New Items – October 2019 Fiction F Gou Gould, Leslie An Amish Christmas kitchen : Three novellas celebrating the warmth of the holiday F Abb Abbott, Jeff The last minute F And Andrews, Donna Owl be home for Christmas F Bar Bardugo, Leigh Ninth house F Bra Braun, Lillian Jackson The cat who played post office F Cab Cabot, Amanda Cimarron Creek trilogy, book 3 : A tender hope F Cab Cabot, Amanda Cimarron Creek trilogy, book 2 : A borrowed dream F Cab Cabot, Amanda Cimarron Creek trilogy, book 1 : A stolen heart F Cah Cahn, Jonathan The oracle F Cen Center, Katherine Things you save in a fire F Chi Chiaverini, Jennifer The Christmas boutique F Chi Child, Lee Blue moon F Chi Childs, Laura Mumbo gumbo murder F Cli Clinch, Jon Marley F Coa Coates, Ta-Nehisi The water dancer F Con Connealy, Mary High Sierra Sweethearts book two : The reluctant warrior F Con Connealy, Mary High Sierra Sweethearts book three : The unexpected champion F Con Connealy, Mary High Sierra Sweethearts book one : The accidental guardian. F Con Connelly, Michael The night fire F Con Connolly, John A book of bones F Cor Cornwell, Patricia Quantum F Cro Crombie, Deborah A bitter feast F Dav Davis, Susan Page Trouble brewing F DeL DeLuca, Jen Well met F DeM DeMille, Nelson The deserter F Dre Drexler, Jan The Amish of Weaver's Creek #2 : The roll of the drums F Eck Eckhardt, Kristin Tea is for treasure F Fie Fielding, Joy All the wrong places F Fis Fisher, Suzanne Woods The deacon's family #2 : Stitches in time F Flu Fluke, Joanne Christmas sweets F Fre French, Nicci The lying room New Items – October 2019 F Gar Gardner, Lisa Say goodbye F Gay Gaylin, Alison Never look back F Ger Gerritsen, Tess The shape of night F Gri Grisham, John The guardians F Gui Guillory, Jasmine The proposal F Ham Hammesfahr, Petra The sinner F Har Harmel, Kristin The winemaker's wife F Hil Hilderbrand, Elin What happens in paradise F Hil Hill, Joe Full throttle : Stories F Hof Hoffman, Alice The world that we knew F Jim Jimenez, Abby The friend zone F Kir Kirman, Robin Bradstreet gate F LeC Le Carre, John Agent running in the field F Len Lent, Jeffrey In the fall F Les Lester, Natasha The Paris orphan F LoT LoTempio, T.C The time for murder is meow F Lud Ludwig, Elizabeth The tea will tell F Lyn Lynds, Gayle The book of spies F Mac Macomber, Debbie A Mrs. Miracle Christmas F Mat Matson, Morgan Save the date F McK McKevett, G. A.Murder in the corn maze F McQ McQuiston, Casey Red, white & royal blue F Mea Meacham, Leila Dragonfly F Mei Meier, Leslie 'Tis the season murder F Mic Michaels, Fern Spirit of the season F Mon Monroe, Mary Right beside you F Mor Morris, Heather Cilka's journey F Moy Moyes, Jojo The giver of stars F OCo O'Connor, Carlene Christmas cocoa murder F ODe O'Dell, Tawni Fragile beasts F Pat Patchett, Ann The Dutch house F Pat Patterson, James The 19th Christmas F Pel Pelecanos, George P. The way home F Rei Reid, Taylor Jenkins After I do : a novel F Ros Rosenfelt, David Dachshund through the snow F San Sandford, John Bloody genius F Sep Sepetys, Ruta The fountains of silence F Ste Steel, Danielle Child's play : a novel F Sto Stott, Rebecca The coral thief F Str Strout, Elizabeth Olive, again F Tha Thayer, Nancy Let it snow F Tha Thayne, RaeAnne Coming home for Christmas F Whi White, Karen The Christmas spirits on Tradd street New Items – October 2019 F Win Wingate, Marty The bodies in the library F Wis Wiseman, Beth Amish celebrations F Woo Woods, Stuart Stealth F Woo Woodsmall, Cindy A Christmas Haven F Woo Woodson, Jacqueline Red at the bone Graphic Novels GN Buh Buhler, Cynthia von The illuminati ball Large Print LP Atw Atwood, Margaret The testaments LP Bac Backman, Fredrik My grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry LP Bac Backman, Fredrik A man called Ove LP Cus Cussler, Clive The Titanic secret LP Cus Cussler, Clive The oracle LP Eva Evans, Richard Paul The noel stranger LP Fis Fisher, Suzanne Woods The deacon's family #2 : Stitches in time LP Gre Gregory, Philippa Tidelands LP Lew Lewis, Beverly The timepiece LP Mac Macomber, Debbie A Mrs. Miracle Christmas LP Pat Patchett, Ann The Dutch house LP Pat Patterson, James Killer instinct LP Pen Penny, Louise A better man LP Pre Preston, Douglas Gideon's sword LP Woo Woods, Stuart Contraband Paperback PBK Bro Brown, Jo Ann The Amish widower's twins PBK Cha Chapman, Vannetta The Amish Christmas matchmaker PBK Dav Davids, Patricia Shelter from the storm PBK Hig Higgins, Kristan Good luck with that PBK Ker Kertz, Rebecca His suitable Amish wife PBK Lig Lighte, Carrie Her Amish holiday suitor PBK Lig Lighte, Carrie Her new Amish family PBK Lyo Lyons, Tracey J. A love for Lizzie PBK Mal Mallery, Susan Meant to be yours PBK Mar Martin, Kat The conspiracy PBK McC McClay, Jocelyn The Amish bachelor's choice New Items – October 2019 PBK Mic Michaels, Fern Snowy little Christmas PBK Mil Miller, Emma The Christmas courtship PBK Pri Price, Sarah The Amish cookie club Biography B Harry Harry, Debbie Face it B John John, Elton Me B Joplin George-Warren, Holly Janis : Her life and music Nonfiction NF Ryl Ryland Peters & Small Home-grown harvest : Delicious ways to enjoy your seasonal fruit and vegetables NF 001.942 Dan Daniken, Erich von Eyewitness to the Gods : What I kept secret for decades NF 031.02 Spi Spignesi, Stephen J. Dr. Bizarro's eclectic collection of strange and obscure facts NF 133.4 Mur Murphy-Hiscock, Arin The witch's book of self-care : Magical ways to pamper, soothe, and care for your body and spirit NF 133.9 She Sheridan, Kim Animals and the afterlife : True stories of our best friends' journey beyond death NF 152.1 Men Menkhoff, Inga Optical illusions : amazing deceptive images : where seeing is believing NF 158.1 Rub Rubin, Gretchen Better than before : Mastering the habits of our everyday lives NF 170 Kot Kotb, Hoda I really needed this today : Words to live by NF 248.4 Bet Bethke, Jefferson To hell with the hustle : Reclaiming your life in an overworked, overspent, and overconnected world NF 266 Bru Brunson, Andrew God's hostage : A true story of persecution, imprisonment, and perseverance NF 305.4 Kan Kantor, Jodi She said : Breaking the sexual harassment story that helped ignite a movement NF 305.7 Cli Clinton, Hillary Rodham The book of gutsy women : Favorite stories of courage and resiliance New Items – October 2019 NF 306.81 Mun Munoz, Alicia No more fighting : 20 minutes a week to a stronger relationship NF 327.127 Sno Snowden, Edward Permanent record NF 333.8 Mad Maddow, Rachel Blowout : Corrupted democracy, rogue state Russia, and the richest, most destructive industry on Earth NF 362.732 Chr Christie, Judy Pace Before and after : The incredible real-life stories of orphans who survived the Tennessee Children's Home Society NF 362.8 Sny Snyder, Rachel Louise No visible bruises : What we don't know about domestic violence can kill us NF 364.1524 Sto Stocklassa, Jan The man who played with fire : Stieg Larsson's lost files and the hunt for an assassin NF 364.153 Far Farrow, Ronan Catch and kill : Lies, spies, and a conspiracy to protect predators NF 364.1532 Mil Miller, Chanel Know my name : A memoir NF 378.3 ONe ONeal, Anthony Debt free degree : The step-by-step guide to getting your kid through college without student loans NF 610.73 Mom Mometrix Test Preparation ATI TEAS secrets study guide : Your key to exam success NF 613.7 Con Contreras, Bret Glute lab : The art of science and physique training NF 618.2 Ost Oster, Emily Cribsheet : A data-driven guide to better, more relaxed parenting, from birth to preschool NF 618.24 Dai Dais, Dawn The sh!t no one tells you about pregnancy : A guide to surviving pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond NF 635 Ban Bannerman, Isabel Scent magic : Notes from a gardener NF 641.5 Bra Brand-Miller, Janette Glycemic index cooking made easy : lose weight, eat well, and boost your energy levels using low GI foods NF 641.5 Coo Cook instant! : More than 80 quick & easy recipes for your electric pressure cooker. NF 641.5 Tas Taste of home cooking school : 50th anniversary cookbook New Items – October 2019 NF 641.555 Six Six Sister's Stuff Six ingredients with Six Sisters' Stuff : 100+ fast and easy family meals NF 641.5635 Wei Weight Watchers Weight Watchers Instant Pot cookbook : Cooking made easy NF 641.5635 Wei Weight Watchers The essential WW freestyle cookbook NF 641.5638 Pub Publishers International Ultimate keto cookbook : A guide to the keto diet with more than 100 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and more NF 641.59 Joy Joyce, Jennifer My street food kitchen : Fast and easy flavours from around the world NF 641.59 Lon Lonely Planet Food Around the world in 80 food trucks : Easy & tasty recipes from chefs on the road NF 641.59 Tay Taylor, Genevieve MasterChef street food of the world NF 641.59593 Per Perfect Thai : A collection of over 100 essential recipes. NF 641.5973 Edg Edge, John T. The truck food cookbook : 150 recipes and ramblings from America's best restaurants on wheels NF 641.59969 Che Cheng, Martha The poke cookbook : The freshest way to eat fish NF 641.59969 Hee Hee, Jean Watanabe Hawai'i's best local dishes NF 641.59969 Por Porter, James Island poke cookbook : Recipes fresh from Hawaiian shores, from poke bowls to Pacific rim fusion NF 641.59969 Tak Takasaki, JoAnn Luau like a local : The easy way NF 641.86 Sal Saltz, Joanna Delish insane sweets : Bake yourself a little crazy : 100+ cookies, bars, bites, and treats NF 641.862 Far Farrow, Joanna Ice cream and iced desserts NF 649 Bia Bialik, Mayim Beyond the sling : a real-life guide to raising confident, loving children the attachment parenting way NF 649.8 Sad Sadler, Shelly Home caregiver guide NF 650.1 Rod Rodsky, Eve Fair play : A game-changing solution for when you have too much to do (and more life to live) NF 658.4 Ige Iger, Robert The ride of a lifetime : Lessons learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company New Items – October 2019 NF 728 Die Diedricksen, Derek Micro living : 40 innovative tiny houses equipped for full-time living, in 400 square feet or less NF 782.42166 Gor Gorman, Steve Hard to handle : The life and death of The Black Crowes NF 786.2 Boo The book of great Christmas songs.
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