FORFAR PUBLIC LIBRARY No. Presented by ANGUS - CULTURAL SERVICES 3 8046 00947 1110 ^^^5 21 DAYS ALLOWED FOR READING THIS BOOK. Overdue Books Charged at Ip per Day. THE FORFAR DIRECTORY AND YEAR BOOK, FOR 1893 1S03 CONTAINING LIST OF THE HOUSEHOLDERS OF THE BURGH, DIRECTORY OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS, LIST OF PUBLIC BOARDS, SOCIETIES, ETC. ETC. ETC. ALSO, COUNTY INFORMATION, AND LIST OF FARMERS AND OTHERS IN THE ADJOINING PARISHES. :f»:rioe oiste zPEisrisr^y. FORFAR PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY W. SHl 'HERD, CASrOi STREET 1892. FORFAR / piji iLlC UbRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/forfardirectoryy1893unse . ... ... INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Page. Abel and Simpson, Chemists 104 Mathers, William, Watchmaker . 119 Adamson, John, Grocer, etc. 136 Melvin, B. and M., Grocers .. .. 102 Andrew, William, Tobacconist, 113 Mitchell, C. and Co., Photographers .. 120 Arnot, James M., Ironmonger 128 Moffat, William and Son, Slaters . 127 Bell, Mrs, Draper, etc. Muir, T., Son, ano Patton, Coal Merchants 124 Bruce and Robbie, Seedsmen, etc 126 Munro, James, Architect, etc. 108 Butchart, D., Grocer . 143 Munro, James, Toy Merchant, etc. 140 Clark, James, Plumber 141 Murdoch, J. D., Watchmaker . 122 Currie, M'Dougall, and Scott, Wool Spin- Neill, James, Music Teacher . 105 ners, Galashiels 121 Nicolson, James, Grocer, etc. 141 Deuchar, Alex., Shoemaker 137 Oram, Miss, Milliner, etc. 123 Doig and M'Phee, Painters 125 Petrie, John, Tailor . 140 Donald, David, Grocer, etc. 138 Petrie, Thomas, Temperance Hotel . 103 Donald, Henry, Grocer 119 Pullar, Misses H. and M., Berlin Wool Re- Evening Telegraph 131 pository .. .. .. ..117 Farquharson, Adam, Draper 116 Reid, Peter, Confectioner . 112 Ferguson, Miss, Berlin Wool R epositor 130 Riddell, Miss, Milliner .. .. 115 Forbes, William S., Tailor 142 Robertson, A., Wine Merchant, etc. 118 Forfar Dispatch 116 Robertson, David, Shoemaker . 119 Forfar Herald and 129 Rodger, David, Painter . no ' Forfar Review 114 Ross, William, Grocer, etc. 117 Fowler, G. R., Chemist 107 Saddler, J., Confectioner .. .. 144 French, Dr, Dentist 126 Scott, William, Joiner. 136 Gibson, W. A., Clothier, etc. "3 Sharp, W. W., Coal Merchant.. .. 137 Glenday, James, Shoemaker 122 Shepherd, A. and C, Slaters .. .. 113 Gordon, James, Fruiterer, etc. 134 Shepherd, Andrew, Baker .. .. 140 Gray, R., China Merchant no Shepherd, Charles, Baker, etc... .. 115 Guthrie, G., Gamedealer 126 .Shepherd, Charles, Tailor .. .. 107 Hamilton, Mr, Surgeon Dentist 142 Shepherd, Jas., jr., China Merchant .. 132 Hanick, R., Broker, etc. T27 Shepherd, W., Printer, etc. .. .. 144 Hebenton, James, Ironmonger 103 Singer Manufacturing Co. .. .. 125 Hebington, W., Shoemaker 127 Smith, Hood, and Co., Coal Merchants 112 Hood, D., Shoemaker.. lOI Smith, Miss, Boot Merchant .. .. 123 Irons, D., Ironmonger 134 Spark, Brothers, Photo Artists .. .. 135 Jarvis Brothers, Drapers 128 Stewart, C, Shoemaker .. .. 107 Johnston, John, Chemist 130 Stewart, William, Draper .. .. 134 Kerr, James, Slater 123 Stormont, Robert, Wood Merchant .. 139 Langlands, David, Plumber, et 102 Strachan, John, Watchmaker .. .. 132 London and Newcastle Tea Co 106 Taylor, William, Watchmaker .. .. 125 Lowson, A. and Co., Drapers 139 Thom, C. and Son, Billposters .. .. 116 Mackintosh, James, Blacksmith 109 Thomson, W. H., Bookseller, etc. .. 115 MacRossen, James R., Chemist 133 Thornton, D. P., Shoemaker .. .. 108 M'Dougall, James, Shoemaker 117 Todd and Petrie, Tailors, etc. 130 M'Laren, James, Baker, etc. 139 Tosh, Mrs Charles, Ironmonger . 143 M'Nab, R., Clothier, etc. 105 Wilkie, Jas., General Merchant .. 120 Malcolm, William, Plumber, etc 137 Wishart, Geo., Coal Merchant.. .. 141 Masterton, David, Plasterer no Whyte, Henry, Gamedealer, etc. .. 136 Coloured Inserts. Anderson, Sturrock, and Co., Drapers facing 69 North British and Mercantile Insurance Boyle, J. D., Draper .. ..facing 60 Co. facing Title Page Dalgety, Alex., Draper .. ..facing 44 Paterson, Sons, and Co. .. facing 20-21 Dick, W., Clothier .. .. facing loo-ioi Spalding, A., Clothier .. ..facing Fullerton, Wm., Shoemaker ..facing Contents and Page 5 2nd Page of Cover Tyler, H. P., Shoemaker .. ..facing 45 Ednie and Kininmonth, Irortmongers facing 36 Warden, W. , Draper .. ..facing 52 Low and Co., Forfar Bakery ..facing 53 Wilson, J., Grocer .. .. ..facing 61 Low and Co., Grocers .. ..facing 68 Walker, Miss, Shoemaker .. ..facing 37 Advertisements on Cover. Barclay, R. W., Draper, etc. Page 2 Dunn, R. and J., Boot Merchants 4 Martin, James, Grocer 3 — CONTENTS. Page. Page. Angling Club 57 Gymnastic Club 58 Bank Offices S^ Halls 52 Bible Society 54 Holidays 67 Blind, Mission to the 54 Horticultural Society 55 Bowling Clubs 57 Householders , Female 37-42 Building Societies '.. 59 Householders, Male 5-36 Burgh Funds 48 Infirmary 51 Burns Club 54 Joiners' Association .. 59 Charity Mortifications 49 Justices of the Peace (Forfar) 50 Children's Church 55 Lawn Tennis Club 58 Christian Association, Young Men's ... 53 Library, Public 51 Christian Association, Young Women's 53 Liberal and Radical Association 53 Churches 52 Literary Institute 54 Church Societies 54-55 Magistrates and Town Council 48 Coal Societies 56 Masonic Lodges 57 Conservative Association 53 Musical Societies 53 County Information 60 Oddfellows Lodge 57 Courts ; Parochial Board 50 Burgh or Bailie 49 Plate Glass Association 55 Licensing, Burgh 49 Police Commission 49 Pohce 49 Post Office 47 Sheriff 60 Poultry Association 55 Valuation Appeal 50 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Cricket Club 57 Society for 59 Curling Association , Angus 58 Quoiting Clubs 59 Curling Club 57 Reading Rooms 53 Cycling Clubs 58 Registrar's Office 51 Draughts Club 59 Removal Terms 68 Edinburgh Angus Club 55 Saving Associations 56 Educational Institutions 52 Savings Bank 51 Educational Trust 52 School Boards—Burgh 51 Factory Workers' Union 59 Landward 51 Fairs, Markets, &c 68 Session Clerks 52 Farmers in District 43-47 Shepherds , Loyal Ancient 57 Fiars Prices 60 Temperance Association, British Flower Mission 53 Women's 55 Football Clubs 58 Tract Society 53 Foresters, Ancient Order of 57 Trades and Professions 61-67 Gas Corporation 49 Typographical Society 59 Golf Club 58 Volunteers 53 Good Templar Lodges, &c 55 Yearly Societies 56-57 Almanac for 1893 (32 pp.) inserted between pages 68 and loi. ALEX. SPALDING, 2JOD0' & 1B0utlt0' Clothier, CROSS, FORFAR. For Latest Styles in BOYS' & YOUTHS' HIGH -CLASS READY-MADE CLOTHING, Largest and Best Selection in Town. Boys* Ovepcoats and Highland Cloaks, from 7/6. Smart New Shapes. Try Our Boys' Reefer Suits, better value it is impossible to get. Youths' and Boys' School Suits. Large Variety—Unequalled Value, In Suffolk, Norfolk, Sailor, Cheltenham, and Cord Suits. As much care is bestowed by me in the manufacture of Juvenile Clothing, my Workmanship and Finish are acknowledged to be perfect in character and design, and have given universal satisfaction—a fact clearly established. I ask the favour of a trial order, or a visit of in- spection to my Establishment, feeling confident that you will appreciate the quality and value offered. Try Our Gent.'s Highland Cloaks, from 24/. Try Our Gent.'s Overcoats, from 28/. 'lo Waterproof COATS and CAPES, we give our special attention. We can supply them either Ready-made or Made to Measure. A. SPALDING, CROSS, FORFAR. *»* Goods sent on approval. .Carriage paid on all Purchases. [ovfeR. ALEX. SPALDIM ) ^Uahant bailor, ^obux, Sc ^laber, CROSS, FORFAR. o ORDER DEPARTMENT. ( See Our 50/ SUITS. OUR SPECIALITIES. \ See Our 15/6 TROUSERS. ( See Our 40/ OVERCOATS. Our Stiits, &c., can always be relied upon to give satisfaction. The Cutting and Fitting is under my own management. All made-to-order Garment* are made only by practical tradesmen, and turned out equal to any London West End House, ; The undoubted superiority of our Goods, and their increasing popularity, bears testi-' mony to the Excellence of our Productions ; and our constant efforts are directed to maintain this High Reputation. All Goods marjced in Plain Figures. Oup Paragon Wool Shirts, Made to Measure, from 4/6 to 9/. Gentlemen who have hitherto had a difficulty in getting a good fitting Shirt, would do well to give us a trial order, as we cut and make up all our Shirts on the Premises. HYGIENIC HOSIERY. A select range of Llamas, Lambswool, Merino, and Natural Wool Underwear, thoroughly; scoured, and untainted by mineral dyes. Our stock of Lambswool Goods will be found to embrace nearly every class, from the lightest to the heaviest made. We do a large trade in Gents. 's, Youths', and Boys' Underwear. It is impossible to describe the different makes and weights here, they are so numerous. GENT/S SILK and FELT HATS. High-Class Finish, in all the Latest London Styles. Better Value it is impossible to get. GLOVES, GLOVES. Cape and Driving Gloves, Lined and Unlined, at various Prices. Extra Value in White Kid Gloves. Special Assortment and exceptional value in Silk Scarfs, Cravats, Silk Handkerchiefs, Braces, Pyjama Suits, Night Shirts, &c. Large Selection of Portmanteaus, Trunks, Gladstone and Brief 'Bags, Holdalls, Rugs and Umbrellas, Ladies' and Gent.'s Gaiters. ALEX. SPALDING, CROSS, FORFAR. P.S. —Patterns sent on application. Also, Catalogue with Self-measurement Form. FORFAR DIRECTORY,.^^ MALE HOUSEHOLDERS. Adam, David IMason 9 Green street Adam, George Factory worker 33 South street Adam, George Gardener 15 Manor street Adam, James Gardener 26 Glamis Road Adam,
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