Soldiers Show Miss Browne of the Dodgers. Caught in Action by the Camera Man Skill Tossing In Fine Trim Casey Stengel, «Hand Grenade On the Courts .Sergeant Halley Excels ¡-j Dropping "Bombs" California Tennis Star De¬ Into "Trenches' at Travers Is. feats Miss Bjurstedt at Greenwich, Conn. By A. C. CAVAGN'ARO That the Americ«n »oldler*» tr**l themselves By FRED HAWTHORNE prove adept in the tritt hand grenade throwing w«§ *«_,/ Miss Mary Browne, of California, strated in the military games for Z! playing a wonderfully well rounded men »tationed at Fort «^iocum from »no*. fm game, In which her volleying Jay. held at Traver» I»!and ye»«****-«., eloae to the net was a brilliant feature, under the direction of the New Y«rt defeated Mis» Molla Bjurstedt, nation¬ Athletic Club. The men had ha4 », al woman champion, by a score of previous practice In hurling **l>o*aikli» 7.9, t*>.'¿, 6.4 yesterday afternoon Bt they had little trouble in drop«*.*-». on the turf court» of the Greenwich ! -m Into the "trenche»." Field Club, at Greenwich, Conn. The leading honor» fell to Bernât! It marked the first time that Miss .T. T. Halley. of the 21»t Company trat* Bjurstedt had lowered her colors on Fort Slo«cum, who made the only *).¦*..,, Eastern court« since last year, when of the that Mis» Evelyn Fears vanquished her at eye d«y. is, dropplrj «a« J.on-rwood. "grenade" into the centre trench at' Miss Browne'» victory yesterday was receiving the award of S point». ""]*.*». of lawn ten- achieved by the soundest men tied for «econ<! honor« with 1 r.is. She relied upon deep driving to keep her great rival in the back of the points each, with the position flrnlh court, and, once having done that, tin- going to H. J. Withtrit«, of Com**««. i»hed off her points hy Miss A, Fort Jay, when his "grenade" takinginside the ¡22 Bjurstedt's drives from "just a »econd time ir. the "trenca," gifta*' «ervice court and volleying the ball him two additional point». hack into the corners, across the court or down the aide line» with beautiful Tin *3»n **Gren*de«r accuracy. A group of twenty men took partía, Norwegian Off Color the competition. The "grenades" .t*. ordinary tin can» filled with und an* The Norwegian girl wa» not at her about two and a the and weighing h»'f best at any time during match, pounds. The competitors wer» tors, thig may De said without detracting in pelled to throw the "amm-aBiti-**-*-1 the least from Miss Browne's achieve¬ from behind a canvas fence, t*»«lT» ment, for the slender girl from the feet high, at three separate treadea Coast was a game that might plifying of the »ituation at different angles a djUt-s well have taken the measure cf feet awe**. Each trench champion, even had the latter been ninety ».»« better. divided into three parts, four feet in going width and seven f**et A It was partly Mis« Browne's »peed long. **ïill**,ia In going for the net and her extremely either of the side trenche» netted t>« deep driving, particularly off the back thrower two points. If he droppe'i;- hand, that threw the Norwegian off grenade into th-> centre block h» 1*1» her game. She appeared to* lack confi¬ allowed sut points. dence even before the matc'n started, Fronting each trench wer» two 0*» and when »be discovered that it was right», held together by a pie« ef almost Bn impossibility to catch her cloth at tie top. If the grenade «*.**-*-'¦ opponent, out of position she began to this cloth the thrower was allowed t»» make glaring error» on drives off her «jxt**» points. One shot was allow»«] at forehand, usually her most effective «each trench. stroke. Hallery dropped his grenade Into tt» Miss Browne's covering of her court centre trench on hi» »econd »hot. His wa» really remarkable. A dozen time» first effort went behind tie line«, whil» when it seemed as though Mis» Bjur¬ his third landed on the brink of th» stedt had scored sure placement aces trench, but it waa not declared »a «f« "Our Mary" electrified the big gallery shot. "gets" from almost im- ferctive by spectacular Sne also volleyed Witherite, fn tire« throws, hurled poaBible positions. the grenade Into the centra pit of »».. with a steady wrist and unerring rye, of three trenche«. showing a masterly handlitrfï of the ball on such «shots. KUrred With Javelin It was remarked when the girls first took the court that Miss Bjurstedt was The motrt »peeTtacrtilar feits by th» without her famous Swastika brooch «oldier athletes were performed in th» in match she javelin throw, when L» H. Kmball and that »he ha» worn every of Fort h»s played in this country and that «she Frank Posrer», both SIocif, as an invaluable mascot of harled the 12-foot stick over 130 f«e*. regards »eemed really First pria« went to Kimball, who mid» victory. The champion had 9 whil» worried a» »he explained that she a fine heave of 135 feet inch««, lost the pin at Westfield last Wednes¬ Powers'» throw was less than ftv» fee» day night- behind. Finit Gama Carson Yacht Veteran Wins A spirited fight wa» seen ta the ttO« Loses th» teta of the service, but yard relay ra«*e, in which Miss Bjurstedt began Browne the 4th Company of Tort Sloeum won lost the first game, with Miss two over th» 2£*h own delivery. by yards Company dropping the next on her Proves Winner 440-Yard Swim boy« of the same station.' each broke through on the men from f*fft Thereafter own until The 4th Company other's service and lost her Slocum won point honor», with tt the seventh game, when the champion point», which wa» two mor» than th» her own delivery. In Wind 25th men took worked to Light In Meet Company gained. The players had not yet up Big Th«j »ummaries follow: top »peed, but Miss Browne, «eeingthat TRAi-Tí aro r-«r.ui *nr*cri» hesitated to assume the *a JL A. ftera. ***.**>¦. her opponent of the Yacht Rac¬ NSMl .t«ar>.SPtJBl W, I began to go to the barrier Members Handicap L. B. (.Bud) Goodwin, the veteran «nun; JL E. lTia'1««. Ta". S!f*a**ur». tmemzA. net position, the eleventh Island Sound held Casuar. Far» Sl>-ura. OsttO, tsWs, IUH herself at the etart of ing Class of Long iwimmer, again set too lively a pac» tm-ymrl ma-Woo **. Ji. I UsrUe. Fan tSs- and with Buccess. second race of the season under t*am; E. staaoa,:*». Fo« Stactrr*.. aKird. Gory* game, to lack her their for his younger rivals and easily won Tjalmrft». Fort 6ia*V4--m. tjvu*«t Tlrr*», I *J i-i. Miss Bjurstedt seemed of the New Rochelle Yacht .a-iniilriaT Mat* «anrj**.Wean tsy t. W rrsartrr, and after the auspices the 440-yard event held by the N'etw J ft»»» 3 taetim: C 1 '«-I customary speed ar.d dash, rort Jej. «rltJi ÉpL* the final and the first set Club yesterday. The wind was light York Athletic Club yesterday. Good¬ Slaxurn. »ltd I *<¦.* .' Liefe», otc-kA. Y»t1a. winning point fierce Fortunately, rort Slt-araao. with ! fart I lr««*ta, tiüii. at 9.7 after a particularly rally, and from the northwest win gained a 10-yard lead during th« H«e»1 «r«tT»a> Uroa.tr»,. rvcieat- -Wi-a br Bar¬ turned to one of the linesmen and and gave the gees t J. T Ha.'F». StM C«*uip«u.«. r-ft Saaaaa, it held steady throughout, first length of 110 yards and was con¬ with « jrir.'s Wlt&nii», «'-«aap«.-. A, !*M lr asked: "Is that really set?" Assured satisfactory brush. favairjr. Pa*-i Jay. «nth 4 pctiita. »a«wd. W. tism. yachtsmen a fairly tent to hold thi«i advantage to the : tJüi*. that It was, she smiled gratefully. two broad .'.-. i*ornr«j47, rort s:<x-«jjn. wtLb paart«, won the game The course was made up of finish. John A. Zimnoch was second. ISS .*rl la'aFtTcarnc«-* > r«i«j ra.*e ISMS Hiss Browne opening with Leo Giebel third. The latter also maie I--Wear br 4t.h .«ettrpv.**. F Tt f Farta«, «'."l of the second set on her opponent'» reaches and a beat home. N *.". fottn, J «;. lal'ln. Woae'.. «ft Paiter, lost the next, after Mis» larger than In finished second in the 110-yard swim, :'3Ui t.ir.p«nj\ Fort SUitTUin. «mil W. K. Gu-va», service, bpt The fleet was slightly less than a foot behind Stephen I. Fha M I I/ar.:«n »r.d J \vi_-.ra mar.i. tt« won two when being ' Bjurstedt hsd points, first of the class, two weeks the winner. »eu v. Fort **>7i«rum. *»Hh W ll T-.-sm ¡r f. the b»ll struck the top of the net and tho regatta Ruddy, <.rat-.«ia. F M. «.ii.r.U «Ml T i lUeSMB llaW. It was divided into the usual four Strtral rowing races also furnished r.tne. 1 45. trickled over into the Californien'» ago. era» '»««.Iti..W»n t*f L. Tt Eci « *. just she need» a when Charles close finishes. In the junior eight- T.rF-AU.j» f. court. "I don't see why classe», and Handicapper o<tred shell event the crew of the At¬ «'mnpauja Fort **4l4-ar«iin, irlth 1*1 tr-r.
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