INDEX. A. .-'Elfric, Archbishop, records the value of the gold mancus, 57. A, on the peculiarity of the capital, in ^Elfthryth, daughter of Offa, 83. Briot's work, 204, 208. Airarium, the, 5. Abbasside Dynasty, find of Cufic money AZs grave, the, 3. of the Khalifeehs of sEs rude, the, 3. the, at Cuerdale, 60, ,, ,, and ces signatum, amalgam of, 30. 61. /Es signatiim, the, 3. ,, ,, find of dirhems of /Ethelberht, King of East Anglia, compari- the, at Goldborough, Yorks, 62. son of the coins of Offa 'Abd'alla Qutb, Shah of Golconda, coins with those of, 75. of, 284. „ a penny of, 73-84. Aberystwith mint of Charles I., 204, ,, killed by Offa, 79. 205. ,, moneyer's name and name of Abingdon Chronicle, the, and the Men- sovereign on coins of, 74. ology that precedes „ death of, 80 et seq. its annals, 398. „ reasons for the attribution of „ find of a copper coin of a penny to, 80. Granada at, 443, 444. „ „ „ supposing the Abjad, system of cyclic years, 311. coins of, to be genuine, Abtas, „ „ „ „ 311. 77-79- Acheson, James, Master of the Mint for „ prototype for the reverse of Scotland, 170. penny of, 75, 76. Acre mint of Louis IX., 71. ., Runic letters on coin of, 74. Admiralty Office, seal made by Simon for ,, seeks the hand of one of the, 245. Offa's daughters in mar- Adrian I., Offa's vow to Pope, 63, 64, riage, 81, 83. 455- ,, son of Tithelred and Leofrun, Alfred the Great, sends alms to Rome, 80. and to India to St. ,, II., King of Kent, 79, 80. Thomas and to St. ,, King of Sussex, no coins Bartholomew, 66. known of, 79. „ ,, „ shillings of, probably Tithelheard, Archbishop of Canterbury, derived from the 64. Arabic dirhem, 62. /Ethelraed and Edward the Confessor, „ „ „ crown of, 363, 367. gold pieces of, 69. „ „ „ coins of, 77, 100, 120, „ II., coins of, 92, 97, 103, 106, 363. 364, 367. 368- III, 113, 121, ,, ,, cut half of an " offer- 369- ing penny " of, found ,, ,. ,. ., incorrectly as- at Goldborough, 62. signed to „ ,, large silver coins of, 62. Bardney, 97. 49° Index. ^Ethelraed II., gold piece of, struck at Alamgir II., coins of, 279. Lewes, 69, 70. Ala-ud-din, Ahmad II., coin of, 266, 281. ,, ,, reference to the laws of, Ala-ud-din, Hasan Shah Gangu Bahman, 67. coins of, 280. „ ,, York mint, penny of Cnut ,, ,, ,, Hasan Shah Gangu Bahman, with reverse of, 447. King, 281, 282. /Ethelred of Mercia, coins of, 76, 84. ,, ,, ,, Mas'aud Shah, coins of, 275. ,, succeeds Beorna, 80, 81. - ,, ,, ,, Muhammad Shah, coins of. ^Ethelstan and his brother Eadmund 275, 276. defeat Anlaf and Constan- 'Alau'-d'-din, coins of, 268. tine at Brunanburh, 89. „ J( ,, Emperor of Delhi captures ,, assumed the kingdom of the Daulatabad, 268. Northumbrians, 88. " Albion," " Emperor of," etc., Edgar ,, coins of, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, assumes the title of, 368. 91, 100, 108, III, Alcuin, concerning the date of the death of, 120, 365-367, 378, 385- 380. Alexander II., the Pope, reminds William ,, ,, ,, portraiture on, 366, I., of the yearly pension sent 367- to Rome, 66. ,, Colchester under the Laws of, ,, III. of Scotland, cut halfpennies 116. of, 13L 445- ,, Exeter, mentioned in the Laws Alfdene, see Halfdan, 77. of, 100. Alfonzo VIII., of Castile, coins of, 70, 71, ,, Laws of, make 110 mention of 446. the mint of Maldon, 120. Alfred, see Alfred. ,, marries his sister to Sihtric, Ali Asaf Jah, coins of, 271. 89, 365- Allahabad mint of Akbar, 277. ,, ravages part of Scotland, 89. Allectus, C on coins of, 115. ,, the Laws of, specified two Althorp, portrait of Oliver Cromwell at moneyers for Dorchester, 224. but no coins of iEthelstan Altrington, George, 221. are known for that mint, Alwar state, 285. 106. Amber beads in a tumulus in Norway, 51. ,, to Eadgar, Chester mint from, Amelia of Portugal, Pier Majesty Queen, and the use of M for Mercia, 87. letter of condolence to, and acknow- . yEthelraed = /Ethelred, 76. ledgment of same, 419, 420, 448. ^Ethelwulf goes to Rome, 66. America, United States of,- gold coins of, Afzal-ad-daulah, coins of 271, 272. 421, 435- Agricola effects the pacification of all American Numismatic and Archfeological Britain as far as the Humber, 41, 48, Society, donation of book by, 416. 49. Ammianus and the pontifical calendar, 389. Ahmad Shah, coins of, 28r, 283. Anastasius, similarity of garment worn by „ II., Ala-ud-din, coin of, 266. the Emperor, with that worn by Alfred, Ahmadnagar, 282. 364- Ahsanabad mint of Firoz Shah, 281. Anderson, Joseph, 011 the finds of Eastern Akbar, coins of, current in the Deccan, coins and ornaments, 61, 62. 265, 267. Andhra coins, 274. ,, copper dams, etc., of, 277, 278, Andreas, Isle of Man, find of coins, temp. 280. 10th century at, 85. ,, Malwa, issues of, 283. ANDREW, W. J., F.S.A., Hon. Sec. •.— „ II., coins of, 273, 274. Evolution of Portraiture on the Silver Akerman, J. Y., on the Gold Mancus, 58, Penny, 361-380. 59- The Coinage of the reign of Stephen, Alam II. Shah, coins of, 280. 439. 44°- Index. 491 .Andrew, W. J., Coins and how to know Anscombe, Alfred, donation of drawing them, reviewed by, 409. by Miss Anscombe, ,, ,, „ and the existence of a 417. mint at Durham before ,, ,, translation of Offa's the Conquest, 113. vow by, 64, 65. „ „ „ exhibits by, 438. Anthony, Charles, 214, 221. Angel of James I. and its parts, 148, 149. ,, „ extracts from warrants Angelus" word sometimes used to to, 148, 149. connote the Nundinae, 385. „ ,, graver of the mint and .Anglo-Gallic coins, etc., 435. seals, 147, 148, 149, Anglo-Saxon coins, 435. 150, 162, 163. ,, „ „ found in the Isle of „ „ master workman of the Man, 85 et seg. king's money, 149. „ „ ,, found in the house of ,, Derick, graver of the mint and the Vestals at Rome, seals, 147, 148. find of, 73, 74- Antioch under Tancred, coin attributed to „ „ Computation of Historic Bohemund I. of, 72. Time in the Ninth Century, Antonines, debasement of the coinage 381-407. under the, 17, 31, 45. ,, ,, names of the months, 398, ,, Britain and the coinage of 399- the, 32. Anlaf and Constantine defeated by ^Ethel- Antoniniani, 24, 27, 28. stan and his brother Eadmund at Antoninus Pius, Roman dies used in Brunanburh, 89. Britain under, 33. „ penny of, struck at Derby, 85-96. ,, ,, fine currency of, 22, 44. ,, Sihtricsson, coins of, 86, 87, 89. „ ,, to Postumus, find of, ,, son of Sihtric, 88, 89. forgeries of coins Anne, Queen, farthing, pattern of, 419. ranging from, 27. ,, ,, medallions of, with portrait ,, „ visits Britain, 42. of Charles I., 202. Anvil used in minting coins, description ,, ,, The Bronze Coinage of, of, ri. 419. Aquilea, mint of Constantine II. and ,, „ of Denmark, 158. Constans, 27. ,, „ ,, ,, a miniature of, Arabic inscriptions on coins issued by 164. Crusaders, 70. ,, ,, ,, ,, representation ,, legend on the coin of Offa, 65. of, 225. Architectural designs on pennies in the ,, ,, ,, ,, jewels of, 166. Saxon series, 365. Annulet on the king's breast on coin of Arguin, Phoenician emigrants and, 37. Edward I., 136. Aries, mint of, Constantine II. and ,, stops, double, on coins of Constans, 27. Edward III., 138. Arminiyah mint, 60. „ the so-called, on the shoulder Armour on early coins, 371, 376. of busts on coins, 367. ,, on coins of James I, 168, 169. Annulets, chain of, on coins of Edward Artibri, tin obtained in, 34. HI, 139. Arundel, Earl of, 201. ,, on a penny of ^Ethelstan and ,, statue of Charles I, 200. their probable origin, 365. ,, Sussex, Cufic coins found at, Annus vagus, or receding year, 392. 61. ANSCOMBE, ALFRED, F.R.Hist. Soc, Hon. As, the, 3. Sec. :— ,, and its divisions, 3, 4. The Anglo-Saxon Computation of Asoph Jah, coins of, 270. Historic Time in the Ninth Century, Astley, Rev. Dr. H. J. Dukinfield, exhibits 381-407. by, 434- Index. Atbara, medal for service on the, 436. Baltic, Cufic coins found on the shores of Athelstan, see /Ethelstan. the, 61. Athelstan II., Bishop, and the relics of Bangalore, mint coins of, 303, 307, 309, St. ^Ethelberht, 82, 83. 3I0> 312; 3j6, 320; 32I> 332> 338> "Attempted Union" (between England 340- and Scotland) medal of James I., 161, Baptist or Baptista, John, undergraver to 162. the mint, 149, 162. AUDEN, G. A., F.S.A., communicates an " Bardestaplensi burgo " = Barnstaple, article by Haakon Schetelig on a coin 97- of Offa found at Voss, 51-54, 455. Bardney in Lincolnshire, coins attributed Augustan months, the Julian and, 389- to, 97. 391- Barnes, A. W., exhibits by, 433. Augustus and the Roman Calendar, 389. Barnstaple, coinage transferred to Totnes, coinage of, 4, 5, 44. 104. ,, to Hadrian, flans of coins from, ., Domesday account of, 97, 98. „ granted to Juhel de Totnes,. Aulus Plautius and Britain, 41. 99, 104. Auranzebe, coins of, current in the ,, its service, 98, 100, 104. Deccan, 265, 277, 278. ,, mint, 410. ,, Mogul Emperor, 268. ,, „ history of the, 97-roo. Aurungabad mint, 269, 273, 277. „ „ of William I., 97. „ the capital of the Deccan, „ Henry I., 97. 268, 273. Baroda state, 285. Avienus, Rufius Festus, the poet, 387. Basingstoke, find of a coin of Carausius at,. Aylesbury mint, 410. 444. Azal, the cyclic year, 304. Battle axe on coins of Mysore, 299. Bayeux Tapestry, evidence of costume, etc., as depicted on the, 371, 372, 373,. B. 374- "Be-nazir" = Hole Honnur mint, 317, Bacon, Francis, portrait of, on a silver gilt 331' 332- box, 156. Beaded edge of coins, 37S. Badges of Charles I., 203, 205, 206, 207, Beard, on Saxon and Norman coins of 211. Edward the Confessor, 372-75.
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