SCRIPTA FEDERAL REGISTE '934 VOLUME 7 ¿y NUMBER 199 * Un ited * Washington, Friday, October 9, 1942 Regulations (2) Officers of Army Air Forces and CONTENTS flight officers. * * * REGULATIONS AND NOTICES (R.S. 1296; 10 U.S.C. 1391) [Par. 12b, TITLE 10—ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT AR 600-35, November 10, 1941, as Alien P roperty Custodian: Page amended by C 2, September 19, 1942] Simpson Lange and Co., Inc., Chapter YII—Personnel ***** 81.94% of capital stock; vesting order----------------- 8002 P art 79—P rescribed S ervice U niform § 79.25 Insignia of grade. * * * (c) Warrant officers other than Army B itum inous Coal D ivisio n: officers’ and warrant officers’ winter Mine Planter Service, and flight officers. District Board 17; minimum UNIFORMS, ETC. * * * price schedule amended— 7990 E conomic W arfare B oard: Section 79.9 (a) (2) (i)1 is hereby (3) Flight officer. One gold bar % Export control; amendments amended, § 79.12 (b) (2) headnote is Inch in width and 1 inch in length, with involving: rounded ends, having a blue enameled Animal oils and fats, dairy amended, and § 79.25 (c) (3) is added, top and a latitudinal center of gold Vs as follows: products, etc---------------- 7991 inch in width. (R.S. 1296; 10 U. S. C. Australia_________________ 7S92 § 79.9 Coat—(a) Service; winter; for 1391) [Par. 25c, AR 600-35, November Canada---------------------------- 7891 officers and warrant officers. * * * 10, 1941, as amended by C 2, September Parts or subassemblies of ma­ (2) General description—(i) In gen­ 19, 1942] chinery, etc------*:-------- 7892 eral. A single-breasted collar and lapel ***** Syria______ 7992 coat; lining, if desired, to be same color [SEAL] J. A. ULIO, Engineers’ Corps: Major General, Willamette River, O re g o n ; as coat. To fit easy over the chest and The Adjutant General. shoulders and to be fitted slightly at*the bridge regulations------------ 7893 waist to conform to the figure, so as to [P. R. Doc. 42-10029; Piled, October 8, 1942; F arm S ecurity Administration: 9:39 a. m.] Account servicing; final settle­ prevent wrinkling or rolling under the ment and surrender of leather belt when worn. The back to notes__________________ 8000 have twp side plaits not less than 3 F ederal Communications Commis- inches in depth at shoulders and to ex­ sio n : tend from the shoulder seam where it TITLE 20—EMPLOYEES’ BENEFITS Herald Publishing Co. (WALB), joins the armhole seam to waistline, but­ Chapter II—Railroad Retirement Board hearing--------- 8CQ2 toned down the front with four large G eneral Land O ffice: P art 325— R egistration and Claims for California, air-navigation site. regulation coat buttons equally spaced. B enefits The crossing of the lapels will be ap­ withdrawal----------------;— 8000 [Amending § 325.13 of the Regulations Under M ines B ureau: ' proximately 1% inches above the top the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Bodtke Brothers Logging Co., button. t Act] revocation of license______ 8000 To support the belt, except for officers TIME OF REGISTRATION N ational P ark S ervice: of the Army Air Forces and flight of­ Pursuant to the authority contained in District of Columbia parks; ficers, two metal hooks of the same ma­ section 12 of the Act of June 25,1938 (52 speed regulations________ 7993 terial as the metal trimmings on the Stat. 1094, 1107; 45 U.S.C. 1940 ed. 362), Office of D efense T ransporta­ leather belt will be let into the side seams the Railroad Retirement Board, by Board tio n : at the waistline. Order 42-504 dated October 1, 1942, Freight shipments via ports in For officers of the Army Air Forces and amends, effective October 1, 1942, the the United States; lard to flight officers, the coat will have a belt second sentence of § 325.13 of the Regu­ Harvey, La. (ODT 16-3)__ 7998 approximately 2 inches wide of the same lations under the Railroad Unemploy­ O ffice of P rice Administration: ment Insurance Act to read as follows: Adjustments, etc.: material as the coat, sewed down all Teasley, John-------------- 8002 around the waistline, with the bottom § 325.13 Time of registration. * * * With respect to every other day claimed Stirrup pumps, approved (MPR button placed slightly below the as a day of unemployment, an employee 234, Am. 1)_____________ 7898 sewed-on belt. (R.S. 1296; 10 U.S.C. shall register on such other day or on P ublic D ebt B ureau: 1391) [Par. 9a, AR 600-35, November the first business day thereafter, except Offering of bonds and notes: 10, 1941, as amended by C 2, September that, if such other day is not a business lVz percent notes, Series B- 19,19421 day, an employee who registered on the 1946_________________ 7999 __# * * * * last business day preceding such other 2 percent bonds, 1950-52------ 7998 day may register with respect to such R ailroad R etirement B oard: § 79.12 Headgear. * * * Claims for benefits under the (b) Cap, service. * * * other day on the first or the second busi­ ness day thereafter, and except that any act; time of registration— 7989 (Continued on next page) i 7 F.R. 11, 2987,4246, 4637. (Continued on next page) 7989 7990 FEDERAL REGISTER, F riday, October 9, 1942 TITLE 30—MINERAL RESOURCES ton for shipment into all market areas) is Chapter III—Bituminous Coal Division amended by adding thereto Supplement T, which supplements are hereinafter set FEDERAIä KEGISTER [Docket No. A-1614] forth and hereby made a part hereof. \* OfclfTFOi»3* “ P art 337—M inim um P rice S chedule, It is further ordered, That pleadings D istrict N o. 17 in opposition to the original petition in the above-entitled matter and applica­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ORDER GRANTING RELIEF, ETC. tions to stay, terminate or modify the and days following legal holidays by the temporary relief herein granted may be Division of the Federal Register, The National Order granting temporary relief and Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ conditionally providing for final relief in filed with the Division within forty-five tained in the Federal Register Act, approved the matter of the petition of District (45) days from the date of this Order, July 26, 1935 (49 Stat 500), under regula­ Board No. 17 for the establishment of pursuant to the Rules and Regulations tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Governing Practice and Procedure be­ mittee,. approved by the President, price classifications and minimum prices The Administrative Committee consists of for the coals of certain mines in District fore the Bituminous Coal Division in Pro­ the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer No. 17. ceedings Instituted Pursuant to section of the Department of Justice designated by An original petition, pursuant to sec-’ 4 II (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act of the Attorney General, and the Public Printer 1937. or Acting Public Printer. tion 4 II (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act The daily issue of the F ederal R egister of 1937, having been duly filed with this It is further ordered, That the relief will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Division by the above-named party, re­ herein granted shall become final sixty of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per questing the establishment, both tempo­ (60) days from the date of this Order, year, payable in advance. Remit money or­ unless it shall otherwise be ordered. der payable to the Superintendent of Docu­ rary and permanent, of price classifica­ ments directly to the Government Printing tions and minimum prices for the coals Dated: September 28, 1942. Office, Washington D. C. The charge for of certain mines in District No. 17; and [seal] D an H. W heeler, 3ingle copies (minimum, 10£) varies in pro­ It appearing that a reasonable showing Director. portion to the size of the issue. of necessity has been made for the grant­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ T emporary and Conditionally F inal Ef ­ tion of material appearing In the F ederal ing of temporary relief in the manner fective M inim um P rices for D istrict Register. hereinafter set forth; and No, 17 Telephone information: District 0525. No petitions of intervention having been filed with the Division in the above- N ote: The material contained in these entitled matter; and supplements is to be read in the light of the CONTENTS—Continued The following action being deemed classifications, prices, instructions, exceptions necessary in order to effectuate the pur­ and other provisions contained in Part 337, S ecurities and Exchange Commis­ poses of the Act; Minimum Price Schedule for District No. 17*, sio n : Page and supplements thereto. National Power & Light Co., fil­ It is ordered, That, pending final dis­ ing of application_______ 8003 position of the above-entitled matter, FOR ALL SHIPMENTS EXCEPT TRUCK Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., applica­ temporary relief is granted as follows: tion granted____________ 8003 Commencing forthwith, § 337.4 (.Code The following price classification and W age and H our D ivisio n: member -price index) is amended by add­ minimum prices shall be inserted in Learner employment certifi­ ing thereto Supplement R-I, § 337.5 Minimum Price Schedule for District cates; various industries__ 8001 (General prices; minimum for shipment No. 17: Sugar and related products in­ via rail transportation) is amended by dustry; appointment of com­ § 337.4 Code member price ixdex— mittee-------------- 8001 adding thereto Supplement R-II, and Supplement R-I. Insert the following W ar D epartment: § 337.21 (General prices in cents per net listings in proper alphabetical order: Prescribed service uniform; offi­ cers’ and warrant officers’, •g a 0 Prices page winter----------------------------- 7989 index § g Shipping JT f-i % W ar P roduction B oard: Producer Mine .
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