3 SAINTS CANONIZED IN MAGNIFICENT CEREMONY Th* Resistei H (i th< International Flaws SerTiee (Wira and Mail), the N. C. W, C. News Service (IncludinK Radios and Cables), Its Own Special Service. Lumen Service of China, International Illastrated News, and N. C. W. C. Picturs Service. notable incidents in Pictures of Three New Saints, t f the procession at the solemn ceremonies in St. Peter’s Basilica Easter Sunday when His Holiness officiated at the canoniza­ Listening In tion o f (1 and 2) St. John Leonardi, founder o f the Clerics Regular o f the Mother, o f God; (3 and 4 ) Local Local St. Andrew Bobola, Polish Jesuit martyr; (5 and 6 ) St. Salvatore' da Horta, .Spanish Franciscan. Speaking to his own rela­ Edition Edition tives, Pius XI declared: “ Be­ E U N P I E TO fore death takes us away, we desire from the Almighty the THE high favor of being privileged IRKEIJIODS to see the world steer a course toward peace, on the basis of mutual understanding,, social Second Such Service justice, and charity.” His Holiness is reported as REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) Pope Has Held being' much weaker than he was a year ago and as suffer­ VOL. XIV. No. 17 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1938 TW O CENTS On Easter ing, of late, from insomnia, traceable to pain and to Vatican City.— For a world asthmatic attacks. The re­ Directors Join in Protest by Bishop Schlarman torn by the results of its irre- cent incident of Cardinal In- ligion and its materialism, nitzer’s sanctioning the attach- three new saints were raised lusa of Austria with Germany Charge Pinks Are Active at to the altars of the Church before consulting the Vati­ on Easter Sunday by an aged can is said to have caused a man who best of all the tenseness that brought the world’s millions knows the Pontiff undue fatigue. On Summer Camp of Y.W .C.A. value of heroic virtue, the the whole, it is almost miracu­ value , f i i sanctity. For the lous how the Pope keeps up Peoria, 111. — (Special) — Lo­ both the Catholic Charities and the Bishop turned over the infor­ second time in history. Pope Pius the Y.W.C.A. are members. When mation he had to Robert K. Clark, XI united the joyous celebration as much work as he does de­ cal olRcials of the Young Women’s of Easter with the magnificent rite Christian association have joined invitations to attend 1938 summer president of the Community Fund, spite ill health and his bur­ camps were sent out this spring. who presented the material to the of canonization as he enrolled rn den of nearly 81 years. He the Most Rev. Joseph H. Schlar­ the catalog of saints Blessed An­ man, Bishop pf Peoria, in pro­ executive board of the fund and was born May 31, 1857. to the Y.W.C.A. board. Both drew Bobola of Poland, Blessed testing against seeming Commu­ Salvatore dq Horta of Spain, nistic propaganda carried on at these bodies called on Bishop Red Hecklers Schlarman. “ The Y.W.C.A. wo­ Blessed John Leonardi of Italy. When Franco’s forces a Y.W.C.A. sirtnmer camp in Sang- Part of the Easter services at atuck, Mich., last summer. In a men,’’ writes the Bishop in a letter reached the sea in Spain on to his priests, “ were truly shocked the Vatican were broadcast letter to Mrs. Frederic M. Paist, throughput the world. Radio news Holy Saturday and cut the president of the national board, at the revelation, but also grate­ Needed, Says ful for the information.” reports said that the Holy Fathe'r Leftist territory *in two. Gen­ the Peoria Y.W.C.A. board wrote: collapsed as he was giving his eral Camilio Alonzo dipped “ Our investigation here leads us 25 Catholics at Camp benediction “ urbi et orbi,” * but his hands in the water and to the unwelcome conclusion that Bishop Schlarman’s investiga­ that he rallied quickly. made the sign of the cross. the Catholic Church has a very Arnold Lunn tion showed that Genevieve ........... In all the world there is no cere­ just criticism which must be ....................Catholic maid in a mony more splendid than that of The soldiers had thought answered at once. Peoria home, had joined the Y.W. canonization, and in all history their triumph would come on “ The board of directors of the New York.— (Special)— What C.A. in 1936. In January, 1937, there_ has never been a more im­ Easter. “ God will pardon us,^ Peoria Y.W.C.A., at a called meet­ American Reds need is a few good she joined an industrial club, one pressive or solemn canonization said the general, )“ for having ing on March 13, unanimously hecklers, says Arnold Lunn, who of three conducted at the Y un­ than this triple one of 1938. For anticipated His glory and that voted to enter a protest against has been all over the United der the direction of Miss Ruth this ceremony was conducted by some of the songs and worship States tryihg to find even one good Wiltz. When delegates were an old man whom all the world— of Spain.” services used at the industrial con­ Communist “ Boo.” Writing in elected ^or the summer camp in save the servants of the 'anti- Barcelona was cut off from ference at Camp Gray last sum­ America, the English "author and Michigan, Genevieve was one of Christ—has come to love, an old Valencia and Madrid by the mer, and any other part of the lecturer tells how, in San Fran­ eight girls chosen to attend. Of man whom the world expected to conquest. program which tended to promote cisco, police removed the first Red the 150 girls at the camp, 25 were be dead a year and a half ago, class hatred and bitterness . who shouted out his opinion of Mr. Catholic. Genevieve reports that an old man who is recognized as We . feel that the national or­ Lunn. The speaker immediately they were seemingly pushed to the the outstanding figure of his Edouard B e n e s (pro­ ganization cannot subscribe to any begged the law to “ leave me a Red front in camp activities. Mass time, an old man who has honored nounced Benn-esch), presi­ procedure that is not in perfect to play with.” One hardy Com­ attendance was made difficult for more saintly sons of the Church dent of Czechoslovakia and a harmony with . the stat^ pur­ munist yelled: “ There are plenty the girls. than most other Pontiffs in history. Catholic, has often been pose of the organization—‘to share more left to deal with you.” And (Turn to Page S — Colum n 7) And the saints he canonized on His love for all people.’ We feel that was the end of the evening’s "this Easter Sunday were men termed the “ Old World’s the enclosed songs and devotional heckling. whose lives are.particularly suited smartest statesman,” an IIVS service in very strong words are Mr. Lunn explains the lack of Catholics, Anglicans Join in Discussion for the meditation of a world that dispatch declares. Aged 54, filled with bitterness and hatred.” good hecklers b^ saying that has almost forgotten God, a world lie was a disciple of the late Information concerning the camp Americans are two generations T that persecutes God’s Church and OOCIDRS E X IE i F His people. Sts. Andrew and Sal­ Thomas Garrigue Masaryk was brought to Bishop Schlarman nearer to the duel than are Brit­ Churchmen Publish last fall, but he postponed public ishers. Heckling develops as the vatore and John were men of rare and, as an astute diplomat, protest in order not to interfere duek disappears, but real hecklers faith, champions of God in times as has always made his coun- with the annual drive of the cannot be bred in one generation, trying as these in which they re­ (Tnm to Page 4 — Column 1) Peoria Community Fund, of which which is all that has passed since KiWEEIEEOE Christian Front Policy TO ceive the highest honors of re­ hecklers in this country were si­ ligion. Time' and again, Pius XI lenced vdth .six-shooters. has in the last year recommended Church Doctrine Safeguards Family, Home In 34 American cities, Mr. Lunn London. — A declaration of relation of the "Church and its the virtues of these holy men to has spoken on the Spanish civil United Christian Front policy has members to the State. It declared: the world of today. HEAEIlie EDUCE L Simplicity in Magnificence war, has belabored the Commun­ been published here by a group of “ Christians must resist any ists with logic, and has promoted Catholic -and Anglican Churchmen Central figure in the most mag- W orld Must Heed Paj^al claims of the State under which (Tum to Pages — Colum n 1) his favorite sport of skiing. R ^ Chwago.-T;(Special) — Further interested in thejple pf Christiaps they,, live if those claims, go ber Leavenworth, , Kans.—-(Special) leaders have turned down'feis chal­ knowledge of the natural healing in the world today. 'rni» state­ yond the limits of that earthly —A campai^ to raise funds for lenges for public debates, but what ment says that, while the primary building a modern Catholic school process discovered at the In- ,sovereignty for which "the State Pontiff firallfes Teaching on Marriage really bothers him is the lack of concern of Christians is to follow for Negro children here will begin stitutum Divi Thomae in Cin­ exists.
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