THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSME* IN UNION COUNTY , , Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1950 Every Thursday. ^yneil Names H. E. Baker Heads Local COP Groups Mayor Names MIMIC 9 Week Committee School Board Sued By tyd S. Hewitt Plans Candidates Mayor Charles P. Bailey has Cancer Fund Drive named Mrs. C. Leonard Johnson as chairman of the Music Week com- 't police Force Meeting Apr. 4 mittee to formulate plans for the Harry T. Halleran of 907 Moun- Campaign Chief town's annual observance of the Selected From tainview circle, president of the Local, County May event. Other members of toe Elizabeth Contracting Firm Union County Chapter' of the committee are: Mrs. Sidney L. 16 Applicant* American Cancer Society, today Office-Seekers Mapes, W. Page Selby, Miss Janet f«r Vacancy announced that Horace Edward Slated To Speak Grimier, C. M. Tremaine, James R. Baker of 551 Summit avenue has Moffett, Anthony Rustako, Mrs. J. Concert Series Arace Company accepted the chairmanship of the Floyd S. Hewitt of 667 Maye Westfield voters will have ani »'"'Prentis<-1==."s Haworth• """ , Miss Virginia toto th P Westfield campaign committee in] G e nd A rt hu iti ,, WM aPPaPPoino ^ l ll °- the society's 1950 appeal for funds, Opportunity to meet and interview »! . * . T ^ :^T^- r Claims Illegal Republican town and county can-1 Als0- Jaek J" c»mlll°- Addison C. Campaign On . Department by the Town Coun- which will begin Apr. 1. Ely, Mrs. E. B. Mayo, A. J. Platz, 1 Mond«y night, following tabu- Mr. Baker served in the same didates seeking nomination in the Apr. 18 primary at a special can- Al Buist, Mrs. J. B. Austin, Brew- Contract Award La of the examinations taken by capacity last year when Weitfteld Committee Plans didates' meeting sponsored jointly ster S. Beach and Mrs. Donald R. HJlits for the vacancy. Hr. topped its quota of $4,0001 Belcher. Coming Season ^jt » Coast Guard veteran, though the same quota has been by the Men's Republican Club, the Board AMCH* g join the department as a pro- Women's Republican Club and the set for the town this year, the The campaign meeting for the itionify patrolman Apr. 1. Young Republican Club Apr. i at Its Action Wu campaign volunteers hope to raise rt'estfield Community Concerts will Born in Florida, the new ap- 8 p. m. in the YMCA. To Break Ground the fundi to 15,000. be held Monday at 8 p. m. in the "In Good Faith" >int*e came to Westfteld as a Mr. Baker, a local attorney, re- Among the Republican candi- 'resbyterian parish house. did «d graduated from We»t- dates who will be invited to at- i. Bliss Austin, president of th« cently became a member of the At HS Tuesday Mrs. Howard Bonnett, chairman, dd High School. He served three tend and present their views on Board of Education, ukld today Westfteld law firm of Pettit and urges all committee members to be 2 % half years with the Coast local issues are those running for that the suit filed Thursday agaiiut Baker, From 1938 to 1942 he was More than 16 months after au- present to bear a representative of wi during the last war In the Town Council and the Board of the board by August Arace anil a member of the Town Council, thorization by voters, Westfield's the Community Concert Service Ztk Atlantic and South Pacific, Freeholders. Members of the Re- Sons, Inc., Elisabeth contractors, and served as Deputy Attorney- I1UH.«<K E. HAKKK new $2,700,000 high school will get address the meeting. There will wliliiing in radar work. He is publican Town Committee will also was "in the hands of the board'a General of New Jersey from 1048 under way at 3 p. m. Tuesday be a general discussion of prospec- utried »nd the father of a 21 be introduced to the public. attorney" and that, In awarding to 1950. A director of Income when the first earth is broken at tive concerts for next year, as well mttki old son. He waa formerly contracts for the new high school Builders, Inc., he is president of After each candidate has spoken, the Dorian road and Rahway ave- as other discussion of interest. mloyed by the Western Electric construction, the board had "acUd West Fields Chapter, Sons of the Family Detained members of the audience may take nue site. Mrs. Richard Garretson will be o, at Kearny and is now a salei- In complete good faith, believInK American Revolution, and was vice part in a question period. Re- The classic ceremony will take hostess chairman for the evening, M for the Hudson Motor Car Co, freshments will be served after the that in each case it had awarded president and director of the West- place before members of the Board assisted by Mrs. John Steuernagel lotelle. At Ellis Island meeting. the contract to the lowest bidder.1* field Taxpayers Association from of Education, Supervising Princi- and Mrs. Dan Sweet. MM. GILBERT ENERIOS An ordinance revising the build- 1942 to 1946. # Th£ Elizabeth firm tiled suit i« Members of the sponsoring or- pal Stacy N. Ewan Jr., High School Present subscribers will be con- n code as it concerns the build- Mr. Baker, a graduate of West- Superior Court last week, charg> ganizations who will be present Principal Robert L. Foose and of- tacted for renewing their member- ( of cellarless homes, wai fur- field public schools and Dartmouth Church "Adoptees" ing that the board illegally award- are Charles A. Doei'r and Arthur, ficers of the high school Student ships before the close of the cam- „, revised and then passed on College, studied law at Harvard Scout Leader ed • to a Newark firm • 1200,000 Held Since Mar. 11 Kammerman-of the Men's Club, {Council and three classes. paign on Mar. 24. Anyone wish- ul wading. In the future, ground and New York University Law contract for Heating and ventilat- «1 floors of concrete muat be Mrs. Grace Teslof and Mrs. Bette Representing the town and the ing to join for the coming season, Scnools and later practiced law in Schafer of the Women's Republi- ing in the new high school. Tk« lilt, nbovc which there shall be The Ukrainian 'refugee family of school board, respectively, Mayor 1050-1951, may do so by calling New York. He is a descendant of can group, and Arthur Baker and Speaks At Tea plaintiffs allege that their bid of two foot aii" space. The floor Anton Beranyk, displaced persona Charles P. Bailey and J. Bliss any of the members of the commit- a colonial Westfield family which William Elcomc of the Young $194,791 was lower and should h»»« tie house must then be of "con- "adopted" by the members of the Austin, president of the board, tee. The concert committee, with had a distinguished record during GOP'S. been accepted. action approved by the building First Congregational Church, are will speak briefly. David Din- Mis. Bonnett as chairman, and r. 10 the American Revolution. woodie, vice president of the Stu- The Arace firm is co-plaintiff upeetor." still on Ellis Island awaiting ver- Mrs. L. P. Larsen and Mrs. Don- Ingathering Event with Edward J. Slant pf 521 Oalc Ih« Teria Nova Consti'uctlon ification of their papers, Rev. Dr. dent Council, will speak for the ald Way as assistant chairmen, in- students. wood avenue, Rosellt Park, whs . requested the council to reione Joseph L. McCorison Jr., minister cludes : — Mra. Gilbert E. Emerson of Up- stated in the suit that he is • Fashions Shown The ground-breaking ceremony uction of Central avenue and Council Passes of the church, reported today. Mesdames R. T. Ashby, George per Montclair, 1947 delegate for Westfield property owner and will be upen to the public. |o«r street from A to business, The Beranyk faniiiy, consisting Bauer, E. R. Beckwith, Donald the United States to the Interna- therefore the legally required "in- j that a group of stores might be of the parents, Valentine, 11; Her- To Rotary Anns Belcher, Earl Belcher, David Berse, tional Encampment of Girl Guides terested party" to the suit. 1950 Budget l I i rettol The company said in its mann, 7; Adele, 5, and Maria, who William Bohannon, 'john Brook', i anr Gh"&outB '"in Sw!t«erl«nd'; George Stewart of 277 South pplicition that the siores had is three today, arrived in New Grace Church Harold G., Brown, Carl Byers, Lou-' - at th- e ingather- -' 20th street, Newark, a contractor,' ten requested by residents in the Approves Police York Saturday on the transport 3OO Attend is Campbell, I. B. Cassidy, Arthur ng tea for the Juliette Low World whose bid on the heating and ven- Stephensville" development. General Herahcy, but has since Annual Event Corbett, C. F. Dcnney, D. C. Friendship Fund, which was held tilating work was accepted by tht Sommet BUB CO. asked the coun- Salary Ordinance been detained on the island. Their Galls New Pastor Daugherty, Lowell Douglas, Rob- t Girl Scout Littlt House Friday. board, was named as co-defendant I to approve an application which papers did not arrive at Ellis Is- The Westfield Rotary Club's an- ert Ewart, Richard Garretson, The World Friendship Fund was In the suit. MOUNTAINSIDE —The muni- land until Monday, Dr. McCorison nual flowers and fashions show for At a congregational meeting of Ralph A. Hall, J. Cummings Has- established to commemorate the The plaintiffs claim, in tba au(t.
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