Banff 2001 Apr K to M

Banff 2001 Apr K to M

142 JASPER—KANANASKIS 000101 ® TELUS Advertising Services2001 Zaffino Dennis 903PyramidLakeRd 852-5224 WINE STORE THE Zaffino Lulgi 852-4008 608cPatriciaSt 852-3044 Zaffino Luigi 2AspenCr 852-3749 If Busy Call 852-9463 Zaffino Luigi 2AspenCr 852-3785 Fax Line 852-5554 Zaiaski Kent 852-4646 Zaniol A 53 StoneMountainVilge 852-5927 Winfieid Nigel 421bGeikieSt 852-4226 Zaniol M 807TurretSt 852-4613 Winfleld Nigel Fax 852-2447 Zaniol R 852-7480 Winkler Ursula & Terry 852-3336 Zerr M 23A 90GeikieSt 852-2664 WINK'S CONVENIENCE STORE Zimmerman S Bsmt2lOPatriciaSt 852-3120 617PatriclaSt 852-4223 Zinck Brenda Fax 852-4288 Wishart Dave 403 90GelkieSt 852-3625 Witwicky Doug 302GeikieSt 852-3875 Zinck Brenda & Ron 200PatriciaSt 852-3882 Wong Eddie 203 901GeikieSt 852-2167 Zozula Doug 806PatriciaSt 852-3514 Wong J 852-1135 HARVIE HEIGHTS- See Canmore Wong S ISAspenCr 852-3177 Wood Blair 852-3331 JOHNSTON'S CANYON RESORT-See' Wood Cindy Box2062 852-3086 Banff Woods C 16 SOOPyramidLakeRd 852-5163 Woods JD 1206CabinCreekDr 852-4627 Woods T 711aGeikieSt 852-5657 KANANASKIS Woodward K 852-3051 See also Exshaw for other customers located in this area. EMERGENCY CALLS WORKWORLD NO 245 FIRE ALARM ONLY 911 609PatriciaSt 852-5570 POLICE— RCMP 911 AMBULANCE Emergency Only Worobec WR 1215PatriciaCr 852-5563 Kananaskis 911 Worsfold Robert 21IBonhommeSt 852-4043 KANANASKIS EMERGENCY SERVICES Wort K& S: 852-3745 FIRE-AMBULANCE-PARK RANGERS 911 Wort Stephen 107PatriciaSt 852-4651 Administration 591-7755 Wright T 6 27PatriciaPlace 852-4769 HOSPITAL Canmore 678-5536 Wrightson K 852-4329 Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Emergency Only . ,911 Wynn B I18 720GeikieSt 852-3298 POISON CEfTTRE (Toll-free) 1-800-332-1414 Wynn Larry Box534 852-4264 If Busy Call Calgary 403-670-1414 Wynn M &L 852-3674 yr-radio 4813 4Av Edson 723-4461 Abugov Jack 591-7699 Yachnik T 8 SOOPyramidLakeRd 852-3162 Adams P 591-7268 Yachyshen Dave 921PyramidLakeRd 852-3581 Alberta Public Works 591-7856 Yagilashek Gerald 852-3417 Yakiwchuk Metro llAspenCr 852-3679 Yeaman J 8i3TurretSt 852-5803 AMBULANCE EMERGENCY ONLY Yearwood JC 852-7004 KANANASKIS 911 Yeast WJ 703 90aGeikieSt 852-4561 Yellowhead Communication Ltd 852-5502 Anderson D 591-7422 YELLOWHEAD CORING & CUTTING LTD Arlette J 591-7343 410 68 St Edson 723-5282 Arnold Curtis 8t Tracy 591-7090 Yellowhead Credit Union Ltd Baceda M 591-7561 623PatrlciaSt 852-1175 Bahan AN 591-7534 If Busy Call 852-1197 Baillie T 591-7421 YELLOWHEAD EMERGENCY SHELTER Barak Riva 591-7439 FOR WOMEN Barlow E Box208 591-7432 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-661-0937 Barrett A 591-7634 YELLOWHEAD REFRIGERATION INC Bear Nook & Candle 80x1245 852-4187 TheLodgeAtKananaskis .591-7200 If Busy Call 852-7232 Behiels Carmelle 591-7162 YELLOWHEAD REGION Belliveau Joanne 591-7443 Benson G 591-7149 EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIUM Berg L 591-7536 Provincial Building 852-2101 Betts Terry 591-7906 Fax Line 852-4185 Bloemendal K 591-7414 Yeoman Rick 852-3911 Boland Duane 591-7841 Yew ES 1102CabinCreekDr 852-5866 Boulton Creek Trading Post Young Brian lllGeikieSt 852-3972 PeterLougheedProvPark 591-7678 Young Graeme LakeEdith 852-3543 Bouma I ...591-7722 Young K 852-5316 BOUNDARY RANCH Young K 112PatriciaSt 852-4737 Box4 4KananaskisVillage 591-7171 Young Michael 852-4399 Fax Line 591-7326 Young Norman 212 720GeikieSt 852-4193 Young V Bsmtl07BonhommeSt 852-2351 Bourgoin J .591-0009 Yu H K 1243CabinCreekDr 852-4061 Bowden D 591-7974 Yu Peter 231dBonhommeSt 852-4649 Bowers C 591-7931 Zaffino Bruno 735PatriciaSt 852-3856 Boyachek Tara 591-7760 Zaffino Dennis 903PyramidLakeRd 852-5212 Brander Bill 8t Kim 591-7274 r MOlOl ® TtLUS Advertising Services 2001 KANANASKIS—KANANASKIS 143 BREWSTER EPCOR Call 310-4300 Head Office & Tour Information Evans D&W 591-7387 lOOGopherSt Banff 762-6700 Evans D & W 591-7389 BREWSTERS KANANASKIS GUEST Faubert Kent 591-7546 RANCH Seebe Exsfiaw 673-3737 Feasby Tom ^.591-7199 Brien Kelly 591-7937 Broadfoot Mike 591-7007 FIRE ALARM ONLY 911 Brown Georgina 591-7228 ADMINISTRATION 591-7755 Brcwnlee Kelly 591-7468 Bruce C 591-7740 Firman Lloyd A KananaskisLake 591-7405 Budget Rent A Car ;.,.591-7925 Fisher Tyler 591-7022 BURIED CABLE LOCATION FORTRESS JUNCTION SERVICE LTD Alberta One Call No Charge.. 1-800-242-3447 FortressJunction 591-7371 Burk C 591-7255 Fax Line 591-7482 Burnett A 591-7664 Fortress Mountain Accomodations 591-7108 Buroker T J 591-7308 Butler M ,.591-7705 FORTRESS MOUNTAIN SKIING Butler M 591-7805 INC :... , 591-7108 Butler Marie Fax Line 591-7077 Fraser B 591-7332 CM HTRAVEL . Fulcher M .591-7033 Fuller Mark 591-7666 *2 lo6p'7Av Canmore 678-6366 Garry Renee 591-7467 Gerald Michael Box66 591-7458 Calver Tara 591-7259 Germaine J 591-7456 Campbell Edward 591-7726 Gill W 591-7239 Campbell Edward 591-7894 Godfrey C W 591-7157 CANMORE AIRPORTER ..Canmore 678-1611 Godwin A 591-7640 CANMORE TAXI & TOURS Taxi Gordash Mike 591-7264 Canmore 678-0888 Gossen Timandra 591-7446 CardC" 591-7882 Goto Shinichi 591-7455 rhomitz Judith & Peter 591-7138 Government Of Alberta Listings- See Blue Chorney C 591-7529 Pages Christians Terry 591-0007 Clark Jon &Joyce .....591-7823 Government Of Canada Listings- See Blue Clarke M 591-7047 Pag^ aarke S 591-7571 Gouvernement du Canada Inscriptions- Voir Clinton C 591-7321 les Pages Bleues Cloutier L 591-7117 Cochand Emile 591-7669 Grant M 591-7581 Cochand Leah 591-7668 Grenier M 591-7135 Griffin Brian 591-7341 Coldridge KG 591-7118 Griffin J 591-7942 cSlard G 591-7336 Griffin M 591-7032 Cormier Marc 591-7457 Groenewegen D 591-7674 rox Kerrin &Todd 591-7202 Guinn Outfitters Ltd Cranston S 591-7471 Box44KananaskisVillage 591-7171 Cresswell William : 591-7949 Guinn Rick BoxlOO 591-7576 Hagen N 591-7385 HiiviE STOPPERS Hamilton D 591-7424 Hannah N 591-7827 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-222—8477 Harriman L 591-7900 Harriman L 591-7920 CrioDS P Boxl32 591-7014 Hazell Evan IwrKananaskisLake 591-7460 Crombie M 591-7602 Hermiston Bill 591-7836 Crone E 591-7649 Hertz Rent A Car Kananaskis Crooks NC 591-7955 104 lMountSparrowha\wkCr 591-8830 Oahlin A 591-7224 Hill C 591-7532 Day Tom 591-7507 HILL GRANT MP Oe Jong Karen 591-7285 (No Charge Dial) 1-800-667-0478 Oe Jong Karen 591-7294 Dennison C 591-7189 Hillis Bruce 591-7102 Dodsworth Kelly 591-7687 Hnatiuk J 591-7870 Ho C 591-7030 Dormain Tim 591-7592 Hoffman Arnold 591-7545 Dorward Nathan 591-0006 Holmes Jeff 591-7909 Dowling T 591-7089 Hopland Ray 591-7194 Dreger Bill Boxl72 591-7863 Dunbar J 591-7305 HOSPITAL ~ „Canmore 678-5536 EMERGENCY SERVICES Howie D 591-7611 AMBULANCE/FIRE/RESCUE 911 Huang Peter 591-7929 ADMINISTRATION CENTRE 591-7755 Huber C 591-7454 Hughes Ken 591-7765 Enns Gavin 591-7913 Itasaka Y Box74 591-7214 144 KANANASKIS—KANANASKIS 000101® TEIUS Advertising Services2001 Jackson Neil 591-7471 Louden Robert D 591-7039 Jacob S........ 591-7655 Lund R 591-7444 James Phillip 20MtKiddLoop 591-7368 Macdonald L 591-7434 Jameson Reg 591-7598 MacLeod S 591-7761 Jameson Reg 591-7618 MacMaster A 591-7911 Jardine M 591-7670 MacPhaii S 591-7049 Jensen E 591-7292 Madro Walt J 591-7337 Johnson C 591-7127 Maebashi N 591-7753 Johnson Peter 591-7766 Magnin P 591-7636 Johnston Billy & Patti 591-7838 Martin Lou-Jane 591-7398 Johnston Billy & Patti 591-7858 Mason Kristin 591-7554 Johnston H 591-7903 McBean Robie 591-7681 Johnston Randy 591-7969 McCaine Terry 591-7852 Jones L 591-7622 McCormick G PocaterraHouse 591-7506 Kada G 591-7587 McDonald Shannon 591-7892 Kallis J 591-7080 McDougall L 591-7885 Kallis J 591-7241 McGrath D 591-7001 KANANASKIS CAMPING PETER McKay Mike 591-7822 LOUGHEED PROV PARK 591-7226 McLellan Patrick 591-7209 Reservations 591-7226 McNabb John A 591-7383 Fax Line 591-7447 McNeely C 591-7367 Bolton Maintenance Shop 591-7377 Medicone Emergency Medical Services....591-7221 KANANASKIS COUNTRY GOLF COURSE Meighen Jeff 591-7078 Tee Time Reservations Golf Season Melnyk Tammy 414FortressMountainRd 591-7062 Only....:. 591-7272 Michelson KD 591-7553 Administration Office 591-7070 Miller H E Dr 591-7195 Fax Line 591-7072 Miller J 591-7883 Kananaskis Emergency Services Miller R 591-7445 Ambulance/Fire/Rescue 911 MIRAGE RAFTING ADVENTURES Administration Centre 591-7755 Sales Ofc Fax 591-7123 999BowValleyTrail Canmore 678-4919 KANANASKIS INN 591-7500 Main Sales Office Canmore 678-4919 No Charge Dial 1-888-591-7501 Kananaskis Sales Offices 591-7773 Fax Line 591-7633 Fax Line 591-7301 KANANASKIS RANCH GOLF COURSE Mollison 1 591-7998 Seebe Exshaw 673-3737 Morin Gordon Jack 591-7126 Kananaskis River Adventures Ltd Morris John 591-7327 Sales Office Box 233 591-7773 Morse N 591-7560 Fax 591-7301 Mount Kidd R V Park KananaskisCountry 591-7700 KANANASKIS TOWING SERVICE Mountain A 591-7097 A M A Agent For Highway 40 MOUNTAIN GALLERY Kananaskis Village- Fortress Junction LodgeAtKananaskis 591-7610 & Peter Lougheed Pro\:ncial Park Mountain Kid LodgeAtKananaskis 591-7236 KananaskisVilge 591-7410 Murnaghan D 591-7024 KANANASKIS TRANSPORT & TOURS Murray J 591-7978 Box 8390 Canmore 678-1616 Murray N 591-7058 Fax Line 678-6282 Kananaskis Village Centre 591-7555 NAKISKA RESORTS LTD Kananaskis Village Maintenance 591-7848 Boxl988KananaskisVillage 591-7777 Kananen C 591-7425 Nichol K Fax 591-7930 Kane Mitch Box74 591-7754 Nichol Ken 591-7036 Kane Mitch Box74 591-7787 Nichol Ken 591-7130 Kelley L 591-7103 Norheim R 591-7023 Kelly Christian 591-7999 Keoughan B 591-7035 Norton L 591-7251 Nystrom Myrna 591-7684 Kimball James DS 591-7045 O'Hearn Robin 591-7860 KOKO'S LodgeAtKananaskis 591-7206 Okabe K 591-7572 Kraychy T N 591-7278 Olthof J 591-7275 Kukka P 591-7187 Ouellette Leo 591-7167 Lacosse C 591-7311 Paley B&T 591-7944

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