FREEREEPHAM LIFE YOUR Community Newspaper www.reephamlife.co.uk No. 1 March 2013 Economic strategy to support market towns AS PART of a plan to support the econ- omy of Reepham, a consultation event held on Saturday 2 February at the Bir- ch am Centre was judged a “great suc- cess”. Cambridge-based Ingham Pinnock As- sociates, who have been appointed to prepare the Reepham Economic Strategy, backed by Broadland District Council’s Recession Mitigation Fund, said: “We were delighted with the level of interest in the event and estimate that between 150 and 200 people attended throughout the morning.” The economic development and regen- ‘Reepham is still a thriving market town with a real sense of community’ eration consultancy has now collated all of the comments received, which are be- ditional rural market town, and identify local traders. ing fed into an analysis of economic and small-scale projects and programmes “These issues and many others are even community issues in Reepham. that can help the town sustain its impor- more acute in rural areas that lack infra- “The interest in the event and the cre- tant role while retaining its character. structure and services and are often ativity of ideas put forward on the day Ross Ingham said the fund will be used over looked in favour of larger towns and speaks volumes about residents’ love for to give practical advice to support the lo- cities,” said Mr Ingham. “Reepham is still their town,” the consultants continued. cal economy: “While recognising that a thriving market town with a real sense “There was a clear passion to support and Reepham is successful, there are chal- of community. But there are real trends preserve what is best about Reepham and lenges ahead, particularly for the inde- out there.” a recognition that any changes need to pendent business sector, which con- Kate Pinnock added: “There are gen- add to what is special about the town.” tributes so much to the town.” uine mechanisms, funds and tools avail- Broadland’s Recession Mitigation Fund On a national level, traditional town able that we can highlight.” was created at the height of the financial centres are vulnerable due to increased A Town Team has been established crisis and has been supporting businesses competition from the internet and super- comprising representatives from local and communities across the district by de- markets, which has been exacerbated by community organisations to help produce veloping projects to help drive local eco- the double-dip recession and contracting a strategy over the coming months. The nomic growth and combat the national disposable income. consultants are in the process of detailed downturn. This fragility was demonstrated in research and consultation, and spending Ingham Pinnock’s brief is to take a fresh Reepham last year by the impact of the time in the town meeting local people, look at the economy of Reepham, a tra- temporary closure of the HSBC bank on businesses and groups. Design & Artwork Parish Magazines RPS Business Stationery Office Supplies Leaflets & Catalogues Printer Cartridges 31 Church Street, Sheringham, Norfolk NR26 8QS. TEL 01263 825274 reepham Corporate Brochures Digital Colour Digital Printing Copying Manufacturers and suppliers of curtains and curtain poles, roller blinds, print Wedding Stationery Laminating & pleated blinds, vertical blinds, venetian blinds, fly screens, wooden Newsletters & Booklets Binding shutters, canopies, awnings and more. All with free measuring and fitting. services e [email protected] www.sunlinecurtainsandblinds.co.uk t/f 01603 871102 Church St. Reepham Norwich NR10 4JW Reepham Life, March 2013 3 A community newspaper is reborn Reepham Life is published by Reepham Community Press WELCOME to the first edition of Reepham EDITOR Geoff Fisher Life, the new community newspaper for Reepham and district. from the editor ADVERTISING Judy Holland Building on the foundation of the Ayl- GEOFF FISHER DISTRIBUTION Tim Fryer sham & Reepham Times, which ceased publication almost 12 months ago, and out the fantastic support of businesses, WEBSITE Jeremy Brockman its predecessors, this newspaper aims to the newspaper would not have happened Printed by: Reprographics Department, fill a gap in the market and become a tru- at all, so do support all these advertisers. Reepham High School & College ly local newspaper for the local commu- If your business would like to showcase nity by local people. its products or services in future editions, EDITORIAL ADDRESS We promise an independent, unbiased please do not hesitate to get in touch. Reepham Community Press presentation of the news affecting the Meanwhile, community, social and Homerton House, 74 Cawston Road town – the good and not so good. sport ing groups are invited to contribute Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4LT Published by Reepham Community news and information about their regular Tel: 01603 308158 Press, this free monthly newspaper (10 activities and events. Email: [email protected] issues a year) is being distributed to more The launch of Reepham Life has certain- Web: www.reephamlife.co.uk than 1,200 homes throughout Reepham ly created a buzz within the town, and The views expressed in Reepham with additional distribution points within we have been inundated with messages Life are not necessarily those of the the town and in outlying villages, circu- of good wishes and offers of assistance Publishers or the Editor lating to as many as 3,500 readers. for this exciting venture. We look forward All material is strictly copyright and all As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we to exceeding your expectations. rights reserved are seeking volunteers to help with all as- Geoff Fisher, Editor. Tel: 01603 308158 pects of publishing. Email: [email protected] All materials submitted for You can contribute an article or a re- publication, including letters to the port; write a letter to the editor; provide editor, may be edited for reasons of space photographs, past or present; design ad- Beaver Scouts leader wanted vertisements; help out with the delivery OWING to a large increase in the number Reepham Life, a free monthly of the newspaper to remote households; of young members in our Beaver Scouts, newspaper, is sponsored by or just suggest ideas for stories or other we are looking for an adult that could join Reepham Town Council and the publishing activities. us as a leader in this section. All training launch financially supported by With so much happening in and is given free, and all we ask for is a few Broadland District Council’s Small Grants Fund around the town at present, it is now cru- hours of your time each week to help our cial to keep the whole community better young people enjoy the fun and friend- informed: Reepham Life will be an impor- ship offered in scouting. tant part of that process. Contact Leslie Tooley, 2nd Reepham If you are connected to the internet, Scout Group, 01603 870701. please visit our brand new website – www.reephamlife.co.uk – which has all the news as it happens, as well as MP visits Reepham High School and College details of forthcoming events and listings of community groups and local business- NORMAN Lamb, MP for North Norfolk es. You can even sign up to receive an and Minister of State at the Department electronic copy of Reepham Life every is- of Health, visited Reepham High School sue in addition to regular email updates. and College on 8 February. Particular thanks go to Reepham Town During his visit, Mr Lamb made a tour Council for their foresight and generous of the school and college, popping into first-year funding to help get this project several lessons, including A-level English off the ground. We also thank Broadland (right). District Council’s Small Grant Fund for fi- He also took part in a “questions and nancial support for the launch. answers” session, facing what he de- Of course, printing and door-to-door scribed as “impressive” questions from a the Principal’s Council, including the distribution is a costly exercise, and with- panel of students comprising members of newly appointed head boy and head girl. EARLY SUMMER SCHOOLS: Experts offer nuno and corsage felt making days, Chinese brush painting and lino printing workshops in March and April And of course my regular art classes continue in Cawston, Marsham, Holt and Hempton from 15 April, where you can learn drawing and painting, mixed media and oil painting. I teach skills and techniques; these are taught lessons, packed with information All details from me, CLEMENTINA SUTTON, 01603 872441 www.reephamlife.co.uk 4 Reepham Life, March 2013 Refurbishment work to start at GP surgeries THE Reepham and Aylsham surgeries of Dr B Kelly & Partners will be undergoing some refurbishment works over the next few weeks. This will involve new flooring and sinks for treatment, prep and some consulting rooms. Understandably, there will be some dis- ruption to services during this time: the phlebotomy service may not be available for the first week of work, 25 February to 4 March at the Reepham surgery and 25 February to 11 March at the Aylsham surgery. Forms will be given to patients who are happy to go to Cromer or the Norfolk & Norwich hospital phlebotomy service (the INR clinics will still be provided). For Aylsham surgery patients, the healthcare assistant has been moved to the ACT building in St Michaels Avenue so that patients can be seen there. The reception areas at both surgeries are also being refurbished and although there may be times when the reception desk is located elsewhere from the front been agreed by the Norfolk Primary Care ience that may be caused during this time, lobby, staff will be on hand to help and Trust with an end date of 31 March 2013.
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