
PROGRAMS WEEK'S PLETE TELEVISION THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL' ..ff ' :i .4.on ß.. ,• Paterson ai• Lawn arfield ,_ aledon • Hawthorne Lodi Little Falls Mountain. View North Haled n Paterson ssaic PomptonLakes Prospect Park Sincja½ Tofowa Wayne est Paterson CROSS.COUNTRY CHAMPS NOVEMBER 15, 1959 VOL. XXXI, No. 46 WHITE ..d $HAUGER, Inc. A Good Narrie to Remember for 1 illll FURNITURE' .. Living Room - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS. AND-CARP•S A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STRAIOlgr STl•./r (O omar 20th Ave•,) PAZi•I•ON, N.J. 'q•e Place with the Clock" -- MUlltarry 4-•850 Hesdq••. for Engaged.Couples • _. THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ' ' ß J• . .I '.' ,,, .. KITCHEN •.. ß SEA.;00D••. •• .-. BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY TROUT - •A•IHU• - SA•ON - SHRIMPS- SCAL•O•- 'GRAMMY'AWARD-- Meredith Willson shows model Pat OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FISH - SWORD FISH - DAILT DINNER3 Young the "Grammy" award which the nation's top recording 8ELMONI AVE {Cot. artists will receive on "The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Awards Show" colorcast on the N BC-TV Net- work Sunday, Nov. 29. Willson, who won a "Grammy" last year for the. recordings of "The Music Man," will be host of the show which will feature performances by award winners including Ella Fitzgerald, Bobby Darin, Shelley Berman, Duke Ellington, Bobby Driftwood and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I. PARRILLO ' II TheMan from Equitable asks- ¾e] le]r child I]ae a lietier ß ß i OFC . ut like someparents you •g- ure,"there's still plenty of time."Then, before you knowit, they'reall grown up and need your help to ,- givethem that important start toward a profession, sure now that your '•]elpinghand" will be there whencareerit or isbusiness, needed. Equitableor insetting offers upyoua home.a variety Make of .jj policiesfor your youngster at low rates. For more i informationcall... Ij" I. PARRILLO 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 INVENTIVE PORTRAYAL -- Burgess Meredith will star as Eli Whitney in "The Practical Dreamer," a drama about a unique Let the manfrom Equ;fable bring you peace of mind aspect in the career of inventor Eli Whitney. This full-hour "Our American Heritage" special will be colorcast live Sunday, Nov. 22 on the NBC-TV Network. Page Two :--'lnsia-caiComeay SpeCialDeq"2 PublishedWeekly by THE CHEO•C• COMI'ANY 170-172Butler Street Patensoy N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILIa, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. ..NOVEMBEE 15, 1959--. VOL. XXXI, No. 45 Single Copy 10 Oents $5.00 a Year by Mail . Sid Ca s r and Audrey Meadows spoof contrastingß ideas On.... courtship and marriage in various periods of-world history in- CONTENTS •e ß ,.. Marr•age--llandle With Care," the second Caesar special on-the CBS Television Network, Wednesday, Dec. 2. Abo?e, .the stars: ..burlesque courtship fashions in an Italian opera.-Guests in the' hour-Ion comedy program include Jose Ferrer, M' rge and GoWer Ch_am_._pi_on•,.a.n_d.ConnieFr•ncis. FEATURES Chronicle of the Week -i.•.'"'-'• :':• .::. ß- .,.:,,..:.. -!.. i :-•}-.ø.4 . .'•"::':"•::-.x •'•i":.: "':-'.-:--:,- ..: Z:it' Short-Story 14 ,,• ":.•:!*.i.?.' '• I .:::• •.?> '.:':::•?:-ß ;':..•!•!;•.s:'::'"'•'":•' ' .... 1. :::,,'• t ':':;!• .... '"' :'•.:•;" ':• American History 15 ß-: :--.•:..... ....:::--- .. .} .•. • • .-..,<-.:.•.:: .,;• .. :.:-:::•. ß , . :•..%.. ,........ - ß? '.'6 .- "..... -- DEPARTMENTS I :--' . ..,:.::,.:.....,.,.,:¾-.. .½'•'.- : •. .- -: ."-'.x'• -::" '."•.•-. i '- ':.•..•'-. •" ' ,. ' ;*•.'i..*.:::':'•,:•.",•'."..: .. ß :..... •' ,a."'•,4•. :."-ia:a.-. i • •,--.'-•--'*.-•':-•:...... .:.-• .;,- [::,,.•:.::.:,..'-:q- -•' .• - ' .. Y,• :X,, , ":-',^,;.... ß ] . " , •..,'.ß, .• -*. ,- •-; • _ '-• ...• .....,. -' .....:-: .... • .4x: . x.-.¾.. .-:-::•;'.•:::,,,,•:?.'-,;•, .... , -,,. :. x ,';..'. Social World .. .. '-' ' ß . :: -'c:-•:::•.,•,-•,' ' . •;, ß ß¾...• ß ... ... .. ,• sst•.• ß ,-.-..... .'- _ ..'.. t ... •, .•¾.-;,'-- •;•..::: -.- : •'... ., Editorials , ....:,,.:, ,.'::{'!:. :x • .( , ".• -.:.: .; • -- . ' ß- ,.. .:'-' : .-.-: •-; •.t- -•.•':' -': .-. -. - ,•.•i:•;•:?;i•::•' i . x; .. •,' ' ' ,• ?•- ' ' :. '.':':':'"'•.a; Editor Speaks -" ' -:-x { • ß-:i•:¾-'- .::]. - ' ,, :. s I•' .': -.-:::' ":" '•• Complete Television 11-12-13 ' .. :.. .. :-:-'-.i:::,•;•:.:. ;i' ß •s' - ' ':':•::'"• ' " ..:. .- •. "' .. •_ " . { ..."}. .• '....-::.."%.• :: • -•;• '-.... ' • : ";•.w•. -.::" /-':'::i:-" '•:.•?,•. • ß '.. •,' - ' ....... '".'.•:'-•'•,"•:"-":2•.•,•'• :} i !:..... I •-?*.';i'ß .. .- ' '"'•'•.:.•.:....v..v,•:%?,:.•:;•-''" ...... ß ... i ....:i! .:, COVER PICT' -E: i•?; ......•:."........ .......:.. ß ,:,•>.,...i.%,•?Z-• ......,a,.•.x, ß ß--(..:..:.....:....... , ...•....• • ,- "";ii:!F-"if:' • '• '""....•.•'•......:'. '::' ':'':':• s ¾.< ß •.•.. .- n Bosco Tech Cross Country team won the Passaic-Ber- ... ,.• .•.:.,.. :, ::..' .. <. ß .•t gen Catholic Conference Championship at Westside Park, ,.:.::•:...• . if.. •" gednesday, Veterans Day, with the combined total of 19 .; t • . '•?---..v•y -. ..- i.i. '" ' •.. : • .:•' • '-... ::• ints. Shown in the cover photo, left to .right are: George ß -• 7.- ...:...... • • - ,• :4- + .'abback, James Brophy, who took second place; Pat Quigley, ..... .•- .•-.•.•' ............ t •:.::•,.•:• who was fifth; Sal Sellitt0, who. placed seventh. Second row, IBSEN HEROINE --Julie Harris is amused, pleading, amazed left to right: Leroy Bergen, Cy Yannarelli, William Kehoe, and understanding during the course of the 90-minute colorcast production of Henrik lbsefts "A Doli's House," William Marzloff, who won the 2« mile race in 13 minutes which the "Hall of Fame" will present on the NBC-TV Net- and 18 seconds.;Louis Carrano, chairman, Youth Activity work Sunday, Nov. 15. Miss Harris portrays Nora Helmer, a young woman under the thumb of a masterful husband. She •ommitteeof the PatersonCouncil, Knights of Columbus, co-stars with Christopher Plummer, Eileen Heckart, Jason •.40,presenting thetrophy; William .S•."]lane, Mike Colerich. Robards Jr. and Hume Cronyn. Tile CHRONICI• Page Three 100 MilHons Cars On The Moving Picture Business '---- -.•:.:•::•:......,:"-':.- '-" ?•::,,:,•,,•;•:??•' RoadsIn 1970 Predicted Improv/ng . '..... •::•......:':::'"':'•' .-. ß • It is estimatedthat last week's Themotion picture industry ap- .. 'il new car productionin the U.S. pearslikely to recordan increase ½.' ::,: was 111A87 units, down from in movieattendance this year- '":;" ... 133,973 the previous week, buc it for the first time since 1948. In •:. ..:- was well above the 70,973 units the past 11 years ,he number of '.ß '.' i•½?- .:•....... •...... .•.:........ indoor movie houses has decreas- 'ii•.. i:.•?-."'.'M:i:.•, .x-.?.-.' produced in the like week of last ß//.-....,...:.<: ß'.........%' .• o:--¾"::'-*":..:..4 .>•-¾<.-.. ':•;!•.:.::,•i•: !i;•.•'i.' -"•:>•.... ,i•:::•i;•?!!•'::".:,?'•"?'!'"•;•::'•"•:....' •"''•:. ' year. It was estimated that out- ed from 17,000to only about11,- '";ß ..........i•.;•::::3:.:.}•:{•..:•a•:.,;½:?.#.,..,.:ii"•"::?".i:•} "'•*,,,• , ::.... -, .½};.:;.:•-•;½,•....?: .....•:. put was cut 16 per cent by labor 200. In the meanwhile, the num- ß :.. troubles' in and out of the indus- ber of drive-in movies has risen " ß..•::•-•.: :- :%. ,:.::' :: t,zy, with steel shortages the dom- from 1,200 to about 5,000. The lat- ..•:,r:.:i'.•:..-•,,::•.,.-,: " ß ' '•:!•i::z.-:-'.:/-• .......•" -l'.. ": ter are seen as largely responsi- inant factorß The week's produc- ß •:•ß ./..:.••.' '•-..i..-.i:. ."• ,.. ß.. -...• .... ...'[i½- '-.•" tion brought car output this year ble for figures showing that• in ' • .....•., '-.4•':..'::-'•'•:.-:' -:5:;.?' ' -.: ::½.:-"''.• --'::..i•:.';.:. '":' "- to 4,738,569 cars, against 3,045,448 the first eight month of this year, . • ,:%:...-:,:•::.•'..:..•:::'-:z::.7-. .. -:;;''. ..:.. '..•.•:,, .... in the like period last year. attendance at movie showings .,. •,,•".'.•,':::'!!':.::,.;.,,'.:.i.•'-r!;i•!!•ii..'..,. ..•,.:•?•.... ?-., •,.:..,..-.:..::,. ß .....;' ". •:.•:½:i;-;'.-.,%."}j{-'t•::.-'':' The British Motor Corporation wasup 4.5 per cent over the like •l• ..,.-....:. -..:.:.: ::-.'...:...f..?:;...q:..,- -: ...... •-,,•',-,':-:•--, :::/:.:.'v:! :: .i.j..'.}i•o:-•'-.'•.'.'i!"" ,-.• '";•.... :. :' ' :.'.. ' : :.;•:.-:f' .-,. - ,""• .... : ß _, ,....-v•:!:"::•i:.•:...'•,;•{; :;+ .:-" .:•-::'.ß '* •-'-".•.... .. in London, in a recent sta.eme:•t, period last year. Receipts of drive ......... ..........;.....:, . .½,,:,,..:......-...-.:...., said it expects to Sell more than ins in that period w ere 25 'per •>****':•.•:'-..' •: ':'-•*:;{?•..--':'...... .";•.' :'"•'",.." . ß' ' ..;7.•';f .....'.'" cent above the January through ... :S-•.:•.o-?-'-:'•'.. '..'.':•: ': "•:.x:.'s:•:'•";'":.•%• ::.:?;..•:•.:. ' :. • .::..•..,:½.•.- 75,00Q.cars in the U.S. in 1960, ß<,:.½•':.:!•::•;g:;'i::::-f:; o, :.•.•::•i.•4-4•-:';'•.:.".-.:'----....-' ..... - '{:•:•i•i':.:'•::-.':.q•+::-:&%.<.•<: •' :'::".•.'. .:.'' •:-:.:-'- ......' ß' '.-, .'.:....... .... •..•-,•..... •½ o..,-..-.-,:.. •. --•.?.-' up from about 55,000 this year, August months of last year. In ß despite competition from the na•v largenumber, northern area pro- .•. .,,:.-.**..-.• •:..•:•....... -:..• ....... -.: •.<,::•:,.-•...-: ...... :.'.. .'ß ".{':. •: ß.......-" '...,:' ..:,; •:ø:.!:½•i•..... .:::•:.•:.':.'.• -,:'. ';::-•:.•!:•-•.,• !•' :'.. pr:e,ors -are converting drive-in .... -•' 4 . -.-.+..:•.-•:.{.......•?.?.,.:
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