liM / i-v’ .v WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1964 iU jai tWENTY-EIGHT jRanrheatrr Sorntn^ Urntih Dtily Net ProH Roi F o f 6 m Weak Bndad does Umonxm. H mms IntsrsM- Home, M Wibstsr flt, H artf^, The drill team of John Math­ oponsor a sale of Polish food A p ra IS. 106i er Chspter, Order of DeMolay, and bake goods Sunday after ad in attan<Nng may eall Mrs. to pay respeoU to the UU J :^ ?•■ ■ RUSSELL’S "IS? A REMINDER: About Town wlM meet with the Rangers the 8:80 Maas in the pariah Bmast Lwnson, M Andor Hd., or r. Reardon, brother of SPRUCE STREET tWr OsigiBk Rev, Msgr. Bdward J. R ear^ , driU team tomorrow at 7 pm . haU. Mrs. Hayden Griswold Jr., 98 (ooraer ef Oak St.) John JuroB, son of Mr. and p a s ^ of St. James' Ohureh. 1 3 ,9 5 1 at the Masonic Temple. All Steep Hollow Lane, for rseerva- 3 Barbers Bvety Day Mra. Stanley Juroe, 68 Bran­ Uona. Mwnbar of tho Audit ZIKER CLUB 43rd members are reminded to at­ Reservations for the luncheon 8 Barbers on Saturday Bureau of Circulation ford St, la serving as a student tend. Barry C. Blckhart of 31 -r;.- ' volunteer In the general prepa­ o f the Auxlliarv o f the Manches­ Plenty of FREE Porklag Manehattar A City of yUlagm Charm ter branch of the Children's Hie Ladies of St Jamas will Church St was recently elected ANNIVERSARY PARTY rations for Parents Day at mast tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. at president of the Political Sci­ Rhode Island School o f Design, The Sodality of the Blessed Services of Connecticut, whioh Sacrament of St. John's Polish the school, and then proceed to ence a u b at the University of AdverttMag oa Pago M) PRICE SEVSN ^ciD ip ^ Providence, to be held Satur­ will be held April 29 at the TOL.L] ♦ ♦ .til I, NO. 174 (TWBNTY-BI6HT PAGES—TWO SBCTIONB) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1964 DINNER............ DANCE National Catholic Church will Manchester Country Club, will the Thomas F. Farley Funeral Hartford. Read Herald Ads. i day. He is also treasurer of the Saturday, April 25 freshman class. Richard J. Sullivan Jr., a Roast Beef Dinner Served 7:15 P.M. student at St. Thomas More Events Preparatory School. Colchester, House Approves Deadline For Tidiets— Thursday, April 23 was recently awarded second honors in scholastics. He is the son of Richard J. Sullivan Sr., In State Johnson Wins Big Test: executive vice president and sales manager of the Colonial Bill on Districts C y ie w CDts(X)ver^ Board Co. and its Lydall and NEW / Open Thursdays Search Pressed Foulds Division. Bonove WifadUes in 3 Minutes HARTFORD (AP)—Thet But legislative leaders ware Miss Jacqueline L. Cook, confident the main MU and sev­ For Bank Banditf wlA .BemaMble BeVeall daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ver­ House of Representatives eral related meaauree wlU win today passed and sent to non S. Cook. 323 Woodbridge till 9 approval today. GREENWICH (AP) — St., was recently elected presi­ PLA YTEX the ^oate a bi-partisan bill One of the related measures Rail Strike Threat Ends dent of Turner House; and Miss to revise Connecticut’s con- woiM leave intact (He present Authorities pressed their Marlene T. Forde. daughter of areas served by six unemploy­ search today for two gun­ gres.sional districts. ment compensation commission­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Forde, The bill Is scheduled for pas­ men who help up the By­ 105 Oak St., was appointed stu­ ers and five workmen compen­ sage in the Seruite today. sation commissioners. ram Branch of the Green­ dent assistant to the resident LIVING* The House approved the his­ Insiders Say Cut in Jobs head of Evans Hall, both at There are now commissioners wich Savings and Loan As­ toric measure on a voice vote. sociation and fled with $27,- Simmons College, Boston, Mass. The redistricUng MU, If ap­ for each of the five congres­ TTiey will hold these offices for proved by federal court, will sional districts and a sixth un­ 751. LBJ Avoided Swapped for the 1064-65 academic year. berome effecUve for the next employment conmensatlon com­ Police said they had only a STRETCH BRA congressional election, Nov. 8. missioner serves at large. few clues to work on. David M." Call of 291 Henry Earlier the house defeated an In the Senate today, wtiUe The bandits walked into the Threat Use Money Gains St. and John J. Chiarizio of 05 attempt to amend the MU. The the House debated the congree- branch near the New York Center St. were recently elect­ State line shortly after noon, amendment was defeated after si(mal redistricting ball, a meas­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ WASHING'TON (AP) - - ed members of the Epsilon an attempt was made to ex­ ure for changing the timetable completed their holdup Job In Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at dent Johnson averted a coast to A give and take agreement clude Wllllngford and Meriden for selection of delegates to 15 minutes and sped away In a coast rail strike without ever the University of Connecticut, from the proposed fifth dis­ congressional dtstrict nominat­ convertible. has ended the threat of • ©torn. threatening even in private to trict. ing conventions was passed. The yellow car was found invoke congressional action. In­ nationwide railroad strike, The roll call vote on the The favonU>le committee re­ later in Deep Gorge Lane, a se­ siders reported today. with President Johnson • Mias Carolyn U Hughes, amendment was 263-18. port <m the redistricting meas­ cluded area about two miles The specter of last resort leg­ victor in the toughest do­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ NEW/ adjustable, The vote was taken on the ure came several hours sfter a from the branch. It was Con­ islative intervention always h t f o n sell V. Hughes, 48 Irving St., third day o f a apeclal session of public hearing. necticut’s 10th holdup of a hovered in the background. mestic test of his adminis­ the General Assembly. TTie re- A group of WaUlngford resi­ 0jfm, m If t f math. and a freshman at Central Con­ cushioned bank or savings and loan asso­ Everybody knew It was there. tration. necticut State College, New dlstricting bill emerged intact dents led what opposition there ciation this year. But It never emerged Into the A few hours after the agree­ fPhat oflwr pwpar t kma tJce tan fa ormontfit of Britain, will sing in the chorus stretch straps with a favorable report from the was to the bUl, urging that the The clues the Greenwich po- open. ment was reached, two dissi­ wm to ecconyKnh . BeVeal does at the annual spring concert to Judiciary and Government committee allow the city to re­ Uce, state police and FBI have The reason, one official said, dent union officials threatened Functions Committee yesterday, main in the existing third dis­ Ib onlf 180 taoeolU be presented April 20 at 8:30 are; was that management and un­ to strike part of the New York p.m. In Herbert D. Welte Audi­ There was some debate in the trict with New Haven and Its ‘—The abandoned auto, with ions talked for five years but Central Railroad. But sources ~ kmHimi M tl^ad torium, New Britain. ' NEW/ sheer House as the bill reached the suburbs. TTm blU would place New York State registration bargained for only 18 days — involved In the negotiations In _oVm1 li a aahnv^ not a i m RtVaal NOW floor. Attempts to amend the plates. The authorities say the the 18 preceding the settlement Washington discounted the pos­ MVal eMninaoa rnmiSta, dwaaol 0$umih$uppl§ John B. Mayne, son o f Mrs. measure had been expected. (flee Page Twenty) car and the plates were stolen. that marked up a domestic tri­ sibility that the threat would be reeU dediaB onh Marie Mayne, 108 Summit St., elastic They also say none of the loot umph for Johnson in an election carried out. recently completed basic train­ was found In the vehicle. year. Charles Luna, president Of tha ing at the Naval Training Cen­ back and sides Descriptions of the bandits. "Nobody—the President, the Brotherhood of Railroad Train­ ter, Great Lakes, HI. The gunmen have been de­ mediators or either side—said men, issued the following state­ LBJ Offers Briefings s c r ib e by witnesses as .young at any point," this official said, ment; S.4.C. William P. Oowhey, and slightly abovs average “ that we'd ever have to go to "No strike is authorised on whose wife makes her home at h ei^ t. Congress. Nobody even im­ the New York Central eastern HOUSE &. H A L E Both the branch—a small, plied it. 19 Autumn St., a member of the district. Any strike would be a MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER 52nd Engineering Co., a unit of I NOW/ get To Seven Candidates modsm office— and the place "’The closest thing was when wildcat and he (the union lead­ the United States Arm y Oom- Triiere the getaway auto was the President said at one point er) would be subject to disci­ municatlons Zone, Europe, took found are In the Byram section that he didn’t want to come out pline as provided by our Consti­ part in Exercise Delawar which 'j playtex WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-'^brieflngs wUl be offered to <3ov o f Greenwich. with such words as seisurs or tution.” was recently completed in dent Johnson said today he Nelson A.
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