NOEMA the Northern Extended PMO Nanjing Millimeter Array March 2017 K.F. Schuster IRAM • Structure and Organization of IRAM • NOEMA • IRAM 30m TlTelescope and its ItInstrumen ttitation Program • Things to come • Conclusions IRAM OOgarganizat atoion • Founded 1978 CNRS (France) as non-profit MPG (Germany ), organization IGN (Spain) joins 1989 • HQ Grenoble Science Operation and (~75 Pers.) Technical Dev. Softw. & Data Center Admin. • Observatories: Pico Veleta (Spain) (~50 Pers.) Plateau de B. (France) • Annual Budget 14 Mio. EU (consolidated) IRAM Mission • Operate two world class mm/submm observatories – IRAM 30m telescope Pico Veleta Spain – NOEMA Northern Extended Millimeter Array • Develop advanced technology for millimeter Astronomy and act as an center of excellence in this field. • Develop the related science community and training of forthcoming generations of scientists. Interferometer NOEMA (8/12), France 30 m Telescope, Spain Headquarter Grenoble, France IRAM users 15% open time, 85% IRAM partner .Countries: 43 Millimeter Wave Astronomy fundamentally changed during the last 15 years: •Became important pillar of multi-wavelength Astronomy. •Transition from single object projects to multi object surveys. •Arrival of ALMA, a 1.3 billion Eu world wide project in the southern hemisphere. NOEMA Northern Extended Millimeter Array The Concept •Double the number of 15 m antennas at PdB from 6 to 12 •Increase of IF band width from 8 GHz to 32 GHz •New Correlator: Full low resolution coverage + 128 flexible high resolution windows •Extension of the Baselines from 0.8 to 1.6 km •Organ ize ~50 MEu for this ! NOEMA Motivations • Investigate Galaxy- and Star Formation throughout the history of the universe. • Understand interstellar and circumstellar chemistry and its influence on star and planet formation. Detection of complex and potentially prebiotic molecules. • Allow large, statistically significant surveys. • Provide easy accessible discovery space. • Generate full sky coverage in the millimeter range. • Enhance IRAM partners use of ALMA. The High Redshift Universe Exmp. Dust and Gas at z=6 .35 (a) ~0.3" maps of the 158‐μm continuum in HFLS3, (b) velocity integrated [CII] line emission, (c) isovelocity field and (d) velocity dispersion map obtained with the IRAM interferometer in A‐configuration, overlaid on a Keck/NIRC2 2.2‐μm adaptive optics image (rest‐frame UV/optical light). Work by Riechers et al. 2013, Nature, 496, 239 PdBI Map of CO(1CO(1--0)0) in M51 kpc 2.4 = 1’ PdBI ABCD 1.1” ShiSchinnerer (PI), Dumas, GiGarcia‐Bur illo, Kramer, Leroy, Me idt, PtPety, Rix, ShSchus ter, Thompson ALMA as a benchmark Comparison of “ideal” Collecting Area Total Power [m2] Interferometry and Short Spacing ALMA/ACA 5655 914 NOEMA/30m 2121 707 Sensitivities IF: •ALMA receivers would have as low noise as NOEMA receivers •ALMAs observingNOEMA efficiency Sensitivity would equal thatGoals of NOEMA •NOEMA wou ld ha ve as muc h mm obs time as ALMA does •and the followingContinuum parameters apply: Single Line NOEMAor ALMA N-AntFrequency 11.5 Survey 42.5 Adiam 15 12 NpixNOEMA 1 1 BW 16 8 vs Corr eff 0990.99 > 65%0880.88 > 45% ALMA This is not taking into account advantages of NOEMA through simultaneous correlator modes or future dual frequency operation ! Angular Resolutions CARMA SMA NOEMA ALMA Imaggging Simulations @ 100 GHz M31 (GALEX) PdBI AB Conf 0.88”1.06” x 0.73”0.90” Imaggging Simulations @ 100 GHz M31 (GALEX) NOEMA Ext Conf 0.88”0.62” x 0.73”0.46” resolve GMCs in Virgo The NOEMA Antenna <35 m rms The NOEMA Receivers NOEMA RF Band Specifi cati ons Band NOEMA-1 NOEMA-2 NOEMA-3 NOEMA-3 RF Frequency 72-116 127-179 200-276 275-373 (GHz) NOEMA receivers NOEMA 8 GHz 2SB Technology Since summer 2013 commissioned in all 4 bands at the 30m tltelescope, newest version is fllfully iitntegrat tded D. Maier et al. Delivers 16 GHz of IF band per polarization ! LSBFLo USB 4 GHz 12 GHz NOEMA Correlator Technology Fast Sampling for 4 GHz Sub-bands (Gentaz et al.) Backend Work Packages Content O. Gentaz IF and TX Laser Control Board LO1 Transport & Ctrl System LO1Ref HiQ Cable IF Correlator Proc LO1 FFT E/O O/E ADC 4-12GHz RTDA NOEMA Special Features Backend POLYFIX • NOEMA backend will provide simultaneously: a) full continuum sensit iv ity, 8 G Hz b) a large8 numberG Hz of8 flexibleG Hz high resolution8 G Hz windows.8 G 8 GHz Hz With >4 Bit NOB the backend achieves 98% efficiency at all times.8 G Hz 8 G Hz 8 G Hz 8 G Hz 8 GHzG Hz 32 GHz full Coverage in 2 Tunings 8!!! GHzG Hz SURVEYBASE MODE 2 x 16 flex. Win dows 64 MHz /62KHz re s. 4 G Hz 4 G Hz 4 GHz4 G/ 0.25 Hz MHz res. 4 GHz4 G/ 0.25 Hz MHz res. 4 GHz / 2 MHz re s. 4 GHz / 2 MHz res. Redshifted CO, CII and OI transitions 400 350 OI 7-6 CII B4 300 250 6-5 B3 Line distance <23 GHz 5-4 200 GHz 434-3 150 B2 3-2 2-1 100 B1 50 1-0 0 01234567 redshift z Next Steps and future NOEMA Enhancements •Dichroic Mirrors and second Polyfix backend for full polarization Dual Band Observations ((ufun dedbyeded by ext taodraordina ayry fu nds fro m MPG, re eeeference distribution installed, design study started) •Full Phasing for mm-VLBI (funded, in preparation) •Full Stokes Polarimetry •Multibeam Interferometry NOEMA Project Schedule 2017: Phase I: 10 Ants + Rx + 1st Correlator for 12 Ants 2018: Baseline Extension to 1.6 km 2019: Phase II: 12 Antennas + Rx 2020: Rx Dual Band Upgrad e + 2nd CltCorrelator Antenna 7 inauguration 22 Sept. 2014 Feb 2015 Apr 2016 NOEMA8 ALMA35 Cy 3 OMC2-FIR4, SOLIS LP OMC2-FIR4, Ceccarelli Caselli & Ceccarelli, B1 2015.1.00261.S, B3 RMS = 0100.10 mJy/(35x2mJy/(3.5x2.7”) RMS = 0150.15 mJy/(29x2mJy/(2.9x2.0”) Ant 9 – status Jan 16 Ant 9 – Status May 2016 Ant 9 – Status Sept 2016 Ant 9 22 Nov 16 Ant 9 first roll out 3 days ago ANT 10 22. Nov 16 We are ready for Antenna 11 and 12 ! BdBand 1 ~ 6hf/k +4 GHz +4 GHz Band 2 ~ 5hf/k +4 GHz +4 GHz 70‐80 GHz band offers .new discovery space Orion A‐IRC2 .deep molecular line surveys .firs t‐ever opportittunity to perform synthesis mapping (no ALMA) .NOEMA + 30m telescope to sample spatial scales down to 131.3” NOEMA: .74.7 ‐80 GHz, Dec 01, 2016 .70.8‐80 GHz in 2017 IRC+10216 NOEMA vs ALMA Receiver Noise Comparison (in two weeks from now all Antennas upgraded) The IRAM 30m Telescope Status and Future Evolution • EMIR with high resolution backends for up to 64 GHz total bandwidth • NIKA II, a dual band continuum imager with 6 arcmin FOV and polarization option. • HERA the 18 pixel 1.3 mm HdHeterodyne Array •Theeutue50pe3 future 50 pixel 3mm a ad98nd 98 pixel 1.3 mm Heterodyne Arrays HERA 18 Pixel Heter ody ne Receiv eer Instrument Design RF Components Mixer Design A. Karpov et al 1998, Int J I MMW 19 Heterodyne multibeam receiver HERA comes into age but still unbeaten for larggpe maps. M33 LP finished, Together with VLA HI and Herschel continuum bands unique data set in sensitivity and resolution First time, diffuse low level CO emiiission in HI spiilrals ditldirectly imaged in place other than Milky Way. Braine and Schuster et al Heterodyne Large Scale Mapping Walter, Leroy et al. 46 EMIR, the worlds most powerful mm wave receiver (produces up to 64 GHz of IF band) K.F. Schuster IRAM Blossoming Chemistry with the 30m /EMIR Observed profiles and results of model fitting (red) of the 14N16O J=5/3‐3/2 Π+ (left) and Π‐ bands transitions observed towards IRC+10420. The ticks in the line below the profile shows for each species the location of the hyperfine transitions. Work by Quintana‐Lacaci et al. 2013, A&A, 560, L2 A 250 MHz slice of the 3mm spectrum observed towards Sgr B2(N) with the IRAM 30m telescope, with a best‐fit model (green) and the most relevant lines (blue). The full 3mm spectrum covers the 80 to 116 GHz range. Work by Belloche et al. 2013, 559, A47 First Real KID Applications NIKA I, Neel IRAM KID Array, a prototype millimeter wave camera for the IRAM 30m telescope, 2010 Cygn-X at 2mm wavelength Aluminum lumped Element Resonators NIKA I (Neel IRAM KID Array) a small dual band KID path finder camera for 2 & 1 mm (z=3 . 93) S1.2mm =30mJy+ -2mJy NIKA 2 (PI Benoit et Monfardini) 6’ FOV KID Camera Dual band 2 + 1.3 mm including 1.3mm Polarimetry Commissioning started Nov 2015 NIKA 2 Optical Layo ut NIKA 2 Examples of maps from Commissioning NGC891 (run 1) RXJ1347‐1145 (run 4) 2mm 1mm 2mm Preliminary NEFD: 8 ±3 mJy·√s @ 2.0 mm 30 ±5 mJy·√s @ 121.2 mm Ori KL 2mm In tensity L o g 1.1mm Beam Map 1.1mm - Mars New Heterodyne Multibeam Receivers for spectroscopic Imaging Prototype 3mm dual pol Subsection Layout of 49 Pixel 1.3mm Array Examples of Things to Come glycolaldehyde Biver et al, Obs Paris with IRAM 30m, Nature 2015 Meinert et al., Univ. Nice, Science 2016 The Next Big Thing: CtiCreating a world wide itinter ferome ter (mm‐VLBI) to image the BLACK HOLE in the center of our galaxy! NOEMA (Nor thern Ext end ed Millime ter Array) Thank You for Your Attention.
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