University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-30-1906 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-30-1906 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-30-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/4494 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. b TEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOÜIIN 'V TWENTY-EIGHT- H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1906. ft& PRICE 5 CENTS HUNDREDS "DEAD AND THOUSANDS HER D DELEGATE I HOMELESS IN GULF TOWNS; GREAT SHIPS DRIVEN FARINTO CITYSTREETS "" - m llllllOlSlIf"'"' streets seriously Interfering and the work of recovering the dead clearing the streets of debri: Hubbell Delegation; DEATH STALKS' by Thursday's storm. FORTS WIPED TAFT ASSUMES HOLE TOWN WIPED OFF MAP IN AIiAHAM Meridian. Miss., Sept. If.- - Informa- Investigation a Farce tion from Middle by train this morn- IN PATH OF ing confirms the report that Codeo, TROOPS GOVERNMENT Ala . Port Alabama and Bayou l.i 0U1; LEADER Hal, have been Wiped off Ihe map and that but one house, the Julius home, Proofs of Stolen and Kotten is left standing at Codan, Primaries Among the dead are some of the most prominent people of the coast, including the wife ami youngcsl DROWNED OF ISLAND Methods Disregarded Bv Leaders Who daughter of Slate Senator s. Mcltae. of Washington county; Major 1. J. Stevens. Olive Wiwncth, wile mid youngest daughter .and H. Q. Turner, Need Hubbell in the Party a leading lumber man. The entire west shore below Mobile ENORMOUS LOSS OF LIFE STORM is reported completely devastated, REPUBLIC Joint Statehood Endorsed by Twenty-liv- e bodies have been recover- AND PROPERTY IN SOUTH ed ami thirty more people are report -- Las Vegas Convention by NO PRETENSE OF GOING ed to have, perished. Many of these X are negroes and the survivors of the Overwhelming Majority of race are terror stricken and helpless. Army and Navy Officers Re- Honor of West I lie w hiles mere as well as POLITICAL PRISONERS INTO MERITS OF QUESTION Indian Hurri mail port Prop- 130 to 46. from Mobile, are reported heavily Destruction of cane Grows Hourly List armed and patrolling as much of the IMMEDIATELY RELEASED devastated territory as pi sslble in or- erty and Sinking of Ships der to protect Special to Morning t said Chairman Bursum. "why their of Known Dead the victims and (luir CHEERS GREET APPROVAL the Journal. Reaches property and to compel the uninjured in Awful Gale, Las Vegas. X. M.. Sept. 29. Frani names should be entered on the tem-- I Leaders of Insurrection Ex- porary roll. The opposing delega Hundreds, and terrified negroes to assist In tlv MAGERMAN A. Hubbell and his delegation from work of salvage. OF GOVERNOR tion will then be heard. Co-0per- Washington. Sept. 2!'.- Knormous press ate Bernalillo county ero seated In the W. B. Chllders then announced that Desire to ' damage to life was republican convention tonight when he appeared for the Hubbell delega- THREE THOUSAND ARE both and properly SURVIVORS SUFFER HOMELESS done ,il several of Ihe army lorts and With American Officials in Territorial Meeting Carries the report of the convention commit tion. He was proceeding when G. W. AT PEKSACOLA Prichard of Lincoln moved that the Pensaeola, Fla., Sept. 29. Already naval stations along the gulf coast by tee on credentials, headed by Alexan- PANGS OF - Restoration of Out Like Well time of each delegation be limited to STARVATION1 the list of dead from Thursday's Ihe recent hurricane. Major lienerul Peace. Program der Head, of Rio three-quarte- rs i At- Arriba county, of an hour. Secundlno Storm has grown to twenty-si- x and it Thomas F. Wade, commanding the pf county Is lantic division, reported to de- Oiled Machine and Excite- brought In a report recommending Homero San Miguel moved known that many more have been the war ' partment (hat kill- that the temporary organization be to give an hour and a half to each Relief Trains Hurrying Sup- lost, others Injured, while more tha six civilians were CUBANS INDIFFERENT AT made permanent side. He said the delegates should 3.U00 persons are homeless. For two ed at Fort Morgan .Ala. The damage Is and that the contest to post Is ment Lacking. made by stay In Las Vegas until Monday. days rescuing parties have been w ork-lin- g Ihe estimated at J100.000. the republican delegation plies to People of Stricken Quartermaster Hodgson LOSS OF INDEPENDENCE from Hernalillo county be dismissed There was objection and Colonel to bring conditions to some de- Chief at At lanta reported to Quartermaster Gen- The report was adopted without divi- Prichard's motion was carried. gree of order, but Iheir efforts have Gulf Towns Government ' CHILDERS PUTS NAME OF sion or an effort Mr. Chllders then proceeded. not shown to any extent and there are eral Humphrey the same facts, adding at division ami after was inun-- ' many bodies yet masse.--; that the for completely i Palma Retires Gracefully a hearing of the contest In the central The Hubbell Case. Loses Heavily, underneath dated. ANDREWS IN NOMINATION committee and before the credentials w reckage. Mr. Childers said the convention For ten miles east and west of Authority was telegraphed to Cap-- Glad to Shift His Coun-t- o committee which was a farce in had been regularly the l,aln Tilomas B. throughout. The Elks' theater city are strew n the wrecks of homes Deemer. commandant central committee by the chairman of the county Birmingham, (( Morgan, to re- did not go into called Ala.. Sept, 19, Ad- land vessels of all classes. Commenc-- I I'ori make such try's Burdens Strong deep the merits of the committee; It was regular in cv- -' pairs as arc necessary in H. 0. Bursum Endorsed and case that vices from Mobile today indicate that Ing at Fort McKee, on a point over-- j the present and the credential committee was ery way. emergency. In addition to this action. even more superficial in its examina- the earlier stories of the great storm looking (he gulf and continuing to Ks- - Quartermaster Hands of Uncle Sam, Thanked for Work in Behalf He said he had the call but that cambia bridge, east of clly. General Humphreys tion into the merits of the cause. unfortunately it was in Spanish. Mr. and the havoc wrought were not exag- the there lias ordered to that post I,. H. Dfltln, or not lis nothing bul devastation, ruin and Whether Hubbell's primary ( hilders did not rend the cull, but ex gerated. The completa death list Civil engineer, attached to the quar- - of has desolation, At McBee . III, I 2!i. - the Republican Party of Fort five , V- i Sept. lesa es methods were honest, whether the plained that in county precincts liv?s !,,,',,,m ' n .1.,.. "', With far the not been made up because of Hie Were lost. The twenty men muMiiuvui tiiiii iivuiuy.J... call was regular, whether delegations held. there had w. ( sup- leutatioll tilan accompanies Ihe acres-- the primaries were regularly many towns a They s night liaplin. civil engineer and ' New Mexico. were elected fairly or by fraud, ware He length on smaller along the coast terrible experience. the erintendent of HOn of new - dwelt at the fact that have not been heard from, batteries, the very highest point, construction at Fort municipal admlnlstu- not considered. It was merely a (men- In precincts 12 and 26, Albuquerque, but th? is Hamilton, to direct the of re- tlon, i begun work tin government of Cuba was for-- tion of whether the Hubbell conven- the primaries were held in large halls known dead, is believed, will range the waves to dash over their, pair. close in míe Io gun--- . malty taken over today by William H, tion was regularly held, and the cen- due He not re- hundréd. and lashed themselves the ( Law rence s. CATRON WELCOMED BACK and after notice. did (if .ipiam Miller, com Taft. secretary of war of the United Ran-cho- Trainmaster BofrenJ the Bay inere iney clung for more tnfltn tral committee and the credentials fer to Barcias, to (riegos, to s mandant al Fort Barrancas. Fla.. who in a committee decided It was regit';' r Iis Shore railroad, who has reached M twelve nours. (iiuy one lauy ami tier statis. proclamation couched INTO THE PARTY FOLD' that de Atrisco or to any of the coun- reported that three enlisted men are 1.1 a kindly ami diplomatic tone, noli and that the republican convention try precincts, where no notice was bile from a trip along that line, said little child were at the post. She was missing from that port; that fort i the cativa of the policy he pursue, was not. given. that if the missing persons did not turn the wife of Sergeant Prentice, and al- was almost totally destroyed, would up. the number of along though the big Strong soldier fought and that declared himself provisional governor Twn thincs saved Huhhcll his sells Mr. Chllders then said the contests deaths the Fort Plckeni suffered severely. of the Island. A. III le- Bay Shore railroad alone would to save Hie lives of his young wife ami Charles Spiess of Las tills convention.
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