fnYyh lkaf[;dh; iqfLrdk DELHI STATISTICAL HAND BOOK 2020 vFkZ ,oa lkaf[;dh funs'kky; jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks=] fnYyh ljdkj DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI Website : www.des.delhigovt.nic.in i vFkZ ,oa lkfa [;dh fun's kkyç;L] jrk"Vkohª ;u jkt/kkuh {k=s ] fnYyh ljdkj }kjk çdkf'kr fnYyh lkfa [;dh; ifq Lrdk 2020 dk ;g 45oka vda gAS bl çdk'ku ea s fnYyh l?a k jkT; ls lca fa /kr fofHkUu lektkfFkdZ xfrfof/k;ka s ds vkda Mk+ a s dks n'kk;Z k x;k gAS vkdMka s dks 23 foLrkj iow dZ fooj.k;ka s ea s iLz rrq fd;k x;k gAS bl çdk'ku ds fy, ç'kkldk]as vulq /a kkudÙkkvZ ka s o vU; ç;kxs dÙkkvZ ka s dh çfrfØ;k cMh+ çkRs lkgd jgh gAS vr% ç;kxs dÙkkvZ ka s ds fy, bls vf/kd ykHkçn cukus grs q lkfa [;dh; lpw uk dks vkjS vf/kd iHz kkodkjh djus ds ç;kl fujUrj fd;s tkrs jgs gAaS ;g çdk'ku bl fun's kky; ds eYw ; o leUo; vuHq kkx }kjk Jhefr eta cw kyk lkg]w l;a Dq r fun's kd] Jh lh-d-s nÙkk] l;a Dq r fun's kd] Jh 'kku&,&vkye] mi fun's kd] Jh jktæas deq kj] lgk;d fun's kd] Jh foey tuS ] lkfa [;dh; vf/kdkjh ds ekxnZ 'kuZ o lja {k.k ea s r;S kj fd;k x;k gAS vkda Ms + ,df=r djuk] tkpa djuk] lxa gz djuk vkfn dk;Z Jhefr ugs k ok".k;Zs ] lkfa [;dh; lgk;d }kjk fd;k x;k gAS ;g fun's kky; mu lHkh ,tfs Ul;ka s dk] ftUgkuas s bl ifq Lrdk ea s leko's k ds fy, vkda Ms + fn;s g]aS vkHkkjh gAS Hkfo"; ea s bl ifq Lrdk ds dk;&Z {k=s ] ,oe~ v/;kiu dks l/q kkjus grs q l>q koka s dk Lokxr gAS v'kkds deq kj tuojh] 20 21 fun's kd ii PREFACE Delhi Statistical Hand Book-2020 is the 45th issue being published by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. This publication contains data relating to various Socio-economic parameters in respect of NCT of Delhi. Data is presented under 23 broad chapters. The response to this publication from the Administrators, Research Workers and other users has been very encouraging. Efforts are, therefore, made continuously to include more Statistical information to make it useful for the users. The publication has been prepared by Price and Co-ordination Unit of the Directorate under the guidance and supervision of Smt. Manjubala Sahoo, Joint Director, Sh. C.K. Dutta, Joint Director, Sh. Shan-E-Alam, Dy. Director, Sh. Rajendra Kumar, Asstt. Director, Sh. Vimal Jain, Statistical Oficer. The work of data collection, scrutiny and compilation etc. have been done by Smt. Neha Varshney ,S.A. The Directorate is grateful to all agencies who have supplied data for inclusion in the publication. Suggestions for improving its scope & coverage of future issues are welcome. Ashok Kumar Director January,2021 iii nk'kfed ç.kkyh dh ifjorZu rkfydk CONVERSION TABLE FOR METRIC STANDARDS Hkkj ds eku STANDARDS OF WEIGHT 1 xusz Grain 0.065 xkz e Gram 1 vklaS Ounce 28.35 xkz e Grams 1 rkys k Tola 11.664 xkz e Grams 1 NVkda Chhattak 58.32 xkz e Grams 1 ikMaS Pound 0.4535924 fdykxs kz e Kilogram 1 gUMjMs oVs Hwt.(UK) 50.802 fdykxs kz e Kilograms 1 Vu Ton 1016.05 fdykxs kz e Kilograms 1 ljs Seer 0.9331 fdykxs kz e Kilograms 1 eu Maund 37.3242 fdykxs kz e Kilograms 1 fDoVa y Quintal 100 fdykxs kz e Kilograms 10 fDoVa y Quintals 1 ehfVdª Vu Metric Ton yEckbZ ds eku STANDARDS OF LENGTH 1 bpa Inch 0.0254 ehVj Metre 1 QVq Foot 0.3048 ehVj Metre 1 xt Yard 0.9144 ehVj Metre 1 ehy Mile 1609.344 ehVj Metre iv {ks=Qy ds eku STANDARDS OF AREA 1 oxZ QVq Sq. Foot = 0.092903 oxZ ehVj Sq. Metre 1 oxZ xt Sq. Yard =0.83613 oxZ ehVj Sq. Metre 1 ,dM+ Acre = 0.404686 gDS V;s j Hectare = 0.004047 oxZ fdykes hVj Sq. Kilometre 1 oxZ ehy Sq. Mile = 2.58999 oxZ fdykes hVj Sq.Kilometres = 640-00 ,dM+ Acres /kfjrk ds eku STANDARDS OF CAPACITY 1 bEihfj;y xyS u = 4.54596 yhVj Litre Imperial Gallon 1 ;-w,l-xyS u = 3-78533 yhVj Litre U.S. Gallon 1 yhVj = 1000-028 ?ku lVas hehVj Cubic Centimetres Litre = 0-035316 ?ku QVq Cubic Foot 1 ?ku QVq = 0-02832 yhVj Cubic Metre Cubic Foot = 28-3168 yhVj Litres 1 ?ku xt = 764.544 yhVj Litres Cubic Yard = 201.974 ;-w,l-xyS u U.S. Gallon v la{ksi.k iz;ksx fd;s x;s ABBREVIATIONS USED . = vi;z kIr NA Not Available — = 'kUq ; vFkok ux.; Nil or Negligible P = vLFkkbZ Provisional fn0u0fu0 = fnYyh uxj fuxe M.C.D. Municipal Corporation of Delhi b0Z fn0u0fu0 = iow hZ fnYyh uxj fuxe E.D.M.C = East Delhi Municipal Corporation m0fn0u0fu0 = mRrjh fnYyh uxj fuxe N.D.M.C = North Delhi Municipal Corporation n0fn0u0fu0 = nf{k.kh fnYyh uxj fuxe S.D.M.C = South Delhi Municipal Corporation u0fn0u0ik0 = ubZ fnYyh uxj ikfydk N.D.M.C. = New Delhi Municipal Council vi fo"k; lwph CONTENTS rkfydk l[a ;k fooj.k i"` B l[a ;k Table No. Description Page No. 1 2 3 I {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k@Area & Population 1.1 fnYyh dk {k=s Qy ,oa fLFkfr 1 Area & Location of Delhi 1.2 fnYyh dh tul[a ;k&2011 2-3 Population of Delhi—2011 1.3 fnYyh ds ftyk vkjS {k=s okj vkda Ms 2011 4-5 District & Area wise igure of Delhi 2011 1.4 Hkkjr o"kZ ds leLr jkT;k@as l?a k jkT;ka s dh 6-9 nl o"kh;Z tul[a ;k of` ) Decennial Population Growth of all States/Union territories of India 1.5(a) fnYyh dh tul[a ;k vk;&q oxkuZ lq kj&2001 10-11 Population of Delhi by age-group-2001 1.5(b) fnYyh dh tul[;k vk;&q oxkuZ lq kj&2011 12-13 Population of Delhi by age-group—2011 1.6 fnYyh dh tul[a ;k /kekuZ lq kj&2011 14 Population of Delhi by Religion—2011 1.7 fnYyh dh tul[a ;k&nl o"kh;Z of` ) 15-17 Population of Delhi—Decennial Growth vii 1 2 3 1.8 fnYyh dh dyq tul[a ;k] Jfed vkjS xjS 18&19 Jfed] fyxa kulq kj Hkns &2011 Total Population, Workers and non workers in Delhi by sex 2011 1.8(a) fnYyh dh dyq tul[a ;k oxkuZ lq kj rFkk 20&21 fuoklh vkjS fyxa Hkns &2011 Total Population, Category of Workers in Delhi by residence & sex 2011 1.9 fnYyh dh tul[a ;k@okf"kdZ cf` ) nj 22 Population of Delhi—Annual Growth Rate 1.10 fyxa vuiq kr@fnYyh rFkk Hkkjr 23 Sex Ratio—Delhi & India 1.11 fnYyh ea s vulq fw pr tkfr tul[a ;k 24&25 Scheduled caste Population in Delhi 1.12 fnYyh dh ftykokj tul[a ;k] 2001 vkjS 2011 26&27 District wise Population of Delhi, 2001 & 2011 1.13 fnYyh dh rglhyokj tul[a ;k 2011 28&31 Tehsil wise Population of Delhi 2011 1.14 fnYyh dh tul[a ;k&2011 fooj.k 32&37 Population of Delhi—2011—Details 1.15 {k=s ,oa tul[a ;k &tux.kuk 2011 fnYyh 38&41 dh&xkz eh.k@'kgjh oxhdZ j.k Area & Population of Delhi - Rural/Urban Distribution Census-2011 viii 1 2 3 1.16 tul[a ;k &tux.kuk 2011 fnYyh 42&43 dh lk{kjrk&xkz eh.k@'kgjh oxhdZ j.k Population of Delhi - Literacy Rural/Urban Distribution Census-2011 1.17 fnYyh ea s tux.kuk vkokl 2011 44&45 Census Houses in Delhi 2011 1.18 ifjokjka s dks miyC/k lfq o/kk,a ¼tux.kuk&2011½ 46 Facilities Available to Households (Census-2011) 1.19 fnYyh ea s vkokl o vkokl lfgr vU; 47 mi;kxs tux.kuk vkoklka s dk fooj.k Details of Residential/Residential-cum- other use of Census Houses (Census 2011) 1.20 ikuh ds lkz rs ¼tux.kuk&2011½ 48 Source of Water (Census 2011) 1.21 [kkuk idkus ea s b/aZ ku dk mi;kxs 49 ¼tux.kuk&2011½ Fuel used for Cooking (Census 2011). 1-22 ifjokjka s dh ekfydkuk fLFkfr ¼tux.kuk&2011½ 50&51 Households by ownership status (In Percentage) (Census-2011) 1-23 vkoklh; ifjokjks aa dh l[a ;k] tux.kuk & 2011 52&53 Households by Number of Dwelling rooms (CENSUS 2011) ix 1 2 3 1-24 ifjokjka s dh l[a ;k&lnL; l[a ;k vulq kj 54&55 tux.kuk& 2011 Households by Number of person-Size (Census-2011) 1-25 ifjokj & miyC/k 'kkpS lfq o/kkvka s ds vulq kj 56&59 ¼tux.kuk & 2011½ Households by type of latrine facility (Census-2011) 1-26 ifjokjks a dks Luku?kj dh lfq o/kk;a s 60&61 Households by Bathing Facility (Census-2011) 1-27 ifjokjks a dh l[a ;k ty fudklh ds idz kjkulq kj 60&61 Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet 1-28 ifjokjka s dks jlkbs ?Z kj lfq o/kk;a s miyC/k 62&63 tux.kuk 2011 Households by Availability of Kitchen Facility (Census-2011) 1-29 ifjokjka s dk lEifr LokfeRo 64&67 Households by possession of Assets (Census-2011) 1-30 ifjokjka s )kjk mi;kfs xr cfS dxa los k;a s 66&67 Households availing banking services (Census-2011) x 1 2 3 1-31 xg` jfgr tul[a ;k] tux.kuk 2011 ds vulq kj 68 Houseless Population as per population census - 2011 1-32 Hkkjr ea s jkT;ka s vulq kj edkuka s dh deh&2012 69&70 Housing Shortage in India by states - 2012 1-33 vkf[kjh fuokl LFkku ds vulq kj ioz klh&2011 71&72 Migrants by place of last residence - 2011 1-34 fnYyh ea s ioz klh tul[a ;k 73&74 Migrant Population in Delhi (Census-2011) 1-35 fnYyh ea s Hkk"kk ds vk/kkj ij tul[a ;k dk 75&76 fooj.k Distribution of Population by Scheduled Languages in Delhi 1-36¼d½i{z kis .k tul[a ;k ¼1 ekpZ dk½s 77&80 Population Projections (As on 1st March) 1-36¼[k½ i{z kis .k tul[a ;k ¼1 tyq kbZ dk½s 81&84 Population Projections (As on 1st July) 1-36¼x½ i{z kis .k tul[a ;k ¼1 vErcw j dk½s 85&88 Population Projections (As on 1st October) II jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn ds vuqeku II State Domestic Product Estimates 2-1 fnYyh v/s Hkkjr ds lHkh ,lMhih dk 89&90 ryq ukRed fooj.k] ektS nw k eYw ;ka s ij xi 1 2 3 Comparative statement of SDP of Delhi v/s All India at Current Prices 2-2 fnYyh v/s Hkkjr ds lHkh ,lMhih dk 91&92 ryq ukRed fooj.k] fLFkj eYw ;ka s ij Comparative statement of SDP of Delhi v/s All India at Constant Prices 2-3 th ,l oh , vkjS th ,l Mh ih vkfFkdZ 93&96 xfrfof/k ds }kjk] oreZ ku eYw ;ka s ij GSVA & GSDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices 2-4 th ,l oh , vkjS th ,l Mh ih vkfFkdZ 97&100 xfrfof/k ds }kjk] fLFkj eYw ;ka s ij GSVA and GSDP by Economic Activity at Constant Prices 2-5 ,u ,l oh , vkjS ,u ,l Mh ih vkfFkdZ 101&104 xfrfof/k ds }kjk] oreZ ku eYw ;ka s ij NSVA and NSDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices.
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