evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© 25 eQi †gqv`x Lm&ov cwiKíbv cvwb m¤ú` Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbvi †ÿ‡Î cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© (evcvD‡ev) †`‡ki me©e„nr cÖwZôvb| cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖavb ev¯ÍevqbKvix ms¯’v wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW © (evcvD‡ev) eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP, b`xZxi fv½b cÖwZ‡iva, e-Øxc Dbœqb I f~wg cybiæ×vi, b`-b`x †WªwRs, BZ¨vw` wel‡q cKÖ í cÖYqb, ev¯Íevqb I cwiPvjb K‡i †mP, Rjve×Zv wbimb, eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva, b`x Zxi fv½b cÖwZ‡iva, e-Øxc Dbœqb I f~wg cybiæ×vi, b`-b`xi bve¨Zv I enb ÿgZv e„w× BZ¨vw` †mevmg~n cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K| cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi Vision (Sustainable water security for better livelihood acknowledging the effects of climate change) Ges mission (ensure fulfilling the requirements of water for the people and sustainable development through balanced and integrated management of water resources) ev¯Íevq‡b AvMvgx 25 eQ‡i cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi AvIZvq evcvD‡ev‡Z Kx Kx Kvh©µg MÖnb Kiv cÖ‡qvRb †m wel‡q Avï c`‡ÿc MnÖ Y AZ¨šÍ Riæix| G †cÖÿvc‡U gšY¿ vj‡qi eZ©gvb iæcKí, D‡Ïk¨, †`‡ki eZ©gvb cvwb bxwZ I †KŠkj, cø¨vb (National Water Policy (NWP) (1999), BWDB Act (2000), National Water Management Plan (NWMP) (2004), Coastal Zone Policy (2005), Coastal Zone Strategy (2006), Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (2009), Perspective Plan of Bangladesh (2010-2021), National Sustainable Development Strategy (2010-21), Sixth Five-Year Plan (2011-15) BZ¨vw` ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i AvMvgx 25 eQ‡i cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi AvIZvq evcvD‡ev‡Z Kx Kx Kvh©µg MÖnY Kiv cÖ‡qvRb ‡m¸‡jvi ‡kYÖ xwef³ K‡i (‡mP m¤úÖmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY, mgwš^Z Dbœqb cwiKíbv MÖnY, Rjevqy cwieZ©‡b †bwZevPK cÖfve ‡gvKv‡ejv, mgy`ª †_‡K fw~ g D×vi, b`x Zxi msiÿY I b`x e¨e¯’vcbv, DcK~jxq GjvKvq AeKvVv‡gvmg~n Dbœqb I cybe©vmb, nvIi I Rjvf~wg Dbœqb, Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³) GKwU AMvÖ waKvi ZvwjKv wb‡¤œ mwbœ‡ewkZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| ¸iæZ¡ we‡ePbvq †i‡L ZvwjKvq AšÍ©f³~ cÖKí¸‡jv ch©vqµ‡g ev¯Íevq‡bi wbwg‡Ë wewfbœ i¨vswKs-G web¨¯Í Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvwjKvi i¨vswKs-1 AšÍ©f~³ Kvh©µg‡K AvMvgx AvU eQ‡ii g‡a¨ ev¯Íevqb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| Abyiƒc fv‡e i¨vswKs-2 I 3 Gi AvIZvi Kvh©µg‡K ch©vqµ‡g 15 eQi I 25 eQ‡ii g‡a¨ ev¯Íevqb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| ZvwjKvq AšÍf©~³ Kvh©µg‡K mg‡q mg‡q ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i ZvwjKv nvjbvMv` Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| ‡h mg¯Í cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv Kiv †bB A_ev `xN© w`b Av‡M m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv Kiv n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv ˆe‡`wkK A_©vq‡bi myweav‡_© bZzb K‡i mgxÿv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| 1 µt cÖK‡íi bvg i¨vswKs K ‡mP cÖKí K.1 bZyb 1 Kurigram Irrigation Project (North Unit) 1 2 Kurigram Irrigation Project (South Unit) 1 3 North Rajshahi Irrigation Project 1 4 Irrigation Projects in Eastern hill 2 K.2 cybe©vmb 5 Karnafuli Irrigation Project (Halda & Irrigation Unit) 1 6 Fatikchari FCDI Project 1 7 Dhurang Irrigation Project 1 8 Mandakini Irrigation Project 1 9 Nishchintapur Irrigation Project 1 10 Halda Irrigation Project 1 11 Boalkhali Irrigation Project 2 L mgwš^Z Dbœqb cÖKí 12 Ganges Barrage Project 1 13 Integrated Water Resources Management in Chalan Bill area including Bill Halti 2 Development Project 14 Integrated Water Resources Development & Management in Boral Basin 1 15 Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Brahmaputra Barrage 2 16 Brahmaputra Barrage Project 2 17 Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Meghna Barrage 3 18 Meghna Barrage Project 3 19 Dharla Barrage and ancillary works 2 20 Dudhkumar Barrage and ancillary works 3 21 Mahananda Barrage and ancillary works 3 22 Kangsa Barrage and ancillary works 3 23 Kushiyara Barrage and ancillary works 3 24 Juri River Barrage and ancillary works 3 25 Khowai River Barrage and ancillary works 3 26 Dhaka Integrated Flood Control Embkt. cum Eastern Bypass Road multi-purpose 1 Project 27 Old Brahmaputra Integrated River Management Project 1 28 Basin wise Integrated Water Resource Assesment in Major Rivers 2 M Rjevqy cwieZ©b †gvKv‡ejv I ev¯‘ cybiæ×vi (Ecosystem Restoration) cÖKí 29 Bhairab River Restoration Project 2 30 Ghaghot River Restoration Project 2 31 Nabaganga River Restoration Project 2 32 Restoration of four rivers around Dhaka city 1 33 Restoration of Dhaleshwari River (New) 1 34 Hisna River Restoration Project 2 35 Mathabhanga River Restoration Project 2 36 Arial khan River Restoration Project 3 37 Lower Boral River Restoration Project 2 38 Up gradation and Modernization of National Hydrological services in Bangladesh 1 2 µt cÖK‡íi bvg i¨vswKs for integrated water resources management in the context of climate changes 39 Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources of Bangladesh 2 N f~wg cybiæ×vi I Dbœqb cÖKí 40 Urirchar - Noakhali Cross Dam Project 1 41 Hatiya– Dhamarchar-Nijhumdwip Integrated Development Project 2 42 Bhola - Kukrimukri - Char Montaz Integrated Development Project 2 43 Sandwip Jahaizar char cross dam project 3 44 Estuary Development Study and Pilot Program for land reclamation 1 45 Sandwip-Urirchar Cross Dam Project 3 O b`x Zxi msiÿY I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 46 Stabilization of Brahmaputra Left and Right Embankment 1 47 Stabilization of Left & Right Bank of Padma River 2 48 Stabilization of Left & Right Bank of Lower Meghna River 2 49 Rehabilitation of Water Management Infrastructure in Bhola District 1 50 Re-excavation of Madaripur Beel Route 3 51 Re-excavation of Kumar River 2 52 Re-excavation of Sutang River 3 53 Re-excavation of Piyain River 1 54 Re-excavation of Lower Kangsha (Ghulamkhali & Updakhali) River 3 55 Re-excavation of Bhogai River 3 56 Re-excavation of Modhumati River 3 57 River /Channel / Char Dredging Projects in Bangladesh 2 P ÿz`ª cvwb we`¨yr cÖKí 58 Mini Hydropower projects in eastern hill rivers 1 Q DcK~jxq †cvìvi mg~‡ni Dbœqb 59 Improvement of Polder 59/3C Noakhali 1 60 Improvement of Polder 63/1A and 63/1B Anowara 1 61 Improvement of Polder 64 Banshkhali 1 62 Imprvement of Polder 65 Cox's Bazar 2 63 Improvement of Polder 66 Cox's Bazar 2 64 Improvement of Polder 67 Teknaf 2 R nvIo Dbœqb cÖKí 65 Pre-monsoon Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in Haor Areas 1 66 Flood Management in Haor Areas 1 67 Village Protection Against Wave Action in Haor Areas 1 S Ab¨vb¨ cÖKí 68 ICT Based Institutional Development and Capacity Building of Agencies under 1 MoWR 69 Connecting all working field divisions including training Institute with central data 1 network of BWDB for online monitoring and management 70 Development of consiolidated MIS reporting and online monitoring of BWDB's 1 programmes 71 Strengthening Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting and Institutional 1 Capacity 72 Impact study of the interventions of transboundary river system 1 3 .
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