Tack Up Your Troubles' Says Prexy; Spicer, Callista Send Greetings To the Members of Our Alumni Branches: the last to claim that bigness is essential to a good with public school vacations, so there will be no mass and prestige of any college. What you do, what you "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag," time. interference with attendance. are doing, and what you accomplish all denote what seems to be the motto of alumni, old students, and Greetings to you all, in groups great or small. The program, featuring President Norwood and Alfred has done for you, and what's more, what yow friends of Alfred University as they gather from year If you have had your good time, I am sure it is Professor Saunders, will be concise and interesting. have done for Alfred. to year, or oftener, to renew old acquaintances and a pleasant memory. If it is still to come, may it be The setting will be convenient and attractive. And Alfred has developed through the efforts of It* friendships, and relive the old days again. Anyway, a pleasant memory. Some of you I shall see as I re- the whole affair is bound to proceed smoothly under Alumni, trustees, and guides, until today, it is one of personal, family, and official worry-spots are hidden peat the happy experiences of earlier visits. Some, the experienced and energetic guidance of Ed the highest ranking small universities in the nation. •or forgotten and a jolly good time is had by all. A whom I cannot meet at these spring reunions 1 hope Lebohner. By your work and support, Alfred has waxed on ite good meal perhaps too good for comfort, a talk or to welcome at our annual round-up at Commencement We hope you appreciate as we do the generous many sides, in spiritual, scholastic, athletic, and extra* two, some 'fun, a bit of business, maybe a dance, and in June. cooperation of the FIAT in giving you this special curricular pursuits. And because of your well wishe» the evening is gone. I, personally, never yet attended Again, greetings and all good wishes. issue. and support by scholarships, you, as alumni, have an alumni meeting and failed to have a good time. J. NELSON NORWOOD I hope to see you at the Banquet! made it possible for me as well as others to be a This is the season of year, so say both the calen- President Sincerely yours, student at Alfred. dar and the weather, when most of our groups ar- ***** JOHN REED SPICER Many of us are planning to attend your meeting irange their annual events.. Yes, in Rhode Island and New York Alumni Friends: Executive Secretary in New York. We shall be glad to hear constructive iin California, in Chicago and in Daytona Beach, and All signs point to a record high in attendance criticism you think will be beneficial to us who are in a dozen places between, Alfredians meet. In all and enjoyment at the Fiftieth Yea? New York Alumni Alumni of Alfred University: about to begin our career as alumni. •cases, the attracting magnet—Old Alfred. Banquet. The student body of Alfred University extends We are looking foreward with great anticipation The mother of all these friendly clusters, of The date is the latest it has been in many years, their wishes to you for the most successful New York to the opportunity of meeting you at your New Yerk course, is the big group in New York City and its so the weather should be good for getting there; and Association banquet in the 49 years of your meetings. banquet. RICHARD L. CALLISTA suburbs. It is the biggest, but its members would be it does not conflict with the Ceramic Convention, or Alumni are a fundamental factor in the growth President, Student Senate Proposed Amendment #VOTE YES on th.e proposed amendment to change the manner of electing the Stu- ALUMNI dent Senate President. Give the taxpaying Students more voice in their government. That's the theme of the lead editorial of THE FIAT LUX ISSUE this week. Read it on page two. k Student Neivspaper of Alfred University d VOL. XXVII NO. 22—Z-444 TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1940, ALFRED, N. Y. Student Box Holder Metropolitan Alumni Group to Observe 50th Year Senate to Vote on Election Change Wednesday Eventful Reunion Planned for April 20; Student Life _ , _ .. tif .. _, ... ^ . lhey ve dot a Note—And It s 1 ravelling Lebohner in 2d Term liommittee • ALUMNI OF THE METROPOLITAN AREA will climax a half-century of activity when they meet for their Golden Jubilee 50th Annual Banquet and Dance at the Hotel McAlpin; Broadway Would Have and 34th Street in New York City, at seven o'clock on Saturday, PopularVote xVpril 20. Groui> President Edward K. Lebohner '27, serving his second term, has been making extensive preparation for the gala • UP TO A SENATE VOTE, event for more than a month and anticipates the biggest and most "Wednesday night, will be the pro- enjoyable Alfred reunion in history. posed amendment to the Consti- President Lebohner, in a special tution of the Students' Associa- letter to The Fiat Lux, modestly and tion which calls for election of in his own inimatable manner an- Alumni Prexy nounced that: the President of the Student Sen- "Were a student a semaisiology ate by popular vote of the student (we'll bite too) willing to exhaust body instead of the present closed his skill in characterizing this ban- election by the Senators, them- quet, he could not be guilty of selves. overstatement with respect to what has been done in prepara- According to the new amendment, tion." the nominees would be the eleven Senators elected by the fraternities, "The banquet will be held in 16 Gleemen the gorgeous green and blue sororities, and Independents, but the Argosy Appointments rooms of the McAlpin, the green «tudent body as a whole would vote To be Made Thursday Chemist's Talk room being one where the Ver- for the President in a primary elec- Begin Trip • STAFF APPOINTMENTS for the non Castles introduced their 'fam- tion and the two highest would go Argosy will be made in the Agricul- Slated for ACS tural School assembly on Friday, May ous dances, recently reiterated in before the students again for the final Wednesday 17., Editor Ted Gilkes '40 announced. a Rogers-Astaire movie probably vote. • SIXTEEN ALFRED MEN, com- The appointments for the three ma- Meet Tonight seen by most Alfredians." The proposed amendment was intro- prising the University Male Glee jor positions will be made from among • A NEAR CAPACITY audience "The speakers, Dr. Norwood, Dr. duced at last week's Senate meeting Club, will leave the campus Wed- staff members who have been active is expected to crowd into the Paul Saunders and Prof. Spicer • EDWARD K. LEBOHNER '27, by Secretary Margaret Lawrence, nesday morning on their annual in publishing the 1940 edition. Po- Ceramic Lounge Tuesday night at have labored all winter to bring is serving his second term as Sigma Chi representative, acting on a New York and Long Island spring sitions open include editor-in-chief, seven-thirty o'clock when A. E. a message that will touch our President of the New York Alumni suggestion of the Student Life Com- business manager, and layout man- hearts." concert tour. Westman, director of the chemic- Association as well as being mittee, who termed the proposed ager. The position of layout manager "The Awardee of the 'Varsity President of the Alfred Club. He Under the direction of Prof. Ray W. method as being a more democratic is new and it will facilitate production al research of the Ontario Re- A' a feature of the night will be was Secretary of the New York Win'gate, the group will start from Al- work. search Foundation, will address there to receive a richly deserved group two years ago and is a mem- procedure than the present closed fred at eight o'clock and will travel The Argosy will be given to the stu- and high honor." ber of the Board of Directors of Senate election. by special bus on a trip that will last the April meeting of the Alfred dents on Friday, May 19, following "The music for two hours dan- the Alfred Alumni Association. President Richard Callista '40 in- nearly ten days. Student Branch of the American dedication ceremonies which will be cing will be provided by The structed the ' Senators to bring back His under-grad activities in- Because of a change in date, the held at Alumni Hall. Ceramic Society. MANHATTANEERS, an orches- their verdict Wednesday night after cluded, Press Club, Fiat Lux, glee club will not include the annual Mr. Westman will talk on the tra which has a metropolitan repu- discussion by the groups they repre- All copy is now in the hands of the Manager of the Varsity Football New York City Banquet in the concert "Chemical and Ceramic Research of tation for rhythm and swing." sent. printer. team for two years, Business Man- schedule. The banquet, dated for the Ontario Research Foundation". "This year more so than ever ager of the Footlight Club, Class President Callista also appointed a April 7, has been postponed until Also on the agenda for tonight's alumni have shown an early in- Treasurer, Klan Alpine Secretary, committee to lay plans for the annual April 20. Aggies to Hear meeting; will be the ratification of the terest and will be there from far Campus Administrator, a Co-orgin- Moving-Up Day ceremonies and activ- and wide." Dance Band To Make Trip Circus Man proposed Constitution of the Alfred ator of Alfred Home Coming Day ities.
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