THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. nel”; 11:15 1:20, 3:30, er”; widnhday, am.. 11:10 A-42 octorsr i, itsa 6:35, 7:45 and 0:55 pm. 4:36. S:10. 7:55 and 9:40 pjn. Dgriamiancai WHERE Mac Arthur—“Law and Dis- Fhua—“Time of Desire"; 13 {THE PASSING SHOW order”; 6:30, S:10 and 9:55 pm. noon. 3. 4. 6, 6 and 10 pm. AND WHEN Metropolitan— 1 Damn Yan- Trau-Lax—“The Brides on RmsIBMIMW Current Theater Attractions kees”; 11:30 am., 1:30, 3:35, the River Kwai"; 11:35 am., I BRIDGE and Time of Showing 6:35, 7:35 and 9:40 pm. n 3:30, 5:35 and 1:40 pm. '•;*¦¦¦a ON TNI Horse Farms Dreary A mB Palace—“ The Big Country”; Uptown "South Pacific”; Stage 11:30 am., 3, 6:10 and 9:25 3 and 6:30 pm. Ifiß KWAI" pm. —¦« “The Warner—“Search for Para- tX National— Man in the Playhouse—-“ The Matchmak- dise"; and Ba. PI. 7-7600 j For Budding Girls Dog Suit”; 2:30 and S:3O p.m. 3 0:30 pm. f Shnbert— “Jewel Box Revue”; Bjr JAY CARMODY IJv 2:30 and 1:30 pm. Drama Critic of The Star Screen Hi It cannot have been the Intent of the picture to make I u mor?\ TfjffdtfC . MxInauflerably dull, but that la the effect of “Time of Desire” I sak Ambassador "Damn Yan- -J * NrihnnilßHnnn which today succeed* Brigitte Bardot m the Plaza theater’s kees”; 1:15, 3:15, 5:20, 7:20 K ' OF LIFE ...] nMWHWVnUWVM tenant. and 9:35 p.m. k ~ m out jriry The new film, Bwedlsh in origin, deals with life on a hone Capitol—“Cat on a Hot Tin *w\v.SwJ >^rtir7/i€^^0^w its argument goes that this Is an Roof"; 11:30 am.. 1:30, 3:35, wmmZ^rMd. To A A.M a M fa [M SaJ^/ farm Aid dramatic hardly ¦Jw j Ideal enviroment for two pretty, 5:40, 7:45 and 9:50 pm motherless girls. The spiritless j Colombia— “Gigl”; 2:30 and _ "thk tim* of D*am*." a u>u Films release. produced by Europe S:3O pm. reaction to this can only be, Film, directed end written by nil Films of More Than Routine Merit Who ever said It was? Holmeen. with e musical wore by Dupont —“A Streetcar Named DBIYE-IH THEATERS Horry Arnold. At the Plane thee ter. Desire”; 1, 3:06, 5:10, 7:20 and -DON’T GO NEAR THE WATER”—War beyond shell range i ¦¦ ¦" Egil Holmsen wrote ‘"timeof la a comic melee for Glenn Ford, Mickey Shanghneeay. *:3O pm. " > 3,M owf Desire” In a mood that might Lilly Lllio Berbro Lereeoa "INDISCREET” Sophisticated comedy-romance given PALMER4**illUm be Ron! UlTl Merterethe Lowler Keith’s—“Me and the Colo- a i folmar Hwy.. Rf. 704 described as seml-3trlnd- The Pother Georgs Pont high sheen by experts Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant. Nr. New Annopolls Frwy. (loverleaf bergian. attention Is con- Alrot Wthere „Blroer Mnlmsten Family Nlta! SI Admits a His Mold Morlenne Lofgren "THE KEY” Sophia Loren and William meet Carload! Holden l _ centrated, logically enough, on mu Nile Hellber* dramatically In World Kirk Doutlas, Tony Curtla Peetor Incemor PolUn War H-torn Great Britain. Lilly and Ragnl Lilja, the at- NATIONAL-Now "NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS”—Andy “THE VIKINGS” Thru Oct 11 Griffith as Pvt. WIDl Scope. tractive daughters of a widower '"AMERICA* FIRST THEATRE" Stoekdale in his hilarious bout the Air BOWIE,~Color r 8:45. Also "FORT George Sanders and Stewart Evet 5:30. Moll. -Sot. 2:30 with Foree. 7:16 and 10:SO. who divides his Interest between Wed "TEAHOUSE OF THE AUGUST MOON”—Democracy and I Plus! Extra! THIS IS IT! hls brood mares and a succes- Granger. It will be followed on ?ON STAGE IN PERSON* Glenn Ford comically meet impasse. Only 4 Mors Days to October 31 by Last Hur- an Okinawan "JALOPY NIGHT" sion of house maids who are “The JESSICA HUME “WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION”—MarIene Dietrich Don't forxet to fill out your approximately as big as horses. rah,” which has Spencer Tracy and coupon snd deposit It at tha Charier Laughton in a superior courtroom drama. Theater to win the car on Sat.. This paternal attitude leaves as its star and the prospect of ¦ October 4th. the sensitive sisters to find their a long run. * MOST POPULAR Stanley Warner Theaters SIDNEYLUST THEATERS the threshold of ** * "CAT" own way over Proa Parking driven many Os the several who played TANDY^CROHYII I CENTRAL AVE. Like In ARENA STAGE NOTE: One have the tormented womanhood. so hero- 2Vb Milos Post D, this situation, they get lost; more evidence of Arena Stage’s ine—ls that’s the word—of Tennessee WilDams’ “Cat A COMIDV “DAMN YANKEES” ALVsER ro. 9-33**. KIRK C. tine wiHk DOUOLAB. “THE VIKINOS." For Information Call NO. 7-.into to take up with hand- renewed activity the On a Roof,” is Tab Hunter. Owrn Verdon. 1:18. Technicolor, one a is an- Hot Tin the hands-down winner 8:18, 5:20. 7:20, 9:28. at Opens 7. Bhow Starts at Dusk. some, sophisticated seducer, nouncement of the boxoffice’s Elizabeth Taylor. The picture, today’s box-office CATHLEEN NESBITT 6:30, 8:40 CHILDREN FREE a war use wo. o-sooo. ‘- the other to seek the solace opening next Monday, October champion, la In its fourth week Loew’s Capitol. A CARMEN MTMIiUn SOI* Conn. An. N.W. Please Nota Early Show Timet BOB *RT TAY at MATHEWS LAST DAT. ISW bf religion. 6. Weekday hours, every day, Moa.-Thurs. Evenings, $1.35 to >4 40 BELTSVILLE DRIVE-IN "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND Evening*, $1.65 to $4.95 “THE VTKINOS." Kirk Dauslas, FrjfA Sat. 8:«0; Blyd. (0. *. 1),)5 TABLE." ROBERT TAYLOR, As director of “Time of De- will be the usual 10 a.m. to 6 & sl.lO to $3.85 8:18. "SUMMER LOVE." 8:18 WE. 6-6660. Salta. AVA OARDNER, Wad. Sat. Matinee*. 3-3300. Mias from D. of Md. Children Free. 10:15. pm. Box office open 10 a.m. to P:3O p.m. ¦rvrat V LI. 15th A P Open Spacious sire,” Holmsen lingers over the ¦bVUMa I gll. N.R. p,rklnc 7:00 P.M. KIRK DOUGLAS, Refreshment Center. nevertheless has been desig- ber,” and Peter Ustinov at the Free TONY CURTIS. JANET LEIGH, Children’s Playground FREE. dreary details of his screen- Again this year, as in the “THE VIKINGS," Kirk Douglas, "THE VIKINOS." Technicolor, at 9; . nated. This will be “The National In “Romanoff and Ju- 8:18. 9:26; "PLAMINO FRON- Plus RORY - RB —E 5 script until he, himself, ap- past eight, Arena will be the TIKR." CALHOUN. "RIDE OUT !| 3381 Debutante,” . 8:18. FOR RKVENOE," only Reluctant starring liet.” . Tallulah will get the at 7:20. 11. ¦I. 1. KM. LOWE'S. SO. parently has fallen asleep. For- theater in Washington the latest of par VTRT n - 3-mu. *3*4 wu. 8-87** first string critics. tunately him, will accept telephone husband-wife This, tHLVUi Ave. N w . prn Pkn*. RimSBA MT.VDINON for he awakens which comedy teams, Rex Harrison for two reasons, one them OPEN AIR a of OF THE YEAR'S LAST DAY! "THE VIKINGS." Kirk - Richmond Hwr—So. of Abi. eventually to finish it in terms reservations, policy more "ONE Douglas, 0:20; SSsa,.' : and Kay Kendall. The that her play is the new one; 6:00. "SUMMER -™, Cklldrew Free—Free Playgroaad LOVI." Only, r' " ssss- this synop- familiar.in Europe than in this 6:00 ? Mtforth in English starting BEST COMEDIES." ISs 1:18 ' 3: n ’ alas, OWN date is still indefinite. the other, as one of the local *-mi. 4*3 tu ?-3a 9 35 7:OO—BTART AT DESK sis: country. - rram at n . bus 1 nail gt “Harry Black and the drama desks explains, because . N.W. Near Parking “Ragni discovers that she is Arena’s first play will be the Tiger” which succeeds "PRAULXIN," Dana Winter. 12:08. *^ wfM “The they know they had better., . , CRETEILVISu^ EDEN." at 9:20. going to have a child, but at stormy comedy, “The Front Kaye 3:15, 6:20 9:25: “BLOOD AR- VIKINOS." Technicolor, ato 7, 9:30. Big Country” at the Palace this Mr. Ustinov’s play has been Danny ROW." 11:00. 2:00. 8:05. 8:10. SCOTT BRADY. PHYLLIS , the same time realizes that she Page.” by Ben Hecht and COATES, "BLOOD ARROW." week, will linger there but a reviewed by all three local ¦ Krmrrnv 11 *** HYATTSYULE at 7:46. does not love Algot. She sees Charles will ataauil Kennedy St. N.W. TURK SUSAN HAYWARD. "M- MacArthur. It single . give stanza.-. It will drama desks from New York. 'THE VIKINGC." Kirk Douglaa, --METRIUS AND THE GLADIATOR,” through his attitude of profes- open the usual run way ME Ctnemaßcope-Color, four-week on October 9 to "The Gei- . Ralph Nelson who directs 6:00. 9:28: "810 BEAT." 8:00. at 6:15. 9:50: sional seducer and openly shows on October Season sub- the nlus LANA TURNER. EDMUND 21. - 1-6-00. 680 Feans. sha and the Barbarian.” "The Man in the Dog Suit” at •rail* u C A N her contempt, although he has scriptions, already 50 per cent rM An. B.E.
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