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Index Note: Page numbers in italic refer to figures. Abel, Richard, 100, 152, 260, 301, credits in, 443–4, 454 334–59, 401 first film, 399–402 abstraction gimmicks, 39, 360 early, 104 handbill, 501 gestural, 107–8 of performers, 409, 476, 479, 500 Acres, Birt, 17, 144, 598 of plots and scenarios, 445–6 Across the Brooklyn Bridge, 560 in the press, 212, 367, 381–97, 448 acting producer attitudes to, 401–2, 404–5 early reviews on quality of, 468–9 storefront, 398–419, 399, 403, 405 film performance as, 466–7 aesthetic regimes, 143–4, 153–7 actors, 8, 465 airdomes, 405, 503–7 advertising of, 409, 416 Albera, François, 121–40, 234, 489 anonymity of, 444, 447 Alberini, Filoteo, 529 listed by character, 453 L’album magique, 307 and motoring, 368 Alias Jimmy Valentine, 431 named in catalogs, 197, 471–3 Allen, Robert C., 601–2 portraits of, 505–7 Altenloh, Emilie, 167–8, 170, 176–7 actualities see films, actuality alteration format hybrids, 370–5 Addams, Jane, 344 Althusser, Louis, 290 Ader, Clément, 83, 85 Altman, Rick, 225–6 Adventures of DollieCOPYRIGHTED, 448 Ambrosio, MATERIAL 146–8 advertising, 124, 133, 170–2, 312, American Mutoscope and Biograph 500–1, 513, 595 (AM&B), 105, 341–2, 401, 476, circus style of, 399–400 478, 574 controversies, 413–15 American Bioscope, 342 A Companion to Early Cinema, First Edition. Edited by André Gaudreault, Nicolas Dulac, and Santiago Hidalgo. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. GGaudreault_bindex.inddaudreault_bindex.indd 661010 22/28/2012/28/2012 66:50:46:50:46 PPMM Index 611 Americanism, an education in, 436–8 films as, 208 Amusement Hall, 403 modes of, 145–53 Andrew, Dudley, 603 and the national-popular (Italy), 146–9 animated pictures, 2, 52, 64–5, 73, 124, 185, regimes of, 143 216, 234, 337, 403, 487–90, 492–4 art cinema, 99–118 animation, 24, 26–8, 272, 595, 603 L’assassinat du duc de Guise, 141, 152 Animatographe, 337 Associated Press (AP), 384–5, 387, 389–90 anonymity athletes, 461 in early cinema, 443–59 in theater, 369 popular, 447, 449 attraction, 232–4 apparatus, 42, 45–6, 56, 60, 64, 69, 125–7, and narrative, 576 129, 211, 234–7, 335–7, 382–3, attractions, 233, 318 390–2, 460, 464 culture of, 34–6 animation, 27 montage of, 318 of apperception, 167, 170 see also cinema of attractions base (appareil de base), 15–18, 20 audiences, 277–97, 383–6 cinematic, 62, 426, 588–90, 593, 598, 604 dualistic model of, 290 Cosmorama, 40 ethnic and racial, 279 disciplinary, 421, 425 for fairground films, 324–6 kinematograph, 132–3 film reception by, 214–15 of motography, 216 mass address of, 381–97 peep show, 34–5, 37 Audion, 91 projection, 225, 335–6, 340, 538, 543 audiovisual technology, 80 recording, 6, 123, 604 Auerbach, Jonathan, 102, 260 theory, 601 authors applause, 215, 339, 342, 367, 429 importance in Italy, 147–8 Arcadia, Philadelphia, 517, 518 literary, 147 archival practice personae of, 464 frameworks of, 553–8 automobiles, 368 theory of, 551–3 avant-garde, 111, 142, 144, 153–9, 172–3, archives, 528–30 176, 233, 554, 593–4, 601–2 in deictic time, 581–3 Avenging a Crime: Or, Burned at the Stake, “nitrate won’t wait” problem of, 530, 260, 266 592–5 The Awakening of Bess, 479 pay per view, 540 the policy of, 592–5 A Baby’s Shoe, 247 Archives françaises du film, 539 Bächlin, Peter, 183–4, 197 archivists, 8, 532 Baggot, King, 409 Armat, Thomas, 336, 383, 391, 393, 597 Bara, Theda, 416, 520 Arnold, Matthew, 151–2, 156 Barnard, Charles, 361 Aron, Steve, 263–5 Baron, Auguste, 91 arousal, optimal level of, 168 Baroncelli, Jacques de, 99, 107 L’arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat, 568, 576–7 The Battle of Gettysburg, 500 L’arroseur arrosé, 230–1 The Battle of Waterloo, 502 art Baudry, Jean-Louis, 15, 25, 233–5, 555 in early film, 141–62 Baum, L. Frank, 156 GGaudreault_bindex.inddaudreault_bindex.indd 661111 22/28/2012/28/2012 66:50:46:50:46 PPMM 612 Index Bayley, Roger Child, 17–18, 20 Bland, Harold, 498, 503 Beckers, Alexander, 38 Bloodhounds Tracking a Convict, 266 Bedding, Thomas, 208–11, 307 Bogert, William R., 514 Beelden voor de toekomst, 539 Booth, Maude Ballington, 428 Bell, Alexander Graham, 88 Les bords du Gange, 308 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 91 Bordwell, David, 163–4, 214, Bellamy, Edward, 87 238, 320 Bellour, Raymond, 253 Borelli, Lyda, 156 Ben Hur, 365, 445 Bosworth, Elsie Janis, 510 Benjamin, Walter, 130, 132, 163, 167, Bosworth, Hobart, 477 170–1, 274, 320, 553, 570 Bousquet, Henri, 301–2 Benoit-Lévy, Edmond, 189–91 Box Office Television (BOTV), 92 Benoit-Lévy, Georges, 191 Bradley, Milton, 38 benshi, 349, 488, 491, 493 Branigan, Edward, 210–11 Berlin – Potsdamer Platz, 170 Bressol, Pierre, 473, 476 Bernhardt, Sarah, 409 Brewster, Ben, 101, 142, 245–56 Bernheim, Adrien, 67–8 Brewster, David, 42, 55, 57, 61 Bertini, Francesca, 156 Brise-glace en Finlande, 291–2, 292 Beyond the Rocks, 565 Britain La biche au bois, 65, 68–71 censorship in, 176 A Big Swallow, 529 British Film Institute (BFI), 528, 539, 552, billboards, 400, 415 559, 580 Biograph, 251, 336, 371, 448, 512, 552, British Gaumont, 250, 472, 574 555, 564 British Mutoscope and Biograph (BM&B), advertising by, 405–7, 415, 577 555, 569, 578 brand of, 8 broadcasting films, 247–9, 251, 260, 273, 335, 371–2, live, 89 560, 569, 577 satellite, 86 by Griffith, 101, 311–12, 509, 511, 520, Brooks, Peter, 102 528–9, 531 Brunel, Georges, 70 founding of, 150 Buckwalter, Harry, 259, 267–8, 270–1 “Girl”, 447, see also Lawrence, Bullfight, 360–1 Florence A Bunch of Violets, 246–7 leading gentlemen artists of, 483 Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin and leading lady artists of, 482 Koblenz, 562 rivalry Burch, Noël, 86, 151, 232, 278, 492, 593, with Edison, 407 601–2 with Pathé, 311 Burgess, Neil, 361, 365, 367 Bioskop, 16, 337, 597 Bush, W. Stephen, 212, 287 The Birth of a Nation, 2, 152, 259, 490, Butti, Enrico Annibale, 148 511–12, 514, 520 By Whose Hands?, 414 Bitzer, G. W., 531 Black Art, 60 Cabiria, 146, 148 The Blacksmith’s Daughter, A Complete Novel, La Caduta di Troia, 146 250–3 café-concerts, 341, 343 Blackton, J. Stuart, 150 Calmettes, André, 477 GGaudreault_bindex.inddaudreault_bindex.indd 661212 22/28/2012/28/2012 66:50:46:50:46 PPMM Index 613 camera The Child Stealers, 251 angles, 250–1 children, 39, 71–2, 168–9, 176, 235, 279, metaphorical function of, 210 282, 289, 423, 426, 435 negatives, 562 and advertising, 399, 411 self-thinking, 125 copycatting by, 37, 257–8, 414 cameramen, 170, 185–6 education of, 344, 414 Cameraphone, 371 films of, 328 Cantomímes, 106 shows for, 35, 44, 344, 347, 423, 433 Canudo, Ricciotto, 101, 142, 154, 157 Chomón, Segundo de, 307 Capellani, Albert, 191 chronicity, and narrativity, 575 Carmen, 360–1 Chronochrome, 309–10 Carter, Lincoln J., 363 Chronophone, 461 Caruso, Enrico, 91 Chronophotograph, 129 Casetti, Francesco, 203, 495, 581 chronophotography, 17, 64, 70–1, 124, 597 Catalogue of Educational Moving Pictures, churches, 8, 271, 280, 289, 291, 318, 328–9, 284, 287 425, 437 catalogues of film, 174–5, 192, 197 festivals of, 326 catoptric machines, 34, 42 films shown in, 344 catoptric magic, 34, 56–7 Cinderella, 156 celebrity, invention of, 460–86 Ciné-Journal, 154, 188, 310 censorship, 168, 176, 248, 280–1, 404, 406, cinema 413–15, 431, 436, 513 abstract, 108 Le Cercle Funambulesque, 106 of attractions see cinema of attractions chain drama, 360 avant-garde, 153–6, 554 Chalmers, James P., 285 centenary of, 21 Chambre syndicale des fabricants et classical, 153–6 négociants de Cinématographes, color, 298–314 188 convergence of, 599–600 Le Champignon, sa culture, sa croissance, 287, craft era of, 184–5 292–3, 293 definition of, 2, 173 Chaplin, Charlie, 102, 130, 412, 416, 507, digital, 24, 26–8, 591–2 510, 518, 520 divergence from theater, 154 characters double birth of, 20–3 in film series, 473–5 history of, 600–3 naming of, 469 Impressionist, 108 Charles Urban Trading Company, 282 invention of, 588 chase films, American, 257–76 and magic, 52–3 chase scenes, 361 as moral reformer, 422–3 Chased by Bloodhounds, 259 multiple discovery of, 597 Châtelet, Théâtre du, 64–5, 68–75, 368 of narrative integration, 248 féerie at, 71–5 as new industry, 466–70 Chattanooga, 363–4, 368 non-representational, 155 Cherchi Usai, Paolo, 308, 527–49, 564 oral, 227, 489–90 Chestnut Street Opera House, and pantomime, 103–4, 108–9 Philadelphia, 516 philosophical examination of, 124 The Chicken Thief, 273 posters, 171–2 GGaudreault_bindex.inddaudreault_bindex.indd 661313 22/28/2012/28/2012 66:50:46:50:46 PPMM 614 Index cinema (cont’d) before World War I, 299–300, 308 production, 187 fading of, 563 artisan system, 184–5 heritage, 531 director system, 186 on lantern slides, 306 publicity, 392–4 and Pathé-Frères, 298–314 pure, 101, 108 preservation of, 530 and modern pantomime, 108–9 restoration of, 561, 563 reading public of, 381–97 commedia dell’arte, tradition of, 106 second birth of, 20, 22–3, 460 communication silent (muet), 102 history, 237 as social threat, 166 remote, 87–8 third birth of, 24, 28 Comolli, Jean-Louis, 15 transition, 261 conjuring traveling, 319–20, 463 and juggling, 54 and vice, 280 optical, 56 cinéma direct, 227–8 Conway Castle: Panoramic View of Conway Cinema Nôvo, Brazil, 228 on the L.

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