![(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,214,616 B2 Ware Et A]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
US008214616B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,214,616 B2 Ware et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 3, 2012 (54) MEMORYTIMING OFFSET CONTROLLER CAPABILITY DEVICE HAVING 4,330,852, , 2A 5/1982 JchlllglRedwineac son 6t a1~ .......et al.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 365/221 4,337,523 A 6/1982 H tt t l. 365/194 (75) Inventors: Frederick A. Ware, Los Altos, CA (US); 4,445,204 A 4/19g4 Nfshéilgilcili 365/194 Ely K. Tsern, Los Altos, CA (US); 4,499,536 A 2/1985 Gemma et a1. .............. .. 364/200 Richard E. Perego, San Jose, CA (US); (Continued) Craig E. Hampel, San Jose, CA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Rambus Inc., Sunnyvale, CA (US) Ep 0379772 A2 8/1990 C t' d ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ( on lnue ) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S.C. 154(b) by 460 days. Complaint Under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended, (21) APPL NO. 11/754995 In the Matter of Certain Semiconductor Chips Having Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory Controller and Products Contain (22) Filed. May 29, 2007 ing Same, Including Graphics Cards and Motherboards, In United States International Trade Commission, Washington, DC, Investi (65) Prior' Publication' ' Data gation No. 337-TA, Nov. 6, 2008, 215 pages, Appendices and Exhib Us 2007/0255919 Al N 1 2007 its omitted except as otherwise cited herein. ov. , (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data P ' E ' * Th N (63) Continuation of application No. 10/732,533, ?led on 72mg); xamlzer guyglll 1 Sh 11 Dec. 11, 2003, noW Pat. No. 7,225,311, which is a ( ) m’mey’ gem’ "r m” i at es emwe continuation of application No. 09/841,911, ?led on (57) ABSTRACT Apr. 24, 2001, noW Pat. No. 6,675,272. _ _ _ A memory controller is d1sclosed. In one particular exem (51) Int, Cl, plary embodiment, the memory controller may comprise a G06F 13/36 (200601) ?rst transmitter to output ?rst and second Write commands (52) U.S. Cl. ....... .. 711/167; 711/163; 711/104; 711/105 synchronously With respect to a Clock signal, a second trans (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...................... .. None mmer to Output ?rst data usmg a ?rst nmmg Offset Such that See application ?le for Complete Search history' the ?rst data arrives at a ?rst memory device in accordance With a predetermined timing relationship With respect to a (56) References Cited ?rst transition of the clock signal, and a third transmitter to output second data suing a second timing offset such that the U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS second data arrives at a second memory device in accordance 3,820,081 A 6/1974 Donahue .................. .. 360/172.5 With a predetermined timing relationship With respect to a 3,950,735 A 4/1976 Patel 340/172.5 second transition of the clock signal. 4,183,095 A 1/1980 Ward .... .. 365/189 4,266,282 A 5/1981 Henle ........................... .. 365/52 55 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets Slice 2 2717 Controller US 8,214,616 B2 Page2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,568,445 A 10/1996 Park e161. ................... .. 365/233 4,567,545 A 1/1986 Mettler, J1. .................. .. 361/401 5’577’236 A “A996 Jo-hnson 395/551 4637018 A M987 F1 1 371A 5,578,940 A 11/1996 Dlllon e161 .. 326/30 4,646,270 A M987 Vowel” "565/230 5,579,352 A 11/1996 Llewellyn ................... .. 375/376 4,654,790 A M987 vx‘l’sfs??a """"""""""""""""" " 5,606,717 A 2/1997 Farmwaldetal. ............ .. 710/36 4,656,605 A M987 Clayton“ 365/52 5,611,058 A 3/1997 MOOreetal. 395/309 4,712,190 A 12/1987 Guglielmiet . 364/900 A 8888; gogley 882,228 47194,755,937 602 A M9881/1988 HaG18 e161 '364/200365/230 5,646,904’ ’ A 7/1997 011116mmpeta' 61211. 365/233 4,763,249 A 8/1988 B6l1i1b£1e16l ' 364/200 5’649’161 A 7/ 1997 Andmde et a1‘ " 395/494 4,792,926 A 12/1988 R6be11s .... 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