University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1950 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 9-20-1950 The ewN Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 053, No 4, 9/20/1950 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1950 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "The eN w Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 053, No 4, 9/20/1950." 53, 4 (1950). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1950/67 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1950 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r 1 September 19, 1950 Page 'Four Sports Wheel DAILY LOBO Backfield Candidates ••• --By PAUl, SHODAL,-....1 As several hundred students grope their way around the cam­ I SPORTS LOBO i pus trying to find that "centrally • I located" classroom, our thoughts I \ turn to a subject that has become PAUL SHODAL, Editor I I a sore spot of late, that· being 11 VOL. LIII ALBUQUE~QUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19M "football losses to Texas teams." NO. 4 1 A few small items · should be 1 · straightened out before we con­ that statement will be agreed to in ti~ue. To begin with (and first U line Coach Ranks r ·first Grid· Half· Time th~ngs coming first) the vast ma­ many circles when Reaves H. Entertainment Heads ' I' jority of Texas high schools play "Ribs" Baysinger is the subject much better-than-average football With Nation's Best of conversation. and before we start getting our "One of the top four line coach­ chief exercise by jumping to con­ es in the country," said one of that The new Lobo line coach en­ Features ~arching Set Full Schedule clusions, we mu~t realize this, rare elan known as the "Monday tered the coaching field following ' even though we haven't heard of his graduation from Syracuse Uni­ Ranger, Muleshoe, Goose Creek, versity in 1924. After coaching ·f Band,. 4 Card Stunts ~ Floydada or Waxahachie. Of Student Dances at Norwich, N. Y., High School i I New Mexico high school teams ' Half-time entertainment for the as well as college elevens have :for three years, he returned to I.! · first Lobo football game against A full schedule of student body learned through rock-and-sock ex­ his alm,a mater in 1927 where he / the Flagstaff Lumberjacks ·satur- dances covering the period from perience that the size or name of was connected with that school's d~y promises to be the best ever now until January 18, was re­ those "small" high schools and With neyr ban~master Robert .E. leased today by Hank Parkinson athletics until he accepted his and Jim Woodman, student body colleges mean ljttle. 'I. present position last spring. Dahnert s 0-P.. Ieee marching ban.d Hobbs High, continually a pow­ a.n~ m'?re tp.an 1,200 students par­ entertainment co-chairman. er in NM high school football, While a student at Syracuse, he 1 tlcipatmg m card stunts. The 21 programs planned for takes on Texas aggregations earned letters in football, basket­ Featu!ed on the half-time pro- this semester include general stu­ every year and always have a ball and baseball. '/ gram 'Ylll b~ the ~arching band dent body dances, record hops, whale (or trout, depending on the presentmg SIX maJor formations balls for Halloween, Homecoming, state you're from) of a battle He is the father of two sons, 1 including a palm tree, a four-leaf and Sadie Hawkins Day, as well with teams like Clint, Ranger, and Reaves, Jr., and Robert H. Reaves, j clover !lnd the letters for UNM as several afternoon and evening Brownfield. Carlsbad beat Bowia Jr., won gridiron fame at the U. 'jl ~ln,d ALrlzok~a Stoate. They will play tea dances. A name band is being of El Paso, Roswell was measured S. Naval Academy where he quar­ i m oo mg ver a Four-Leaf ~ign~d to play for the Homecom­ by Ysleta, 27-0, and Portales lost terbacked the Middies from 1946 ' Clover," "I've Got a Lovely Bunch mg dance, Nov. 4, Woodman and II Parkinson said. to Muleshoe, 39-0. This is our· to 1948. Robert is a medical stud­ Milton Price, left, and Chuck pected to shine in the W olfpaclt .. of Cocoanuts," "Washington and usual percentage in inter-state ent !l~ New York State College of Hill work on handoffs during a Lee Swing," the Arizona State · Regular student body week end competition with the "tall tale MediCme at Syracuse University. offense this fall. (Photo by Bill song, and NM's fight song, "Hail dances have been arranged as tellers.'' Lobo practice session. Outstand­ Laskar) New Mexico." follows: freshman mixer, Sept. In the' college ranks, the NM ing prep players, they are ex- A fanfare with the "All Ameri­ 16; record dance, Sept. 23--fol­ Aggies were bombed dizzy by De Anza Club Meets ca March" and "The Star-Span­ lowing the Flagstaff game: record I dance, Oct., 7-following the NM ''Model T" Ford and his Hardin­ Coach' Baysinger The De Anza club will begin its gled Banner" will introduce the Simmons boys, 48-0. Eastern NM fall membership drive with a The nose is one of the most It is a scientific fact of science program; the finale will be Aggies game; record dance, Oct. University lost to Abilene Chris­ morning quarterbacks." Such was regular meeting tonight at 8 p.m. prominent and functiona1 parts "March of the Steel Men." 21-following the Texas Western that as an ice cube melts, it has game; Halloween dance, Oct. 28; tian, 89-0 and NMMI fell before overheard at a local eatery and in the SUB basement lounge. ' of the human anatomy. 1 Following the band's perform­ Daniel Baker, 13-0. Usually­ been known to diminish in size. ance will be card stunts by more Homecoming dance, Nov. 4; Sadie strong Tulsa barely squeezed by than .1,200 students under the di­ Hawkins dance, Nov. 11: student little McMurray on a 6-point mar, fROM THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PEN MAKER- f rection of Jimmie Goldstein. The body dance, Dec. 9; and student gin, so the lumps aren't confined seven new cheerleaders will enlist body dance, Jan. 13. to NM alone. the help of the rest of the audience An even dozen tea dances have Our embarrassment will prob­ for the stunts. The stunts, desig­ been slated for both evening and ably continue in this field for some nated by Fred Wong, will be kept afternoon entertainment. Dates time. Before rash statements are a secret until the game. on the afternoon affairs are Oct. thrown at random (or McNally) The new cheerleaders for this 4,•0ct. 18, Nov. 1, Nov. 29, Dec. about .. the superiority of other year are: Vince Ulatowski, Ron 18, and Jan. 11. states' athletics over ours, let's Norman, Chuck Scott, Jack Tom­ Evening tea dances come on get a little factual info such as lins, Carrie Williams, Joann Mc­ Sept. 27, Oct. 11, Nov. 15, Dec. 6, enrollment, size and experience of Nay and Poe Jones. They will be Jan. 4, and Jan. 18. the coach (if that's factual). new introduced at a pep rally at the All dances and other student Constructive criticism never stadium Friday at 7 p.m. Coach body entertainment affairs will be hurt anyone, but let's try and Dudley DeGroot will introduce the held in the SUB unless otherwise make it constructive. team and Dahnert will introduce announced, the chairman said. the band and play for the rally. Woodman and Parkinson have I Jimmie Goldstein will be master also been designated Homecoming t of ceremonies. chairmen and are ·already at work Organizations Urged FOR. THE FIRST TIME YOU CAN BUY A MODERN, PRECISION-MADE PARKER PEN AT JUST ABOUT ' on plans for the annual student­ ANY PRICE YOU WANT~ TO PAY. CHOOSE "NOW-START SCHOOL WITH A BRAND NEW PARKER! Faculfy Club Plans alumni event. 1 To Try lntramurals i • La Madera Picnic· Ed Abbey Asks For The faculty women's club in­ John Dolzadelli, director of in­ The world's most-wanted tramurals, today reminded all or­ 1 I vites all faculty members and "Top" Literature ~a~izations desi:r:ing to compete pen ••• now equipped with their families to a picnic Sunday NEW PARKER ''51'- with the lhla·mliDc ~ti+K.. Hj' m Intramurals this year to choose 9J the new exclusive Aero· ;l at La Madera ski area. The Thunderbird, UNM's cam­ theirintr~mural manager and one metric Ink System. De­ Tickets are available through pus literary magazine, is short of alternate m plenty of time for the signed to far out-last ordi· Friday at the cashier's office in good material, Editor Edward Ab­ first ~eeting of the intramural the Administration building. Price bey announced. Stories, poems, counCil, October 4. The time and nary pens. A real invest­ will be: adults, $1, children, 50 UNM's seven cheerleaders will gyrations fo1· the past two weeks Ron Norman, Jack Tomlins and and articles are still needed for place will be announced later. ment in writing pleasure! cents. All food will be provided appear before the student . body and are planning to come out with Chuck Scott. The young women, the first issue, which is due to ap­ for the first time at Friday night's pear in October.
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