HKR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 年報 2013/14 STOCK CODE 股份代號:00480 Annual Report 香港興業國際集團有限公司 Annual Report 2013/14 年報 Awards & Recognition 獎項及嘉許 Major awards received by the Group in the past year: 本集團於過去一年獲得的主要獎項: Awards Organisers 獎項 主辦機構 “5 Years Plus Caring Company” Logo Hong Kong Council of Social Service HKR International 5年Plus「商界展關懷」標誌 香港社會服務聯會 Limited 香港興業國際集團 Bronze Award for Volunteer Service Social Welfare Department 有限公司 義務工作嘉許銅狀 社會福利署 Best Guest Review Awards 2013 Booking.com The Marketing Events Awards 2013 – Best Venue Experience Silver Award Marketing Events magazine, Singapore Auberge Discovery Bay ESDLife Bridal Awards 2013 – Best New Hotel Wedding Banquet ESDLife Hong Kong 新婚生活易大賞2013-新人至愛新酒店婚宴 生活易 香港愉景灣酒店 Darizi Awards 2013 – The Most Romantic Wedding Venue Award Darizi magazine DARIZI大日子 Awards 2013-最浪漫婚禮場地 大日子雜誌 iF Communication Design Award 2014 – Hotel Casual Dining iF Design, Germany Café bord de Mer 海玥餐廳 33rd Gold Key Awards for Excellence in Hospitality Design – Boutique Design magazine & Best Restaurant Casual Dining HOTELS magazine, US Top 100 World’s Best Hotels 2013 Institutional Investor magazine, US Certificate of Excellence 2013 (Rating 4.5 of 5) TripAdvisor, US The Sukhothai Readers’ Choice Awards 2013 – Top 15 Hotels in Thailand Condé Nast Traveler magazine, US Best in Travel 2013 – No.10 in Best Leisure Hotel / Resort in Asia SmartTravelAsia.com Celadon One of the 101 Best Hotel Restaurants Around the World 2013 TheDailyMeal.com Thailand Best Restaurant 2014 Thailand Tatler magazine La Scala One of the Asia’s Top 500 Finest Restaurants The Miele Guide 2013 Contents 目錄 02 About HKR International Limited 101 Consolidated Statement of 有關香港興業國際集團有限公司 Profit or Loss 04 Signature Projects 綜合損益表 具代表性的重點項目 102 Consolidated Statement of 06 Highlights of the Year Profit or Loss and Other 年度大事摘要 Comprehensive Income 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 08 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 103 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 14 Managing Director’s Operations Review 綜合財務狀況表 董事總經理業務回顧 105 Consolidated Statement of 36 Board of Directors Changes in Equity 董事會 綜合權益變動報表 38 Biographical Details of Directors 108 Consolidated Statement of Cash 董事之履歷 Flows 45 Directors’ Report 綜合現金流量表 董事會報告 112 Notes to the Consolidated 67 Corporate Governance Report Financial Statements 企業管治報告 綜合財務報表附註 95 Financial Highlights 226 Five-year Financial Summary 財務概要 五年財務概要 96 Financial Review 227 Particulars of Major Properties 財務回顧 主要物業詳情 99 Independent Auditor’s Report Corporate Information and 獨立核數師報告 Investors’ Calendar 公司資料及投資者日誌 About HKR International Limited 有關香港興業國際集團有限公司 Discovery Bay 愉景灣 Our Vision, Mission & Values 我們的願景、使命和價值觀 VISION To be the pioneer of innovative living space 願景 執業界牛耳 創生活空間 MISSION We strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through teamwork and passionate pursuit of innovation and excellence 使命 群策群力、創新為先、卓越為求、健康為本,獨樹風格生活體驗 VALUES PIONEER RESPECT INNOVATION 價值觀— Break new Value the individual Think outside grounds + and cherish our + the box 2 PRI DE 推陳出新 environment 不同凡“想” 尊人重土 INTEGRITY DEVOTION EXCELLENCE Uphold high Be committed Consistency in the ethical + and + pursuit of our standards passionate quality standards 堅守誠信 傾心傾“誠” 止於至善 02 HKR International Limited Annual Report 2013/2014 In 1977, the family of Dr CHA Chi Ming, the late founder and chairman of the Company Group, acquired the equity interest of Hong Kong Resort Company Limited History (“Hong Kong Resort”) which is the registered owner and developer of Discovery Bay on Lantau Island. The shares of Hong Kong Resort and the other Group 公司背景 company were once listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“the Stock Exchange”) in 1987 and in 1988 and 1989 respectively. During the years 1988 and 1989, the Group underwent a series of reorganisation and scheme of arrangement and formed HKR International Limited (Stock Code: 00480) in May 1989 as its new listed holding company carrying on principally real estate development and other related businesses. Today, HKR International Limited has diversified interests in real estate development and investment, property management, luxury hotels, healthcare services and other investments in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia. 於1977年,本集團已故創辦人及主席查濟民博士之家族購入擁有及發展大嶼 山愉景灣的香港興業有限公司(「香港興業」)之股本權益。及後,香港興業的 股份與本集團的另一家公司的股份,曾分別於1987及1988至1989年內在香 港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)上市。在1988至1989年期間,本集團進行 了一連串之重組及協議計劃,於1989年5月正式成立香港興業國際集團有限公 司(股份代號:00480),並成為本集團之新上市控股公司,主要繼續發展地產 及其他相關業務。 香港興業國際集團有限公司現時在香港、中國內地及亞洲從事多元化業務, 包括地產發展及投資、物業管理、豪華酒店、醫療保健服務及其他投資項目。 香港興業國際集團有限公司 2013/2014 年報 03 Signature Projects 具代表性的重點項目 Hong Kong 香港 Discovery Bay Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong 愉景灣 香港愉景灣酒店 Located on Lantau Island, Discovery Bay is the Group’s Opened in March 2013, Auberge Discovery Bay Hong flagship residential project comprising garden houses, Kong, the deluxe resort hotel on the waterfront of Yi Pak, low-, mid- and high-rise developments, a 27-hole golf comprises 325 rooms and suites and a 16-metre tall course, a marina, two residents clubs, a manmade picture-perfect seaside pavilion ideal for wedding. beach, two international schools, two shopping malls and a resort hotel. 位於二白灣畔的豪華度假酒店香港愉景灣酒店於2013年 3月開業。這家酒店設有325間客房和套房;加上其16米 位於大嶼山的愉景灣是集團的旗艦住宅項目,擁有花園 高、坐擁美景的海濱浪漫禮堂,是舉行婚禮的最佳場地。 屋、低、中、高座物業、27洞高爾夫球場、遊艇會、兩個 住客會所、人造沙灘、兩所國際學校、兩個購物商場及一 家度假酒店。 Approx. Total GFA No. of Rooms 總樓面面積約 房間數目 325 2 974,200m Approx. Total GFA 總樓面面積約 26,000m2 Mainland China 中國內地 Dazhongli Shanghai City One Jiaxing 大中里 上海 香港興業 • 御緹灣 嘉興 Located in Jingan district, the Dazhongli project is a City One is the first-ever residential project developed by world-class mixed-use development comprising two a Hong Kong-based developer in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang super Grade-A office towers, three luxury hotels / Province. Located at the centre of the international business serviced apartments and a prime retail mall. It is district, it comprises seven 18-storey blocks, one nine-storey scheduled for completion in phases from 2016. duplex-on-duplex apartment block and 20 garden houses. 靜安區的大中里項目是世界級的綜合發展物業,由兩幢超 香港興業 • 御緹灣為浙江省嘉興市首個由純港資發展商開 高層甲級辦公樓、三家豪華精品酒店 / 服務式公寓及一個 發的住宅項目,位於國際商務區中心。該發展項目由七幢 高級購物商場組成,預計於2016年起分階段落成。 18層高大廈、一幢九層高的雙層複式物業及20座花園別墅 組成。 Approx. Total Planned GFA Approx. Total GFA 規劃中的總樓面面積約 總樓面面積約 323,000m2 83,000m2 (plus approx. 30,000m2 basement car park) (另有約30,000平方米地庫停車 場) 04 HKR International Limited Annual Report 2013/2014 Signature Projects 具代表性的重點項目 Thailand 泰國 The Sukhothai Residences Bangkok The Sukhothai Bangkok 曼谷 曼谷 Located next to The Sukhothai on South Sathorn Road, The Sukhothai is a world-renowned and award- The Sukhothai Residences is a 41-storey ultra luxury winning hotel in Central Bangkok, highly regarded by condominium tower comprising 196 residential units. international travellers for its unparalleled services and The project was completed in April 2012. facilities. The Sukhothai Residences 位於 South Sathorn Road 上的 位於曼谷市中心的 The Sukhothai 世界知名、獲獎無數, The Sukhothai 旁邊,是一座樓高41層、共提供196個單位 其優秀的服務及設施備受環球旅客推崇。 的超級豪華公寓式住宅大廈。項目於2012年4月竣工。 Approx. Total GFA No. of Rooms 總樓面面積約 房間數目 210 2 81,000m Approx. Total GFA 總樓面面積約 40,400m2 Japan 日本 Horizon Place Akasaka Tokyo 東京 Acquired by the Group in 2010, the 94-unit Horizon Place Akasaka is located in Akasaka, Minato-ku of Tokyo. It is well-connected with many of Tokyo’s landmarks and boasts a panoramic view of skyscrapers. 集團於2010年購入、共有94個單位的Horizon Place Akasaka位於東京港區的赤坂,接連 東京多個重要地標,坐擁遼闊開揚的摩天大廈景致。 Approx. Total Floor Area 2 總面積約 8,500m 香港興業國際集團有限公司 2013/2014 年報 05 Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要 Apr 2013 2013年4月 May 5月 Jun 6月 The Group issued HK$560 The Group issued a total of million in seven-year unlisted HK$238 million in unlisted notes notes, and established a US$1 under the MTN programme for a billion medium term note (MTN) tenor of seven years. programme with listing status on 集團根據中期票據計劃發行總額 the Stock Exchange. 2.38億港元七年期之非上市票據。 集團發行5.6億港元七年期之非上 市票據,隨後設立10億美元之中 期票據計劃,並於聯交所上市。 Aug 8月 The Group won the tender for a lot in Kau To, Sha Tin, Hong Kong together with Nan Fung Development Limited through a 50:50 joint venture company for residential development. DAN6, the Group’s industrial project in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, was put 集團與南豐發展有限公司透過50:50比例擁有之合營公司成功投得香港沙田 on the market and was met with 九肚之地塊以發展住宅項目。 keen interest. 集團位於香港荃灣的工業大廈項目 DAN6開售,市場反應熱烈。 Oct 10月 The Group entered into a sale and purchase The Group won a lot located on Wu On Street, agreement for the disposal of the interest in the Tuen Mun in Hong Kong for residential and retail freehold land and building(s) located at Sathorn Road, development. Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. participated Bangkok, Thailand and completed the disposal in in the project in 2014 with a 25% interest. March 2014. 集團成功投得位於香港屯門湖安街之地塊作住宅及零售 集團就出售位於泰國曼谷Sathorn Road之永久屬權土地 發展。住友林業株式会社在2014年參與此項目,並佔 及樓宇簽訂買賣協議,並於2014年3月完成出售。 25%權益。 Dec 12月 35 remaining units of Amalfi, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong were relaunched for sale and received a favourable market response. 香港愉景灣「津堤」重新推售最後35個單位,市場反應 理想。 06 HKR International Limited Annual Report 2013/2014 Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要 Jan 2014 2014年1月 The Group completed the disposal of The Sentosa Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong received the “Best Resort & Spa in Singapore. Guest Review Awards 2013” presented by Booking.com. 集團完成出售新加坡The Sentosa Resort & Spa之交易。 香港愉景灣酒店獲 Booking.com 頒發「Best Guest Review Awards 2013」。 Feb 2月 The latest phase of the development on Areas N1d and N1e of Discovery Bay was named Positano. The Sukhothai in Bangkok, Thailand 愉景灣N1d及N1e地區最新一期發展項目正式命名為「悅堤」。 was named one of the “Top 100 World’s Best Hotels
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