Best Advertising i y ' » , rf 't t I if, Т7Ш MOCîiSVÏLbS m*xEïtPHÏSE, MOi; N. с. Thursd« у , Ju ly 31, 193t> M.edium I ' uvnn Äjy T»go 8 ■u ;v Г.Л Л .........JS...... the direction of L. It. Ììarrill und with a heavy atone to bring the Albert' Gornntzer, Council Hend­ courBo„.wiir not eXceed $5 includ­ Йиу•rt - - " ^ I', I C ' fv ,i ibrine ovor it. Weigh the cucum­ riX and Gennie Lee Peebles. Miss! Elizabeth Corneliua, club ing meals for the week; The coU bers as added and when the cover The.Advance Ladies Aid Socie­ ioadora of the eXtension service, ’ lege is', giving its rooms free of TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIIUNCt FÍDELÍTY TC CÂROUNA CHAT and will embody instruction ih yoluma 52 ...................ii _ I „ни- .,» ,!-...!...,...11 I .п...;,!.-.iM-iiiiiiiaai innd sitoile have been reiplaced, ty held an interqsting ,|iieeting I charge'. '• ! . ■,ND Oyi^ ,T;XAG IS OUK AIM AND OUR PUKPOSE By Guy Swaringcu poUr one pound of fresh sa lt on in tjie community building on the jwork now being conducted in the . fttOCKSVILLE. N. С....-Ч’НЙ,Й'5 I The final .ise.sslon- of the short 7, 10Й0 the cover for each ten pounds of .first Wednesday in July with the field and home by the 23,000, cl'jb W itlf Aged Womnii Lost nnd Found , tor of tho state department of cukes put in .'■.ohitiqn. Placed on vice president, Mrs. J. L. Vogler menibers now enrolled in North ( courae will be the impressive can­ - -T - ' ----- Davié CbuÄty Demo F il .- . ( ‘ • 'd iv eit the top in this way, tho salt goes presiding. A roaf interesting pro- 'Carolina. Each course will be- of dle lightinti '^^ersmony,- F riday c r a t s , ШтйтптиипмпшьЭиуя BakeMvillo.—Mrs. Margaret conservation nnd development, ' ’ * * ^ .......... j . v _ Btichnnnn, 85, was found Satur- sends out the followintï wnrninii: into solution of uniform strength. ,grain was rendered by the small auch practical nature that ' the I evening, Auguat'8,-when the c i\mp - S e c o n d Preaching ¡day by boya after being lost for “There is mueh talk nnd agitation :Do not stir but remove any scum . number who луа.ч -present. F oIId'"- chib reprosentative maj^ take the firo'will be lighted from a candle isònic 24 hours on Pizzlc mountain, a ' at this timo relative to seining the that may form. When the-barrel , ing the program Mrs. Eoy Cornat- main fiicts baclc to the community brought irom' the National Cnmp, ig B u s y The new state' ofllcers will bo in­ P icn ic TÎÏui*ll Xuggcd 5,000 foot penk near her ; wntors of North Carolinn for is full, add three pounds'of suit I zerj of Clemmons, Mts. F. VciiV^'v which he rèpreii'ents. i s t 1 4 t h . stalled, aiuf these now ofTlcers Kl.'iewhere in th is iSsue we are i MISS L. R. CHARLES RECEIVES L, Moft'Ora!ws Jiome in MitclieJI county,‘and as-'i coarse fisli. The departmcJit. bo- eacli week for five weeks. Pro- • and Mrs, C. Myers served deli­ Mr. Harrill says one of the moat publishing the call issued, by 'pared in tins' iwayl,. the bribed w ill lig h t th'e candles ôf all the DIPLOMA AT STATE COL­ sured her rcacuers she only need-1 lieves that it is not to the ad- cious ice cream and cake wl) ■ interesting features of the short Cluiii'niaii H. A. Sanfovd for the cukes are known, as- salt stock. delegatea. so’’ that thé Hght of new LEGE SHORT COURSE DR, A, S, BEAÎVÏAN TO vantage of any, part of the fish was enjoyed very much. Our neXt course will be the general sessions Doniocrati.c precinct prim aries HÍS -'^íiion revival .being. cd sleep to make her “ns good ns ■Proper curing requires from 6 j.living will be carried bac’kto each CONDUCT EVANGELISTIC new." culture program and of the hook ¡ meeting of Ladies Aid will irieet at wbich the club oiTicers w ill and the ^County Convention; the SERVICES AT NEW UNION .by ■EvftngelisÈ^Maç8)lгф;^vfe!•ÌЙ^ to 8 weeks. ^ "i pros’ide and where the club.mem- I elu:b represented. Friends throughout the county af Wlnuton-flli iatn ■ and line fisTiermen to permit any the, first Wodnescfay in Augilat.^ I ---- -------------^ ---------------------;------------ fovmov to be held in each precinct of Winston-Salem, id Wnfe attend ............... Before brined cucumbers can be ibers will arrange their own pro- , of Miss C. Eebpckah Charles will Two Convicted of Killing' Padrick I’he Reeds nnd Louisville boys' on .Saturday, August IGth,- and form of seining «ris^vcai^ There ^^^-/^to'picklM^^^ I HOT WEATHER GOOD FOR be interested'to know that she wUs As has been the custom for ed by;hundreds of people fronf afi,* Wilmington.—J/ B. Kearns and are many waters in North Caro-. cold, water over were unable to get their machine grnriia. It ia eXpected that reports the latter to assemble in the court THE SOUL, HE SAYS one of nineteeii North Carolina 1 more thail fifty years, the annual .o'"'-’*’ 'pavie, ,«s/.iv;,ell .as^ia‘number John Foster were convicted Sat­ Imam which only the coarffe fish ■ Change the water working hero Saturdny afternoon, will .be made at , these, sessions lioiisR on the following Saturday series of 1 Evang’clistic sorvices from the. delegat(3s who attended women to receive a diploma at i of adipJnJiig| eq'uritles, Mr, ¡VTott'.a ^ urday ofi-'lecond' degree murder grow, and for that, reason it is 'twice in the inoru'ing and let the therefore tasted defeat at the lit two o’clock, P. M. for the pur- w'ili begin at Ne,W;itinipn' Mfitho- important club gatherings -both in ■ Charlotte,—A good word for .......... — ---I - • -“o Rui' ' .the close of the Short Course held in connection with the killing of thought advisable at this time to gtock stand for an hour 'before hands of Advance. Reeds lost by a pose of nominating candidates for at State College, Raleigh, -July 29 dist Episcopal Chu'»,cli;;On ^^hf! .Jlrd. earntjst messagelj ai'e 'delivcrettiS2!!‘'i and out of the State during the the hot w eather .ftnd hard times MoB.ea Padrick in a liquor feud protect the-coarse fish.” I rlicklingi in spiced vinegar, re- score 9 to 4. Louisville was de­ was spoken today from the pulpit the several county offices, . .—August 1. Misa Charles has at-. Sunday in Abgust/rDr.'Ai -Si B e fe Wl'lj.Ki’eatjzeal and a large num* last month. They were givaii the feated by score, 10 to 5. Reeds past yeaj‘. A I’eport of the -pro­ Jt is' learned from all sections tended four of these splendid man w ill do the- jftiNSa^Wjig, >b^r -of eon versions and reclaimfi-: '} ! commends Mrs. Morris. gress in club work w iir also be of the, Pritchard Memorial Bap­ THB FIFTY SECONL m aXimum sentence of 28 to 80 Fire Damages Concord TeXtile and Louisville both played an.eX­ of the County that the Democrats meetings, which are held annual­ ■ ... SIC PICNIC made. ' ^ tist Church here. ■ . jrears by judge T. L. Johnson, who Plants ADVANCE NEWS cellent game of ball, but luck j.ust ité showing an unusual interest ly, a„d states that she feels fully WILL BE HELD AT CLEMEIS^ , - Recreation,_health, pulture, jud­ , T alking oh ."I’he Secret of Con- i/lWOCKSVÏLLE,’ I r t' «riticiied the jury for not re­ came our way. ¡n the coming ^election and it is/repaid for the efforts that she Concord.—Fire, possibly caused tpntment,’’,Dr. William Harrison reported on all sides that eveiy N. a , THURSDAY, A U G U S ^ fi very fortunate___ - hopedlthat much gboSj^iii tiife^^^ by 'a' short-circuited motor, did We the citizens of Advance are ---------------- ' ging conteatsr and demonstrations lum ing a first degree verdict. Williams,.pas'tor, declared hot possible effort wtl be made,.t6 no­ +has )-- -<•put -,• __into_ thisw».»0 work.wurK. inInstruc- struc­ ihato 4n 8equrl]rtg:,ith.l% towrt and county and to ^IKwho atri -'i ' damage of $1,000 to $2,000 F r i- ' indebted to those %yho lent a hfelp- FAKM BOYS AND GIRLS will. be some o,f the main activitibs tion in all branches of practical ^сТГса^ ' great man of Goc. A • y* f J.1 V.vr,OV<<IV| or studies of the meeting. The weather; hard times, and other minate the strongest ticket avail­ well known song Eyanjtellst, of Governor Backs “Made-In- day niight in the Kerr Bleaching I ing hand in'deanin'g off the M. WILL GATHER AT COLLEGE work of interest to women was ’o"urseífgi t<ma Win; b^ the result.;’T^ King and Queen of Health will adversities are “often good to able, The race for the nomination THE ANNUAL ADDjRE^ L'exirigtoh, n\^iii sonc be presentiV to pl»y services on Sunday were probáblVí . ' CAROLINA” E. Church Graveyard. Between given, and a large number of re­ and Fihis'hing works. Prompt be crovi^ned on Thursday evening stabilize souls.” |of sheriff seems to continue as the ?nstü)4íWflfKRSD BY ahd sing. Mr. Newsome iir a great Raleigh, Governor Gardner one hundred and one hundred and Raleigh, July 21.—With reser­ presentative, women from all over HON. ELMER B. HokiE, ïniiJ^e^,by4hfi laiig'est.'áttetídance^^ ', <- . action by empldyees in the plant vations for about 800 farm boys August 7. at special pageant eX­ They bring ■ out the realities 'of principal'item of Interest.
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