U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Digital Geologic Map Database of the Nevada Test Site Area, Nevada By Ronald R. Wahl1, David A. Sawyer1, Scott A. Minor1, Michael D. Carr4, James C. Cole1, WC Swadley1, Randell J. Laczniak2, Richard G. Warren3, Katryn S. Green1, and Colin M. Engle1 Open-File Report 97-140 This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey and have been successfully imported into the data base programs, no warranty expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to how successfully or accurately the data can be imported into any specific application software running on any specific hardware platform. The fact of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection thereby. 1 Denver, Colorado 2Las Vegas, Nevada 3Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 4Menlo Park, California 1997 INTRODUCTION Work on geologic compilation of the Nevada Test Site (NTS) map and Pahute Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle was conceptually proposed in 1984 as part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) programmatic initiative to conduct a geologic synthesis of the southern Great Basin in Nevada. One of the central objectives of the program was to compile the geology of four contiguous l:100,000-scale, 30' x 60' minute quadrangles that cover the region of interest (Pahute Mesa, Beatty, Pahranagat Range, and Indian Springs quadrangles), and to produce a separate 1:100,000-scale geologic map of the NTS that overlaps all four quadrangles. Digital compilation of the Pahute Mesa quadrangle began in 1990, with support coming entirely from the USGS Radioactive Waste Program. Work on the digital compilation of the NTS has largely been funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) NTS Program. Three of the other proposed 1:100,000-scale geologic maps have been completed, the NTS map (Frizzell and Shulters, 1990) and the Pahranagat Range quadrangle map (Jayko, in press), and the Beatty quadrangle map (Carr and others, 1995). A preliminary digital geologic map of the Pahute Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle has been released (Minor and others, 1993), and a preliminary version of this map was released (Sawyer and others, 1995). A derivative map by Minor and others, 1996 was made from this database to portray the seismicity of the Pahute Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle. The Nevada Test Site/Pahute Mesa/Beatty digital geologic map database allows for accurate and rapid updating of geologic information, generation of derivative maps at various scales, and layering with other Geographic Information System (GIS) databases and thematic map layers to produce integrated interpretive maps and 3-D models. The digital database is available, in Geographic Resource Analysis Support System (GRASS) ASCII vector, DLG-3 (optional), SDTS, and in Arc/Info ASCII (Generate) and export formats, from the USGS, Denver, on-line repository on Internet (via 'anonymous ftp') at greenwood.cr.usgs.gov [], path (/pub/open-file-reports/ofr-97-140). Figure 1 shows the area of coverage for this database. COMPILATION METHODS This map database incorporates geologic data from the following sources): (1) digitized (by SCITEX scan) polygon, fault, and structural attitude layers of the published 1:100,000-scale geologic map of the Nevada Test Site (Frizzell and Shulters, 1990) as a starting point; (2) the digital 1:100,000-scale geologic compilation of the Pahute Mesa 30' by 60' quadrangle (Minor and others, 1993); (3) the digital database compilation of the NTS by Sawyer and others (1995), (4) the digital 1:100,000-scale geologic compilation of the Beatty 30' by 60' quadrangle (Carr and others, 1995); ), (5) the preliminary digital 1:100,000-scale geologic compilation of the Indian Springs 30' by 60' quadrangle (unpublished data); and (6) recent field studies of stratigraphy and structure by the authors and others (Figure 2a). Sawyer was lead compiler for the NTS part of the combined database; Minor was lead compiler of the Pahute Mesa sheet outside of the NTS area; Carr was lead compiler of the 117* 116*30' lie* STONEWALLMTW 57*30' VOLCANIC SILENT CANY CALDE COMPLEX BLACK WIN CALDERA TIM8ER\MTN. MAP DATABASE LOCATION CALpERA COMPLEX Location map showing the regional and cultural setting of the NTS digital geologic database. Figure !.__ Location Maps for the Nevada Test Site and the Surrounding Region 117°00' 116°45' 116°30' 116°00' U5«52.3' 37°30' PAHUTE MESA Groon Mine NV MOO 000 1:24 000 Otaor OM! ottar*, »t3» *. f. OrMct USGS OP* 9»-C9f NEVADA TEST SITE MOO 000 <fnzn* ** $M««r«, ttW> (nCH*f)*d by *A to>y«-. Hit W*M wul JC. CoU> 37*13' TIMBER MOUNTAIN CALDERA 1.48 000 CBytrs tnd ott>«r& 37«00' 36°32.3' Jackass Flats 1:48 000 BEATTY MOO 000 Carr and otter* 19*3 USCS Ont *9-«M7 36° 375' Indian Springs MOO 000 36° 30' Figure 2a._ Sources of Compiled Geologic Data for the Nevada Test Site Area U6°45/ H6°00' 115° 33.3' 37°30' Tollche, Peek NV 'Tobcha Peak NC I 1 I 1 1 | 1 N. HALF PAHUTE MESA WHEELBARROW PEAK- Croon Mne NV BLACK MOUNTAIN M8 000 RAINIER MESA AREA 144 Mt unpub. data) Xe. and Ver-, 1948) (northern part) 1.48 000 l*"or< «pJf ver, ItG. Varren, (northern third) (Saroent and OrMd, I973> I (Varren, Mner. Sawyer. Cole, u«uw. data) TOLICHA PEAK 1 L62 500 i- MS 1-5*7 <VA Froze* an 1 I*. Haustoack I I SA MMT, fjt Varren, uvufe. data) Toiicha Peak SV TOLICHA PEAK LACK MOUNTAIN SV Tr«i( ftdge Slent Butt* Dead Horse Hat Quartet Done Oak Spring Butt* Croon MM SV M4 OM 144 Mt 144 Mt J44 Mt 1<4 OM 144 Mt 144 Ml M4 MO ISA MOT. VA CNeMe and <thren and others, OtoWe and others. (Saraent and others, (Rogers and NeWe, (Totto* and NoMw, NoHe, 19M> 1947) wpuh data) 37°13' 1-54* OO-774 GO-493 G0-«14 004*4 GO-Kt GO-719 Oak Spring M4 Mt <Bames and others. 0>auiir and Poole, SPRWGDAtC NV SPRWGOAU NC THIRSTY CANYON NV Ttwsty Canyon Scrughon Peak AmnanM Tanks e.M.r H>«> »4» JangU Ridge M4 Mt 144 Mt 144 Mt M4 Mt 144 Mt 144 Mt 144 MO GO-4J4 144 Mt <Sarg*fit and (SA MOT, ff. <Pf. OrtdkL SA Mner, (gCoMpr end others, (utfcon* and others, "t**i^5!l rthrr* OrkM, l»7*> Orfct* KA Soraent, DA lawyer, and ltd. t9t*> 19*13) i^*JX» |A Sawyer, and 1967> I9»7> KG. Varreiv unpub. -H 1 1 00-SM 1 GO-495 «- » °M1* YUCCA FLAT -PtW- . 1 1 1 1'48 000 Surficial Geology (SwadUy and Hoover, 1990) SPRMOALC SV SPRINGDAL£ THIRSTY CANYON SV Thlrcty Canyon SC Tuber MouitoM Buckboard Mesa TtppfMh Spring ' I-8M7 1 Poiute RMige M4 Mt J44 Mt 144 Mt 144 Mt 144 Mt l«4 OM 144 Mt 144 Mt <SA Mnor. <SA MOT. ff. Orktd, <Pf. urkU HU CLcmofi and ethers, <Carr and OtMvwv Ovet-» and others. <Drk*d, 1943) O -«r« and ternuu (tL ChnrtkMsen. and Onstttnse*, BA 1944) 1944) "* ' 1 **) 1 VC Swadtoy. unpub. I Sawyer, and RjQ. Yucca Flat 1 data) J Varretv unpup. data) 144 Mt Cotton and NcKay. 37° W I 00-409 I CO-903 00-33C 60-03 GO-9K "t" GO-977 1 Cost of teotty 144 Mt ite. t*,*.*** Yucca Lake rf<to«u«i Valley BUIfrog NV Suttfrog NC Topopoh Sprwg NV Topopah Sprog W ROWnvOsfl tdft>Jl Mft t«*4 MM ]i24 Mt <w£ OHdkt, unaukO C>4 MO AirP ^^---» 9f+ ^»* uses orw-94-wo **** " » e£STnn> <IS^gh' ^ "* "' if. Htusback, 1990> 1 UpM^ IKS) 1970) I-»49 1 BARE MOUNTAIN L62 500 BULLFROG QUt. Conmtl end FJ. KLCMWMPL 19M> 1.62 500 SO-444 GO-»49_ GO-744 00-137* GO-304 GO-157 US Oeol Survey *P 494-J Topopah Sprng SV Crater Flat **4 * Jackoss Hat» Skutt Mountati r*ne Sorro FrenchMut Flat Thirsty Canyon SC M4 Mt <l«nan and McKay. ],?t eat >"*4 ssa ^tt4 m M4Mt K4 Mt <ff. OrMUt unpuh> 1945> <Md(ay and Vtbans. ^ikren and SaroenX <P&I* *nd others. (FcxA* fWS) 1 rumi end ethers, <RJ. Scott, unpukJ _ *~4*' -. 19*4) 19»S> I9«9b> MTWie, m*> 1944) <Scott and tonk, (Taulds and others. 1964) OO-4t9 1994) USGS OFR V4-494 36° NV lureau of Mr** GO-360 00-307 GO-455 GO-454 kg Dune NC Lathrop VeMc Striped HUs Specter Range NV Cxwp Besert Rock Mercury M2 9M 144 Mt 144 Mt 144 OOT M4 Mt i«4 m <Sw*<tey and Carr, <NdCay and Sargeet^ (Sargent and Oargent and OKnchs, 194» Oarnes and others, Stewartp 1971) C. Frtdrictv vMOUtU OM. Scott unpubJ FUNERAL MOUNT MNS 1.48 000 1-1747 00-184 j GO-784 I-U97 <LA Vnght and B.V. Troxet 1 I-e305 ** BIG DUNE LATHROP WELLS SPECTER RANGE 1 1-48 000 1^2 500 163 500 (VC Svadley and VJl Carr. 19<7> (»T. turchfirl, 19tt> OX. hrt*iflK 1949) I-I8M GSA v. 74, p. 17S-19C Inotan Spmg* tm ooe 1 Peter Guth uvub. *ta> 1 1 1 1 1 1 36° 30' 1 1 Figure 2b._ Sources of Original Geologic Data for the Nevada Test Site Beatty sheet outside of the NTS area; Swadley compiled the new surficial geology and stratigraphy in the NTS area and Cole compiled the new geology and stratigraphy of the pre-Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the NTS area.
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