NOVEMBER ELEVENTH. ISM —Governor General Brooke lo­ Unsettled weather; probably aned the first Caban Thanksgiv­ tonight or Sunday; warmer in ing proclamation. riot. " ' Max., 51; Min.. J*. Two Cents a Copy— $5 a Chanty Organization Society and Anti-Tuberculosis Lea­ gue Plant Exhibition. That the toy husband and father Is the toughest o ! ail economic prob- }»st* on far as helping his unfor­ State Sunday School Associa tunate family la concerned, that be la Biuvb worse than-a man who is two Program, Sessions Be­ m er it dead or ill or who sometimes grist < i* one of the several things ginning on Tuesday. to he demonstrated to this city this 1 M K 5 month at a joint exhibit of the Char­ M P E . ily Society and the An- GRDA’fl tj-T«kerctto*l* League. , ■ More than 1,000 delegates anti Tt»» d«*e» will he in Thanksgiving equally as many visitors will be pres­ week The place ha* not been chon- ent at the fifty-third anniversary and ee hat it will be in the heart of the convention of the New Jersey Sunday town tnd it must be big enough to School Association convention to be display !o advantage some of life rc- held in Plainfield on Tuesday, Wed­ marimbl* exhibits that have been the nesday and Thursday. The sessions feat are* of the big shows In New will be held in the First Baptist m i- wot^ow. y t t l s o k fork and elsewhere, shows that have] KIVS W .K 5AKDKJKD.JR. .MILS- K - d . Co r b u s i e r WBJV K^JOTEry DOAKE. church edifice while the committees done more than years o f preaching will hold their deliberations at the sad appealing in convince the lucky [ First M. E. church edifice, where mortals of the world that there are t Bishop Vincent was once pastor and other* who need it lift, now and then, ( where a chapel ia named In b|* boo- to keep them from going to the hu-! or, man *cyap heap. Elaborate arrangements for the The trouble with the iaxy man is ( D E . ^ receptions and entertainment of th^ that bn wants. Sifting all, the time, delegate* have been made by the lo­ lie want" to be carried. And there M K C m V iT B Ei cal committees of which A. M. Har­ am wvera! o f him right hero in ris, la; chairman and Frederick E. Fbis field. A* a matter of dlsgrace- Smith la secretary. These are tb* f#J fact, the Queen C ity.of New Jer­ chairmen of the more important com­ sey, the town of shade trees and good mittees for the convention; Finance, homes, has one citlxen who neve*- W. D. Murray; registration and in­ work* except when hi* w ife is'in the formation. James E. Church; hospital recovering from one o f her place o f meeting and exhibit, frequent, breakdowns caused by her Numerous Children For Pro- Mothers’ Congress Speaker Harry Gee; music, David E. Tite- own overwork to support herself, a , worth: reception. F. E. Smith; ush­ hr-, ■ f children and this loafing | p®T Parents Ex-President’s Hopes For Representation in ers and pages, John G. MarLaughlln; kanban*). The wife has relative* w ho 1 publicity. Dr. James R. Joy; banquet weald help her if she were a widow, and restaurant, Philip Suffern; en­ Advice to State Congress bat they will not contribute to the Directing Educational tertainment, Joseph W. Gavett; dec­ sapport of her husband. This ex- orating and printing, George E. Hall. *Ulo< why the lazy man Is worse in Session Here. Affairs. President Edward W. Barnes will than the dead man. There Is no wav be in the chair when the convention of reaching this particular inhabitant. is called to order on Tuesday after­ Of the Queen City of New Jersey by noon. Words o f welcome will be *3* of the law. He will not make A subject o f unusual interest to I begin to be taught he thought that extended by Rev. Charle* M. Ander­ httosstf liable to arrest by abandon- the hundreds o f delegates attending five minutes after birth was none too son, pastor o f the First M. E. church, kw his wife so long as she can do the annual meeting of the New Jer­ early. after a song service is conducted by sey Congress of Mothers' which be­ WR5 W.F. THACKER^ MR£. STEPHEN VOORHLE$<bOL5. 6. STUART SIMONS- »»•*<# ••'•1ft. It'N I #Mfttft The second advantage was the Messrs. Grant Colfax Tullar and I. 'Continued on pew* « > gan a two-days' session at the Plain­ health of the rural districts. This H. Meredith. President Barnea will field High School yesterday, was en­ NOTABLE FIGURES AT MOTHERS’ CONGRESS^ * brought U m to the point made by make the response to Dr. Anderson’s larged upon this morning by Miss Or. Carr on the appropriations made greeting. Following the reading of Lillie A. Williams, chairman of the Mrs. William M. Sandford, delegates be complied with. tected from them just as much as for research into the disease o f hogs a paper on ‘‘The Home on tbs Sun­ U S TO DISCUSS committee on education, and may re­ to the International Congress of In closing she desired to impress day School" by Philip E. Howard, of they have the fight to be I properly and Dr. Eaton pointed out that ten sult eventually In women being ap­ Mothers, held last April. on those from this city present at Philadelphia, the report of the housed when in school and taught millions of dollars are every once in pointed to the Board of Education Miss Mary S. Garrett accompanied the meeting that all sessions were School of Methods Board will be de­ by a healthy and morally upright in­ u while appropriated for a battle­ of this and other cities. The project * by pupils from the Home for the open to the male members of the structor. t livered by its president, Henry 8. ship. This money, to his mind, was launched In the course ot her Training in Speech for Deaf Chil­ households just as well as to the Park. As chairman, Walter M. Irv- He mentioned the political ob­ could be put to much better use if A representative meeting o f the report. Reports o f other officers and dren, gave a remarkable and inter­ women and urged the women to in­ stacles that the school should be (Contlnued on page T > esting demonstration this afternoon. appropriated to the cause suggested. titiKTi- nf the borough of North ! heads of ecommlttees and___ _______routine terest their husbands in the. move­ freed from as being unfair to the This was followed by what has been The air in the country Is good. PtainSelil, Dunelten and this city matters consumed the morning ses- ment aqd have them attend some of child and said (hat the Republic is •111 he held in the assembly room sion. considered the feature of the . Con­ the lectures. 1rf 1V Chamber of Commerce on! The message received last night gress— the address by Thomas I). In welcoming the Mothers’ Con­ ifeadsy evening for the purpose of from former President of the United Senspr on the W irt system. gress to the school. Dr. Maxson said The following was the order osaiidcring problems relating to States Theodore Roosevelt caused the school was a fitting place in of business this morning: Read­ »*»*** disposal and the advisability much favorable comment when the which to hold such meetings and ex­ ttt having a trunk line system In this ing minutes of last session, tended his personal welcome. As IS STILL HISSING delegates re-assembled today. His •triton of the State. Mrs. Thomas J. Pancoast, of Mer- god-father of the schools her* he strong endorsement of the Mothers' No word has been received from The object o f this meeting w ill not chantvtlie; report of corresponding > said that he knew much of the pos- movement and particularly of his him by relative*, friends or business h* to crttlcUc any municipal body secretary, Mrs. J. Linton Engle, of sibilitle3 of childhood and how easily advocacy ot big families had made a to the study o f child disease. He en­ associates since Meredith Dryden w for the purpose o f Haddonfield; report of treasurer, those possibilities can be handicap­ encroaching deep .impression. Here is his mes- tered a plea for equality in work and mysteriously disappeared on Thurs­ *P»a their legislative rigtrti. but gage. Mrs. Arthur J. Collins, Of Moores- ped. As a class he felt sure that play and eulogiled manual training, day, November 2. His w ife la pros­ fWker for the purpose of bringing town; report o f auditor, Mrs. Mary teachers would welcome any mdve- The Outlook, trated but she consented this after­ •** fsets and discussions o f general W. Bell, of Haddonfield; report o f ment to stimulate and arouse inter-1 ®avlnK tbat !t *'M now *>«*“ * *eIt in said, because it offers an unobstruct- Fourth Avenue, our manufacturing world and closed approach to nature and the earlv noon to talk with a Dally Press re­ htereri and which may result tn the presldent, Mrs. Augustus H. Reeve, est in child welfare and would meet New York. by laying down twelve thihgs the sense of moral obligation, but the porter, whom she told that bis ab­ ••(seMion o f some plans that may of Moorestown.
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