REPUBLIC OF NAURU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 219 /2001 ENGAGEMENT TO MARRY NAME OF PARTIES : CHADWICK MASSA TSIODE of Boe District and GLINDA HICKS from Fiji Island. BERNARD KOEPKE of Nibok District and ROMANA THERESE ADAM of Yaren District. TROY DETAGEOWA of Baitsi District and DOGIN- JULIA TANNANG of Meneng District. DATE OF ENGAGEMENT: 28th August, 2001 29th August, 2001 1st September, 2001 ROSS CAIN MINISTER IN CHARGE -2- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 Determination of the Beneficiaries of the Estate of the late REGINA JORAM of Meneng District. ESTATE 1. The Nauru Lands Committee has ascertained that the late REGINA JORAM had been determination by the decisions of the Nauru Lands Committee (or its predecessor the Lands Committee) to be the owner of the following lands:- DISTRICT PORT. TYPE OF NAME OF GAZETTE SHARE NO. LAND LAND NOTICE OF OWNERSHIP Anibare 35 c.l. Anera 66/82 1/4 Anibare 38 c.l. Anera 66/82 ¼ Menen 11 c.l. Emeden 66/82 ¼ Anibare 198 p.l. Bogetsiuw 66/82 13/144 Buada 46 p.l. Ijati 66/82 1/24 Menen 180 c.l. Anaoe 66/82 13/96 Menen 181 c.l. Anaoe 52/85 13/96 Menen 234 p.l. Ibea 66/82 1/12 Menen 424 p.l. Anaquen 10/94 1/12 Menen 435 p.l. Karawinuroro 30/89 7/45 Yaren 111 c.l. Arra 66/82 1/120 Yaren 227 p.l. Bairereab 66/82 1/8 Denigomodu 88 p.l. Uroi 66/82 19/96 Menen 15 c.l. Anoboroboren 58/94 1/32 (LTO) Menen 105 c.l. Irebedi 58/94 1/32 (LTO) Menen 290 p.l. Anoboroboren 58/94 1/32 (LTO) Menen 302 p.l. Aredeto 58/94 1/32 (LTO) Menen 328 p.l. Ianadum 58/94 1/32 (LTO) Menen 68 c.l. Iua 58/94 1/128 (LTO) Menen 69 c.l. Aredeto 58/94 1/64 (LTO) Menen 274 p.l. Atuwuro 58/94 1/64 (LTO) Menen 297 p.l. Anubwiya 58/94 1/64 (LTO) Menen 308 p.l. Anubwiya 58/94 1/64 (LTO) Menen 341 p.l. Ibea 58/94 1/320 (LTO) Menen 433 p.l. Atebi 63/99 1/8 (LTO) Anibare 36 c.l. Anera 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 37 c.l. Anera 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 66 c.l. Bweteiboe 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 71 c.l. Atedabage 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 72 c.l. Tedabage 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 97 c.l. Aribaeong 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 203 p.l. Anurung 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 329 c.l. Ubwetoaru 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Boe 47 c.l. Ugiangang 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Boe 149 c.l. Ugiangang 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Menen 17 c.l. Anoboroboroen 58/94 2/21 (LTO) -3- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 (cont’d) Menen 239 p.l. Unow 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Menen 263 p.l. Unow 58/94 2/21 (LTO) Anibare 57 c.l. Agabwe 58/94 8/105 (LTO) Uaboe 60 p.l. Oguore 58/94 8/105 (LTO) Anibare 170 p.l. Anurun 58/94 1/14 (LTO) Anibare 175 p.l. Anurun 58/94 11/126 (LTO) Anibare 194 p.l. Atekapara 58/94 41/504 (LTO) Anibare 249 p.l. Ateborebor 58/94 1/12 (LTO) Buada 28 p.l. Rubwinija 58/94 1/21 (LTO) Buada 232 c.l. Bangabanga 58/94 1/21 (LTO) DETERMINATION OF BENEFICIARIES 2. The Nauru Lands Committee has determined that the beneficiaries of the estate of the late REGINA JORAM are:- (a) in respect of the land shown in paragraph 1 above. DISTRICT PORT. NAME OF BENEFICIARIES SHARE NO. LAND Anibare 35 Anera Paul Ika 1/4 Anibare 38 Anera As for portion No.35 c.l. Anibare. Menen 11 Emeden -do- Anibare 198 Bogetsiuw Paul Ika 13/144 Buada 46 Ijati Paul Ika 1/24 Menen 180 Anaoe Paul Ika 13/96 Menen 181 Anaoe As for portion No.180 c.l. Menen. Menen 234 Ibea Paul Ika 1/12 Menen 424 Anaquen As for portion No.234 p.l. Menen. Menen 435 Karawinuroro Paul Ika 7/45 Yaren 111 Arra Paul Ika 1/120 Yaren 227 Bairereab Paul Ika 1/8 Denigomodu 88 Uroi Paul Ika 19/96 Menen 15 Anoboroboren Eidiban Foilape 1/224 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/224 Deiyeiya Joram 1/224 Eidedangar Temaki 1/224 Gamanoa Joram 1/224 Depruwe Kepae 1/2688 Pamela Kepae 1/2688 Zita Cecil 1/2688 Kevin Kepae 1/2688 Tehani Jeremiah 1/2688 Delmonte Kepae 1/2688 Dodo Kepae 1/2688 Peter Kepae 1/2688 Celestine Fritz 1/2688 Christopher Kepae 1/2688 Stella Kepae 1/2688 Tsiodage Kepae 1/2688 -4- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 (cont’d) Ivan Gadaraoa 1/896 Ben Gadaraoa 1/896 Ali Kakiouea 1/1792 Chantily Kakiouea 1/1792 Rae Ratabwiy 1/9856 Renee Harris 1/9856 Rink Olsson 1/9856 Cindy Mike 1/9856 Shareena Harris 1/9856 Roderick Olsson 1/9856 Kenedy Olsson 1/9856 Hans Olsson 1/9856 Charlston Olsson 1/9856 Charlene Olsson 1/9856 Na Olsson 1/9856 Menen 105 Irebedi As for portion No.15 c.l. Menen. Menen 290 Anoboroboren -do- Menen 302 Aredeto -do- Menen 328 Ianadum -do- Menen 68 Iua Eidiban Foilape 1/896 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/896 Deiyeiya Joram 1/896 Eidedangar Temaki 1/896 Gamanoa Joram 1/896 Depruwe Kepae 1/10752 Pamela Kepae 1/10752 Zita Cecil 1/10752 Kevin Kepae 1/10752 Tehani Jeremiah 1/10752 Delmonte Kepae 1/10752 Dodo Kepae 1/10752 Peter Kepae 1/10752 Celestine Fritz 1/10752 Christopher Kepae 1/10752 Stella Kepae 1/10752 Tsiodage Kepae 1/10752 Ivan Gadaraoa 1/3584 Ben Gadaraoa 1/3584 Ali Kakiouea 1/7168 Chantily Kakiouea 1/7168 Rae Ratabwiy 1/39424 Renee Harris 1/39424 Rink Olsson 1/39424 Cindy Mike 1/39424 Shareena Harris 1/39424 Roderick Olsson 1/39424 Kenedy Olsson 1/39424 Hans Olsson 1/39424 Charlston Olsson 1/39424 Charlene Olsson 1/39424 Na Olsson 1/39424 -5- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 (cont’d) Menen 69 Aredeto Eidiban Foilape 1/448 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/448 Deiyeiya Joram 1/448 Eidedangar Temaki 1/448 Gamanoa Joram 1/448 Depruwe Kepae 1/5376 Pamela Kepae 1/5376 Zita Cecil 1/5376 Kevin Kepae 1/5376 Tehani Jeremiah 1/5376 Delmonte Kepae 1/5376 Dodo Kepae 1/5376 Peter Kepae 1/5376 Celestine Fritz 1/5376 Christopher Kepae 1/5376 Stella Kepae 1/5376 Tsiodage Kepae 1/5376 Ivan Gadaraoa 1/1792 Ben Gadaraoa 1/1792 Ali Kakiouea 1/3584 Chantily Kakiouea 1/3584 Rae Ratabwiy 1/19712 Renee Harris 1/19712 Rink Olsson 1/19712 Cindy Mike 1/19712 Shareena Harris 1/19712 Roderick Olsson 1/19712 Kenedy Olsson 1/19712 Hans Olsson 1/19712 Charlston Olsson 1/19712 Charlene Olsson 1/19712 Na Olsson 1/19712 Menen 274 Atuwuro As for portion No.69 c.l. Menen. Menen 297 Anubwiya -do- Menen 308 Anubwiya - do- Menen 341 Ibea Eidiban Foilape 1/2240 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/2240 Deiyeiya Joram 1/2240 Eidedangar Temaki 1/2240 Gamanoa Joram 1/2240 Depruwe Kepae 1/26880 Pamela Kepae 1/26880 Zita Cecil 1/26880 Kevin Kepae 1/26880 Tehani Jeremiah 1/26880 Delmonte Kepae 1/26880 Dodo Kepae 1/26880 Peter Kepae 1/26880 Celestine Fritz 1/26880 Christopher Kepae 1/26880 -6- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 (cont’d) Stella Kepae 1/26880 Tsiodage Kepae 1/26880 Ivan Gadaraoa 1/8960 Ben Gadaraoa 1/8960 Ali Kakiouea 1/17920 Chantily Kakiouea 1/17920 Rae Ratabwiy 1/98560 Renee Harris 1/98560 Rink Olsson 1/98560 Cindy Mike 1/98560 Shareena Harris 1/98560 Roderick Olsson 1/98560 Kenedy Olsson 1/98560 Hans Olsson 1/98560 Charlston Olsson 1/98560 Charlene Olsson 1/98560 Na Olsson 1/98560 Menen 433 Atebi Eidiban Foilape 1/56 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/56 Deiyeiya Joram 1/56 Eidedangar Temaki 1/56 Gamanoa Joram 1/56 Depruwe Kepae 1/672 Pamela Kepae 1/672 Zita Cecil 1/672 Kevin Kepae 1/672 Tehani Jeremia 1/672 Delmonte Kepae 1/672 Dodo Kepae 1/672 Peter Kepae 1/672 Celestine Fritz 1/672 Christopher Kepae 1/672 Stella Kepae 1/672 Tsiodage Kepae 1/672 Ivan Gadaraoa 1/224 Ben Gadaraoa 1/224 Ali Kakiouea 1/448 Chantily Kakiouea 1/448 Rae Ratabwiy 1/2464 Renee Harris 1/2464 Rink Olsson 1/2464 Cindy Mike 1/2464 Shareena Harris 1/2464 Roderick Olsson 1/2464 Kenedy Olsson 1/2464 Hans Olsson 1/2464 Charlston Olsson 1/2464 Charlene Olsson 1/2464 Na Olsson 1/2464 -7- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.54 5th September 2001 Nauru ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 220 /2001 (cont’d) Anibare 36 Anera Eidiban Foilape 1/63 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 1/63 Deiyeiya Joram 1/63 Eidedangar Temaki 1/63 Gamanoa Joram 1/63 Depruwe Kepae 1/756 Pamela Kepae 1/756 Zita Cecil 1/756 Kevin Kepae 1/756 Tehani Jeremiah 1/756 Delmonte Kepae 1/756 Dodo Kepae 1/756 Peter Kepae 1/756 Celestine Fritz 1/756 Christopher Kepae 1/756 Stella Kepae 1/756 Tsiodage Kepae 1/756 Anibare 37 Anera As for portion No.36 c.l. Anibare. Anibare 66 Bweteiboe -do- Anibare 71 Atedabage -do- Anibare 72 Tedabage -do- Anibare 97 Aribaeong -do- Anibare 203 Anurung -do- Anibare 329 Ubwetoaru -do- Boe 47 Ugiangang -do- Boe 149 Ugiangang -do- Menen 17 Anoboroboroen -do- Menen 239 Unow -do- Menen 263 Unow -do- Anibare 57 Agabwe Eidiban Foilape 4/315 Eidanogoneida Kakiouea 4/315 Deiyeiya Joram 4/315 Eidedangar Temaki 4/315 Gamanoa Joram 4/315 Depruwe Kepae 1/945 Pamela Kepae 1/945 Zita Cecil 1/945 Kevin Kepae 1/945 Tehani Jeremiah 1/945 Delmonte Kepae 1/945 Dodo Kepae 1/945 Peter Kepae 1/945 Celestine Fritz 1/945 Christopher Kepae 1/945 Stella Kepae 1/945 Tsiodage Kepae 1/945 Uaboe 60 Oguore As for portion No.57 c.l.
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