PAGE 2 ENVIRONMENT: ENERGY SCHEMES COLLAPSE HORTON: THOSE WHO NEED CORBYN FOR PEACE AND SOCIALISM TO WIN ARE STANDING WITH HIM PAGE 8 £1 Wednesday March 28 2018 Proudly owned by our readers | Incorporating the Daily Worker | Est 1930 | morningstaronline.co.uk Police ‘hoovering n RUSSIA GRAFT BLAMED FOR up’ personal data DEADLY SHOP BLAZE KEREMOVO residents rally for justice after fire guts shopping centre, killing 64 people. from innocents’ Turn to page 6 mobile phones n BRAZIL Privacy activists warn snooping will make police discrimination worse WE WANT JUSTICE FOR MARIELLE by Sam Tobin PI revealed “an absence of the need for users to re-enter impacting on minority ethnic national guidance and paucity their login details” and can be groups, political demonstra- A HUNDRED prominent Brit- of local policy,” “conflicting used to extract Facebook, Twit- tors, environmental activists ish figures have signed an open POLICE forces across Britain are views” on the legal basis for ter, WhatsApp and other data. and many other groups that letter calling for justice for the secretly downloading smart- searching, downloading and PI found that a Met Police can find themselves in the murdered Rio councillor. phone data from innocent peo- storing personal data and “no document said that extraction crosshairs of the police.” Turn to page 10 ple without obtaining warrants clear rules on deletion.” would involve obtaining “all Labour MP David Lammy, or even notifying them, cam- Companies contracted to data of a particular type [such who last year conducted a paigners revealed yesterday. do the dirty work include Cel- as photos], rather than just the review of the treatment of Privacy International (PI) lebrite, referred to as an “evil individual data that is relevant black, Asian and minority said police are using “highly genius” by FBI forensic expert to a particular investigation.” ethnic people by the criminal intrusive technology” to Stephen Flatley and whose tech- PI expressed “serious con- justice system, said: “The lack extract data from people’s used on suspects, victims and nology has allegedly been used cern” that those forces that of transparency around new phones “on a questionable legal witnesses — has been extended in the prosecution of Bahraini did disclose their guidance on policing tools such as mobile- basis” and called for an imme- nationally since it was first rights campaigner Abduljalil data extraction revealed “uncer- phone extraction is a serious diate independent review into used by Metropolitan officers al-Singace. tainty” about the legal basis for cause for concern.” the “widespread, intrusive [and] policing the 2012 Olympics. While MSAB, which is used it. The group is calling for the He added that “individuals n THEATRE secretive practice.” PI submitted freedom of by British Transport Police, Home Office to publish guidance from ethnic minority back- The campaign group also information requests to Brit- has claimed that “if you’ve got regarding people’s rights. grounds still face bias in parts A BALANCED STORY said that Britain’s “serious prob- ain’s 47 forces asking whether access to a sim card, you’ve got Millie Graham Wood, a solici- of our justice system” but that lems” with “discriminatory they used smartphone extrac- access to the whole of a person’s tor with PI, said that it was “dis- “it is only because we have ABOUT PALESTINE policing” could be exacerbated tion technology and, if so, life” and that its XRY software turbing that the police have transparency and data collec- by use of the technology, which which companies provided it. is supplied to “97 per cent of such a highly draconian power, tion for everything from stop- PLAYWRIGHT Ismael Khalidi could “disproportionately and Of the 42 forces that UK police forces.” operating in secret, without any and-search incidents to crown talks to Joe Gill about how his unfairly” affect ethnic minori- responded, 26 admitted that The company also boasts accountability to the public.” court sentencing decisions that theatre adaptation of the famous ties and political activists. they are already using the tech- that XRY Cloud allows recov- She said: “We need to these disparities are revealed Palestinian novella Returning Technology enabling police nology while eight more have ery from “beyond the mobile urgently address how this new and we are able to hold those to Haifa was axed in New York, to download the contents of a either tried it out or intend to. device itself from connected frontier of policing might be in power to account.” then found a home in London. smartphone — which can be Documents disclosed to cloud-based storage … without disproportionately and unfairly [email protected] Turn to page 11 PAGE 14 SIMMONDS SPEAKS: NOW OR NEVER FOR MAN U TO JOIN WOMEN’S GAME Morning Star morningstaronline.co.uk 2 Wednesday news morningstaronline March 28 2018 @m_star_online ■ PENSIONS ■ HEALTH £10m fi ne and ban for Benefi ts system boss of BHS debacle fails MS suff erers FORMER BHS boss Dominic by Ceren Sagir benefi ts system helps nobody,” Chappell received a long-term she said. ban from serving as a company “Ministers and policy-makers director yesterday, following a NURSES slammed the gov- cannot ignore the experts who government investigation into ernment’s “cumbersome and say it is leading to people missing the high street chain’s cata- bureaucratic” disability bene- out when they need help most.” strophic demise. fi ts system yesterday following Charing Cross Hospital Mr Chappell and three other warnings that MS suff erers were specialist nurse Johnny Dela former BHS directors were missing out on vital support. Cruz said he sees the eff ects informed by the Insolvency Specialist multiple sclero- of patients not being able to Service that they would be dis- sis nurses say they are under get benefi ts. One patient had qualifi ed from serving as direc- increasing pressure to help to stop treatments as he could tors, following proceedings. patients with their benefi t no longer get to the hospital. The ban is a serious blow applications, as well as with Disabled People Against Cuts to Mr Chappell, who has also anxiety and stress before founder Linda Burnip said that been fi ned £10 million by pen- assessments. it “came as no surprise” that sions watchdogs attempting The MS Society found in those entitled were missing out. to recover money owed to BHS a survey that 90 per cent of She told the Star: “The cur- workers through their retire- specialist nurses had provided rent system fails all disabled ment scheme. patients with the supporting people but especially those However, Sir Philip Green, evidence required for benefi t whose conditions fl uctuate in who sold BHS to Mr Chappell applications. Many said they any way — either physically or for just £1 in March 2015, has would do so outside offi ce hours. mentally. been told that he faces no fur- Royal College of Nursing “The systems of assessment ther action. head of practice Wendy Pres- for both ESA [employment The Insolvency Service has ton said that as there are only support allowance] and PIP powers to ban individuals a couple of hundred specialist [personal independence pay- from directorships for up to nurses across the country, their ment] should be immediately 15 years. Inspector-general time becomes extra precious. scrapped and replaced by Sarah Albon has said that she “They gladly help their assessments by GPs, who are wants the service’s inquiry into patients to get the full range best placed to know whether the BHS collapse concluded by of support they require — but a their patients are unfi t.” next year. bureaucratic and cumbersome [email protected] APPLY staronline.co.uk/supportONLINE Buy shares in your www.morning FOR PEACE AND SOCIALISM We’re not owned by oligarchs or big business, but by thousands of ordinary people via the People’s Press Printing Society co-operative. ■ ECONOMY We’re the only newspaper that actively ‘‘ campaigns for working-class politics, The Morning 11 VENEZUELA: US MOVES HAVE SHADES OF CHILE 1973 PAGE Star is the most FOR PEACE AND SOCIALISM off ers a unique socialist perspective on ANTI-WAR PROTEST:PAGE 8 15 YEARS ON | Est 1930 | morningstaronline.co.uk | Incorporating the Daily Worker Proudly owned by our readers national and international issues and precious and £1 Thursday February 15 2018 ■ FEATURE ENERGY EFFICIENCY UNITED WE CAN which tells the stories that the other only voice we UNI FAT CATS BEAT INEQUALITY NICOLAS LALAGUNA argues that the present system that - enforces inequality will even ‘SIGNING OFF tually destroy ourTurn planet. to page 10 papers don’t. have in the ■ SHAKESPEARE THEIR OWN A GREAT TEMPLATE PAGE 9 daily ABBOTT: FOR OUR TIMES The Tories have declared class GORDON PARSONS responds POLICE CUTS ENDANGERto Chris Jury’s attack US ALL on the ‘Shakespeare cult’ in the Morning Star. Turn to page 11 FOR PEACE AND SOCIALISM es PAY PACKETS’ Pic: John Fielding education once and for all. - In the Morning Star earlier “It’s high time our universities war. We represent the voice of media serve those who actually contrib proper transparency of senior this month, Labour MP Lloyd Vice-chancellors allowed to sit on boards determiningRussell-Moyle called for own an hugeute to them andsalari not those who pay and perks in our universi- simply see them as an opportu- by Conrad Landin ties and that starts with full “immediate intervention to cut vice-chancellors’ pay” to no more nity for personal enrichment.” CALLS for an “urgent government disclosure of the shadowy remu- Pay for university chiefs has £1.50 than 10 times that of the lowest- intervention” into pay inequality neration committee.” risen significantly in recent years.
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