. ' ' • ' j NOW • ~~ --~ PARKING IS NO ·PROBLEM THE DAILY NEWS GET YOUR G.M. PARTS fROM US a~~~ __ Terra Nova Moton Ltd. Vol. 67.· No. 156 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TH~RSQAY, JULY 7, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons • . -------- -----~--- $500,000,000 Worth Already Taken Over HAVANA AP-Denouncing Premier Fidel Castro's' --­ m~ve to e~propriate their property as blackmail, Am- ' Bl.lmp Crash'es encan busmessmen Wednesday flocked to the U.S. ' 1 Embassy Ia ask for help. • Embassy officials, studying the latest Cuban decree In AtlantiC ____ . for retaliation to U.S. curbs on Cuban sugar sales to the United States, said any action would have to came : I,AK~:JIURST, ~.J._ lAP\ - A • h · · huge U.S. Navy bhmp, longer f rom W as hmgton. T. e U.S. announced late Wednes· 1· than a football field plunged into day that it was cutl'ing imports of Cuban sugar by th.e Atlantic Ocean Wednesday 700,000 tons, ll'tth 21 men aboard. ' d d d • . The na~-y said one m<~n was • Cas I ~o s • ecree, a opte at a post-mtdmght cabtnet dead, three were injured and 17 1 sesston, mvaltdated all previous legislation and left w~re missing, an estimated $1,000.000,000 in Americ i t t The aiyship crashed off t~e • . • . : an nves mens central i-icw Jersey coast wh1le m Cuba sub1ect to conftscation Without recourse to any searching for a missing yacht. Cuban law. Fishing boats and the aimaft Experts here estimated Cuba ( _ __ carrier. Essex joined In picking already has taken over at least - ---------- -- ----·--.----- ----- , up smwors. 8 $500,000,000 worth of American· crce , hlufr and satd. the~ aaw 1 A y-acht has in employee said investments including 80 per I a dc::t ee o[ desperatmn m the • a fishing vessel brou•ht in one cent of ail • the American·owned Cuban.. ' ~• 0_l'e Jnmen· t'_s ac t'mns, . 1 body ami one survivor" with su;::ar lands. · 1 thJ.nk t~e act_wn. of the 011 broken legs_ A s~cond fishing But still remamm;:: to be compnmcs 111 • re)Cctmg .soriet boat brought in another surl'i\'or. seized il Castro goe~ al1end with crt~e. shoo~ -~hem a!!·" smd oue He had minor injuries. his· threat are the $300,000,000 \0""·llm_e te~tde~t. and no~ :t NOSE COLI.APSED 1Cuban Electric Company, hail· 0 ~~s hke _U.S;) congrcssmnal: Andy Lockie. skipper of the owned by. American interests.! a~h~n on. sugat. and the, prob- fi,hing boat Blnc Chip, said the 1 and other mterests ranging down·~ Hilty of •1 seletc quota c.'.'' has nose or the blimp collapsed ~-' i to small pril'ate !irms. 1shJ~rkc.d them e:-en more. if a spike had been drh·en into : INTERSATIONAL I.AW , ..\uttmg Cuba s su~a~ qn?la. it. He said the blimp struck the 1 JAZZ RIOTERS u.NDER GUARD ! Under the teJ•ms of Castro's I \:'·. t~Je ~ost • s.e\cle t;·~· w~ter at ~ 50.dcgree angle. I NEWPORT, R.I.-Two of the 1azz fans who were arrest- 1decree, said one embassy ex-1 act Jon ~e: taken a~amst the Cas· A spol<esman at the nal'al ~lr ed ore shown leaving a navy von here July 3rd under' ~rt, ."any_recoti:se a~ainst con- 1 tro. golctnmcnl... ~l<1lion here said l~e bJ,mp was the watchful eye of police. The three local jails were I flscat)on Will ~a\e to be handled I l'JHlet· the U.S. snpr·bu)'Jng_ Hfloat and was bemg lo\\ed to 1 under lnternahonn\ law. The de·, svstem. Cuban growers ~ot 8 shore. ' '"~~:="''" full to capacity with standing room only left.-(UPI ; cree as written w.ipes out ali at- i p;·emium of about 21; cents a! . The bl.imp hit the water about. ~ .. """ .. - ... , .............-.!<. Telephoto). tempts to hold Illegal PiJst or pound on the sugar sold to the • etght m1ies southeast of B~~ne-; 1 TOUCHING MOMENT ___ future ft e I zu res under Cuban Uted States. In past ye~rs this: ~:at Inlet ancl about 1~ mtleft · 1 WELS, Au5tria-Face to face with o 5teer is S-oviet Premier Nikita KhMh· chev, as he bends to pat the animal during o vi5il to ·an agricultural ex­ hibit here, July 4th. Presented with two prize-winning bulls, Khrushchev commented that no good former "gives on opinion before he's touched i I 0 s rea I ~.'r~:· c~omp~l~~~~~a th~a~~wp~~t~ something with his fingers."-(UPI Rodiotelephoto). Leader, :largest of ils type in the world. I Labour . I U \ the navy said. · n ome 1 MINT. JOHN, N.B. fCPl-) Klare was the first to be • A helicopter and three other , Three c~nvicts who broke out o( !' spotted. When he surrendered, po-1 1 blimps continued to ho1·er over; lhe Maritime penitentiary at Dor· lice moved in on the other two . 1the scene looking for survivors , Dies diester, N.B .. early Sunday were I who were nearby and h11d no: ROME. ICPl - Rtotmg led by; It never started. Police movert as darkness approached. Aneurin Bevan, eaptured Wednesday afternoon in chance to escape. 1 Commumsts broke out Wednes-1 in end flayed away with clubs. 1 ~ooded area four miles east of FIND STOLEN CAR ~ay in .the streets of Rome and i Their red riot cars and trucks By FRASER WIGIITON hi, fiJ,al fi~ht for life_ said in a ~tatement Wednesday 1 l!atnt John. The!{ were unarmed A car owned by Roy Gaudet of: In parliament. :swung around the square. Fire o·lsml·ssed i Lo:-moN (Reuters)- Aneurin Prime ~(in is ter ~lacmillan. night Bel·an's death was a "most and offered no N!Sistance when Fredericton and stolen et Dor· At least 50 persons were hurt, hoses were brought into play. In i Bevan, a poor miner who be·· one of Bevan's major political' grie1·ous loss to our party, to 111rrounded. chester shortly after the J a.m. a. hundreds of police battled: a matter o[ minutes the crowd! 1 came one of Britain's most pow- foes, snide: "He was a great and' Parliament, to Brit a in and The trio, who had been hiding prison break was foulld in the 10,000 demonstrators in the his- was dispersed. i Q Ch · 1erful political leaders, died Wed- courageous fighter for what he • indeed "the world." tn a children's playhouse in woods and hauled to the roadway toric southern section of Rome The Communist rally followed n arges •nesday 'after a seven·month ill· bcliered to be right and was re·. Formal tributes to Bevan will ,.-oods off a secondary road. are by a jeep. around the Gate of St. Paul. the discovery earlier of a bomb I I ness. He was 62. spccted by members of all par· be paid by leaders or all parties Frank Alfred Klare, 23 Toronto; In escaping from the penlten· Communist and Socialist dep- with a live fuse in the courtyard 1 TRURO fCPl-Two St. John's ! ~·he sill'el' . tongued socialist tics. lie was a great parliament· in the House of Commons today. Gordon Matthews, 211. and Louis Uary the con1•icts lifted paving, utles came to blows with Chris-. of the Soviet Embassy. I ~fld. youths were dismissed 0~! sen-ed as deputy chief of the arian." 'HEALTH PLAN FOUNDER Joseph Roy, 22, both o! Saint stone from their cell floors, • tian Democrat deputies when. Police arrested more than 100 ~ charges oi breaking entering Labor party and as its spokes- Earl Attlee. from whose La- The burly Welshman long will John. dropped to a basement, broke ~ews of the rioting reached par-; demonstrators. : and theft here Wedn~~day after man on foreign affairs until he hor cabinet Bevan resigned in a be remembered as the man who, They w~re taken to the county through a door, crossed the exer- liament, : BAN MEETINGS 1testifying they slept in a car underwent ~n abdominal opera- heated dispute in J9jJ, said: · as minister of health, gave Brit- jail here while police continued cise yard and scaled a 15-foot The Senate adjourned after be-! Police had banned public meet· 1 while four companions broKe lion Dec. 2n. "His death is a great loss to the ain socialized medicine in 1948. in1·estigation of three car thefts wall. It was the first excape in I ing advised several MPs weN!. ing 5 to have been held by neo· : into several stores. The cause of death was not labor and soda list mo1·cment. He also will be remembered in the Saint John area this week five years from a cell at the fed. hurt in the street fighting. -fascists and the left-wing resist- 1 William Carew, 20 and ~or- immediately announced. Funeral Although we did not always for gi\'ing his name to a left· 1 and a breal! into a general store era! prison. 1 ARMED CAMP . ' ance federation ~ednesday fol· 1 man Skanes, If>, w~rc charged se.n·ices, lollowed by cren:ation. agree. I had ::real admiration wing faction within the Labor at ~earby,Lakew~. , - . Downtown Rome looked hke lowmg the .explosiOn ?I a "Mol' along with four other St. John's,' w1!i. be hc.ld Fmla~ at. Lrocs>·- and affection [or him." party which became known as Ctty police recetved a ttp about I Klare was sentenced tn 1956 to an e.rmed camp.
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