K I N G S O F J U D A H UZZIAH: A GOOD KING TOPPLED BY PRIDE (2 Kings 15:1–5; 2 Chronicles 26) No human being can begin to imagine the Zechariah, who had understanding through the numerous things that have happened through- vision of God” (26:5a). Although Uzziah was out the history of the world, and the books of the king and carried the authority rightly bestowed world cannot contain all its stories. Some stories by that position, he humbled himself in the early and events are known, however, and some are part of his reign. Uzziah could easily have pre- recorded in the Bible. God selected specific sumed that God had put him in this high leader- events to be recorded because of their signifi- ship position expecting him to make all the deci- cance. He wanted to leave us with powerful sions by himself. He could have supposed that, examples for our learning. Paul exhorted, “For since God was directing him, his understanding whatever was written in earlier times was writ- was best. On the contrary, we find Uzziah seek- ten for our instruction, so that through persever- ing advice. ance and the encouragement of the Scriptures Uzziah’s source of advice is important. He we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). God has elected to listen to Zechariah above others. He given us such an example in the life of King did not seek Zechariah for political advantage Uzziah,1 as recorded in 2 Kings 15:1–5 and or fame, but because Zechariah was one who 2 Chronicles 26. As we study his life, we discover had “understanding through the vision of God” the wonderful strength of seeking God and the (2 Chronicles 26:5). Uzziah wanted to hear God’s dreadful weakness of pride. wisdom on important matters, instead of the thinking of earthly advisers. Uzziah chose to THE STRENGTH listen to God’s opinion, as opposed to taking OF THE GOOD KING opinion polls from people as leaders often do Uzziah became king of Judah at age sixteen, today. God disclosed Uzziah’s fine example following the death of his father, Amaziah. The here. Instead of trying to gain political advan- Scriptures highly commend Uzziah as one who tage or to be popular, Uzziah commendably “did right in the sight of the LORD” (2 Kings 15:3a; chose to do the right thing. Choosing to know 2 Chronicles 26:4a). We can only conclude that God’s instruction on a matter and doing it was King Uzziah was a man who withstood Satan’s Uzziah’s greatest strength. This is the first at- temptations in his life and chose to do right. tribute that God has highlighted for us to study God has revealed how Uzziah developed and to follow. and maintained this commendable attribute of As we read further, we learn that God doing right. The writer of 2 Chronicles said of blessed Uzziah because he chose to know and to Uzziah, “He continued to seek God in the days of do God’s will. “As long as he sought the LORD, God prospered him” (2 Chronicles 26:5b). There 1Uzziah is also referred to as “Azariah” (2 Kings 14:21). is not always a direct correlation between fol- Others mentioned in the Bible share these names. lowing God step by step and receiving earthly 1 blessings free from trials and sorrows. We need to become his weakness. This demonstrates the only to look at the life of Job to learn differently. deceptive nature of Satan. What was once a great Job was described by God as “blameless, up- potential for Uzziah led to his downfall. A look right, fearing God and turning away from evil” through the Bible produces example after ex- (Job 1:1b); yet Job suffered unbelievably at the ample of how Satan can take something good, hand of Satan. He suffered beyond what most given by God to benefit man, and turn it into people can even comprehend. Note, however, something evil that can destroy man. Adam and that God blessed Job at the end of his days more Eve were given the wonderful gift of choice, yet than He had at the beginning. they chose to trust Satan rather than God (Gen- As we look at the life of Uzziah, we can read esis 3). King David was given great power to rule of many blessings that God gave to Uzziah for his kingdom, but he used that power to commit having sought Him. Uzziah had a vast, organized, adultery with Bathsheba and to have her hus- well-supplied army to defend Judah and to con- band killed (2 Samuel 11). Further, God gave quer others. “The total number of the heads of mankind intimacy as a blessing for marriage the households, of valiant warriors was 2,600. (Hebrews 13:4), but people have turned sex into Under their direction was an elite army of adultery and homosexuality. Paul cautioned us 307,500” (2 Chronicles 26:12, 13a). Uzziah’s army to beware of the devil’s schemes (Ephesians was described as one of mighty power that helped 6:11). him defeat his enemies. Strength alone was not Uzziah’s downfall; Because of God’s help, Uzziah was also a his pride in his strength caused him to fall. great leader for his army. He prepared his army Eventually, he began to trust in himself more with quality equipment, including spears, ar- than in God. “When he became strong, his mor, and shields. He also extended to them ad- heart was so proud that he acted corruptly” vanced inventions created by skillful men of his (2 Chronicles 26:16a). Uzziah entered God’s holy day. Because of this, their fame spread to other temple to burn incense on the altar. God’s law kingdoms. specified that only the priests, the sons of Aaron, Uzziah conquered the Philistines and other were to offer incense. Uzziah should have re- nations that fought against Judah during his called how King Saul, the first king of Israel, had reign. He tore down the fortress walls of many fallen by offering a sacrifice to God instead of great cities (2 Chronicles 26:6). God helped him waiting for God’s prophet, Samuel, to come and to advance because Uzziah obeyed the Lord in offer the sacrifice (1 Samuel 13). Uzziah made what he did. Uzziah built towers in the city of the same mistake. Jerusalem and also in the desert. These towers God said that Uzziah’s heart was “proud” served as a major defense for his people. From (2 Chronicles 26:16). In other words, he exalted these towers his army was able to defend the himself. As Uzziah’s pride set in, it appears people of Judah (2 Chronicles 26:9, 15). that God gave him an opportunity to repent As king, Uzziah was a great leader of the before his eventual downfall. Azariah, a priest people. He advanced himself and the people of of God, followed King Uzziah into the temple his kingdom. He dug wells for the livestock in along with eighty priests of the Lord. He com- the lowlands and in the plains. He also had manded the king to leave, reminding him that farmers and vinedressers in the mountains and he was not permitted to burn incense to the in the fields. With the help of God, Uzziah was Lord. This gave Uzziah an opportunity to able to produce a very prosperous nation. change his heart, but his pride again took over. Everything we see in the early years of Uzziah’s Instead of listening to Azariah’s rebuke to leave reign points to one conclusion: God blesses the temple, Uzziah became furious, determined those who seek Him. to offer the sacrifice himself. The humble king who once sought the Lord for direction had THE WEAKNESS changed. God struck Uzziah with leprosy, and OF THE PROUD KING he was cast out of the temple. Uzziah remained As Uzziah grew older, he did not grow wiser. a leper until he died (2 Chronicles 26:21). What He allowed the strength that God had given him an epitaph! 2 LESSONS FROM THE PROUD KING 4. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, Lesson 1: Pride is a common failing among for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. people. Pride was the downfall of many reli- Blessed are the gentle, for they shall in- gious leaders during Jesus’ time. He often re- herit the earth” (Matthew 5:3, 5). buked the Pharisees for having hearts that were hard and eyes that were blind (John 9:40, 41; Paul exhorted us to follow his example and 12:40). They refused to listen to Jesus, in spite of not to allow our strengths, coupled with pride, the miracles He performed to prove His author- to become our downfall. He said, “I discipline ity. He also spoke about God’s people in general my body and make it my slave, so that, after I in the Parable of the Sower. The seed (the Word have preached to others, I myself will not be of God) could not enter the wayside soil (the disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27). In 1 Co- heart) because it was too hard (Matthew 13:1–9, rinthians 10:12 he declared, “Therefore let him 18–23). who thinks he stands take heed that he does not Even the apostles, Jesus’ closest followers, fall.” It is easy to see why Solomon listed pride wrestled with pride.
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