§ 1c.121 7 CFR Subtitle A (1–1–21 Edition) agency through such officers and em- § 1c.124 Conditions. ployees of the Federal department or With respect to any research project agency and such experts and consult- or any class of research projects the de- ants as the department or agency head partment or agency head of either the determines to be appropriate. This conducting or the supporting Federal evaluation will take into consideration department or agency may impose ad- the risks to the subjects, the adequacy ditional conditions prior to or at the of protection against these risks, the time of approval when in the judgment potential benefits of the research to of the department or agency head addi- the subjects and others, and the impor- tional conditions are necessary for the tance of the knowledge gained or to be protection of human subjects. gained. (b) On the basis of this evaluation, the department or agency head may PART 2—DELEGATIONS OF AU- approve or disapprove the application THORITY BY THE SECRETARY OF or proposal, or enter into negotiations AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL OF- to develop an approvable one. FICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT § 1c.121 [Reserved] Subpart A—General § 1c.122 Use of Federal funds. Sec. 2.1 Establishment of the Department. Federal funds administered by a Fed- 2.2 Authority of the Secretary to prescribe eral department or agency may not be regulations. expended for research involving human 2.3 Authority of the Secretary to delegate subjects unless the requirements of authority. this policy have been satisfied. 2.4 General officers. 2.5 Order in which officers of the Depart- § 1c.123 Early termination of research ment shall act as Secretary. support: Evaluation of applications and proposals. Subpart B—General Delegations of Authority by the Secretary of Agriculture (a) The department or agency head may require that Federal department 2.6 Designation of first assistants. or agency support for any project be 2.7 Authority to supervise and direct. 2.8 Delegations of authority to agency terminated or suspended in the manner heads to order that the United States prescribed in applicable program re- flag be flown at half-staff. quirements, when the department or 2.9 Additional delegations. agency head finds an institution has 2.10 Limitations. materially failed to comply with the 2.11 New principles and periodic reviews. terms of this policy. 2.12 Secretary and general officers not pre- (b) In making decisions about sup- cluded from exercising delegated powers. 2.13 Status of prior delegations. porting or approving applications or proposals covered by this policy the de- Subpart C—Delegations of Authority to the partment or agency head may take Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries, into account, in addition to all other and Assistant Secretaries eligibility requirements and program criteria, factors such as whether the 2.15 Deputy Secretary. applicant has been subject to a termi- 2.16 Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation. nation or suspension under paragraph 2.17 Under Secretary for Rural Develop- (a) of this section and whether the ap- ment. plicant or the person or persons who 2.18 Under Secretary for Food Safety. would direct or has/have directed the 2.19 Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, scientific and technical aspects of an and Consumer Services. activity has/have, in the judgment of 2.20 Under Secretary for Natural Resources the department or agency head, mate- and Environment. rially failed to discharge responsibility 2.21 Under Secretary for Research, Edu- cation, and Economics. for the protection of the rights and 2.22 Under Secretary for Marketing and welfare of human subjects (whether or Regulatory Programs. not the research was subject to federal 2.23 Assistant Secretary for Congressional regulation). Relations. 154 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:21 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253012 PO 00000 Frm 00164 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253012.XXX 253012 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR Office of the Secretary, USDA Pt. 2 2.24 Assistant Secretary for Administra- 2.57 Administrator, Food and Nutrition tion. Service. 2.25 Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. 2.26 Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Subpart J—Delegations of Authority by the Agricultural Affairs. Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Subpart D—Delegations of Authority to Other General Officers and Agency Heads 2.59 Deputy Under Secretaries for Natural Resources and Environment. 2.27 Office of Administrative Law Judges. 2.60 Chief, Forest Service. 2.28 Chief Financial Officer. 2.29 Chief Economist. 2.61 [Reserved] 2.30 Director, Office of Budget and Program Analysis. Subpart K—Delegations of Authority by the 2.31 General Counsel. Under Secretary for Research, Edu- 2.32 Chief Information Officer. cation, and Economics 2.33 Inspector General. 2.34 Director, National Appeals Division. 2.63 Deputy Under Secretary for Research, 2.35 Judicial Officer. Education, and Economics. 2.36 Director, Office of Communications. 2.65 Administrator, Agricultural Research 2.37 Director, Office of Small and Disadvan- Service. taged Business Utilization. 2.66 Director, National Institute of Food 2.38 Director, Office of Partnerships and and Agriculture. Public Engagement. 2.67 Administrator, Economic Research Service. Subpart E [Reserved] 2.68 Administrator, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Subpart F—Delegations of Authority by the 2.69 Director, Office of the Chief Scientist. Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Subpart L—Delegations of Authority by the 2.40 Deputy Under Secretary for Farm Pro- Chief Economist duction and Conservation. 2.70 Deputy Chief Economist. 2.41 Chief Operating Officer, Farm Produc- tion and Conservation Business Center. 2.71 Director, Office of Risk Assessment and 2.42 Administrator, Farm Service Agency. Cost-Benefit Analysis. 2.43 Chief, Natural Resources and Conserva- 2.72 Chairman, World Agricultural Outlook tion Service. Board. 2.44 Administrator, Risk Management 2.73 Director, Office of Energy and Environ- Agency and Manager, Federal Crop In- mental Policy. surance Corporation. 2.74 [Reserved] 2.75 Director, Office of Pest Management Subpart G—Delegations of Authority by the Policy. Under Secretary for Rural Development Subpart M [Reserved] 2.45 Deputy Under Secretary for Rural De- velopment. Subpart N—Delegations of Authority by the 2.46 Chief Operating Officer, Rural Develop- Under Secretary for Marketing and ment Business Center. 2.48 Administrator, Rural Business-Cooper- Regulatory Programs ative Service. 2.77 Deputy Under Secretary for Marketing 2.49 Administrator, Rural Housing Service. and Regulatory Programs. 2.79 Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Subpart H—Delegations of Authority by the Service. Under Secretary for Food Safety 2.80 Administrator, Animal and Plant 2.51 Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safe- Health Inspection Service. ty. 2.81 [Reserved] 2.53 Administrator, Food Safety and Inspec- tion Service. Subpart O—Delegations of Authority by the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Subpart I—Delegations of Authority by the Relations Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services 2.83 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Con- gressional Relations. 2.55 Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nu- 2.85 Director, Office of Intergovernmental trition, and Consumer Services. Affairs. 155 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:21 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253012 PO 00000 Frm 00165 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253012.XXX 253012 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR § 2.1 7 CFR Subtitle A (1–1–21 Edition) Subpart P—Delegations of Authority by the EDITORIAL NOTES: 1. Nomenclature changes Assistant Secretary for Administration to part 2 appear at 83 FR 22178, May 14, 2018. 2. Nomenclature changes to part 2 appear 2.87 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Admin- at 83 FR 61310, Nov. 29, 2018 istration. 2.89 [Reserved] 3. Nomenclature changes to part 2 appear 2.90 Director, Office of Property and Fleet at 85 FR 65504, Oct. 15, 2020. Management. 2.91 Director, Office of Human Resources Subpart A—General Management. 2.93 Director, Office of Contracting and Pro- § 2.1 Establishment of the Department. curement. 2.94 Chief Security Director, Office of Safe- The Department of Agriculture was ty, Security, and Protection. created by the Act of May 15, 1862, and 2.95 Director, Office of Homeland Security. by the Act of February 9, 1889, it was 2.96 Director, Office of Operations. made an executive department in the 2.97 Director, Office of the Executive Secre- Federal Government under the super- tariat. vision and control of the Secretary of Agriculture (7 U.S.C. 2201, 2202, 2204). Subpart Q—Delegations of Authority by the General Counsel § 2.2 Authority of the Secretary to pre- 2.200 Principal Deputy General Counsel. scribe regulations. 2.201 Director, Office of Ethics. The general authority of the Sec- 2.202 Deputy Director, Office of Ethics. retary to prescribe regulations gov- erning the work of the Department is Subpart R—Delegations of Authority by the based on 5 U.S.C. 301 which provides Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights that the head of an Executive depart- 2.300 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil ment may prescribe regulations for the Rights. government of his department, the con- duct of its employees, the distribution Subpart S—Delegations of Authority by the and performance of its business, and Chief Information Officer the custody, use and preservation of its records, papers, and property. 2.400 Deputy Chief Information Officer. Subpart T—Delegations of Authority by the § 2.3 Authority of the Secretary to del- egate authority. Chief Financial Officer (a) The general authority of the Sec- 2.500 Principal Deputy Chief Financial Offi- retary to make delegations of his au- cer. thority is based on: Subpart U—Delegations of Authority by the (1) Section 4(a) of Reorganization Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Plan No. 2 of 1953 (5 U.S.C.
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