Perot began surfacing, for the coach you played for, it says a lot sometimes Cuomo. ing in public administration. Although not the Texas billionaire found it increasingly about you as a person as well as your All were in the national spotlight during actively involved in the campaign, he had difficult to withstand the public scrutiny. coaching ability." ~e past year as 1992 presidential possibili­ intended to vote for Perot. "I don't think he [Perot] understood the For the last four years Evans has been a ti~. As ofThursday, the list finally became "I felt like he let us down," Taylor said, dynamics of politics," said Thomas Brown, part-time coach and chief scout at the the usual two: President George Bush and describing his reaction to the news as "sad; president of the UCF chapter of College University of Missouri. During the 1988- Democratic candidate Bill Clinton. very, very disappointed." Republicans. Brown said he predicted such 89 season, Evans was promoted to full­ Yet, the bignewsin the rare wasnotthat Some on campus insisted they were not a move by Perot the week before it hap­ time coach with recruiting duties. While he fact. It was that Ross Perot, the self-made surprised in the least by the decision. pened and that the Texan was only deceiv­ was an assistant the Tigers won 97 games. Texas billionaire, quit the rare after spend­ "If you read the tea leaves with people ing people with his candidacy. Both Repub­ "I'm looking forward to the challenge . monthsand$10milliontoputhisname leaving his campaign, it wasn't much of a licans and Democrats on campus seem to here at UCF," Evans said. "Coach Dean out among an American electorate that­ surprise," said Dr. Robert Handberg, pro­ agree on this point. has the program headed in the right displaying an obvious dissatisfaction with fessor of political scienre. His assessment direction, and I want to keep it going." PEROT continued page 2 two major parties -followed eagerly. was that one can gauge the strength of a CLASSIFIEDS page 6 PEROT FROM PAGE 1 ~ th Hear Ye, Hear Ye "!have bee nsaying1ormon s "We Deliver" that his campaign was a bit of a nece:::a~::r:~ture ~ ~ 11794 East Colonial Dr. mirage," said Trace Tiylko, past ~~- (comer of Alafaya & E Colonial . behind Wendy's) presidentofUCFsCollegeDemo- ~~) PIZZA & SUBS 273-9676 d d 1 to thi News, Sports, Features and C::s:n:e~=- ~e~~Perot': Opinion all need wri~rs. 2 Pk7a;-o';ubie-P:P.;:r:ii1 - This~~;k-o~l-y - r - - - -all- - -t -- Y Come by the office and fill I 2 Large 2 Small I I p· I 2 5m 2 1em I lackofeitheracoherentcampaign outanapplication. Call I $9.95 $5.49 I one arge • 1zza I $6.49 i or political platform. UCF-NEWS for more 2 Medium two toppings I "With that in mind, I'm not information I $6.95 I $4 95 I I surprised that he opted out," I Coupon Necessary I • I Coupon Necessary • I h h h Original Round Pizza Only Coupon Necessary Original Round Pizza Only 1 Trylko said. "I t oug t t at I Dell1•ery $1.50 Extra. Not oolld uiother coupon.~ I Delivery $1.50 Extra. Not uoltd atother coupons .• De/Ivery $1.50 Extra. Not oolld uiother COUP<>'!_•.• the most stunning part of it.----------- .._ - ---- - -- - c.1.a- -- --- --- ~ fS... _ - ______ -.a. was the timing." Even Handberg agreed with Need a paper Typed and Edited that point. But don't have the titne or energy? "I personally thought Perot Let.Me! wouldgointoSeptember,"hesaid. •Reasonable Rates •Rush jobs not a problem. With Perot out of the race, the Bring Friends ... •Resumes •Pick-up & delivery available. big question is what that vacuum Roommates ... in the electorate will cause in No­ Call Shannon Any time for a FREE estimate. and Money!!! vember. When Perot announced his intentiqns, both Bush and Clinton contacted him to thank Ill 382-4889 lil- him for drawing attention to the Belz Factory upcoming race. They hoped to get Outlet World his endorsement and draw some ofbis supporters into their camps. Mall 2 While it appears that Clinton 363-4670 has been helped the most, enjoy­ ~ ~www 10% student disc~unt on ~egular . ·merchandise with UCF ID inga24 percent lead over Bush as 1 of Friday, Handberg attributes Ii !~~~c~=:' that primarily to the traditional "IF WE CAN'T GET IT ... NOAH DIDN'T BRING IT ... " post-convention "bump." Ball $49.99 ''I believe that it's definitely Pythons •••..•..•......•......•......•......•.•.•..•......... going to help the Republican (with additional purchase required) Party," Brown said. Baby Ferrets, Neutered & Descented, Guaranteed $99.99 Tiylkodisagrees,however,say­ ing that Clinton should gBt twice as many previous Perot support­ 657-0747 ers because the group wanted Now a Discount Outlet Store change, and Clinton is the candi­ up to 30% off everyday date that represents that change. at Goldenrod & University in the Kmart Plaza, East Orlando Taylor agreed with Tcylko "It is going to help Clinton," he said, citing Bush's declining popu­ larity. However, even that is not PBVANEY'S· set in stone. "It all depends on the Democrats.
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