* Vi; ..^ .,:| O c t . 5 1 , 1 9 1 7 ! HIS MAJESTY THE KING. ! :3 t f ? e r h e / ' . ; ■ I HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. 1' I t i ^ . f. j ' sh eets: I HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA Owners of Motor ■ h. • ' „■ i EASTMAN/ CarsT For Single Bed^ 9/112 per pair ! ! ,€r SON r i, (Dyers and Cleaners) Ltd.) I j , D ouble Bed Size 12/11 per pair, -1 ' I:' N '■ ! T he London Dvers & Cleahcij^ - ■ I. IPatriolic and i I FELT and MELOUR ft'4 I DYED or RE-SHAPEdJ | ' f i : L a r g e s t C i r g u e a t i o n . ^ L a r g e s t P a p e r . + ~ O l d e s t EsTibBiisH ED ■ i ;oal Gas. I : ■ i t VINALL'S, ,(■ The Popular Price Drapers, j \ 12, Sussex i Garcjenl, i .1 I Bls’D. Y O U R C A R T O TERMINUS ROAD. 616t YEAR OF PUBLICATION, i ;. ! , ,1. ' , .1 No. 3,167.1 Terminus Road, .Eastbourrje. | • ! Ti B. B ecejstx liTD., Proprietors: i I Tel. 524 2 0 0 ^ "1 Offices, 4, Pevensoy tioad , ' E a s t b o u i i n e . W e ;> k e s d a y , K o v . 7, 19171. '•! AB Ia i<EWHl'.UKIt. i T H R E E - H A E E P E I S r O E Branches, i; j Tel. il l61, , bman & Scym^ Qiz e t t e " T e i .e p e o e e '140. 9&7. (two linesi ml ■ ' ' ■ ) -r- r - i' nEastb^um e/ I BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. DEATHS BUSINESS AI^NOUNCEMENTS; ED U CA TIO N . i' ED U CATION . PR E^H E^S FOiR THE WEEK ,VE IT F iTTED WITH r : 1 BIRTHS.' GRANVILl^E HOUSE. EASTBOURNE COLLEGE., / 'tliNTUAL W EliliEYAN CHUBOH:,. D AYLIG H T |S HOPPING. PAINE.—On the 22nd October, 1917, at Yard- T e T j . 4 2 4 . T^EE. 424,' i l^BVJCNSEY KoXi>. Eartbouhnb. t ipAirniCK EOADJ m e K.d s . e Xs t b o u r n e . SUNOa ^. l^OVEMBEU i:. I j :AS GON TAINERi T lev. 21, Arlincton-road. IJaetbourne. the wife resident of Charles Albert Paine, ot a daughter. i i P : ( I rreacbfers:—. f ! C L O S E I t p . m . i ! TH ! DUKE !GF DEVUNSHIRE, K.g; NUS3E.LL,—Oil the 4th November, at South- II o'clock. I •- [ ' X ; i Besidential Preparktnry and I Fiuishlng Girls’ . REV. HUGH M' b r o o k , B.So. :>.5ts i'ar less th an - J field, Uxbridge, to Ruby, wifo of Cuptam C. ,Hp)ADMASIER;: '' is: ; C. Russell <acting major;|, R.F.A., a daughter. !SCilO( REV. F.jS' WILLIAMS, M.A. REV. E. 0. LANSDOWN. : [■ Communion after morning and evening iservioei. •j I ^ P e t r e l. ■ l. MARRIAGES. D A LE anC KERLEY ..^ah; MRS. pli U. de la MOTHE and Th e school (sia f ir s t : g r a d e school • • i - ' - i :! i - ■ ■ -t, Mrs. SELSON FtajET ( •lie..: Lond.i. late ol tor theiBcuB|Ql gentleineii. Hoys are pre- '(AUSTIN—b a n d .—On N oveniber 6. a t ' St. the Ladies’ Coil JUDohael’e, Biastbourne. by th e Rev. C. li Are now showing Choice Selection of FU R S, ihcliuling : >ildgc. Chelterfliam. assisted by a p ared lo r th e V niversities. th e Army. Navy, PTTST FORiWARD MISlSION, ■ii- weU-qualiliekl Staff. - and Civil Services, Profeskions and Com- Pratt, Captain W. 3.. F. Auetin, Royal Sueeex f. • ——I- ; mercial Lifs! cl ' SEASiId E. ; Plesiment, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Black, H are Ties, 2/11^ to 39/6 reaifcn. f j SUNDAX', NOVEMBER 11, 1917. , r r s .u r ! : e n t ^ S U S S E X A uetin. Z, Caateworth-rdad, Brighton, to House beautifully sitiiatei in ^ts own grounds. There are special .Army and Navy. t Classes.a - • i’reaciher; ’ i' DorothyDoroth: Winifred,• - eeoopd- dauehi- h te r o f aV‘i-6. B.lackv-Hare'Necklets and Muffs,j from lo /iij to 63/- the net. ‘ Good 'fennis CcOrt ahd [I’lay in g i Field. I — j - _ For prospfJotaa ajjd information as to recent Morning at 11. : ; . f ( | Band. 27a. Ocklynge-road.’ fcaetbo:dim e. UecreatioO and G.vjnjiaoiuto I^om .50 ft. long successes applieation should, be made to the Evening, at 6.30. ' ' . > rOK.lTHE JTU1 F R 0 7 E B Black Goat Sets, 29/11 ^ to 90/-! the set. | , ! .’’^•Special advantages for Masi;C anU^”M "'’odern — SLAUSvASPItlALL.—(|n the Sist October, at UeadmastciJ I REV A. BUTCHER. [ : Bt. :«la|meEi,' Piccadilly. FraAk Harold dans, i'G r^.iS4uirrel\^et^_ 79/iT^'t<s,3^l5 4s, od. the set. [ ^ Luiguagles. Physical drill »»»cotn^nlsory for the whole Bright Gosoel Services. [ Sankey^Bymna • i, ' Uentenapt. df 0 e HancheBter ATtlllei?,: Prospectus and l eferentjes n app lication. school. GAS (tOipAINER. seednd eon ot Wuliam Henry Claus, qf'tinir ; 3o/-,anp 60/-I All seats free and unappropriated.!: ) Bank: Alderley Edge, Chlesbire.; to MargoL icktErwifee<^fe(5^ts;^'a^^ .^lufejrfrqm i2 /ii| to |- UNDER ROTAT4 PAtl CLO VELLSr-KEPPLESTONE, only child ot the Tate-ilCiyes Aspina^l. and ONAaE C lO U T H i s t r e e t ! •'JONGREGAollOi^Ali' Hre. AsplnalL of Brendbitf Bastbourne..'' a n c i n g , r h y t t h m ic I XEBCIi ES AND STAVELE-Y R o M , MEADS: EASTBOURNE, Q.tHiHCH.- 1 j S . M l ; No. 'USA' ":' * \ 4BnEERVSMALLBPHE.-'-o|lj:bctober 25. at «t. .FA 9H IO N i^lijJJ:FT)^ AUTUJdN. D . ELOCUTION. ! (CO'UNTKSS OF Hbh'jXlMGPON’S Tiufsl). ; Mii^aeRs Ohurcti, By .i^netiee.' jgCHO.OL I'OR.t blELS (Preparatory , [add 1 NEXT tSUNUAY, iNOVEMBEB U.|i917i Co« ' P. B. Oneer, .CannAiahaBbsineers: .-yqinw / m i s s E L E A N p R ATICLIFI-E C ( FliUshiQg).? > -1 ! i Preacher;— i ] non of the-late [to. F.t 9E .eABer ntid strIGi ■and .Cplqi^reA VordaWoith)i ) Mbs. F. H. BBCIWNE 'atid l Miss TAITiBElD. I, REV. PERCY MARTIN I H OreeK er lAvtrrool and’: Isle of Man.'- to> . trtel, (Late of W ilUard^wn Mass,'ILB:4;) House fbprSmart. Uopofhiyj eldej, da^hteri antUJtcs, B .fi (PtHteipBU). SuTJdcts : MDrhtng--tS(ioOe m ade ready bM oroj. ■" -.! ^ gdFnvf.dIfes------------- WA’fU^SATURDAY S © !^ MOBNING. A ssisted hyi Ipyis. rffsidfegt Eiaff' of'Trained — Evening—Difference but no di8tinotioff- ■■ ■ ;t;S ^, ^ :^ t,il>? i^ ,^ aKnffvm(**i f f r c a a nKrirtTno!fRojom^ (^Vr4dii'o^^i)Y8j; W'J-rl-iir “ . ,‘^4,3<),-i- -.'Certibcaced Engl.iufeiLh. and Fjoreigu Teacii.ers. te'icnii: F^ven»i}£..)3-3Ci..v i i ibREBMl . ... _ ... arei kindly permitted, amongst QT. ANDREW’S: pRESBYTEBIAN AH'Bonlk’ Chacoh, ■ BakthonraA Sl.^___ _ ; ij6/ij 'to' CotTs^^ fit 'great vanety ' DevonMiiire ?ark. luterimedia :o ; Class. Ref ere I. K- ^ i-. - , . O. G>eeiiErM3(. youngest ddn dftthe W«raeBd-ay; ,2.46; T Abies Jl.lS. “ J r m any oltiet^s8 tb : the following Eastbourne cH U R cii, b l Ac k v v a t e k r o a d . ;:i'he'’Lo?^T' liJj^'kwaterr iibtwl. Ejegjiiiners'Clini i|resitfenta I X 2503lAwUidc . O . i’teA'he Aa ^ ' fcwRev. ^ v . suF. S.. W...... illiam —- s,— ' M.A.. SUNDAY NEXT.j NOVEMBER fll, ilion of'j^iitum n M illinery K'-.anVV,ji|rB: ..W; '.Orwnaway,'dr'-33|urhaiif, K*( ^ r p m |2,'i i A to K a^rie. Irene, youngw'dm ghter «£>{ <j1V^bi5. ThurEflay, 3.15. i D epdrtiheiit n Ball-i?/w*^«wimnai.5T4 <Headma?.ier| mot Eastbourne: College}. t.be -Kev. ■ j I'redclier- I ] ■ ‘ Iate:l&4 J. -R- H^er .and Mrs. ' i r iH)om‘Daucii a foB 15. Mon lavjlyi 6 iC liCharlcp Crowden. ID.!). Ua'te Headmaster ot ■ 11 a.m.,.and 6.30p.m: , [ es all the latest shapes, CSd’^'dvm Bdsthbume. AduU. Class, ^’rid ly , 8,59. j r:'; ■ lE astbcurne L'oUege) an d Mrs. Crow den.J Sir .1 REV. JAMBS REID, M.A. } CASEMENT CLOTHS IN SH ADES, from 8J(1. per yard. :« p ee lal fo.4 Oo^ratic Dancing [Lindsay JdhdHaj-Hogg; Bart.. Lady Lindsay iVAH O p d lb l—FOBESTIERV<Jh N o v em b d ij;^ glocution, •'Voice . Pro^lucmojj, i reiicihg,. and iHogg. ■ Lordl t'.iaiLady SVilliugdon. Henry 'THURSDAY at O p.mJ Week-night Service: of Special Value in NevreA T Gerard, second' son of Cornells- van D o^^, [Colgate. Esd,, MUX.,* P.R.C.S;. C. H. Cameron W i n d o w ] Blind Rollers. < 1 . i • All vacant seats are tree! fivk minutes before tlie __C6li Amsterdam, to Suzanne, only .'daughtei^iof Blinds*m ade and |itted to ordef; Bsn . F.R .cYT, M;r DiP.H., Cam [and - ; tiuie of service: i lean Fofesiier,' Boul'ogne-jsur-Mer. -lALUANDALS. COOM.1 lOAD. CROYDON. [Mrs. Cameron, E.i ^o st. Esq^M.D., C, O Bri^i tJELS in VELVETS, VELOUR, ' 1WINTERB0THAM—NORTON,—On Saturday, H arding F?g,. [J./P,, M B .d P .. L.E.C P..I F, ifet. 917. THE CYMNASlA.i fcsr. 1831 H olliiu EsO . a n d Mrs. Holline, th e Rev. C, PANNE SILkS.. the 3rd i Noveittber', at St. Saviour’A Basl- Ws^T.jixiiT’iih Muk iioKorsburgh.
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