CONTENTS. The immediate ancestors and descendants of the Emperor Charles V. and his brothers and sisters p. xxx CHAPTEE I. First notices of the intention of Emperor abdicates his Sicilian Charles V. to retire from the and Spanish crowns on the 16th world p. 1 January, 1556 12 Mary queen of England offers Executes a deed of renunciation him her hand 2 of the imperial crown on the He transfers it to his son Philip, 16th August 12 who breaks off a match with His wish to make Philip em­ the infanta Mary of Portugal 2 peror 12 Emperor's feeble liealth . 3 Opposed by his brother, Ferdi­ Exaggerated reports of it . 4 nand, king of Romans ... 12 Emperor recalls Philip from Emperor's anxiety to lay aside Windsor to Bruxelles ... 4 the title 13 Invests him with the grand mas- He retires to a house in the park tership of the Golden Fleece . 5 at Bruxelles 13 Abdicates in his favour the sove- He is visited by the admiral de reignty of the Netherlands, on Coligny 14 the 25th October, 1555 . 5 Jests of Brusquet, the French Company and ceremonial . 5, 6 jester 15 Emperor's speech . 7, 8, 9 The emperor at Grimberghe . 16 Jacques Maes's speech ... 10 At Bruxelles and Ghent . .16 Speeches of Philip and the bishop Journey to the coast . .16 of Arras ...... 10 Emperor's letter to Ferdinand on Speech of Mary, queen of Hun- 12th September 16 gary 11 He embarks at Zuitburg for J. Maes's reply 11 Spain on 13th September . 17 CHAPTEE II. Eleanor, queen dowager of Journey to Medina de Pomar, France and Portugal . .18' where they arrive on the 9th Mary, queen dowager of Hungary 19 of October .....27, 28 They sail on the 17th » . .22 Visitors 29 And land on the 28th September, Arrival at Burgos on 13th Oct.; 1556 ........ 23 reception there .... 29, 30 Laredo 23 Journey to Yalladolid 16th-21st Want of preparations tó receive October 31 them .24 Don Carlos meets the emperor at Arrival of Luis Quizada . .24 Cabezón 32 They set out ou the 6th of October 26 Yalladolid .33 Stirling Maxwell, William digitalisiert durch: The cloister life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth IDS Basel Bern 1853 xxiv CONTENTS. Infanta Juana, princess-dowager Aflairs submitted to tbe ein- of Brazil, and regent of peror 38 Spain 34 Anthony, duke of Vendome, pro- Feativities at Valladolid ... 35 poses to seil his rights to Na- Perico de Sant Brbas .... 36 varre 38 Don Constantino de Braganza, Doubts as to tbe emperor's choice and causes of ill-will between of a retreat 39 Spain and Portugal . 36, 37 Don Carlos 40 CHAPTER III. The emperor sets out from Valla­ They combine against Philip II. ; dolid on the 4th November . 42 Coligny invades Flanders; Medina del Campo 43 duke of Guise invades Naples 52 Rodrigo de Dueñas .... 43 Flanders defended by Emanuel Peñaranda, Alaraz, Barco de Philibert, duke of Savoy . 53 Avila, &c 44 Naples, by duke of Alba ... 53 Tornavacas 45 The infanta Mary of Portugal 54, 55 The pass of Puertonuevo ... 45 Navarre 56 Reach Xarandilla on the 12th Barbary 56 November 46 Buildings at Vusté . 56,57 The Vera of Plasencia . .47 The emperor visits them . .57 Reasons for the emperor's choice Discontent of his household . 58 of retreat examined .... 48 Quixada ; Gaztelu .... 58, 59 Village and Castle of Xarandilla 49 The emperor's love of eating . 60 The count of Oropesa .... 50 Partridges of Gama, and sausages Bad weather 50 from Tordesillas, and presenta Public affairs 51 to his larder 61, 62 Pope Paul IV. and Henry II. of Quixada's fears 62 France 51, 52 CHAPTER IV. The household of the emperor . 63 Dr. Giovanni Antonio Mole, and The confessor, Fray Juan de Dr. Comelio Mathys . , .76 Regla 63 Giovanni or Juanelo Torriano, The chamberlain, Luis Quixada 64 the mechanician 76 • His wife, Magdalena de TJUoa, Visitors of the emperor . .77 and DonJohn of Austria 66,67,68 Father Francisco Boija, of the The secretary, Martin de Gaztelu 69 Company of Jesus .... 77 William Van Male, gentleman of His history 77, 80 the chamber 69 Visits Xarandilla on the 17th He translates the emperor's December, 1556 80 Menwira .70 Conversationswiththeemperor,81,85 Is made to print Acuña's trans- Don Luis de Avila y Zuñiga , . 85 lation of Le Chevalier Délihéré 71 His Commentariea on the War in He puts the emperor's prayers Oermamy g6 into Latin 72 Visits Xarandilla on the 21st His letters ....... 73 January, 1557 . 88 Loss of his books 74 The archbishop of Toledo, and Marriage 75 the bishop of Plasencia . , 88 Dr. Henry Mathys the phy- Emperor's health 89 sícian 76 An attack of gout .89 CONTENTS. XXV Senna wine 89 His anxiety for the safety of Oran 91 Neapolitan manna 90 Works at Yuste 92 Emperor's present of game to Servants paid off, and take leave 93 the convent of Yuate at Christ­ Removal to Yuste on the 3rd mas 90 February, 1557 93 Lorenzo Pires 90 Blunder of the prior .... 94 News from Italy 91 Grief of the dismissed servants . 94 Emperor's disgust 91 CHAPTEK Y. Order of St. Jerome . .95, 96 Emperor's health, and employ- Yuste—itssite 97 ments of the physicians . .107 Its foundation in 1408, and its Fumiture of the palaoe . 107 early history 98 Plate 108 Its remarkable monks ... 99 Emperor's dress 109 Er. Hernando de Corral, the Pictures and portraits . .110 literary friar 100 Books ........ 111 Fr. Ant. de Villacastin . 101 Music 112 Fr. Juan de Ortega .... 102 The chaplains, Fr. Fran. de Vil- The charities of Yuste . .103 lalva, Fr. Juan de Agoloras, The ' palacio' of Yuste . 103 Fr. Juan deSantandres 113, 114 Prospect from the Windows . 104 Emperor's day ...... 114 The great'nogal'of Yuste . 105 Torriano and his clocks . 115 Domestie arrangements . 105 His mechanical toys .... 116 List of the chief members of Emperor's pet birds, and his the household, with their sa­ shooting excursions . .117 laries ...... 105,106 Hislastappearanceonhorseback 117 CHAPTEK VI. The household become more The emperor's indignation reconciled to Yuste . 118 against them . 125,126 Monsieur de La Chaulx . 118 Foreign affairs: Ruy Gómez Improvement in the emperor's de Silva 127 health 119 He is lodged in the convent . 128 Quixada complains of the soli- Emperor consulted as to send- tude of Yuste 119 ing Don Carlos to Flandern . 128 Emperor's attention to business 119 War in the Netherlands and His style and title .... 120 Navarre 129 He accredits an ambassador to Affairs of Italy 129 Portugal 120 Duke of Guise invades Naples . 129 Petitioners 120 Duke of Alba defends it. 129 Refutation of the talethat he re- Solyman the Magnificent . 130 pented of his retirement . 121 The pirates of the Mediter- His revenue 123 ranean 130, 131 Punctually paid 124 Levies for the army in Flandern 132 The financia! difficulties of Spain 124 The emperor appeals to the The princess-regent seizes upon church for a loan .... 132 the bullion belonging to the The archbishops of Toledo and traders of Seville, who resist Zaragoza, and the bishop of her officerB with Buccess . 125 Cordova i 32 xxvi CONTENTS. Archbishop YaldéS of Seville . 132 Battie of St. Quentin . 138, 139 His exouses . 133 Joy occasioned by the news at His discussion with Ochoa, ánd Yuste 139 its result ....... 134 The dilatory policy of Philip II. 140 Second visit of Ruy Gómez de Guise retreats from the Neapo- Silva to Yuste 135 litan frontier 141 Anthony, king of Navarre, and Alba advances towards Rome 141 his agents .... 135, 136 Shameful treaty between Philip Death of John III., king of II. and the pope .... 141 Portugal 136 Emperor's displeasure . 142, 143 Jealousy between Portugal and Don Carlos 143 Spain 137 Letters from his tutor, D. Garcia Emperor condoles with his de Toledo, to the em­ giater, queen Catherine . .137 peror 144 Thé princesa of Brazil disap- Opinión of thé Yenetian envoy pointed of the regency of at Bruxelles 145 Portugal 138 CHAPTER VII. Emperor's good health . 146 D. Francisco Bolivar .... 158 Famine and sickness in the Vera 147 D. Martin de Avendaüo . 158 Emperor's garden and its im- Message to Quixada from Mari­ provements 147 quita de Eraso 159 His poultry and fishponds . 148 Presents to the emperor's His care for his domestic com­ larder from the friars of Gua­ forts 148 dalupe, the bishop ofSegovia, Quixada obtains leave of absence 149 &c., and the duchess of Bejar 159 The friars become unruly . 149 Visits of queens Eleanor and Quixada's return 150 Mary 160 His dislike to Yuste .... 150 Their correspondence with the Death of Fr. Juan de Ortega 150,151 duke of Infantado . .161 Turbulent peasants of Quacos . 152 The infanta Mary of Portugal . 161 J. G. Sepulveda, the historian, Jealousy between Portugal and visits Yuste ...... 153 Spain 162 D. Luis de Avila . ... 154 The queens go to Badajoz . .163 His house at Plasencia and its Hurricane at Yuste .... 163 firescoes 155 Father Francisco Boija sent to His opinion of the emperor re- Lisbon by the princess-re- corded in his Oommentaries on gent 164 the German, War ..... 155 Returns by way of Yuste . 164 Partiality ofthe emperor for him 156 Emperor's conndence in him . 165 Fresco-picture of the battle of Borja's judgment between his Renti, and the remark of the son and the admiral of Ara­ emperor upon it . 156,157 gon 165 Report of the emperor's removal Álms given to Boija ...
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