National2011 Convention November 30-December 3 ª Las Vegas, Nevada 2011NATIONAL CONVENTION NatIONAL FASTPItcH PORT PORT S CoacHES ASSOCIatION November 30-December 3 Mastering Advanced Recruiting Strategies – Pre-Convention Seminar – November 29 National Convention – November 30-December 3 National Convention Exhibitor Show – December 1 & 2 Only Fastpitch ... It’s the Best Deal in Town CHOOSE TO AttenD THE PRE-CONVENTION mentors and their groups discuss important SEMINAR Dan Tudor, an expert in the recruiting coaching topics, followed by question and answer. XHIBITORS IN THE THE IN XHIBITORS E field, will take college softball coaches through a series of advanced recruiting concepts in this four- THE Latest INNOVatIONS IN SoftbaLL ND ND hour seminar. EQUIpment More than 100 different companies A are expected for the Exhibitor Show, December MORE THAN TWO DaYS OF CLINIC SESSIONS 1-2. Learn about the newest in softball training BY EXCELLENT SPEAKERS, COVERING THE technology. GAME Learn valuable drills and tips from some CHES CHES of the best speakers in softball today. Veteran FORUMS TO DISCUSS CHANGES AND FUTURE A coaches and national experts tell their secrets of OF THE SPORT & NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES O C the game. Thursday and Friday will feature business meetings for the individual membership groups. All NFCA mentorING SESSION Take part in the members are welcome to share ideas to the entire convention mentoring session as either a mentor membership at the Softball Summit on Thursday or participant. Arranged in a roundtable session, afternoon. STPITCH STPITCH Fa HOW to REGISTER Please complete the registration form and either mail or fax with payment to the NFCA office by November 1 to receive the Early Bird Special rate. Registrations received after November 1 will be charged regular rates, and on-site registration will include an additional fee. General Registration for All Coaches and Non-Coaching Members Please note that the convention fees are all- inclusive, except for the optional pre-convention seminar (Wednesday, November 30) and the golf and tennis tourna- ments (Tuesday, November 29). The NFCC Coaches College courses being held in conjunction with the convention THERING OF OF THERING require additional fees. Your convention registration fee covers all events except those mentioned above, through the afternoon of Saturday, December 3; this includes all receptions, luncheons, banquets and breakfasts. GA AS A SPECIAL conVENTION OFFER, two or more coaches from the same staff can register for any of the convention NFCC classes and receive discounted rates for the second, third and fourth coach’s registration. RGEST RGEST Friday/Saturday Only Registration For high school and travel ball coaches only able to attend Friday and A Saturday, we are offering a special two-day only Early Bird Special rate – $250 for NFCA members and $375 for non-members. (You can join on the registration form to get the lower rate and receive NFCA membership ben- efits, including 12 issues of our official newspaper Fastpitch Delivery.) The two-day only rate includes breakfast Friday and Saturday, and lunch on Saturday. Two-day registrants who wish to attend the Friday night NFCA Hall of Fame Banquet may buy a ticket for $50 (please see form). NFCA ATTENDEE REFUND POLICY Cancellations received on or prior to November 16 will receive a full refund, minus an administrative fee of $35. Cancellations after November 16 through November 23 will receive a one-half refund. There will be no refunds for cancellations after November 23. ATTEND THE L THE ATTEND COLLEGE RECRUITING SEMINAR masteRiNg advancED reCRUiTiNg strategieS M PRESENTED BY DAN TUDOR P Dan Tudor is the president of country, and serves a growing list of coaches who Tudor Collegiate Strategies, a retain Tudor and his firm to improve their recruiting consulting firm focused on college messaging efforts. athletic recruiting. Tudor, who -12:30 created the popular “Selling for SEMINAR SCHEDULE Coaches” training program for In this special four hour pre-convention session, Dan AM college recruiters, preaches Tudor will take college softball coaches through a series a mantra of more creative of advanced recruiting concepts that he’s witnessed in 8:30 communication and successful programs. ☸ effective selling to coaching The four crucial areas of successful softball recruiting staffs all across the country. will be covered: 30 Previously, Tudor NAR founded one of the nation’s • The 7 Critical Mistakes that Softball Coaches Make I largest recruiting services for high school athletes When They’re Recruiting BER M and their parents, showing them how to attract the • What Millennial Softball Recruits Want M E attention of college coaches and maneuver through • How to Totally Turn Around Your Prospect’s SE the complicated recruiting process. It was then he Recruiting Objections V N discovered that most college coaches were just as • Technology, Recruiting and YOUR Softball Prospect unfamiliar with how to sell themselves and their NO programs to the athletes they needed. The information covered is designed to be used TIO ☸ Tudor Collegiate Strategies and Selling for Coaches immediately, regardless of your division level and N E started modestly in 2005, with Tudor sending a free budget. AY weekly newsletter with recruiting tips and strategies It’s a no-nonsense, advanced theory session that will NV to about 600 athletic directors and coaches. Now, he give you the tools for completely overhauling your has more than 43,000 coaches and athletic directors in recruiting plan, and attract the attention of the top O college sports who receive the weekly report, “College prospects you really need to take your program to the -C E Recruiting Weekly.” Apart from the newsletter, Tudor next level. EDNESD holds seminars and visits campuses throughout the PR W MentorING SESSION WILSON GOLF scrambLE The 2011 NFCA National Convention will once You don’t have to be a great golfer to play in the M again offerT he Mentoring Session from 7 p.m. to Wilson Golf Scramble Tuesday, November 29 at the P 9 p.m. Thursday, December 1. Although young AM Revere Golf Club ... You just have to like to have head and assistant coaches are encouraged to fun! 10 7-9 attend, anyone who thinks it would be beneficial ☸ Located just minutes from the strip, the course ☸ is welcome to take part. has won multiple “best of” national and Vegas 1 Originated at the 2010 convention in San Diego, awards. 29 BLE R The Mentoring Session was a huge hit by all, with Although you may play with your own pre- e R N 60 mentors and 300 participants involved. selected team or partners, it is not a requirement, e NFCA Hall of Famer and former UCLA coach and individual players will be grouped to form MB Sue Enquist will once foursomes. Divisions have been added this year e MB again facilitate the CRAM with division winners receiving prizes, in addition S C event that provides ve to prizes for longest drive and closest to the pin. SESSIO F discussion on key The $85 fee covers your greens fees, cart, range de balls and three $5 tickets that can be used for a coaching topics in a OL NO NG I roundtable box lunch or as drink tickets. AY, R setting. Join d AY, us for this fun N G d TO and rewarding S N sesson. e ILSO E TU M THURS W 2011conveNTion schedULe 3:15 PM “Not A PItcHER? NO ProbLEM. YoU CAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 STILL BE A Great PItcHING CoacH” Rachel Lawson, Head Coach, Kentucky 10 AM NFCC COURSE 402 through 5 pm Tuesday 4:15 PM “GettING THE MOST from THE UMPIRE/ CoacH RELatIONSHIP” TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Umpire Panel – Members of the NCAA National 10 AM TENNIS TOURNAMENT Bally’s Softball Umpire Program Staff 10 AM WILSON GOLF ScrambLE Revere Golf Club 6:30 PM NFCA HALL OF FAME BANQUet WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Saturday, DECEMBER 3 8:30 AM COLLEGE RECRUITING SEMINAR – 8 AM TWU MASTER’S INFO SESSION “MASTERING ADVANCED RECRUITING 9 AM NFCA CoacHING Staff OF THE Year BRUNCH STRATEGIES” 10:30 AM “SoftbaLL FIELD MAINTENANCE WorKSHOP” Dan Tudor, President, Tudor Collegiate Strategies grant Spear, UNLv Athletics 1:30 PM COMMIttee MeetINGS 10:30 AM “ADJUSTING THE CURVE BALL TO Get 4 PM GENERAL SESSION with keynote and guest MAXIMUM RESULts” speakers, including NCAA bat testing Kyla Holas, Head Coach, Houston 6:30 PM LoUISVILLE SLUGGER RECEPTION 10:30 AM “HIttING DRILLS” John Tschida, Head Coach, St. Thomas THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 11:30 AM “From CoacH to CHIEF MARKetING OFFICER: UsING SOCIAL MEDIA TO Promote YoU AND 7 AM CONTInentaL BREAKfast YoUR TEAM” 8:30 AM CAUCUS/BUSINESS MeetINGS BY GROUP Mark Drosos, President, Lodestone Social Media 11 AM EXHIBIT HALL OPEN UNTIL 6:30 PM 11:30 AM “CHANGE-uP: SPEED VERSUS SLOW… 11:30 AM Easton VIctorY CLUB LUNCHEON It’S ALL ABOUT THE ‘ROLE’ OF THUMB” 1:30 PM SoftbaLL SUMMIT Denise Davis, Owner, Planet Fastpitch 4 PM “CREATING AND SUSTAINING A 12:30 PM BOX LUNCH – “DRILLS, DRILLS, DRILLS” CHAMPIONSHIP CULTURE” Emily Friedman, Assistant Coach, Fordham Eric Kapitulik, CEO & Founder, The Program (glove work drills) 5 PM MIZUNO HAPPY HOUR IN THE EXHIBIT HALL 1:10 PM Karen Weekly, Co-Head Coach, Tennessee 6 PM DIVISION I CONFERENCE MeetINGS (slapping/short game drills) 7 PM MENTORING WORKSHOP 1:50 PM Vann Stuedeman, Head Coach, Mississippi State 9 PM DIAMOND Sports HOSPItaLITY (pitching drills) 2:30 PM “TITLE IX & WorKING WITH ADMINIstrators” friday, DECEMBER 2 Diane Milutinovich, Former Associate Athletics 7 AM SCHUtt Sports CONTInentaL BREAKfast Director, Fresno State 8 AM CONTINUatION OF BUSINESS meetINGS 3:30 PM “DEFENSIVE StrategY:
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