VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA ČASOPIS PRE VOJENSKÚ HISTÓRIU MÚZEJNÍCTVO A ARCHÍVNICTVO ROČNÍK 20 1/2016 VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA Časopis pre vojenskú históriu múzejníctvo a archívnictvo 1/2016 VYDÁVA VOJENSKÝ HISTORICKÝ ÚSTAV V BRATISLAVE © Vojenský historický ústav, Bratislava 2016 www. vhu.sk Všetky práva vyhradené. Žiadna časť publikovaného časopisu nesmie byť reprodukovaná alebo použitá a šírená v akejkoľvek forme a akýmikoľvek prostriedkami, elektronicky alebo mechanicky, vrátane kopírovania, digitalizácie alebo uchovávaná v akýchkoľvek informačných pamätiach, databázach a informačných pamätiach, databázach a informačných systémoch bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu Vojenského historického ústavu a autorov. Príspevky vyjadrujú názory autorov a nemusia byť totožné so stanoviskom vydavateľa a redakcie. OBSAH Štúdie HABAJ, Michal: Reflexia vojenských výprav Kýra II. v súdobej lietratúre .................... 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: Boj o babenberské dedičstvo a I. česko-uhorská vojna 1252 – 1254 ............................................................................................................ 18 LIŠČÁK, Marián: Verbovačky (vojenské odvody) v žilinskom slúžnovskom obvode Trenčianskej stolice v prvej polovici 19. storočia ......................... 43 DANGL, Vojtech: Ťaženie v severnom Taliansku a bitka pri Magente 1859 ................. 53 MICHELA, Miroslav: K aktivitám slovenskej pro-uhorskej emigrácie v prospech zmeny hraníc v rokoch 1922 – 1926 ............................................. 70 MEDVECKÝ, Matej: Zabudnutý útvar. Krátke dejiny 73. pešieho pluku (1949 – 1954) ...................................................................................... 86 Dokumenty a materiály ŠUMICHRAST, Peter: Ako to bolo naozaj… Fakty o okolnostiach mimoriadneho vymenovania Ladislava Hodra za dôstojníka letectva .......................... 111 Personálie BALÁŽ, Claude: K účasti Slovákov v protifašistickom odboji vo Francúzsku ........... 127 Recenzie MAKAROV, Igor: Vystrely v Sarajevo. Kto načal boľšuju vojnu? (F. Vrábel) ........... 132 SCHVARC, Michal – HALLON, Ľudovít – MIČKO, Peter: Pracovali v tretej ríši: štúdie a dokumenty k náboru a nasadeniu pracovných síl zo Slovenska v nacistickom Nemecku v rokoch 1938 – 1945. (J. Drábik) .............. 136 Bibliografia ................................................................................................................... 140 Anotácie, glosy .............................................................................................................. 158 Kronika ......................................................................................................................... 161 INHALT Studien HABAJ, Michal: Reflexion über die Feldzüge des Königs Kyros II. In der zeitgenössischen Literatur ....................................................................................... 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: Der Kampf um die Erbfolge der Babenberger und der erste böhmisch-ungarische Krieg 1252 – 1254 ................................................... 18 LIŠČÁK, Marián: Musterungen (Assentierungen) im Stuhlbezirk Zsolna (Sillein, Žilina) in der trentschiner Gespanschaft in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ......................................................................................................... 43 DANGL, Vojtech: Der Feldzug der kaiserlich-königlichen Armee in Norditalien und die Schlacht bei Magenta 1859 .......................................................... 53 MICHELA, Miroslav: Aktivitäten der slowakischen pro-ungarischenEmigration zugunsten der Änderung der Staatsgrenzen in den Jahren 1922 – 1926 .......................... 70 MEDVECKÝ, Matej: Der vergessene Verband. Kurze Geschichte des 73. Infanterieregiments der Tschechoslowakischen Armee (1949 – 1954) ............... 86 Dokumente und Materialien ŠUMICHRAST, Peter: Wie es wirklich gewesen ist… Fakten zu den Umständen, die zur außerordentlichen Ernennung von Ladislav Hodro zum Luftwaffenoffizier ....................................................................................... 111 Personalien BALÁŽ, Claude: Beteiligung der Slowaken am antifaschistischen Widerstandskampf in Frankreich .................................................................................... 127 Rezensionen .................................................................................................................. 132 Bibliographie ................................................................................................................ 140 Annotationen und Glossen .......................................................................................... 158 Chronik ......................................................................................................................... 161 CONTENTS Studies HABAJ, Michal: Reflections on the Military Expeditions of Cyrus II. in Contemporary Literature ................................................................................................ 6 ROHÁČ, Peter: Fight for the Babenberg Heritage etc. Czech-Hungarian War 1252 – 1254 .............................................................................................................. 18 LIŠČÁK, Marián: Conscriptions (Military Recruitments) in the Žilina Chair District of the Trenčín County in the 1st half of the 19th Century ........................ 43 DANGL, Vojtech: Campaign in Northern Italy and Battle of Magenta 1859 ................. 53 MICHELA, Miroslav: On the Activities of Slovak Pro-Hungarian Emigrants in Favour of a Change of Borders in 1922 – 1926 ......................................... 70 MEDVECKÝ, Matej: Forgotten Unit. Short History of the 73rd Infantry (1949 – 1954) ............................................................................................. 86 Documents and Materials ŠUMICHRAST, Peter: How it really was… Facts about the Circumstances of Extraordinary Appointment of Ladislav Hodra as the Air Officer ............................ 111 Personalities BALÁŽ, Claude: On the Participation of Slovaks in Anti-fascist Resistance in France ...................................................................................................... 127 Reviews .......................................................................................................................... 132 Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 140 Annotations, Glosses .................................................................................................... 158 Chronicle ....................................................................................................................... 161 VOJENSKÁ HISTÓRIA ŠTÚDIE REFLEXIA VOJENSKÝCH VÝPRAV KÝRA II. V SÚDOBEJ LITERATÚRE MICHAL HABAJ HABAJ, M.: Reflections on the Military Expeditions of Cyrus II. in Contemporary Literature. Vojenská história, 1, 20, 2016, pp 6-17, Bratislava. In his study, the author examined the military history of Persia in the 6th – 5th century BC, in particular the issue of military expeditions of Cyrus II. against the surrounding countries (Media, Babylon and other). Based on available sources – Greek on the one hand (Herodotus), and sources of “domestic” production on the other hand – Assyrian chronicles, inscriptions, religious texts, confronted with scientific literature, he makes an effort to reconstruct the story of several events, which have not been clearly identified or reconstructed yet, even according to the sources. Rather than reconstructing the historical story as a whole, the study concentrates on the bottlenecks of the aforementioned sources, with the effort to arrive as close to the original tradition as possible. In case of war on Media, the author dealt with the question of historicity of the Persian thraldom, dating the conflict in cuneiform documents, and division of the conflict into several stages, as found in ancient sources. In the conflict with Lydia, the author focused on the damaged spot in the Chronicle of Nabodinus, which enables to interpret the conflict not only as a war on Lydia but on Urartu or Suhu as well. The study also analyses the issue of the death of Kroisos, based on the ancient sources along with various interpretations of the Chronicle of Nabodinus. Doing that, the author examines various testimonies, by Herodotus, Ctesias, Justin, Bakchylides or the representation on the so-called Myron’s vase. The author also included the chronology of events in Justin’s work, since the Roman historian did change it compared to other sources. The author tries to answer the question what was the Roman’s motivation. As regards the conquest of Babylonia, the author analysed the Chronicle of Nabodinus, Cyrus’ Edict, Herodotus, and Berossus. By analysing them, he arrived at surprising correlations in the Persian attack scenario, which suggest that the events have remained well preserved in tradition. Military History. Persia. 6th -5th century BC. Military Expeditions of Cyrus II. and Critical Assessment thereof. Zakladateľ Staroperzskej ríše skonštruoval svoj štát sledom víťazstiev. Najskôr sa stretol na bojisku s médskym kráľom Astyagom a víťazstvom oslobodil Peržanov spod vazalského postavenia. V priebehu niekoľkých rokov ho medzinárodná situácia vohnala do otvoreného konfliktu s Lýdskou ríšou. Vojenský úspech v tomto prípade Peržanom zabezpečil držbu takmer celej Malej Ázie. Po páde Médie a Lýdie zostávala na Prednom východe posledná veľmoc: Novobabylonská ríša. Kýros ju dobyl a rozšíril svoje územie až po východné Stredomorie a
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