PRICE LIST 2020 EURO Model Description Price PICKUP PICKUP INSTRUMENTS NEW MPDS1 digital percussion stomp box 199,00 € NEW MPS1 analog percussion stomp box 89,00 € NEW MPSM stomp box mount 49,90 € FX10 fx pedal 169,00 € PBASSBOX pickup bassbox 129,00 € PSNAREBOX pickup snarebox 119,00 € NEW MIC-PERC percussion microphone 24,90 € KA9P-AB pickup kalimba, african brown 99,90 € PICKUP CAJONS NEW PAESLDOB artisan edition pickup cajon, solea line 299,00 € PWCP100MB pickup cajon, woodcraft professional, makah-burl frontplate 199,00 € PSC100B pickup cajon, snarecraft, baltic birch frontplate 149,00 € PSUBCAJ6B pickup vertical subwoofer cajon, baltic birch 249,00 € PTOPCAJ2WN pickup slaptop cajon, turbo, walnut playing surface 189,00 € PTOPCAJ4MH-M pickup slaptop cajon, mahogany playing surface 149,00 € NEW PBASSCAJ-KIT cocktail cajon kit 499,00 € NEW PBASSCAJ cocktail cajon 169,90 € NEW PBC1B pickup bongo cajon 79,90 € NEW PCST pickup cajon snare tap 74,90 € NEW PCTT pickup cajon tom tap 69,90 € NEW MMCS mini cajon speaker 59,90 € PA-CAJ cajon preamp 99,00 € NEW CMS cajon microphone stand 9,90 € CAJONS ARTISAN EDITION CAJONS AEMLBI martinete line, brazilian ironwood with ukola woodframe frontplate 1.199,00 € AEFLIH fandango line, indian heartwood frontplate 699,00 € AESELIH seguiriya line, indian heartwood frontplate 469,00 € AESELCB seguiriya line, canyon-burl frontplate 469,00 € AECLWN cantina line, walnut frontplate 499,00 € AEBLLB buleria line, lava-burl frontplate 299,00 € AEBLMY buleria line, mongoy frontplate 299,00 € AESLEYB soleà line, ebony burst frontplate 249,00 € AESLRB soleà line, dark red burst frontplate 249,00 € AESLEB soleà line, espresso burst frontplate 249,00 € AETLLI tango line, limba frontplate 199,00 € AETLLE tango line, light eucalyptus frontplate 199,00 € WOODCRAFT CAJONS WCP100MH woodcraft professional cajon, mahogany frontplate 159,00 € WCP100MB woodcraft professional cajon, makah-burl frontplate 159,00 € WC100B woodcraft cajon, baltic birch frontplate 129,00 € WC100EB woodcraft cajon, espresso burst frontplate 129,00 € SNARECRAFT CAJONS SCP100AWA snarecraft professional cajon, american white ash frontplate 199,00 € SCP100WN snarecraft professional cajon, walnut frontplate 189,00 € SC80AB 11 3/4" x 18" snarecraft cajon, almond birch frontplate 89,00 € SC100AB 11 3/4" x 19 3/4" snarecraft cajon, almond birch frontplate 99,00 € SC80AB-B 11 3/4" x 18" snarecraft cajon, baltic birch frontplate 89,00 € SC100AB-B 11 3/4" x 19 3/4" snarecraft cajon, baltic birch frontplate 99,00 € SC80B 11 3/4" x 18" snarecraft cajon, baltic birch frontplate 89,00 € SC100B 11 3/4" x 19 3/4" snarecraft cajon, baltic birch frontplate 99,00 € SC80DE 11 3/4" x 18" snarecraft cajon, dark eucalyptus frontplate 99,00 € SC100DE 11 3/4" x 19 3/4" snarecraft cajon, dark eucalyptus frontplate 109,00 € SC80HA 11 3/4" x 18" snarecraft cajon, heart ash frontplate 99,00 € SC100HA 11 3/4" x 19 3/4" snarecraft cajon, heart ash frontplate 109,00 € JAM CAJONS JC50AB jam cajon, almond birch frontplate 69,00 € JC50AB-B jam cajon, baltic birch frontplate 69,00 € JC50B jam cajon, baltic birch frontplate 69,00 € JC50DE jam cajon, dark eucalyptus frontplate 79,00 € JC50HA jam cajon, heart ash frontplate 79,00 € MINI CAJONS MC1AB mini cajon, almond birch frontplate 24,90 € MC1AB-B mini cajon, baltic birch frontplate 24,90 € MC1B mini cajon, baltic birch frontplate 24,90 € MC1DE mini cajon, dark eucalyptus frontplate 26,90 € MC1HA mini cajon, heart ash frontplate 26,90 € ARTISAN EDITION SLAPTOP CAJON NEW AEVLPS artisan edition slaptop cajon, vidalita line 499,00 € SLAPTOP CAJONS TOPCAJ1MB slaptop cajon, makah burl 139,00 € TOPCAJ1EB slaptop cajon, espresso brown 159,00 € TOPCAJ2WN turbo slaptop cajon, walnut 149,00 € TOPCAJ2MH turbo slaptop cajon, mahogany 169,00 € HYBRID SLAPTOP CAJON HTOPCAJ3NT hybrid slap-top cajon 69,00 € BONGO CAJONS BCA2NT/EBK-M snare bongo cajon, ebony black playing surface 59,00 € BCA1SNT-M bongo cajon, natural 49,00 € TRAVEL CAJON TCAJ1BK travel cajon 39,00 € BASS CAJONS SUBCAJ8VWB-M jumbo arch bass cajon, maple frontplate 199,00 € SUBCAJ7SNT-M arch bass cajon, maple frontplate 189,00 € JBC6EY ebony bass cajon with snare pedal, ebony frontplate 249,00 € JBCAJBK-MA maple bass cajon, maple frontplate 169,00 € SUBCAJ6MB-M vertical subwoofer cajon, makah burl frontplate 185,00 € SUBCAJ1AWA subwoofer cajon, american white ash frontplate 155,00 € SUBCAJ5WN jumbo bass cajon, walnut frontplate 195,00 € page 1 Model Description Price HEADLINER SERIES STRING CAJONS HCAJ1AWA string cajon black, american white ash frontplate 118,00 € HCAJ1NT string cajon, natural frontplate 109,00 € HEADLINER SERIES SNARE CAJON MCAJ100BK-MA snare cajon, maple frontplate 99,00 € MAKE YOUR OWN CAJONS DMYO-CAJ-BU deluxe make your own cajon, bubinga burl frontplate 69,00 € MYO-CAJ natural frontplate 38,90 € MYO-CAJ-OV ovangkol frontplate 48,90 € MYO-BCAJ natural 19,90 € MYO-TOOLS make your own cajon tool box 12,90 € CAJON PEDALS TMDCP double bass direct drive cajon pedal 189,00 € TMSTCP direct drive cajon pedal 99,00 € TMCP cajon pedal 189,00 € TMSTCP-2 direct drive heel activated cajon pedal 99,00 € CPB1 hammer head cajon & bass drum beater 18,90 € CPB2 jingle contact cajon & bass drum beater 19,90 € CPB3 brush cajon & bass drum beater 22,90 € CPB4 standard cajon & bass drum beater 14,90 € CPB5 black sheep cajon beater 19,90 € CAJON DRUM SET STANDS CHS cajon hihat stand, black 34,90 € CCS cajon cymbal stand, black 24,90 € CAS cajon add-on stand, black 19,90 € CAJON TAPS CJT cajon jingle tap 29,90 € CST cajon snare tap 28,90 € CTT cajon tom tap 26,90 € MOUNTABLE CAJON SNARE MCS2-BK mountable cajon snare 69,90 € CAJON DRUM SETS CAJ-DRUMSET cajon drum set 499,00 € CAJ-KIT cajon drum set conversion kit 349,00 € CAJON ADD-ONS MCS1-BK mountable cajon snare 66,90 € SCOVER silicon protection cover 12,90 € WC1-M cajon castanet, medium 10,90 € WJC1-M cajon jingle castanet, medium 12,90 € JT-S-BK jingle tap, medium 16,90 € CAJ-BLK cajon blanket 17,90 € WSS1BK wood side snare 31,00 € CSM-M cajon side mount, medium 10,80 € CSM-L cajon side mount, large 15,80 € KP-JT-BK knee pad jingle tap 35,00 € KP-ST-BK knee pad snare tap 32,00 € MS-GR motion shaker, grey 8,80 € MS-BK motion shaker, black 8,80 € CRC1BK cajon ring castanet, wood 9,90 € PCRC1BK cajon ring castanet, plastic 8,90 € FJS1S-BK finger jingles, stainless steel 7,90 € FJS1A-BK finger jingles, aluminum 7,90 € CAJ-SPI cajon spinner 39,90 € LCS-GR synthetic leather cajon seat, grey 24,90 € LCS-VBR synthetic leather cajon seat, vintage brown 24,90 € LCS-VR synthetic leather cajon seat, vintage red 24,90 € DCS deluxe cajon seat 16,90 € CAJ-PAD cajon pad 6,90 € PP-2 cajon perc pack 39,90 € FOOT PERCUSSION FJS2S-BK foot tambourine 10,90 € CFJS2S-BK compact foot tambourine 11,90 € CFT5-BK cajon foot tambourine 14,90 € FS-BK foot shaker 11,90 € CFC-BK cajon foot castanet 19,90 € FR1NT foot rattle 26,90 € HTA heel tambourine 15,80 € PHTA professional heel tambourine 19,90 € HSH heel shaker 12,80 € BASSBOX & SNAREBOX BASSBOX bassbox 88,00 € SNAREBOX snarebox 77,00 € BBB2 bassbox beater 19,90 € SBB1 snarebox beater 20,90 € BBB1 jingle contact bassbox/snarebox beater 21,50 € TMBP bassbox/snarebox pedal 59,00 € FOOT CABASA FCA5-L foot cabasa 188,00 € SPARE-20 coil spring for foot cabasa 3,50 € DJEMBES JR. DJEMBES JRD-B 7", blue 39,90 € JRD-BK 7", black 39,90 € JRD-G 7", green 39,90 € JRD-O 7", orange 39,90 € JRD-R 7", red 39,90 € JRD-S 7", silver 39,90 € JRD-Y 7", yellow 39,90 € JRD-KQ 7", kenyan quilt 39,90 € JRD-PS 7", pharaoh's script 39,90 € JRD-TA 7", twisted amber 39,90 € page 2 Model Description Price ROPE TUNED TRAVEL SERIES DJEMBES NEW PADJ7-L-F 12", day of the dead, synthetic head 124,90 € NEW PADJ7-M-F 10", day of the dead, synthetic head 89,90 € PADJ6-L-F 12", kanga sarong, synthetic head 124,90 € PADJ6-M-F 10", kanga sarong, synthetic head 89,90 € PADJ5-L-F 12", simbra, synthetic head 124,90 € PADJ5-M-F 10", simbra, synthetic head 89,90 € PADJ4-L-G 12", phantom black, goat head 119,90 € PADJ4-M-G 10", phantom black, goat head 84,90 € PADJ1-XL-F 14", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 186,90 € PADJ1-L-F 12", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 124,90 € PADJ1-M-F 10", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 89,90 € PADJ1-S-F 8", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 59,90 € PADJ2-XL-F 14", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 186,90 € PADJ2-L-F 12", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 124,90 € PADJ2-M-F 10", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 89,90 € PADJ2-S-F 8", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 59,90 € PADJ1-XL-G 14", pharaoh's script, goat head 176,90 € PADJ1-L-G 12", pharaoh's script, goat head 114,90 € PADJ1-M-G 10", pharaoh's script, goat head 79,90 € PADJ1-S-G 8", pharaoh's script, goat head 49,90 € PADJ2-XL-G 14", kenyan quilt, goat head 176,90 € PADJ2-L-G 12", kenyan quilt, goat head 114,90 € PADJ2-M-G 10", kenyan quilt, goat head 79,90 € PADJ2-S-G 8", kenyan quilt, goat head 49,90 € MECHANICAL TUNED TRAVEL SERIES DJEMBES PMDJ1-XL-F 14", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 219,90 € PMDJ1-L-F 12", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 174,90 € PMDJ1-M-F 10", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 129,90 € PMDJ1-S-F 8", pharaoh's script, synthetic head 89,90 € PMDJ2-XL-F 14", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 219,90 € PMDJ2-L-F 12", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 174,90 € PMDJ2-M-F 10", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 129,90 € PMDJ2-S-F 8", kenyan quilt, synthetic head 89,90 € PMDJ1-XL-G 14", pharaoh's script, goat head 209,90 € PMDJ1-L-G 12", pharaoh's script, goat head 164,90 € PMDJ1-M-G 10", pharaoh's script, goat head 124,90 € PMDJ1-S-G 8", pharaoh's script, goat head
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