ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013, January 17–19 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Conference Program | Hosted by | | Sponsored by | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ACM SIGAPP Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ACM IMCOM 2013 모시는 글 안녕하십니까. ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) 가 후 원 하 는 제 7 회 International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication 2013 (IMCOM/ICUIMC 2013)이 2013년 1월 17일(목)부터 19일(토)까지 말레이시아 코타키나발루 샹그릴라 라사리아 리조트에서 개최됩니다. 스마트 디바이스 등의 출현 및 활용으로 본격적 유비쿼터스 시대를 열며 빠르게 발전해 온 IT는 인터랙션과학, 사용자 감성인지과학 등의 사회과학과 융합되어 새로운 학문의 길을 개척하며 고부가가치 산업을 창출하고 있습니다. ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013에서는 이러한 정보산업 발전에 기여하는 학술 교류 활동 및 전문 지식의 전파를 위해서 세계 최고 수준의 전문가들을 모시고 심도있는 토론의 장을 마련하고자 합니다. 금년에는 21개국, 국내외 95개 이상의 기관에서 총 404편의 논문을 제출하였고, 그 중 119편의 논문이 선정되었습니다. 이번 ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013은 SCOPUS 뿐만 아니라 EI에 등재되어 국제학술대회로써의 높은 권위를 유지하고 있습니다. 본 학술회의에서는 각각 두 분의 기조강연자와 초청강연자를 모셨습니다. 기조강연자로는 네트워킹 분야의 권위자인 The University of Tokyo의 Hitoshi Aida 교수님, 대만 임베디드 시스템 분야의 권위자인 National Taiwan University의 Tei- Wei Kuo 교수님을 초대하였습니다. 초청강연자로 패턴인식 분야에서 명망 높은 KAIST의 김진형교수님, 일본 소셜 컴퓨팅 분야에서 명망 높은 Aoyama Gakuin University의 Yoshifumi Masunaga 교수님을 초빙하여, 수준 높은 강연을 준비하였습니다. 열띤 토론과 학술정보의 교환은 물론 폭넓은 친교를 통해 성대한 만남의 장과 성공적인 학술회의가 이루어질 수 있도록, 부디 적극 참석하시어 본 학술회의를 더욱 빛내 주시길 부탁 드립니다. 또한 학술대회 행사 중 코타키나발루에서 다양한 문화체험을 통하여 컨퍼런스에서의 연구 성과공유 및 짧은 휴식을 겸한 재충전의 기회를 충분히 즐기시길 바랍니다. 대한민국 성균관대학교에서 시작된 작은 학술회의가 발전의 발전을 거듭하여 이제 매년 400~500편 이상의 논문이 제출되고 많은 분들이 아끼며 주목하는 학술회의로 성장하였습니다. 많은 분들께서 노력해 주심으로 인해 미국과 유럽 중심의 저명한 국제학술회의와 어깨를 견줄 수 있는 수준으로 발전하고 있음에 진심으로 감사 드립니다. 모두의 노력과 희생이 헛되지 않도록 동아시아지역에서 더욱 착실하게 성장하는 학술회의가 되기 위하여 운영진 모두가 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다. 여러분의 가정에 항상 평화가 있으시길 기원합니다. 성균관대학교 정보통신대학장 신 동 렬 프로그램위원장 김 동 수 정민영 ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013 학회장 이 석 한 김상욱 Lajos Hanzo Roslan Ismail 운영위원장 추 현 승 http://www.IMCOM.org, http://www.ICUIMC.org ACM IMCOM 2013 Contents 1. Message from General Co-Chairs .................................. 02 2. Message from Program Co-Chairs ................................. 03 3. Organizing and Program Committees ............................ 04 4. Program at a Glance ................................................... 05 5. Keynote Speakers ....................................................... 07 6. Invited Speakers ......................................................... 08 7. Conference Program .................................................... 09 8. Maps ......................................................................... 22 9. Welcome Reception ..................................................... 24 10. Travel Information ...................................................... 25 11. Memo ........................................................................ 35 http://www.IMCOM.org, http://www.ICUIMC.org ACM IMCOM 2013 Message from General Co-Chairs With great pleasure, we welcome our friends and colleagues in Malaysia to join us for the International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM/ICUIMC) on prospective information technology, 2013. We are very fortunate to have so many talented and well recognized people involved in the process of submitting papers, chairing sessions, reviewing papers, and organizing the conference. We are also thankful for the benevolent support from international and domestic collaborations. This event is a product of the hardship of many committee members who have worked beyond deadlines to perfect it and performed the tedious task of advertisement in the best of manner. Theconferenceisanamalgamofhigh- Suk-Han Lee quality submissions brought forward by thorough research to meet the high Sungkyunkwan University, standard required, as of in today’s world. Korea We are proud to present the conference program and assure you that you will find it very interesting, informative, and inspiring. In addition to the conference sessions, we have two high-profile keynote speakers and an invited speaker. We invite you to attend and communicate with the speakers as they are all eminent in their fields. That’s not it! Meanwhile your stay here in Kota Kinabalu for your research you can also have a great source of recreation. This city is located on the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. It is a growing resort destination due to its sandy beaches, paradise islands, virgin coral reefs, tropical forests, and the mighty Mount Kinabalu. Besides, there are numerous parks and Lajos Hanzo monuments dotted around the city that are waiting for you to discover. You will University of Southampton, also be fascinated by the variety of cuisines offered by over 30 ethnic groups UK with different flavors. We believe you will make unforgettable memories here. Again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the committee members’ and referees’ contributions in the preparation process for the event. We thank the Program Committee and the Committee Chairs for their hard work and support. We also take privilege to thank all authors for the papers on their precious achievements. We have no doubt regarding the success of ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013, and we hope you will enjoy the exceptional research presented during the sessions and recreational content at the beautiful landscapes of Kota Kinabalu. Last but not the least, we hope that your stay in Malaysia will be pleasant and a memorable one. Roslan Ismail Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Suk-Han Lee Lajos Hanzo Roslan Ismail General Co-Chairs ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013 02 http://www.IMCOM.org, http://www.ICUIMC.org ACM IMCOM 2013 Message from Program Co-Chairs Welcome to the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM/ICUIMC) 2013. Venue for this year’s conference is a magnificent city of Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. It is a city dominated by paradise beaches, Mount Kinabalu, and many other picturesque landscapes. The ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013 aims to provide a platform for promoting new visionary approaches and interdisciplinary researches. New evolving technology and novel ideas on the horizon, in the areas of information management, communication technologies and their implications for social interaction lays the firm foundation of the conference. Conference has served as the most vital Dongsoo S. Kim platforms for researchers and developers to exchange innovative ideas, Indiana University, information and significant research achievements; and provides a unique USA opportunity in which both technology and social science meet. Two main tracks for information processing management and communication will be held, covering both research and application works of information management, intelligent information processing, interaction management, networking /telecommunications, and social interaction. This year's conference contains four outstanding speeches of two keynote speakers, two invited speakers, 14 oral sessions, and 3 poster sessions. This year's review process was very competitive and rigorous, which resulted in a very strong and pivotal conference program. We received 404 submissions from many countries around the world. As a result of a neat, careful and strict review process, we selected 119 papers to be presented in the oral and poster sessions (29.5% acceptance rate). All of the accepted papers not only consists Min Young Chung of novel ideas, new results, work in progress, and state-of-the-art techniques, Sungkyunkwan University, but also provides us with the directions and stimulation for future research Korea activities in the area of information management and communication technologies. We are grateful to all of the authors, reviewers, and members of the program committee for their remarkable efforts and contributions. Without their most valued help and cooperation, the tedious task of submission handling and paper reviewing could not have been successfully accomplished. We also praise the valiant effort by session chairs who accepted our request to manage sessions of the conference. We thank the General Co-Chairs, Suk-Han Lee, Lajos Hanzo, and Roslan Ismail for their great support and help. We also thank everyone who has contributed Sang-Wook Kim to the program – the authors, the reviewers, the program committee members Hanyang University, and other organizing committee members for their splendid work. Korea We wish you to have a productive and enjoyable conference in Kota Kinabalu - Malaysia. Dongsoo S. Kim Min Young Chung Sang-Wook Kim Program Co-Chairs ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC) 2013 http://www.IMCOM.org, http://www.ICUIMC.org 03 ACM IMCOM 2013 Organizing and Program Committees Organizing Committee | General Co-Chairs | Young Ik Eom Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Suk-Han Lee Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Adil I. Erzin Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia Lajos Hanzo University of Southampton, UK Sidney Fels University of British Columbia, Canada Roslan Ismail Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Angel Pasqual Del Pobil Ferre Jaume I University, Spain Xiaofeng Gao Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China | Program Committee Co-Chairs | Hyoil Han Marshall University, USA Dongsoo S. Kim Indiana University, USA Syed Faraz Hasan Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Min Young Chung Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Choong Seon Hong Kyung Hee University, Korea Sang-Wook Kim Hanyang University, Korea Yoshiaki Hori Kyushu University, Japan Byeungwoo Jeon Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | Advisory Co-Chairs | Jae Wook Jeon Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Sajal K. Das University of Texas at Arlington, USA Minho Jo Korea University, Korea Susanto Rahardja Institute
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