COMl\10DrnE AMIGA3(IDUX hen ir comes to computers for professionals rod:ty. two facL~ :-.land OUt ind_isputubly. One fact is that. ae:ross 1hc board. from super· computers 10 singlc:·uscr workstations. IJl'\IX System V Releuse 4:1- is ~imply the stamlan.l to udupt. Fur :,ySt..:m J>(Jr1ability. Foru:ocr friendliness. Por networking. For comp<U ibility of nrchjlceturc. Fur fut ure gtuwlh. TI1c <'thcr fu<.'l is thtu rhe th!W Cnmmodorc Amiga JO<X>UX < is the computcrlhnt can puc UNIX SVR4• on your desk riglu now. AJfott.l~tb l y. Rdiuhly. ErgmHnnically. With :.1 t.'< unpletent-S'S of del'Oign chat already has 1he indu,;1ry cxpc.n.s raving.. To rhc world. pcrltops. chc Clltcrgcncc of che Arniga JOOOUX is a swnning revc:lutioo: u pr.tctic<tl l:l'\lX System V Relea.~ 4 wo!'ks.tntion that outpcrfonns systems many times its cost. lO us ttl Commodore~. however. it is Ihi'! cutmin:llinn uf u long :md t:un.:· ful pn)l'<:o.~. We devl!lupcd and marketed earlier vCI't'ions of Vl\IX System V. and we were one of the fma companies to demonsrn1tc Ul\lX SVR4. While vthcrs httVt: bolL'ilcd of their ~tch i cv«!mc:nt._; , we at Conunodoro have quietly a11d d~tcnnincdly sonc about the business of pun in~ nil of the s1mtegic advJmces of SVR4 into ;1 hos that ynu can plug in and tum on. And we've don~ it. ·n1c Amiga JOOOUX is proving itself in offices , c.~ lassroom~ and luborutori~ nationwide. ;.\nd. like all Ccnmnodorc :o;olutiorts. il s.tand~ 3lonc in C3p3bility for iL1i price class. Prove it co yourself. ·rurn the pngc. l ffWX.f' uNJI)'li.\ 1md , ,.himt:b'Mid toJi"&'M ~\ migu 10001./X ofld til< t.....,~:bw Ku"¥1 Syn~• 1/KSJ WHATMAKESAMIGA:mlUXRUN Ni/}J() ~ttl FNf S(:RAM $«1.:('1.\ CPU SIN 1 hesins wilh po\\'er. More whh Relea.)C 4, you can do it witll spccific:tlly. S :\tB r:~l 1he Am i~a JOOOUX. And l'f'll"'bly ~\ M - or. optionally, 1(, do it beuer. 1'00'l include( the (ol· MB fast RAM-ofpowcr. lowing l-;tJX1bilitie't: packed lnto a 32-bh Motorola proccs~r wilh :• mmh co. • The X Window System :•nd 311 prvl'CSS<>f. Ciiving you nll rhe power SVRA grnphic (unc:t ion~ witlt­ you oeed to run UNIX System V nut mtXIifrc'llu'on. Release 4, :t.long with the X Window .. Optn Look Gr.!phic<~l t.:ser Sy~h.·uinc and lhr Open Look'w lntcrl:wx: and Tool Kit. Graphical USC'r Interface. which m'\! hoth pro\'idcd on C\'t-1")' pn:-loadcd • 8oume Shell. Berkeley Shell. Amiga 3000UX .llyr.tem. Plus 6uch Ko m Shell. Rcs1rkted Shell. ~umd:ml nctworkint: c-.ap:lbilitiel< as Remote Shell and Job CQI11rol ~T-'S". TCI'IIr' ;lfl4.1 ~hemet""'. Sh<-11. And we · ~ talking aboutlln • RFS :and NFS OCIWOtl::ing AI:H·rompli:tnt industry sr:md:atd utili tic~ which, when ust"d UNTX SVR4, n'>' some propri(:H1t)' with Virrual File f onn:u, implerneot3tion. 111i~ is not jus• mnkc it ca.•dcr 10 build anuthcr hardware done. The Amis,a largt". ht'tL"rogcoow~ JOOOUX i~ tl\e realahing. .:.)'~l(·ms. ....,To- Out Oflho loL • tim. making eltll'• ()p(-n tt ll.!' bo:c.. plug in the tronic mail simple ror Amig-n 3<XX>UX. :md you h~wc n even a new user. c:om,,lete Rd e:•~ 4 s~tem up :.nd running on your desktop. Wj1h no • f.:m;u:s and \i , to provilk: 4 imt::dl:lliOn delays or unplanned v:uiety of tt>Xt and progr:~m nxonfigllr."Ltiom. h'slhat sjmpk. W~ t'diting vp~ions. designed the Amiga 3000UX to he a Sui h;,t... ing full command of lutally int~grntec.l :~y~tem rh:ll pro.­ Ul\1X SVR4 i!f jullit the bcginnintt vidc~ ~II of th-1: t ool ~ of SVR4 as of wh:tl you can do with the ~tondard c~u i J>me nt. A mig:• JOOOUX. It is. :.ftcr nil, tl~ When we ~:ay the Amiga progeny of ::1: long tine of ~}'$.-t ems 3COJUX (y~em lVffiC'S complete. we famous for thdr p3phic. multi· mean compktC". With built-in multi· ll.~kin_s and multi·media tah.·ms. fnnnat floppy di.d:: drive. lmcnul and And that meal~$ built·in acces..~ to cxtcmaJ did: c~~~K.·ity. A 94-key key­ A.n1.i ~nOOS I'); :tnd Amiga hi g_h· board An :sv:-tibblc color or mono· rcrolution g.rnJ)hics. Comrul vf chrome displty. A mou~. R,\M color, font(, char..ctcr ~i.o: and C.\p:lruion c:ap:ability 10 I~ M8 on the Olher di~play ekrncms. O"crst·an4 nKMMrbootnJ. And full sync:m sofl· ning .st1\."C11 si1.c. 1bc :1biJity 10 ware. including thousand:, of Of'l;•line dri\'C' hish·rt:Mlution. mc~apixel UNIX manuotl pugcs. di;;-plny~ lntt"mationaJi7.ation (or foi'C'ign keybu:mls. And a ho:tt v( l""tlhMt IIIX liDs To GM. other udv1u1UJ.ges that only :ul Tile Am i~:t 3(X)()L:X wz•s rotl· Amiga u ~rcan t:l.kc for ~f'lnted. «h·ed by and (or the uscn. of UNIX Sy)te:m V Release 4. If you c:-nn du it __j '~IHOripRAU t.v•tm'Ntn s,., (ontmlk, 8Jd AtbitrQffM Ud!lt(r/«llllgtSt'att·Dc>Nblfltg JltK'~N C~«J UliAC<ttt&~ SCSI t'rllluo/1~,- UJ~t•Mal A ':.S/0 (j"""* A.lqpu-,- .fl X II; \'J!ko I$ XH:V~ SCSI PM l'oraUf'l PQft Suiul l'on RUNNING COMMENTARY ON 300RJXPERFORMANCE r: I ' (you rea11)' want to know the! Amig;u b ~n inlli~pcnsablc pan of .. l it i:~: l a.~ slick ho"' the Ami.g".t3000UX the comp.'lny"!. ::.dvnnced r~~:arch un imp!cm-.:rtlrttion I: . brin1;s UNIX System V cfft"m ..... L3h Man:~gcr G<lry Sherwin ns My l'vc seen," &;.li.o.:::ii!l Rclcas.t ~ f() the wnrk~t.l· is. cryst:.t..l-dtu.r about the rc&Ons. Rmwn:tar--. .. We tton. you ~lould :t~k 1he peopl.: who took it UUI of tb: use il. Su "''\: diiJ. l..i:Jcn to wh11 t "We h:wc been using 1he Amigm box. switched it on (or 00\'tmced .oteienlitlt: research Amiga JOOOVX usc~ at Mmt cfthe and C(l.nnected it to almost from tJ;t)' out.~... says Sherwin, nation·~ ltading instiu.niQns. nod :1 our necwork. h .. I tiki.! the solidily of UNIX nnd the lc:~~Jing publit.·ation. Jw.,•c to ~y. worked fi ne~ .. usefulne-.s. of being abl!! to run multi· '1ho ..... just ""....,... ..."'"" pic Opt<nttin, ~y.slcms oo the same • AIIIigiiUNIXil• ............. machine." hn ................ l:LSt )'C\tf, :1rtcr )'~or USing HWiilalicwa of Apple. M:1c-intosh" ~ystcm.; , Virginia "11oo-........ ioioll!&fl'll--'alallioioaoo s,-v.._4.. Tech'r. Computer Science Depan· afUIIXSVR4." Kk h<.rd /1, Yvu mn.)' h~vc seen Ren mcnt decided to ch:m~c suppli..:.~ ror Mincr. R~carc:h S mith'~ ~view of the Amiga their stutlcul (."0!11putcrs. The school·~ Manager at t~ cnmplllerscien« mnjors nre required 3CKX•UX in the l.)(:(:cmbcr. 1990 issue UnivC'n;ity of or 8)'1(' nUJ.g!uinc. ln hi~ illtkle. titled to b u y UN lX-ba~ ll>)'Sh.':TIIS. and Lc>wcll's CC:Iucr (Of' ''I\ UNIX <irJphic~'" Worksttujoo (or from now on, the 0cp.Jnme nl 1':1)'~. Productiviry Enhnnccmem, m;lke.> World ... Smith thc)"ll be buyin,t; Amigas. the Rc::$t ufllw: had the~ u~'TV1lt ivus about the Atniga this to ~y 3hom rhe Amiga JIMXJUX: JOOOUX 3~ a research tool: The de-cision w:.s nOI u hasty ''"Thi~ \VOrk,:wtion i:o: the must un..:. 11~~~; dc()Q:tr10lCnl carried out nn ..If ere ;u L.owe11, we run ~an exhau..;tive re\•irw induSH)'·l'On~c:ivu-s center where W(' o r ))'~ll,·.ms from all condul~t ~ItCh and devclopmem of ur the mltjUr Ul\'l'X h:urlwore and ~ftwnrc fnr ~omme p l ayc~-nr:u1y SOU comp:m.ies. We- have- been work· 20 in all - befon· ing with the Ami~n UNIX Sy~rem m11~jnt:: 1' ~:hvicc , since the early prototype Mag_c, :tnd howe ptoduc:nl n number or signifi· thAnde Amiga the winner wa.<~ ~-ij~!j~~~~~~~~ c:,nt upp l i cati041 ~ and de\·clnprnMt 3000l:X. Why? Ask James Anhur. tool~. 1lle robu..:.t implcmenwtivn of ,.,,.,,Nrrx Ststem v Rt lea.sc 4. As.~iate ProfcsSQr or Computer the- upcnuing ~pu;-m und ..:nviron· ill> ool Jl clone. nnra w~rk-allke, Scienl'\'.s at Viq;inia Tcdl and ...lit) m~11 1. lliOn~ with d~ :wail:lliilit)' nr 1\(lr o 1ov. It i~ a n&-•,onStnse work· Outinnnn of the departmcm ·~ PC srand:ard.( in Amigll t::'\IX. h:ave ."tlecrion commiuec. sralion ih;•a is lmpr~ssivc and com· cnllbltd us to intcgr:Itc with our Othe r p:u:t ....The t\rniga :lOOOUX gre~tly ~)':.tCH\$ And pon llUI1lC.tOUS outpcrf(lrms. 1ht tqui,·:tlent ':\eXT" The Amigo 3tXXJUX. t\ nhur­ nppl~:uion.'. Amiga .wys. ''was hl.':lt.l und llhOuldcrS ~ hove ~and M:acm to~h whb A/UX ..... it ts un UNIX is :m imprcs­ the other mn<hincs.
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