mwiHnmn* I A Panorama | COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF . Of Loe*d ■: KOiASDlil, MADISON People And MARIBORO, MATAWAN S& ANU Events MATAWAN BOROUGH! ilcrutar Member wth YEAR — 34th W EEK Notional JMiU»rlid AssncUUo® MATAWAN, N. J.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 ,"1963 N?W Jii'Ety Picas Aj^.'iiriaUoo Single Copy Ten Cents Approve Maps Radio Dispatcher PotterV Diuer Opens At Six Corners, Keyport J Regional School Prizes, Prizes! I Madison Tax Rate Two adijtoiial1 sections ai Lev- Hundreds of dollarswvamia 10 prize* j _ r IU r.Dil Sony, Inc., Strathmore-at- H! bt' glvvn during lhe Wash' L W k p C I ' I I i Q I lllglon*: Matawan development, were Posts Abolished Hiidgct Approved Eton’s Usrthday saie i:i Keyport v i C I I L o granted final approval last night i Thursday.Thursday, FridayFridav and SalurSaliir- ■ : by She Matawan Township Plun- Township Votes 3-2 Schedule Carries d#y. The grand prize is b M unicip al Needs To portable television iet. nlcifi Board. Tlip sections, lo­ To End Desk Jobs In Light Voting Oiher judtvldual stare prizes In­ Take $848,723.29 cated In the Ivyhil! Park urea; t y clude'gift certificate*;, throo-litc comprise (19 building lois. Despite popular protest, the Mala- Du ifi. UN ii^vie.s ot 5».3s,l.v» tree lamp, cigarette lighter, rec­ The Madison '“tnvuship Corrimil;* The board also approved a awan Township Committee Mon­ svni’t* anprovi'd t uesdav nv v.v ords, toaster, lazy Susan, dresser lee Monday ni;:h( inlt'oduccnl a minor subdivision of 2.48 acres day night voted 3-2 to rescind an Matawan Re^toiuu Scnool d.nlvsc mirror tra>, lys’ or men’s jat- | $1,200,000 municipal budget vvhiv.h on Amboy Rd. for the Bell Park ordinance which created ihe post VO1 \s to KMpport a proposed l.'Ib.l-M | k(.t> corningware cotiee maker, i will result In a local purpose tax Really Co., Long Branch. The ot radio dispatchers In police head­ »..uch icMitmit . hassock, shoes, barometer, "Clia- | rate of pc?r 5100 of ossesss'd acreage, taken from a 4.8it-ucre quarters. The ordinance creating ,i(! i.i tin. \ Jli.s M U ia n td afU . j net” spray cetogne, child's wood- | valuation, or U9 cents mor« than . tract, Is under contract {or sale the posts originally was enacted i.s. .a.L.nul tlili.a. K j . , cn two-burner electric j Iasi year’s- rate. , to Csik Brothers, Ktiyiw»i ■ con­ last November. A euiU-nt e\p.:ns^ le\y cf * stove and box of eight spark j Tha Madison tax rate Is com- tractors. : . I puled against vuluutioii. 16.S5 per Since that time, three men have Sl..li?).U.S2 earned to IbG. lhe plugs, Approval of a three-lot nubdl- j cent of true values to preserve vet* been appointed to tho « ycai sana* levy hist t>> voit-s wheti j The free coupons must be d-e- visioit of i 4.3 acre tract on W>l- eruns and ,‘ioniov citizens exen^v* jobs and have been 'assigned to oitgimilly vsj.s auOnutted, oli to posited in the Keyport siores par- . aon Ave., proposed b y ; William A capttai outlay tlcm aUo wa.> i ticiputing io'the sale for drawings i lions, in ternternis of Mouinou|h C'pun^ ... F. Washburn, was withheld pend­ radio desk duly In headquarters on an around-the-clock basis. Dis­ Approved)vi.-u I v m^lUni^lU fclO*.10 to luOlull ji for(or the grandgr^intl prizepriz^ and for(or the {} ^ va.uationvaluation ui 100 per c??ht of ing further consideration by the conit»ari:d too u •l-l-votef n.-je^lton «u ( individual store prizes. j '«tnc............ ^vu|»3ti it would he ‘|Q conU board. The Washburn application patchers appointed were Fiorendo j per $Ul(i. Slgismondi, Lemuel G. Taylor and the I«el>. :i election, ihe uistnct, was filed by lleuser, Ik-uwr aud compi'ises bo;h Maiawan Borougli Royce Wallis, A public hearing on the budget De Malo, Matawan law flrni. and loe.uslnp. will he he/d at p.m. io the iVumira'- Both Cominittemen Henry Tiap- A kev lae.tor m the approval oi Area Boards Meet pat Building on Mar, 20. Tie lot ai hugen and Norman Wood opposed cousins of 5SlS.72‘i.2!) in appropria­ dolnR away wiiii the dispatchers’ rhe budgei luesdav was a rever­ sal ot a heavy neuativu vote cast tions for municipal 'purposes and Insurance Revamp posts. and said the expansion of For Organizat ion S27:»,5u'lv8(i in reserve for uncpliect*. the department this year and in in the second election district m iiie l-.‘b. .•> election. The distnci ed taxes for the- total of SI.222.- the future warranted, the employ­ Tie Vote Marks 275.15. This, less $7‘2ti,0.'l7.3j in an­ P-TA Fee Protests ment of full-time operators at the carneit current expenses luesdav bv nine voles and u capital omhiy ticipated revenues, results ir. a iax desk. Marlboro Session item only lost by one in the dismit. levy ol S-lftti,237.81). ' ‘ Dolan Shuns School , Considered Not Neccssary Original Vote Feb. 5 S 111.02 School Tax However, Mayor John .Marz jr. i iiuards of Education in Marlboro Bus Chairmanship Current F^j.cnses i Township and Madison 'lownship The proposed rate added to a and Committeemen Daniel Downey (Si.ai9.t)N2) ! met to elect new officer.', for ih: school Uts rate of SifUIU. plus aa and Gilbert Hickman view the posts 1 A new master plan for insurance Yes N n,yutr but only Madison Township anticipated county tas riueof $2,77, as not necessary. They hold the eoveraue and protests against the District I li6 UN i managed to complete its soiectJons. results in a total municipal lax’rate feif of ■ $25 being charged Parent- opinion the radio can be manned of $1*1.US, ur 80 cenls more than Keyport Mayor Cnrlton II. Poling, second from Partners In toe diner business plclurcd above, lu the District 2 Ml 10.1; A lie vote in Marl'norn Township Teacher Associations within the jusl as adequately by regular mem­ last year. In terms oi I0!i per cent, left, cut the ribbon (his week to open officially Potter’s 1 usual order are Dennis Angelo. Nicholas Habousls 1 JW &•» f ruled out the selection of two top district for the use of schools us bers of tho police department. ' total 29:> 317 ! officers. of true value*, this would be a $2.50 meeting places were principal mat­ Popular sentiment at two public new ultra-modern diner at the Six Corners, Keyport. I and Anthony I'elters. Wiien Kesubmitted luesday No president or vice president for $ I (HI rate. ters occupying th<? Matawan Re­ hearings by the committee on Its Yes No gional Board of Education Monday. were selected al Monday night’s 'Lhe $11,100,000 school budget ap« >lan lu rescind Ihe ordinance has District 1 UG KM organization meeting of the Marl- proved by the voters represents u Edward J, Scullion, board, secre- iren outspoken In favor of retain­ Ackersdn Petition i District l a 38 Ixno Hoard of Education because •18-point, increase in thc tax rut«, f«ry. reported on them. ing the dispatchers. At the two Unwanted Plants Danemar Passed, With the need this year lo \ District \ 2.1 21 of a tie vote among the eight The anticipated county rale is down Mr. Scullion datelhicd a new In­ hearings, no voice was raised from { 1 tot ni 22# lbl< vvjs by seven points, accounting for tht> surance proposal he had to submit elect Ihree new members oi the members present. The tic vole the audience In favor of abolishing May Be Barred Holmdel Township Committee to Hearing Stormy Original Vole l;eb. 5 between the incumbent board presi­ toul 80-poini increase, , - that would result in substantial pre- the posts. - | Buildings' and C.rounds mlutn savings for the board. The bring that body up to its newly- dent, Hairy V. Holmes, and in­ Increase in the hudget is due A last ditch effoit hy Committee­ Township Eyes constituted size of five members Tomasello Lone "No"; { (SM.HUO) cumbent vice president, Leo J. Scuh primarily to un increase in sal­ tecretary listed th* following val­ man Traphagen to delay final ac- . _ . I District 1 118 U5 uations placed on the schools (or on Jan. i, 1964, political activity lv. aries io municipal employees; thd llun on the ordinance until a new Zone Code Change Apartment Permit Hit ! District i nit Itill Insurance purposes (Regional high, already h stirring. The problem now will to the largest of which is a $21,000 in* list ot qualified radio dispatchers J District I H2 :M crease in police salaries, authorized *2,518,000; Strathmore School, It was learned on good au­ county superintendent ot schools, could be cerlified by civil service An umendment to the zoning Nl'itawan Planning Hoard approv* j total 2GH 312 by the electorate in a referendum §785,300;' old Miitawan High School, thority (hat supporters of Jame* Earl U. Garrir.on. Mr. Garrison also failed by tho same 3-2 vole of ordinance, dasignoti to prohibit un­ ' Monday the 22-iot Danemar sub-1 When Resuhmllted Tuesday last November. 1785,400; Matawan Elementary H. Aclcerson, former muyor, al­ wili name u president and vice desirable industries from locating Yes No Other Increases School, $331,000; Memorial School, the township committee.
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