THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No .. ·23 beling [Rural &,Cll:Jilon 438 and palrlt ,Rurail. 1Seotmons 7574, 819'5, described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby taken for 8229 . and ·8234; [Jolt 2, 1DJP. 97'14, being ,part [Rural Sectiions the. use, convenience, or enjoyment of a road; and I also 7574' 81195, 18229, and 82314 (aJ.il. in 1Block X:VI, Christchurch declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after Survey D1strict); Lott 3, IDJP. 97114, being ipa!Ilt: [Rural Sectfrons 'the 21srt dlay of Aprill 1969. 7574, '81195, 812J29, and 8234; LJott 2, D.'P. 738, being par:t Rural Seotilon '1150 {aill lin mocks XVII and )fill, Oh'ristchurah Sur­ vey District); ilJot 2, D:P. 114010, 1beilll!g part !Rural. Sectrons FIRST SCHEDULE 20645 an:d 20645x; I.Jolts il and 2, DiP. :14539, heling part Rural Section 206"45; Lott 3, [).P. il42318, lbei!ng part Rural Seotilon Sotrm AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT 8837; Lot 11, [).,P. 1188313, :being part [Rurail. \Section 8837; part Road l[;ot 2, DJP. 477'3, ·being pa;Ilt: IR'lltl1a:l 1SeC1fons. 81837 and 8164; ALL that piece of land containing 2 roods 35 perches situated [JOit 11, D.P. 4773, being part IR.urnll Sectfron ·81164; parts Rural. in Block XV, Hapuakohe Survey District, being part Lot 1, Sedtiron 1'149; parlt. Rurail. SeotiJon 23936 {al.!l lin mock XII, D.P. 27472; as the siarne is mo•re particularly delliin:eated on Chrlsrdhurdh Survey rDis1trict), and termi1Jlating at a pc,int on the plan marked M.O.W. 23063 (S.O. 44345) deposited in the noilt:iheitrJ. side of IRuru IRoad distalillt lllppmx:imaitely 505 the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon links in an easrterly 1dli!root!ion !1'1rom rthe weisloornmoslt oorner colo~red sepia. of the Bromley Substatli!on sirte as descrtibed in Gazette .1951, page il8126 (P11oclam:aitilon 353099, Canter'bury Regis'try) , including :aJl:l ad}oining a:nid intervenri:ng iplaceJs, lands, reserves, SECOND SCHEDULE roadls, tracks, lakes, riven;, ,streams, and wattercourses for a Sotrm AUCKLAND LAND DIS'IRICT u:ni!fiorm widlbh 'Of 20 links 'Oln each s,ide of the said centre Use, Convenience, or Enjoyment of a Road 1.ine; :aU m the Canterbury Land iDistrwot, as ;the same lis detineated by a lSlooliid rnd li:ne •Qin the ipliarns marked Ech. 246,7, ALL that piece of land containing 39.l perches situated in 2468, . 2469, 2470, depos1Jted in ithe 'Office of ,the New Zea:land Block XV, Hapuakohe Survey District, being part Lot 1, D.P. !Electri'O]ty Depai:tment art Wellington. 27472; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked. M.O.W. 23063. (S.O. 44345) deposited in the office ·_ Given under ~ihe 'hMlld olf 'His Excel~ency :fue Govemor­ of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured Geneml, and tilslsued under ithe Sea[ of New Zealand, this sepia, edged sepia. 11th day of ApI1irl 1969. Given .under the ihand of His Excellency the Governor­ [L.s.] T. P. SH!AND, Miinlister ,of. Etlectrtidilty. .·· Gen:em."1, and !issued under ithe Seall of New Zeallanid, llhiis Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! 29fu day of Marcil 1969. (N.Z:iE.D; 23/52/3) [L.s.] .PEIRCY B. lAILLEN, M'iruister 1of Works. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! Land Taken for Road in Blocks II and 111, Waihi South (P.W. 34/3402/1; D.0.19/0/45) Survey District, Tauranga County AiRTHUR •POR!Rl'IT, Qoveiinior-Generlall A PROCLAMATION Land Taken for Road, Limited Access Road, and the Use, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Convenience, or Enjoyment of a Road in Block 11, Tauhara Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General· of New Zealand, Survey District, Taupo County and Taupo Borough · hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule ·hereto is hereby taken for road; and I also declare . that this .. Proclamation shall take · effect on and after the A:RTHUR •PORJRITT, GovernJor-GenerlaJI. 211st day 'Of 'Apf!i!l 1969. A PROCLAMATION SCHEDULE PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, t' SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISI'RICT hereby proclaim and declare. that the land .described in the ALL those pieces of land described as follows : First Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road, the land described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby taken for A. R. p; Being limited access road, and the land described in the Third 0 . 0 34.4 Part Pukehina M. 2 situated in Block II, Waihi Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the use, convenience, cir South Survey District; coloured yellow on plan enjoyment of a road; and I also declare that this Proclamation M.O.W. 22490 (S.O. 43821). 1shlal[ ,tJake effoot oo and ·aJltler '11he 2bit day iof AprliJJ. · 1969.1 0 0 3.7 Part Pukehina M. 2c 2A Block situated in Block · II, Waihi South Survey District; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 22490 (S.O. 43821). FIRST SCHEDULE Also all those pieces of land situated in Block III, Waihi Saum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT South· Survey District, described as follows : Land Taken for Road A. R. P. Being ALL those pieces of land situated in Block II, Tauhara Survey 0 · 0 6.8 }];'arts . Lot 1, D.P. 24824; colo.ured blue on plan District, Borough of Taupo, described as follows: · . 0 . 0 15.1 M.O.W. 22491 (S.O. 23822). A. R. P. Being . 0 0 0.4 Part. Pukehina M. 4B Block (roadway); coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 22491 (S.O.' 43822). 0 0 5.5 Part · Rangatira 8A 5o Block; coloured blue on plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans 0 1 15.7 Part Taupo Central Block; coloured sepia, edged marked and coloured as above-mentioned, and deposited in sepia, on plan. the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ marked M.O.W. 22483 (S.O. 44182) deposited in the office General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured 111th day of Aprli.11969. as above-mentioned. [L.s.] PERCY B. AI.:LEN, Mlini!ster 1of Works. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! SECOND SCHEDULE (P.W. 72/2/3/0; D.O. 72/2/3/06) SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Land Taken for Limited Access Road Land Taken for Road and for the Use, Convenience, or ALL those pieces of land situated in Block II, Tauhara Survey Enjoyment of a Road in Block XV, Hapuakohe Survey District, Taupo County, described as follows: District, Waikato County A. R. P. Being 0 0 14.4 l . ·ARTHUR ·PORR'lTT, Oo,;e111wr-GenerW. 0 0 29 f Parts Rangatira 8A Block. A PROCLAMATION 0 0 32.3 Part Taupo Central Block. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Porritt, . Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, marked M.O.W. 22483 (S.O. 44182) deposited in the office hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured First Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road and the land sepia. · 17. APRIL THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 713'} THIRD SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being SOU'Il:I AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT 2 1 32.6 Part Lot 2, D.P. 16190, being part Rural Bection Land Taken for the Use, Convenience, or Enjoyment of a Road 2070. All the land in. Proclamation No. 685799, Canterbury Land Registry. ALL that piece of land containing 3.9 perches situated . in Block II Tauhara Survey District, Borough of Taupo, being Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ part Tailpo Centrai Block; as the same is more particularly General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 22483 (S.O. 44182) this 29th day of March 1969. deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Welling­ [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minlister 1of Works. ton, and thereon coloured sepia. Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ (P.W. 23/381/1 /6; D.O. 40/13/7 /2, 40/13/7 /9) General and issued under the Seal of New Zealand ttihis Hth day of A!prnll 1969. [L.s.J PEiRCY B. !A>LLEN, Minlister 10,f Works. Goo SAVE 1HE . QUEEN! (P.W. 72/1/3/0; D.O. 72/1/3s/02) Taking Land for Public Purposes at Niue Land Taken ifor the Christchurch Northern Moto.rway (Belfast­ Pinehaven Section) in Blocks. XI and XV, Rangiora Survey ARTHUR ,PORRITT, Governor-General District, Rangiora County OR,OOR IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 31st day of A!RTHUR PQR:RITT, Govemor-GeneraJ. March 1969. · A PR:OOLA!MATION Present: PuRsUANT Ito the Publfo Works '.Aot 1928, I, Sir A11thur Espie nm RIGHr HON. J. R. MARSHALL:PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL Porritt Baronet the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby prodlaiim and dedlare 1:h~t ithe [and described in the Schedulle PURSUANT Ito sect'jloo 326 ro,f the Niue Aot 1966, His Excel­ herelbo iis · ·hereby. rt!aken flor the Ohrisltdhwoh Northern Mo1lor- lency the · Governor-Genera[, acting by and with !the advice way (Be!fuisit-Pinehiaven sdon).
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