RABBI MOSF.S FEINSTEIN 1',t!)tzl)''D i1f!.'~ 455 F. D. R. DRIVE o•'f171i• n11uln o"; AN URGENT New York. N. Y. 10002 piK' N'l.l:J ORegon 7-1222 PROCLAMATION With the economic situation in our Holy I issue my personal appeal to every American Jew to aid • Kolel America Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, founded by Land steadily and drastically worsening, more Rabbi Y .L. Diskin, ZT'L, to help our impoverished fellow and more families are being forced to turn to Americans in our Holy Land. Kole! America for assistance. Each month, In the last few years, tens of thousands of Americans hundreds of applications are received, increas­ settled in Israel and inflation soared. Kolel America has increased its activities greatly, supporting thousands of ing the budget astronomically. persons. The organization is depending upon the increased We therefore issue this heartfelt appeal: generosity of American Jews-their only source of "Open your hands wide to your American income. brethren-Aniyey lrcho-who deserve prior­ I have stated many times in the past that Kolel America is first to receive our charity according to the law of ity in their time of need! We proclaim it a precedence of local needy (Aniyey Irom). Therefore, it is sacred obligation upon every Jew to support a sacred obligation upon every Jew in America to support Kole! America most generously. Kolel America. \'' CiJir'J ';\I?,./ Moshe Feinstein HONORARY PRESIDIUM Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Rabbi Yaacov Kamenetsky Never before have so many needed so Rabbi Yaacov Y. Ruderman Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg much help for Pesach as in our Holy Rabbi Pinchas M. Alter Rabbi Shlomo z. Auerbach Grand Rabbi Hiski Babad Land this year! The worst economic Grand Rabbi Sholom N. Rabbi Sholom Y. Elyashuv Rabbi Tzvi Meir Ginsberg crisis in Israel's history has forced Ben:ovsky Rabbi A. Malkiel Kotler Rabbi Mordechai Gifter Grand Rabbi Yisroel A. Portugal thousands of our American brethren Rabbi Yaacov Y. Kanievski Rabbi Shmuel Taubenfeld Grand Rabbi Yaacov Perlow R bb' y·tz h k S U to apply to Kolel America for Maos 1 1 0 Rabbi David Singer a c · nger Chittim aid. The flood of requests Grand Rabbi Abraham Twersky *Partial List increases every day. American Jewry is Kolel r---__ ... _____ .............. _............... _...... _. .......... , America's only source of I Here is my Passover Maos Chittim donation for the needy I income. Answer the per­ I in Israel (as checked): I I I sonal appeal of Hagaon I 0$600 0$35o 0$200 0$100 o$5o 0$25 0$1s 0$ ..... I A Large A Small A Couple A Widow A Student An Orphan Chai Every •. Rav Moshe Feinstein and I Family Family For Life Donation the leaders of every seg­ I ~~ I I I ment of world Jewry. I 0 Please 'end me "FREE Sede< 0 Send me a Kole! America Charity I Open your hand and I Guide(mcall(718)871-4lllfo, Pushka I I your heart so that your .~~ I I fellow Americans in Is­ I KOLEL AMERICA Name I rael will have the neces­ I I I The American Charity Of Address I sities for Pesach this year. I RABBI MEIR I Send your generous I BAAL HANESS City/State/Zip I 132 Nassau Sneer• New York, N.Y. 10038 I Maos Chittim donation, I 5422 Sil<reenth Ave.• B'klyn, N.Y. 11204 I Donations to Kole! America ate tax deductible. I today! L.-.-"'!"9------~--""!9-~""!9""!9-9'!"'-"'!"9~.-9'!"'-.-"'!"9.-·J SERIES ON THE PROPHETS A Mu$tFo~ Rabbi.1 La:yman, 'i'~~h~r&Stud~fi.t ;Alike Nev~~(~feh•••d:\tBOOkS ofthe Ptophets h~h • SUll,lfil~ ih~ ""8ftd';teaa E\1~lish, Wi,fh s.~"'1t.,a i'>sµklili ( v...... )~1\Slat~d omd ·· .•...•··•. · "."l'o)lngeiJ.up<>n,b~..,~ l)nthe irltet!>reta.tit>M !>£: hpl\f. sages· Similar i)l f6r)nat t(I Ltltttcld Ul'l!iJfi<;d on the<Totllh>fhiS new series "ffers hot,otdy~ c?t\ci~ sU_i:run~ry_of_tlie (>riginal rm. but alsQ a h!...ge v:a~ew__ -~fsh,_()_rt~stori~i­ j>arables, and quotes fr.<>ljl the. Talm11!l•md·.• Medrashth~ under~ore the\essons1eamed Concise SurntnarieS of fr{)m th~ Jl!~oh a11d th~r the 'odgirial teXt in,easy~ tc;;.read English, appliqition to everyday life. $ole Trad~ Distributor; ·- Feldheitll. Publishers · 2.~AitPottE>teeuti~<;P""k SprlnrrValley, N.Y.10917 I Selected ~µkim -:.. -----------------·•011••--- mnSlated& I ATTENTION: _exp'otinc¥ ,u:P6n based I ORDER DIRECT FROM THE on--th_e Jtiterptetations_ I Oft>Ui''Sl:lgeg, PUBLISHER AND SAVE 10% I JEWISH EDUCATION PROGRAM s~_()r_t'Stdtes,'ISl parables I ,:t¥t-11fiderscor,e the I PUBLICATIONS -important: leSSOt\s 425 East 9th St. learned from 'Nach. I Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218 I (718) 941-2600 I I D YES! Please Send Me .I __ copy( ies) of Yehoshua paperback @$6.25 I __ copy( ies) of Yehoshua hardcover @$8.05 El!.cerPts &,quptes Proceea&.tobenent I Name ------------------- ftomChaza1 .I highUghtjng.eoch JEP's vari6U$ I Address ------------------ section.. kirt1v·.projects I City/State/Zip ---------------- I Add $1.00 for mailing ______ Total Enclosed ___ I ?J'/Jo re 11 1ro1-,, f')o p?/' /');:) ??')0 ':'J?d SARA SCHENIRER SEMINARY is pleased to announce the opening of a one-year Seminary in Eretz Yisroel for American students. This branch, to open in Ellul 5745 (September 1985), will combine an excellent staff/program and comfortable dormi­ tory facilities with the unique atmosphere of Yerushalayim. This seminary is located on a beautiful street in the Rechavia'-Shaarei Chesed area, where a girl can truly feel she is in Eretz Yisroel. Our fact sheet, sent upon.request, describes innovations born of much thought and insight. All Beth Jacob high school graduates or those with equivalent preparation are invited to apply. It is our sincere desire, in establishing this Seminary, to join the lessons of our extensive educational experience in America with this atmosphere. This combination, we feel, will ensure a learning expetience which will be memorable for its scholastic level, for the warmth and vitality which our program will afford, and will be enhanced by the Kedusha of Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi MichoelJ. Meisels Reh. Basha Rihner Dean Menahles The branch in Bretz Yisroel of Sara Schenirer Seminary, New York 4622-14th Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219, (718) 633-8557-8 Jerusalem, P.O.B. 7556 THE~H ~BSERVER THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN 0021-6615) is published monthly, except July and August, by the in this issue ... Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription 1945-1985 40 Years Since the End of World War II: $15.00 per year; two years, $27.00; Some Lessons three years, $36.00 outside of the The Redeeming features of "Galus Awareness,'' United States, US funds only. 9 $20.00in Europe and Israel. $25.00 Rabbi Y aakov Kamenetzky . in So. Africa and Australia. Single After the Churban: The Groundswell of Love, copy: $2.00, foreign $2.50. Send Rabbi Avrohom Pam ......................... 10 address changes to The Jewish After the Churban: Being Judged by the Observer, 5 Beekman St., N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Printed in the U.S.A. Martyrs, Rabbi Elya Svei . .................... 13 RABBI N!SSON WOLPJN Tzeddaka: A Matter of Justice, Eliezer Cohen ......... 18 Editor Of Sanctity and Self-Expression, Yaacov Amilai . ..... 23 Books in Review Editorial Board OR_ ERNST BODENHEIMER Collected Writings of Chairman Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch .............. 29 RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Return to the Source ........................ 31 JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Second Looks on the Jewish Scene RABBI MOSHE SHERER Who is a What? ............................. 34 Management Board Ban kmg. vs. "K avo d H ame1s. " ................ 37 NAFTOU HIRSCH Time for a Re-examination .................. 39 ISAAC KfRZNER The Call Unanswered, Batsheva Menucha ........ 40 NACHUM STEIN Letters to the Editor ............................ 41 Business Manager RABBI YOSEF C. (~OLDING THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not as­ sume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or service advertised in its pages. ©Copyright 1985 FEB. 85, VOL. XVIII, NO. 3 r THIS IS NO PICNIC Walk through the town of Pardes Chana in Israel leak and windows are broken. During the winter, rain on a windy winter day and you'll see two groups of pours right into so1ne classrooms. children sitting on cartons with their teachers in front of Several months ago the principal of the Chinuch a small dilapidated school 'house. They aren't sitting Atzmai school in Beer Sheva came to Harav Schach, outside to enjoy the fresh breeze. There simply isn't Rosh Hayeshiva of Ponevitz, crying that the roof was enough room inside for all the children and there falling in on the children in his school! is no money available to erect a ------------------ Har av Schach immediately new building. GIYEEY$YJEWISHCfflLD' wrote a personal check for the You can see the same in (N ISRAEL' THE CHANCE .•.· principal to cover the cost of Tifrach, in Ashdod, in 'y()'l..EARNTORAH'tODAY emergency repairs. Yerushalalm"s Haari school, -,_,- -- -- > , , But even while our doors and at dozens of other Chinuch .JOIN US AT OUR 32ND are bursting with new children, Atzmai schools throughout A\li!JilUAL DINNER the Israeli government has just Israel. cut 1.500 hours per week of While secular government schooling out of our budget, school buildings stand ---JHE en!argingourdeficitbyanother ~~!~t~ti~~:dbeg~~~s~h~~uc0~ W~l.l)QHJi.ASTORJA ~~~~po~pth~ d~f~cft~~ s~~~i~'i Atzmai schools to accept their programs not funded by the children.
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