= i) E | a2 | E] ot ®Ci 1 abe 8 g j CHICAGO WELCOMES YOU Centh Anniversary to the World Science-Fiction Convention Tenth Anniversary World Science-Fiction Convention Executive Committee JULIAN C. MAY, YOU... who have the memories of conventions past, to whom this Convention Chairman Tenth Convention is an anniversary indeed BEA MAHAFFEY, Ee DIRTY, OUR. who this year attend your first Science-Fiction Convention, Secretary-T reasurer Editor, Program Booklet the first, we hope, of many more to come FRANCES HAMLING, Chairman, Auction Committee VOU. who write science-fiction, who edit, who publish, who illus- WILLIAM L. HAMLING, trate Chairman, Welcoming Committee IRENE KORSHAK, NEOUS ES whoread science-fiction, argue it, love it Banquet Chairman To you, whether this Convention is your tenth, or your introduction to MELVIN KORSHAK, the active science-fiction world, the Conyention Committee and your Chairman, Entertainment Committee Convention Chairman extend best wishes. DIANE REINSBERG, If you are a reader, you will probably meet your favorite author or editor Chairman, Advertising Committee here at the Convention. You will meet fellow enthusiasts who share your MARK REINSBERG, loye of science-fiction, and renew frienships made at other, earlier con- Publicity Chairman ventions. OLIVER SAARI, Tf you are a writer, the Convention gives you the precious opportunity to Chairman, Rules Committee meet your public. If an editor or publisher, the chance to meet readers VIRGINIA SAARI, from all over the United States and many of the other countries of the Chairman, Program Committee world. We welcome you to this Convention, knowing that whether you are reader Arrangements Artists or publisher, artist or author, you will find something here — among the OLIVER SAARI DON HARROD speakers, the panels, debates, meetings and entertainment — which will DONALD ADRIAN RANDALL JELINEK broaden the scope of your science-fiction life. Make friends, participate, MATTHEW M. MAY ARTHUR McCOURT take us seriously or not. We hope you enjoy yourselves, and take part in DAVID OLIVA BOB JOHNSON many more conventions in the years to come. to members of the Convention Committee, and to all those Administration Our thanks Registration others who with their encouragement and help have made the Tenth Con- EDWARD WOOD FRANCES HAMLING vention a success. We wish particularly to thank Forrest J. Ackerman, RAY NELSON JANE QUIRK GuyBassett, Jerome Bixby. Howard Browne, Lester del Rey, Franklin M. PERDITA NELSON ELSIE JANDA Dietz, Jr., George Earley, Lloyd Eshbach, E. Everett Evans, Mary Gnaed- DOUGLAS MITCHELL incer, H. L. Gold, Martin Greenberg, Imagination, Elsie Janda, Fritz DAVID ISH Parliamentarian Leiber, Lillith Lorraine, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, BOB TUCKER Mrs. Matthew M. May, John Millard, Samuel Mines, Sam Moskowitz, Ray Photographer and Perdita Nelson. Other Worlds, James Quinn, Shasta Publishers, Capt. ALFRED DE BAT Sergeants-at-Arms Kenneth F. Slater, Jerry Sohl, Ted Sturgeon, James V. Taurasi, Bob Tucker, ARTHUR McCOURT Edward Wood. Jean Wright, and all those professional and fanzine editors Moon Commissioner DON REGAN who have publicized this Convention in theif varidus publications. E, BE. SMITH; PhD, RANDALL JELINEK Juuran C. May, Chairman Tenth Anniversary World Science-Fiction Convention ieee Read the facts behind the fiction! “Until the first rocket lands on the moon, this book is the next best thing to interplanetary flight . breath- Centh Anniversary takingly beautiful.’—Rozert A. HEINLEIN, Satur- day Review. You'll visit the mountains of the moon and explore the planets in this magnificent text-and- World Science-Fiction Convention picture preview of the greatest adventure awaiting mankind. 48) pages of illustrations, 16 in full color. $3.95 The CONQUEST Program of SPACE Saturday, August 30, 1952 Text by WILLY LEY Paintings by CHESLEY BONESTELL REGISTRATION 11:00 a. mM. to 2:00 p. M., Burgundy Room, Mezzanine Floor “The last word on the subject, basic for every science- Afternoon Session fiction reader and writer.’—FLercHer Pratt. All the latest advances in the science of rockets—up-to- the-minvute factual information that’s been top secret 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 p.m., Terrace Casino until now, plus the whole history of rockets and guided missiles. Fully illustrated with photographs and ADDRESS OF WELCOME ie coun, William L. Hamling drawings. $5.95 Chairman, Welcoming Committee INTRODUCTION OF NOTABLES Melvin Korshak ROCKETS, MISSILES 7% Chairman, Entertainment Committee and SPACE TRAVEL Bex INSTALLATION OF CHAIRMAN: JULIAN C. MAY by WILLY LEY pe ADOPTION OP] RULES. 1.2... ceyeb sane SOMer oSaary Chairman, Rules Committee Coming September 26: Evening Session The book about the space station we will soon build 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 P.M., Terrace Casino and inhabit! This brilliant symposium by such top authorities as Dr. Wernher yon Braun, Willy Ley,etc., “THINKING IN MEN AND MACHINES”.........Joseph A. Winter, M.D. first appeared in abbreviated form in Collier’s. It has Author and lecturer now been expandedinto a beautiful book, illustrated in black and white and full color by Chesley Bonestell, “FLYING SAUCERS—WHAT ARE THEY?” Fred Freeman and Rolf Klep. $3.95 Raymond A. Palmer Willy Ley Author of “The Coming of the Saucers” Authorof“Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel” ACROSSthe “LIFE ELSEWHERE AND ELSEWHEN”.. H. J. Muller, Ph.D. SPACE FRONTIER 1946 Nobel Laureate in Physiology, Med. Edited by CORNELIUS RYAN 10:30 P.M. to 12:30 a.m., Convention Committee Suite AT YOUR BOOKSTORE OR DIRECT FROM OPEN HOUSE FOR ALL CONVENTION MEMBERS THE VIKING PRESS, Dept. 970, 18 East 48th Street, New York 17 FELL’S SCIENCE-FICTION LIBRARY presents... ° Sunday, August 31, 1952 THE MOST FASCINATING FICTION OF THE FUTURE Morning Session 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, Parlors F and G, Second Floor PARLOR F PARLOR G THE BEST $2.95 9:00 — Meeting, T.L.M.A. 9:00 — Meeting, F.V.E. 9:45 — Meeting, 1.S.F.C.C. 9:45 — Meeting, P.F.C. 10:30 — Meeting, N.F.F.F. 10:30 — Meeting, S.A.P.S. Science Fiction 11:15 — Meeting, F.M.F.A. 11:15 —Meeting, C.S.F.S. STORIES: 1952 11:35 — Meeting, P.S.F.A. 11:35 — Meeting, F.A.P.A. REGISTRATION FOIIIDIIIIIn * YEAR'S BEST $3.50 X 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monte Carlo Room SCIENCE-FICTION = NOVELS: 1952 ¥ Afternoon Session FOOhob IDTIDDIDAATIAAA 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.M., Terrace Casino } PANEL OF EDITORS YOU WILL ALSO ENJOY Moderator: DiANE REINSBERG THE BEST SCIENCE-FICTION STORIES: 1951 Anthony Boucher... The Magazine of Fantasy ana Science Fiction Howard Browne... Edited by Everett F. Bleiler and T. E. DiktYemo.$2.95 coinmazing Stories John W. Campbell, Jr. Astounding Science Fiction THE BEST SCIENCE-FICTION STORIES: 1950 Lester Del Rey.......:...... speSpace Science Fiction Edited by Everett F. Bleiler and T. E. Dikty. Evelyn Paige Gold......... Galaxy Science Fiction William L. Hamling...... FLIGHT INTO SPACE, an anthology of great soccer Magination science-fiction stories of interplanetary travel, Samuel Mines 0.00.0... Thrilling Wonder Stories Compiled by Donald A. Wollheim npDe 5 Raymond A. Palmer. Other Worlds D Jamies Quint icicaceccntcnccntticcates RALPH 124C 41+, by Hugo Gernsback Forewords by Lee De Forest and Fletcher Praft..........$2.50 The editors will answer questions from the floor. FOUR-SIDED TRIANGLE, by William F. Templecj:icinS2075 SCIENCE-FICTION AUCTION CITY AT WORLD'S END, by Edmond Hamiltopterecceccn$2.75 Artwork, Manuscripts, Books EVERY BOY'S BOOK OF SCIENCE-FICTION, Auctioneer: MELVIN KorsHak Compiled by Donald A. Wollheiiteeeer67.75 Auction Chairman: Francrs HamMuine Frederick Fell, Inc. © 386 Fourth Ave., New York 16 THE UNICORN MYSTERY BOOK CLUB Sunday, August 31, 1952, Continued 53 East 77th Street New York 21 BANQUET 7:00 P.M. to 10:30 p.m., Terrace Casino Toastmaster: Wii F. Jenkins Author of “Space Platform,” ete. Huco Gernspack, Guest of Honor L. Sprague de Camp E; E: Smith, Ph.D, Author of “The Wheels of If,” etc. Author of The “Lensman” Series, etc. Clifford Simak Walter A. Willis Bringing you the books you want to keep — such as Author of “City,” ete. Belfast, N. Ireland Robert Turner Eric Linklater's Mr. Byculla 12:00 Midnight to Dawn, Penthouse Bungalow Suite “FLYING SAUCERS”—A SCIENCE-FICTION MASQUERADE Bernice Carey's The Beautiful Stranger Hosts: The Elves’, Gnomes’ and Little Men’s Science-Fiction, Chowder and Marching Society August Derleth's The Memoirs of Solar Pons of Berkeley, California Fredric Brown's Space on My Hands Henry Kane's A Corpse for Christmas Monday, September 1, 1952 William O'Farrell’s The Snakes of Sf. Cyr REGISTRATION 9:30 a.m., Monte Carlo Room Breff Halliday's When Dorinda Dances Morning Session Ellery Queen's Calendar of Crime 9:30 a.M. to 12:30 p.m., Terrace Casino Josephine Tey's Daughter of Time “WE—SCIENCE-FICTIONISTS”.....00:.0.0.00.- Harlan Ellison, Bill Venable “POSTHISTORIC MAN: A Review? o.oo. Oscar C. Brauner, Ph.D. Dorothy Salisbury Davis' A Town of Masks PANEL DEBATE: “FANDOM—IS IT STILL A FORCE IN SCIENCE-FICTION?” Moderator: Sam Moskowr1rz and now — Pro Con E. Everett Evans Lester Cole Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Empire Walter A. Willis Edward Wood “THE PLACE OF SCIENCE-FICTION IN THE CULTURAL PATTERN”... a be Sena ea John W. Campbell, Jr. Author of “Cloak of Aesir,” etc. “EDITORS: MYTH AND REALITY” .... Hans Stefan Santesson Editor, Unicorn Mystery Book Club 10:30 a. M. to 11:30 a. m., Parlor F BUSINESS MEETING Editor -- Hans Stefan Santaccan Sa Monday, September 1, 1952, Continued Afternoon Session 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Terrace Casino BOOK PUBLISHERS PANEL Moderator: BEA MAHAFFEY Beast Weeleth oo aiic cnenioiaasaspisseiculimeanosiietinicanitinn eomraeuec ATRDOME TOUSE Lloyd Eshbach.ccccsaconmcan Fantasy Press Martin Greenberg.
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