Computing over the Reals: Where Turing Meets Newton Lenore Blum he classical (Turing) theory of computation been a powerful tool in classical complexity theory. has been extraordinarily successful in pro- But now, in addition, the transfer of complexity re- Tviding the foundations and framework for sults from one domain to another becomes a real theoretical computer science. Yet its dependence possibility. For example, we can ask: Suppose we on 0s and 1s is fundamentally inadequate for pro- can show P = NP over C (using all the mathemat- viding such a foundation for modern scientific ics that is natural here). Then, can we conclude that computation, in which most algorithms—with ori- P = NP over another field, such as the algebraic gins in Newton, Euler, Gauss, et al.—are real num- numbers, or even over Z2? (Answer: Yes and es- ber algorithms. sentially yes.) In 1989, Mike Shub, Steve Smale, and I introduced In this article, I discuss these results and indi- a theory of computation and complexity over an cate how basic notions from numerical analysis arbitrary ring or field R [BSS89]. If R is such as condition, round-off, and approximation are Z2 = ({0, 1}, +, ·), the classical computer science being introduced into complexity theory, bringing theory is recovered. If R is the field of real num- together ideas germinating from the real calculus bers R, Newton’s algorithm, the paradigm algo- of Newton and the discrete computation of com- rithm of numerical analysis, fits naturally into our puter science. The canonical reference for this ma- model of computation. terial is the book Complexity and Real Computation Complexity classes P, NP and the fundamental [BCSS98]. question “Does P = NP?” can be formulated natu- rally over an arbitrary ring R. The answer to the fun- Two Traditions of Computation damental question depends in general on the com- The two major traditions of the theory of compu- plexity of deciding feasibility of polynomial systems tation have, for the most part, run a parallel non- over R. When R is Z2, this becomes the classical sat- intersecting course. On the one hand, we have nu- isfiability problem of Cook–Levin [Cook71, Levin73]. merical analysis and scientific computation; on the When R is the field of complex numbers C, the an- other hand, we have the tradition of computation swer depends on the complexity of Hilbert’s Null- theory arising from logic and computer science. stellensatz. Fundamental to both traditions is the notion of The notion of reduction between problems (e.g., algorithm. Newton’s method is the paradigm ex- between traveling salesman and satisfiability) has ample of an algorithm cited most often in numerical analysis texts. The Turing machine is the Lenore Blum is Distinguished Career Professor of Computer underlying model of computation given in most Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her email address computer science texts on algorithms. Yet Newton’s is [email protected]. This article is based on the AWM Noether Lecture given Supported in part by NSF grant # CCR-0122581. The au- by Lenore Blum at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San thor is grateful to the Toyota Technological Institute at Diego, January 2001. Chicago for the gift of space-time to write this article. 1024 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 9 method is not discussed in these computer science texts, nor are Turing machines men- tioned in texts on numerical analysis. More fundamental differences arise with the distinct underlying spaces, the mathe- matics employed, and the problems tackled by each tradition. In numerical analysis and scientific computation, algorithms are gen- erally defined over the reals or complex num- bers, and the relevant mathematics is that of the continuum. On the other hand, 0s and 1s are the basic bits of the theory of computa- tion of computer science, and the mathe- matics employed is generally discrete. The problems of numerical analysts tend to come ∗ to be a decidable subset of Σ (e.g., as would be the from the classical tradition of equation solving case for the set of all diophantine polynomials em- and the calculus. Those of the computer scientist bedded in {0, 1}∗ via some natural coding). N.B. Σ∗ tend to have more recent combinatorial origins. The is countable. highly developed theory of computation and com- To complete the definition, many seemingly dif- plexity theory of computer science in general is un- ferent machines were proposed. What has been natural for analyzing problems arising in numeri- striking is that all gave rise to the exact same class cal analysis, yet no comparable formal theory has emanated from the latter. of “computable” functions. This gives rise to the One aim of our work is to reconcile the disso- belief, known as Church’s Thesis, that the com- nance between these two traditions, perhaps to putable functions form a natural class and any in- unify, but most important, to see how perspec- formal notion of procedure or algorithm can be re- tives and tools of each can inform the other. alized within any of the formal settings. We begin with some background and motivation, In 1970, Yuri Matijasevich answered Hilbert’s then we present our unifying model and main com- Tenth Problem in the negative by showing the as- plexity results, and, finally, we see Turing meet sociated characteristic function χS is not Turing Newton and fundamental links introduced. computable and hence, by Church’s Thesis, no procedure exists for deciding the solvability in in- Background tegers of diophantine equations. (Following the program mapped out earlier by Martin Davis, Hi- The motivation for logicians to develop a theory of computation in the 1930s had little to do with computers (think of it, aside from historical arti- facts, there were no computers around then). 0 or 1 1, R Rather, Gödel, Turing, et al. were groping with the A B question: “What does it mean for a problem or set 0 or 1 S (⊂ universe X) to be decidable?” For example, how 0, R can one make precise Hilbert’s Tenth Problem? Example. Hilbert’s Tenth Problem. Let X ={f ∈ Z[x1,...,xn] n>0} and S ={f ∈ X|∃ζ n 1010100000000 ∈ Z ,f(ζ1,...,ζn)=0} . Is S decidable? That is, can one decide by finite means, given a diophantine polynomial, whether or not it has an integer solu- The Turing Machine (with simple operations, tion? (Actually, Hilbert’s challenge was: Produce finite number of states, finite program, and such a decision procedure.) infinite tape) provides a mathematical The logicians’ subsequent formalization of the foundation for the classical Theory of notion of decidability has had profound conse- Computation (originated by logicians in the quences. 1930s and 40s) and Complexity Theory Definition. A set S(⊂ X) is decidable if its char- (originated by computer scientists in the 1960s acteristic function χS (with values 1 on S, 0 on and 70s). The program of this 2-state TM X − S) is computable (in finite time) by a machine. instructs the machine “if in state A with a 0 or 1 Such a 0-1 valued machine is called a decision in the current scanned cell, then print a 1, move procedure for S. On input x ∈ X it answers the R(ight) and go into state B; if in state B, print 0, question “Is x ∈ S?” with output 1 if YES and 0 if move R and go into state A.” That the long-term ∗ NO. Here X is Σ , the set of finite but unbounded behavior of this machine is discernible is not sequences over a finite set Σ. We will also allow X the norm. (TM picture, courtesy of Bryan Clair.) OCTOBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1025 ∈ Zn lary Putnam, and Julia Robinson, Matijasevich ζ 2 that provides, together with the computa- needed only to show the existence of a diophan- tion of f on argument ζ = (ζ1,...,ζn) producing tine relation of exponential growth [DavisMatija- value 0, a polynomial time verification. If f ∉ S, then sevicRobinson76].) no such witness will do. Since the initial startling results of the 1930s of The significance of the P = NP? question be- the undecidability of the true statements of arith- came clear when Dick Karp showed that the metic and the halting problem for Turing machines, tractability of each of twenty-one seemingly unre- logicians have focused attention on classifying lated problems was equivalent to the tractability problems as to their decidability or undecidability. of SAT [Karp72]. The number of such problems Considerable attention was placed on studying the known today is legion. hierarchy of the undecidable. Decidable problems, As did the earlier questions about decidability, particularly finite ones, held little interest. In the the P = NP? question has had profound conse- 1960s and 70s, computer scientists started to re- quence. The apparent dichotomy between the alize that not all such decidable problems were classes P and NP has been the underpinning of alike; indeed, some seemed to defy feasible solu- some of the most important applications of com- tion by machine. plexity theory, such as to cryptography and se- cure communication. Particularly appealing here is Example. The SATisfiability Problem (SAT). Here, the idea of using hard problems to our advantage. Thus the classical Turing tradition has yielded X ={f |f : Zn → Z } 2 2 a highly developed and rich (invariant) theory of is the set of Boolean functions and computation and complexity with essential appli- cations to computation—and deep interesting ques- S ={f ∈ X|∃ζ ∈ Zn,f(ζ ,...,ζ ) = 0} . 2 1 n tions. Why do we want a new model of computa- It is assumed X is embedded in {0, 1}∗ via some tion? natural encoding.
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